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File: 728 KB, 2065x1450, brainlordquest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2801859 No.2801859 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone have a link to download the Brain Lord's manual in Japanese, scanning ?

PDF or images compressed in zip.

in internet I only found the American one:


>> No.2801876

No. Why?

Just played this game, it was really fun.

>> No.2801880

Let's have a discussion so the thread stays alive and more people will see OP's question.

What are some other games like Brain Lord?
In style, 7th Saga.
In gameplay, Soul Blazer.

>> No.2802015


I played it and finished, it was fun.

great game.

but now I want to see the Japanese manual to see the artwork of the characters.

Ferris, Rein, Barness, All of them

>> No.2802864

I've always heard Brain Lord as brain banding puzzles and Soul Blazer doens't have any of that. It's as straight forward as an action-rpg can get. You can hardly call it an RPG.

>> No.2803109

Brain lord is a Adventure Action , like Zelda and Soul Blazer.

>> No.2803130
File: 31 KB, 640x480, 1441617080690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ignoring the manuals
>implying they arent part of the experience
>im-fucking-plying they arent neccesary
you sir are the cancer killing videogames.

>> No.2803143

Brain Lord has some block-pushing puzzles, but overall it's an action RPG like Soul Blazer.

>> No.2803158


Soul Blazer not is a Action RPG, Soul Blazer is a Adventure Action like Zelda.

Secret of Mana is a Action Jrpg, for example.

>> No.2803171

Ahh yeah that's true.

>> No.2803173

how about Terranigma and Ilusion of Time?

>> No.2803174

Never made it past the "key in on your controller room" as a kid.

>> No.2803203

Both are Action Adventure.

You don't learn magic or techniques for level up, you learn spells and techniques for exploring / progress in story.

In both you control only one character at a time you playing, and in gameplay all depends on your ability with the joystick, reflexes.

In Secret of Mana no matter much you skill with the joystick you can't evade magic and your enemy either, everything revolves around the status and the action is complementary.

In Terranigma and Illusion of Gaia action is the center of the combat, not an complement to the status.

In Brain Lord you can't level up you, and Brain is more similar to Soul Blazer that Zelda.

if you don't agree with these definitions you never can explain why Zelda isn't an Action RPG, and Zelda 2 is going to be a RPG by the simple fact that Zelda 2 have levels and exp points.

>> No.2804656

terranigma has a level up system.

>> No.2804694

Terranigma is an ARPG.

>> No.2805087
File: 240 KB, 640x480, super-bomberman-1-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And ? This not make it rpg , I only said that Lord Brain hasn't levels.

Zelda 2 has level up system, this not make it a Rpg.

Terranigma = Adventure Action.

> Illusion of Gaia

haha , my mistake, I meant to say Ilusion of Time.

you had to press the X botton in you SNES' controller.

good puzzle.

7th Saga , Mystic Ark and Brain Lord, the three games are from the same team apparently.

The same style of graphics and other things.

As a curiosity / fun fact :

Toshiyuki Suzuki , Makoto Sakai and Takayuki Hirai three members of the team who worked on the three games aslo they were part of the Super Bomerman's original team.

yes Super Bomerman 1 !

Aslo these three games (Brain Lord, 7th Saga, Mystic Ark) has some members from the team of Super Bomerman 4.

>> No.2805103

actually any game with experience points and levels is imitating dungeons and dragons and therefor considered an rpg.

this is not to say it's the only criteria possible of course

>> No.2805153

I know, but it is a criterion without any logic.

In GTA you can level up weapons, exploring cities and talk to NPCs, Does that make it a RPG?

Everyone agrees that Zelda is not an RPG normally. And that the only explanation for that is that ''hasn't level up system'' has no sense.

Zelda is based on action with weapons and exploration/puzzles.

RPGs they can be based in exploration/puzzles, but not in action as a gameplay center, they based in status, customization, control character growth and abstraction.

Zelda is is not based on any of those things, aslo Terranigma , Ilusion of Time, Brain Lord, Sylvan Tale, etc.

but Secret of Mana and Tales of series, are based in status, customization, control character growth and abstraction. They are what I consider a Action Jrpg.

>> No.2805965
File: 62 KB, 554x603, 1447642094382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

terranigma and secrets of mana are ARPGs, because they are meant to be to the people who dislike turn based games but likes exp points anyways, they give them the ilussion of an rpg experience.

terranigma and secrets of mana are also action adventure games because they have puzzles and are highly focused on combat, like zelda.

zelda is not considered arpg because it doesnt have weird status numbers.

>> No.2805985

>In GTA you can level up weapons, exploring cities and talk to NPCs, Does that make it a RPG?
some of them are actually.

there are two things that can make a thing an RPG

1. Organic Character Growth. By doing things or training and practicing, your character, as something separate from you the player, can get better at things. This may or may not be intrinsically tied into the progression through the game. Or even, if you can customize your character and the way they develop even using fixed power ups, that would also count.

2. The game allows you to role play. At some point rather than strictly being you the player playing this guy and helping the guy do what the guy needs to do, you instead decide who the guy is in the first place and get to make the decisions of what he does, thereby defining a part of his personality, allowing you to "role play" as your own avatar.

>> No.2806000
File: 64 KB, 346x112, reinyourfriend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the moment Rein aproachs you in one of the rooms at Abell and tells you he is about to get married, is like a moment where the game remembers its characters also have lives, that they are people too.

Ignoring the first level of the tutorial of course but anyways, Abell is the best part of the game.

>> No.2806008

it kind of reminds me a lot of brandish that way

>> No.2806010 [DELETED] 

nice trips

>> No.2806023

>Kid me sees Brain Lord
>thinks it's a game about controlling enemy's minds

>> No.2807516

ha ha ha !

I all the time I played I thought that Barness was Brain Lord

>> No.2807523


I always loved this box art then i was dissapointed that they never showed that castle in-game

>> No.2807720

the castle is the Platinum Shire in the game.