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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 204 KB, 1000x750, eccoDSCF7588 copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2789487 No.2789487[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else love the way 8 and 16 bit games look when shrunk down onto a tiny screen like this? Handheld is how I like to play all my games now, they just look so gorgeous like this. Am I alone on this?

>> No.2789492


Shit, son. You're obsessed with that damn pic of Ecco the Dolphin on your PSP. This is only like the 15th time I've seen it posted.

>> No.2789502

It's good to play games at or near their native resolution. When you blow 320x240 shit up 5x+ it starts looking notably different, especially on displays you may be used to seeing very different type of images on - then you start messing with filters and shit to subjectively recreate the way they look to your eye but playing them on small screens or in small windows provides this effect naturally.

>> No.2789515
File: 275 KB, 1000x750, DSCF7593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I don't take a million pictures. I'm also this guy, so you might get the same reaction again. Ironically it was Ranger X I was playing on PSP this morning that spurred me to make the thread.

Anyways, that's why I have these images and have posted them so often. Freaking love classic games shrunk down, I think it makes them look incredible. Thought I'd see how alone I am on it.

>> No.2789517

N3DS > PSP for Mega Drive emulation.

>> No.2789518

I like playing PS1 games on a small screen. The low poly's models don't look bad at that size. Quite charming if you ask me.

>> No.2789519

Funny, because the other way I like seeing them is blown up huge so all the pixels stand out. But I think making the old games look new and a little different is part of what I like.

Ecco specifically I actually only play on 3DS now because that version looks so incredible.

>> No.2789523

Is it really? I don't have much issue with MD on PSP, but I will be getting an N3DS soon. Does it need to be hacked? I use the eshop a fair amount.

>> No.2789528

>Does it need to be hacked? I use the eshop a fair amount.
only homebrew which is incredibly easy to set up. no hard mods needed. Eshop is ok too with homebrew.

Mega Drive is full speed on the N3DS and looks incredible. The 3DS screen is perfect for 8-16-32bit games.

>> No.2789535

Nice, well that's something to look forward to. How's SNES? That's the one thing PSP really sucks at.

>> No.2789541
File: 2.07 MB, 2191x3248, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top screen is PSP
Bottom is N3DS

Snes it's coming along great. Much much better than PSP already. Most games run full speed excluding afew chip based games. 3DS emulators are getting updated daily too.

>> No.2789552

I love how you can play 1:1 on a N3DS without massive borders, and the screen is overall bigger.

It's also possible to inject roms into the eshop genesis emulators. But compatibility is really hit and miss. At least Sonic 3 works.

>> No.2789553

My dick is getting hard now. That's awesome.

>> No.2789561

>It's also possible to inject roms into the eshop genesis emulators.
>But compatibility is really hit and miss. At least Sonic 3 works.
Compatibility is fantastic? Picodrive emulator has full support even for Master System and Sega CD. Even runs Roms hacks fine.

>> No.2789568

The eshop injection compatibility is hit and miss. Kid Chameleon freezes after a few minutes, and Buster's Hidden Treasure just displays the konami logo and nothing happens. Sonic 3 is great. I haven't tried any others.

Retroarch is pretty great right now, but some unpopular games still run under 60 frames (like Buster's Hidden Treasure)

>> No.2789571

>The eshop injection compatibility is hit and miss. Kid Chameleon freezes after a few minutes, and Buster's Hidden Treasure just displays the konami logo and nothing happens. Sonic 3 is great. I haven't tried any others.
Ah totally miss ready what you previously wrote. Ive never personally tried it with Mega Drive games. GBA i can understand tho the MD emulators are pretty great so no need. Everything i have thrown at it has worked great.

>> No.2789575
File: 2.10 MB, 2222x3260, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One more for you.

>> No.2789616

How do I get emulators on my 3DS?

>> No.2789617

Thanks. This has been the first thing to really excite me about that system so far. I'd wanted it for the MH4 upgrade, but that alone wouldn't justify one.

>> No.2789624

Head over to /vg/ and find the homebrew thread. The first post has a guide on how to.

Emulation scene is really shining on the 3DS. Tho do head over to /vg/ and have a read on how to install ect.

>> No.2789631

Will do, thanks!

>> No.2789651

Nice job not turning off the shitty bilinear filter

>> No.2789658

And integer scaling is supposed to look better on a fullscreen psp?

>> No.2789659

I don't have enough words for this.

>> No.2789661
File: 686 KB, 1280x720, 20151111_111438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks great to me. Sorry about the reflections.

>> No.2789670

I hate how it looks in motion. Everything seems to jutter around.

>> No.2789675
File: 2.23 MB, 2448x3264, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's off here.

Looks shot in motion.

>> No.2789679

That's not fullscreen bro. Dont lie. Thanks.

>> No.2789682

Whats wrong with Axels face on the PSP?

>> No.2789684

Do you know what integer scaling implies? 3DS has 240 rows so it's obviously going to look good with 240p games at native res, what about 224p games? Do they look good with nearest neighbour? Are they fullscreen?

>> No.2789691

>3DS has 240 rows so it's obviously going to look good with 240p games at native res
Thats whats been said in the thread. Mega Drive looks better on the 3DS.

>> No.2789694

you clearly have the psp stretching horizontally ever so slightly and tried really hard to make the psp look like shit in the other screenshots when it was blurry. why are you shilling the 3ds?

>> No.2789695

Not him, but I though 224p was mostly arcade. What are some console examples?

>> No.2789698

Nope. i'm just saying the games look amazing on the 3DS screen. Hardly shilling. Couldnt give two fucks if you buy one or not.

Tell me the setting on the PSP if your so hurt and ill set up another picture/.

>> No.2789716

Genesis. It looks fine on the 3DS because the top and bottom borders are only 8 pixels tall. If you play 1:1 on a PSP the borders are much more annoying.

>> No.2789721

I should have also replied to >>2789684

>> No.2789724

i'm not hurt at all and own neither of them, but i'm calling you out on your bullshit.

>> No.2789731
File: 1.78 MB, 3264x2350, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I said. Give me the proper setting and I'll do what you want. Both are running retroarch Picodrive.

>> No.2789738

Streets of Rage is one of the very few games to use the whole 240p res for their output and even then that's a PAL feature. Every other Genesis game is locked at 224p.

About the borders, that's nitpicking at its finest desu.

>> No.2789740


We have _at least_ one person on this board who is dead convinced almost every Anon. is shilling something. They are so fucking convinced of it (and react so vehemently based on those mere suspicions) that I am of the opinion they suffer from a mental illness of some type.

For shits and giggles, casually mention the Retron in any context and watch them positively froth with rage.

>> No.2789753

fuck off, the retron is literal garbage, so market it somewhere else retard.

>> No.2789760

i said shilling just to grind his or someone else's gears. glad to see it worked.

>> No.2789762

Fuck off my wife loves it

>> No.2789770

>le i m le eppeck troal im m so kool my momey sed so

>> No.2789779


you WOULD notice since you're busy shilling that damn retron and hyperkin bullshit all the time. :P

>> No.2789798
File: 851 KB, 3056x2292, 100_2081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>About the borders, that's nitpicking at its finest
This came out blurry as fuck, but you can still see the borders. I would rather play on the bigger screen. The psp feels like I'm playing on a postage stamp.

>> No.2789802

Holy shit both look fucking horrible.

>> No.2789804

That's probably because the picture itself is shit you retard.

>> No.2789805

Then you just needed to say "I like the dpi better on the 3DS XL" and you could have saved us an argument.

>> No.2789809

i miss my nokia 3310 too.

>> No.2789810

I guess you're right, I should have worded it better.

But if the psp was smaller with a 240p screen and the same dpi, it wouldn't bother me as much as it does now.

>> No.2789815

No, just a crappy digital camera. It looked fine on the view finder. It does take decent pictures, I just fucked up.

>> No.2789816

>I like the dpi better on the 3DS XL
games look even better on the standard size 3DS

>> No.2789817

I could tell that's what he meant without this whole conversation...

>> No.2789851

I was always of the opinion that the second best thing to emulating on a CRT is emulating on a mobile device.

>> No.2790032

I just been playing front mission 3 on the psp I through it was gorgeous then later on in the day went on to play front mission 4 on the ps2 Christ on a bike it was ugly.

>> No.2790036

Apparently it only works on the "new" 3DS.

What a shame, guess I'll just sell my old one.

>> No.2790065

You're not alone. Most kids here emulate on their phone. I will agree that if you're going to play on an LCD the smaller the better.

>> No.2790101

>Most kids here emulate on their phone.
absolutely disgusting

>> No.2790132

nah I play earthbound on my snes through RGB on a PVM in my parents basement

>> No.2790734

Well, but what about the Vita?

>> No.2791165


my favorite is the "kuckberry pi" image he spams

>> No.2791393

And what's weird is that anyone wanting to seriously shill or market something would have to be smart enough to realize this is probably the worst possible place to try it.

>> No.2791419

>For shits and giggles, casually mention the Retron in any context and watch them positively froth with rage.
I will casually rage back out of habit, and add nothing of value to the discussion. Mostly because I'm tired of the wife meme.

>> No.2791438

The PSP screen is higher res than the N3DS screen. Why would it look worse?

Also, shouldn't people be using the bottom screen for SNES since it's 4:3?

>> No.2791478

It's being higher res is why it looks worse, ironically. With the 3DS it can display a pixel for pixel perfect render of the game, because the actual screen pixels are bigger. When PSP does that the image is really small. If you stretch it to fit the whole screen it ends up making it look blurry. So it's a choice between tiny sharp pixels and a tiny image or larger pixels and a larger image.

>> No.2791506

>Also, shouldn't people be using the bottom screen for SNES since it's 4:3?
Retroarch doesn't have that option yet. I don't think I would use it anyway, the top screen is more comfortable to look at.

>> No.2791664


>> No.2791702

>Published on 12 Oct 2015
Thats cute.
Try pocketSnes. Starfox Runs at 50fps plus on the new emulator.
Like was said >>2789541
>Snes it's coming along great
Still not perfect tho updated everyday.
Your video post is old and outdated.