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File: 2.99 MB, 3920x2560, Sega-Genesis-Model-2-Monster-Bare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2790326 No.2790326 [Reply] [Original]

This fucking thing.

Why did they try to extend it's life so fucking much?

Look at all the fucking shit they did.
PORTABLE GENESES (yes, geneses is the plural of genesis)
-Mega Drive
-Mega Jet




Why'd they do this? Why the fuck did Sega want to kill itself instead of just releasing a separate in between system? Why did they can the Neptune? Why the fuck did they not just release the Saturn later and give it some more development time and let the Sega Neptune sit in, then drop it's price and launch the Saturn?

What the fuck. I loved Sega why did they commit suicide over one fucking system.

>> No.2790330


>> No.2790334


>> No.2790339

Why do you think that stuff is what killed them? Genesis 2 and 3 and Nomad were probably pretty cheap to make. Would have been cheap technology at the time. (Maybe not the Nomad because screens tend to be expensive)

>> No.2790356





>> No.2790369

Really there was nothing wrong with extending the life on the Genesis except for the fact they were working on the Saturn, the problem is why work on the Saturn when you're working on extending the life of the Genesis?
They could've let the Genesis/sega CD/32X live out it's life then release the dreamcast

>> No.2790370

you think that's bad? check this out

>> No.2790371

Nothing wrong with newer models, it opens up the audience buy releasing cheaper or different models then chopping the prices on the great titles

>> No.2790380
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>> No.2790387

>opens up the audience
Actually the 32X cannibalized their own Saturn sales is what really happened.

>> No.2790390
File: 10 KB, 200x185, metroid32x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2790394

32X was an add on obviously not another version of the Genesis though

>> No.2790395

Most of these things weren't even there to try and extend the console's life, some were just attempt at a different form factors due to constraints (eg, Mega Jet).

You could argue that Nintendo tried way too hard to extend the life of the SNES with mappers and the SuperFX, instead of just moving to CD… why don't you?

>> No.2790401

Genesis 2 & 3 were cost cutting models. I never had a Sega CD as a kid but always wanted one to play Sonic and Final Fight... I think it was moderately successful worldwide. The severe misstep was obviously the 32X itself and the Saturn being confusing as fuck to program for.

>> No.2790402

32X is basically the answer to "let's but random chips inside each of our cartridges to boost our console", but in a somewhat sane way (buy the chips only once), while trying to fix the limited color palette of the Genesis. It wasn't as monstrous as the Internet wants it to be, tech-wise.

>> No.2790538

Man whys everyone always mad about it. Sega was just more willing to license out their hardware more than Nintendo was, which is why so many different versions of the system came out. Sega didnt even make the Genesis 3 and it came out way after the era was over. There was really only 2 major Genesis models, just like the SNES only had 2.

You know despite how everyone remembers it, Sega wasnt failing during the 16bit era, from what I remember, Sega had the market until 1994 when Nintendo took over.

The reason for the Saturn going down was not because of the 32, the reason the Saturn failed (at least in the US) was because of the surprise release date that pissed off a ton of 3rd party devs, and they stayed pissed off until the Dreamcast, which ultimately killed Sega in the console market.

Quit watching AVGN videos

>> No.2790552


-bitter guy who grew up with every sega console

>> No.2790553

Same reason why the still sell cheap versions of last gen systems now? They still sell Wiis, 360s and PS3s at the store, despite the newer systems being out. Hell, Sony sold the Ps2 way after the Ps3 release, and revised it tons of times. There's so many different variations of the Ps2. It's not uncommon to do revise a system and sell it over and over again. If there's a market, then why not?

>> No.2790571

I'm sure the people who poured money into the 32shit only to get discontinued 6 months later weren't pleased either, third parties included.
Sometimes you gotta admit AVGN is right.

>> No.2790575

It can't work without the genesis. You're right, it's worse.

>> No.2790581

Because it sold well and continued to sell well you underaged shit.
The 32X was probably the only explicit failure in the line.

All the caps and disbelief that the Genesis was successful enough for several board revisions and expansion looks like a SNES shitposter to me.

>> No.2790595

>All the caps and disbelief that the Genesis was successful enough for several board revisions and expansion looks like a SNES shitposter to me.


>> No.2790596

>Sega had the market until 1994 when Nintendo took over.
Sega never lost the western market. The narrative that the SNES suddenly took over is false. After 1994 Sega simply had a slowing and Nintendo surpassed their month-to-month western sales, but never in sufficient quantities to end up with a bigger install base. The SNES's larger worldwide total is purely because they utterly dominated Sega in Japan.

The slowing didn't happen because people were annoyed that Sega were releasing add-ons, but it happened because after 1994 the number of Sega games on the platform dropped like a rock. It's the same situation for the Wii after 2010 in which Nintendo literally abandoned the console except for a couple of niche import titles.

The Japan difference is sales more than makes up the difference in global sales.

>> No.2790605 [DELETED] 

OMG I like totally just saw something on youtube about how Sega fucked up and I have to blog about it on 4chan because I'm out of meds because my mom didn't pick them up from the pharmacy because she didn't have time because she has to work three jobs to pay for the meds for her psychotic spawn who sees something on youtube and then has to blog about it on 4chan

>> No.2790607

Because they had a huge fucking user base, it was cheap to manufacture, and the Saturn was launched early anyway.

Mega Jet was a Japanese only thing.
MD2 and 3 were cost cutting measures, the NES and SNES and PS1 and PS2 all had them too, so did other consoles I can't be arsed to think up.

Nomad could have completely dominated the handheld market since it had a giant software base and a huge technical lead over the Gameboy - but the units were shit and ate too much batteries, and it was released in north America only.

Mega CD was knee jerk reaction due to every other competitor going for it. SNES had SNES CD announced back before the console was out too. Problem was that the Mega CD had shit hardware (hard to program + unreliable), so people just settled on endless FMV shit. It was a necessary evil though, since it allowed them to gain tons of experience with the CD tech, which they could pump into the Saturn having a monstrously good quality CD drive.

32x was a good example of SOJ being shortsighted. It was hacked together fast, then forgotten quick due to the Saturn. It was neither powerful enough, nor cheap enough, nor popular enough. They were bumbling about without a clear direction with the 32x.

>> No.2790608

It's alright, anon, sometimes we pick the losing side. Move on. It's all ogre now.

>> No.2790615

>It wasn't as monstrous as the Internet wants it to be, tech-wise.

Clearly you haven't tried getting one to work, then. There were shitload of contact problems, you needed an extra spacer for it to not tilt on Genny 2s, the ribbons came loose on the inside, the boards had shitload of manual cabling due to board snafus, and there were even service bulletins out on how to fix the GENESIS UNITS, so they work reliably with the 32x.

That's without even mentioning the underpowered hardware, and the problems of getting the system to work programmatically.

Yeah, there is the Zyrinx tech demo on what the machine can do, but that video had no game logic (which takes up a lot of power!), and a pretty bad draw distance too.

>> No.2790620

>after 1994 the number of Sega games on the platform dropped like a rock.

It had an incredibly strong 1994 though, and quite a bunch of quality titles were still coming out in 95, plus the usual loads of multiplatforms (which, by this point, slowly started getting better on the SNES).

It was in 1996 when the Genny finally died, with a few mediocre titles. Not even a proper swan song, unless you count Sonic 3d, Toy Story, VF2, and UMK3 as that.

>> No.2790624






>> No.2790631

The smart version, anyway...

>Sega Genesis - Model 1, with backwards compatibility add on for Master System
>Sega Genesis - Model 2
>Sega CD

Work begins on Sega Saturn concept, but Sega is in need of a separate 32x console to push out the Super Nintendo's superior hardware

>Sega Neptune

>Sega Saturn

>> No.2790664
File: 48 KB, 181x151, 1281743269671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP can't handle the awesomeness of CD/32x games

>> No.2790669

Sega CD was already more powerful than SNES with sprite scaling and rotating in addition to redbook audio.

The 32X was meant to compete with the Jaguar and 3DO. The Jaguar bombed and noone could afford the 3DO.

>> No.2790679

Genesis 2 was a revision (think PS3 slim)
Genesis 3 was manufactured by Majestic not Sega

>> No.2790714


the real question is-

why is Nintendo doing the same thing 20 years later?

>> No.2790731

Sega laseractive games were the real deal.

>> No.2790991

Even worse. But figures that's where a mad eBaby like you would shop.

>> No.2791014



>> No.2791078

>(hard to program + unreliable)

The fuck are you on about.

>> No.2791082

Didn't they use chips intended for the Saturn to make the 32X or something? I think that's what he's getting at.

They should have just done like Nintendo did and put the chips in the cartridges. Yes it would mean more expensive games, but that's way better than consumers buying a 150bux piece of shit and then looking at a pretty poor library.

I'd have bought Doom or Starfox in the day. I would not have bought them if they came on a special cartridge format requiring me to buy a very expensive peripheral to play them, and then it turning out there's maybe two or three other games for the entire library of the peripheral ever and I just blew lots of money on something which was meant to be cost effective.

Afterburner on the 32X is great but if it came on a Genesis cartridge with special chip to enhance it instead I would gave actually bought it.

It was pretty awful.
I liked the CD addon much more.

I know! Fucking millenials!

Us oldfags, right?

>> No.2791086

I have two of these, Anon. They're easy to plug in, at least if you're old enough to be able to read the "in" and "out" tags on the back of the console itself for the video loopback.

>> No.2791101

The Nomad is the best fucking version of the Genesis that I've ever owned. I also own a model 1 HDG version, a model 1 non-HDG version, and two model 2s. The Nomad's A/V out looks better than any of them and the sound is close to the model 1 HDG.

>> No.2791117

About the Zyrinx thing, I find fishy that the only evidence it ever existed was a blurry vhs tape from 95. The 68k is popular as fuck, how come no other demogroup managed to pull those effects off since then?

>> No.2791128

>Didn't they use chips intended for the Saturn to make the 32X or something?

Yeah. The 32X was designed as a bridge of sorts between the Saturn and the Megadrive. At some point, the idea was that a Megadrive + MegaCD + 32X combo would behave exactly the same as a Saturn, pretty much in the same way a Neptune would just be a Megadrive + 32X all-in-one at a lower cost (optical drives were still expensive). The end game was a low-cost setup that would have been able to run System 32 / Model 1 games essentially (so, far less capable than a PS1 anyway).

This was very early on, on paper only, and never materialized obviously.

>They should have just done like Nintendo did and put the chips in the cartridges.

As usual, hindsight is 20/20 and if we now laugh at the idea of hardware addons, it's because we've seen these fail. Sega's approach made a lot of sense, even if the execution ended up botched on the market (the 32bit market rush killed about all plans Sega might have had at the time, which probably wasn't a bad thing).

If every single worthy game out there would have had to rely on extra chips (far into the console's life), externalizing said chip was really the only sane option. If you did not do this, you'd have to sell your games at a much higher price point and make thinner margins at the same time, which would impact negatively both the consumers and content producers alike. It also was a more "elegant" way of lifting the color limitations of the Megadrive, which became very apparent each time games tried to use special effects (rotations, scaling, shading, and "texture mapping" don't work that well on a very limited palette, as you see in Virtua Racing SVP); for that, there was no other option than having a brand new video output, hence the rgb video loopback cable.


>> No.2791129

(…) Nintendo knew their console's weaknesses and considered from the getgo putting extra hardware in cartridges, something Sega didn't experiment much with (the MasterSystem being more powerful than the NES, they didn't need to play with mappers and extra hardware here). Sega's thing was much more of an afterthought, and actually much more groundbreaking as well (the SVP is far, far more powerful and efficient than the SuperFX ever was… and also more expensive).

>Afterburner on the 32X is great but if it came on a Genesis cartridge with special chip to enhance it instead I would gave actually bought it.

I'd love to see Afterburner run on the SVP chip.
But, again, that approach only works for a handful of titles at most. Sega had bigger plans for the 32X (even disjointed for the Saturn, they wanted a 2 or 3 years run). In hindsight, it was obvious it wouldn't work so well.

>Sega CD was already more powerful than SNES with sprite scaling and rotating in addition to redbook audio.

Yes. Unfortunately, it also had a bottlenecked bandwidth, making it tough (if not impossible) to fully make use of it. The limited memory is one of the reasons why Tails isn't in Sonic CD, for instance - the sprites didn't easily fit in the MegaCD's memory.

Nomad could have completely dominated the handheld market since it had a giant software base and a huge technical lead over the Gameboy - but the units were shit and ate too much batteries, and it was released in north America only.

It was pretty much meant to use during long car rides, not exactly as a handled console (similar to the MegaJet which was meant to use in planes). That's why the battery pack was optional. That's also why it wasn't quite as relevant in Europe or Japan.

>you needed an extra spacer for it to not tilt on Genny 2s

Never used a spacer, never had any issues. The only issue I have so far with my 32X are dying capacitors, quite normal for every old console at this point in time sadly.

>> No.2791181

>Super Nintendo's superior hardware
In what Universe? The only thing the SNES had over the Mega Drive was audio channels and colors on screen. No way in hell could the SNES run something like Alien Soldier or Virtua Racing.

>> No.2791184

ho boy, here we go

>> No.2791331

Imagine if the Megadrive had a 14Mhz clock speed stock. I wonder why Sega did not push it like that at the time, since it doesn't have adverse effects (as far as I know) and is well within the recommended range for a M68k.

>> No.2791354

Because once you bump up the CPU, everything else on the same bus has to run faster too.

>> No.2791372

It doesn't only run on a 68k - it's the 32X, so that's rendered using the twin SH2s mostly. Demogroups aren't exactly interested in developing for this hardware; it was hard to get stuff to run on the real thing back then, and it's pretty pointless nowadays.
Among the scarce homebrews for the 32X out there, I'd say check out the Yeti3D engine demo by Chilly Willy.

>> No.2791384

side note - Chilly Willy's demo is fully textured, hence the performance takes a severe hit. The Zyrinx demo has close to no textures at all and is very low-poly, definitely quite easily do-able on the 32X (if discarding all user interactivity).

Zyrinx has shown they're capable of pulling of such a thing, considering how crazy they went with Hardwired / Red Zone. The tape's composite blurriness also helps smooth out bad-looking stuff such as pixelisation / aliasing.

It would be fun if a demogroup would give try to recreate the whole scene. I don't have such skills, though, I can only wish for it to happen.

>> No.2792240

What architecture is the SVP based on anyway?

>> No.2792712

isn't the SVP just one Hitachi CPU? The 32x was an answer to that, and the Saturn was an answer to the 32x

almost all Sega consoles shared something

>> No.2793163

Looked into it, thought it was something SuperH as well. Turns out no, it's some Samsung chip, definitely oriented towards polygon rendering.

I've heard it was something custom-made for Lockheed-Martin in the first place (simulations, confirm it. Sega was apparently one of the first, if not the first, video game company to even strike a deal with military grade hardware for amusement. That might have been the case for VR arcade though, which was hugely groundbreaking at the time.