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2784831 No.2784831 [Reply] [Original]

Thread about good Retro Video Games Books

Somebody here bought this?
The Untold History of Japanese Game Developers Volume 2
It's Worth it?
Somebody has already uploaded the pdf somewhere?

>> No.2784903

I bought the Konami Shmups book from HG101
Is a book which copy/paste multiple articles from HG101 webpage about konami shmups.
If you like HG101 articles, shmups and hate to read from his webpage, is a good book, but is a bit overpriced for what it offers.

>> No.2785402

Do you think that the castlevania book is worth the price? I wanted to get that als a christmas present for a friend.

>> No.2785430

I watched the entire first volume dvd, didn't really impress me much. The internet drama with the crazy mgs2 translator feminist was a far more fun read.

>> No.2785474

>muh yakuza
>muh torture
>early Namco staff in full
These are some of the surprises this book contains.

>Somebody has already uploaded the pdf somewhere?
No digital version is available, so depend on scans. Also, that book is available from CreateSpace in color.

>> No.2785821
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I don't own it, but they should be the same as other ones. I bought the shmup book because my love for gradius and early konami arcade works, is a nice compilation of game history, but is the same copypasted content from hg101 articles which sometimes has a "wikipedia feeling" VS the untold history where content is interviews with data not found on wiki or internet outside of the book.

For all hg101 books, if you answer yes to all next questions, you should enjoy the book:
You like the theme of the book?
You enjoy hg101 writing?
You hate reading on hg101 site?
You don't mind if the book is a copy paste from a website?

Also here I found a site with some books related on pdf, with the untold history vol 1 between them http://www.fasebonus.net/foro/index.php?topic=36566.0

>> No.2785843

Get I am Error

>> No.2785873

Amazon just sent my copy out last night, so if this thread is still up in the next few days, I'll post some of the juicier info.

The first book had some nice early Capcom info.

>> No.2785923

If the thread isn't up, create one about books, were interested

>> No.2786162

The PDF is forthcoming, according to Kalata.

Not a book, but the DVD for "Get Lamp" is pretty great if you're into text adventures - there's supplemental stuff that comes with it that I liked better than the documentary (which is good, but has a lot of "I miss the good old days" kind of sentimental stuff that gets in the way of the factual parts).

>> No.2786175

Masters of Doom is good if you like Doom.

>> No.2786313

I Am Error: The Nintendo Family Computer / Entertainment System Platform (Platform Studies)


>> No.2786357


So he had access to the machine code itself? I'm a little confused as to what it's saying.

>> No.2786392
File: 141 KB, 1013x1613, Motorola_6800_Assembly_Language[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On famicon/nes era the games are basic or assembler without obfuscation, so the people could decompile (idk how) the catridges and obtain the machine code and read it.
So he decompiled a game called Cosmic Soldier and read the whole source code for learning purposes, but because assembler language from another person is somewhat hard to read, he created those diagrams to catch up with what is happening on the code.

The equivalent today is like you tried to read the java/c++/c# source code from a game, but because those modern languages are so much more friendly and readable, that task is easy today.

Pic related, is a random piece of assembly language with comments from google

>> No.2786403

Oh my bad cosmic soldier is a pc-88 / msx game, So he could decompile directly the game

>> No.2786720

The first book actually has a photo of Akira Kitamura, even if it isn't the best one.

And something I love is majority of the developers in the book being against crowdsourcing for their games and even a few not thinking highly of Inafune with Mn9.

>> No.2786761

I remember the inafune interview on that book is like: Baw blue sucks, Megaman sucks, Because of that I created my ORIGINAL CHARACTER DON'T STEAL zero and shoved down your throat on the next installments

>> No.2787457

>The PDF is forthcoming, according to Kalata
ETA? Next year?

>> No.2787594

Haven't heard anything on that front, I'd just assume it'll take a similar amount of time as the delay on the first book's pdf.

IIRC the reason why it took so long with the PDF on the first book (besides Sketcz going nuts and saying that everyone was going to steal his book) is because Sketcz is a retard that refuses to learn something other than Microsoft Word, and it took a ton of re-formatting to make a workable PDF.

>> No.2787938

And the book came in THREE DAYS EARLY. I'll post info as soon as I read it.

>> No.2788295
File: 525 KB, 399x582, 1436413223845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HYPE, make a video if you can

>> No.2788296

A whole lot of blacked out names. For safety and legal reasons.

Also, Sega was making a new Golden Axe, unrelated to Sega Australia's pitch.

>> No.2788302

I'll take pictures.

Apparently, every company in the world NEEDED that Batman license in the 80's/90's. Sega and Konami primarily fought it out.

>> No.2788307

I'm curious about the early namco stuff, Norio Nakagata by any chance?

>> No.2788312

When I get to that, I'll post stuff for it.

Some of the blacked out names are REALLY easy to decipher, by the by. Like when it's four characters long, it's probably Sega.

>> No.2788314

I appreciate it, brother.
The mention of 80s Namco is enough to make me consider buying this volume at least...

>> No.2788773

Ok. Early Namco stuff.

That mainly comes from the interview with Yoshihiro Kishimoto, who worked at Namco from 1984 from 2000 and then went to Koei in 2001 until 2010.

Namco used to actually provide programming courses for new employees, which would be around 6 months.

The MSX port of Mappy was not as much of a port, but a new game made from the ground up by looking at arcade specs.

People would take turns programming on a single HP computer. I'll get a photo of that shortly. Said computer would hold only 640MB. It was literally a room of 15 people waiting to use the computer.

>> No.2788778

>JS: Any Funny Stories you can share?
YK: This is something I remember very well too. Back then, the air conditioning systems were not very good. There was only one air conditioning unit for every two floors. They had two ducts going this way and that way <gestures with hands> We were on the 7th floor, but we found it too hot, so we blocked the duct which brought up the air to the 8th floor <intense laughter>
>JS: I like where this is going! <laughs>
YK: The planners in those days would write the shcematics on a piece of paper, using a pencil. The 8th floor is the very top floor of that building. The 8th floor was incredibly hot, because the duct was blocked on the 7th floor. Everyone had a towel wrapped around their neck, <mines draping a towel> but when you're sweaty, and especially if your hands are sweaty, <laughs> you can't really draw properly, or write properly. <laughs - gestures as if hands are stuck to paper, tries to shake it off> I remember that vividly, that's how it was in the summer!

>> No.2788803

Pac-Land was actually made as a game based off of the cartoon. They wanted to emulate animation/cartoons, which would explain the nice animation Pac-Man had. The NES/Famicom version sorta missed the point.

They used Track and Field as reference for Pac-Land. Kishimoto also says Miyamoto did say at one point that Super Mario Bros was influenced by Pac-Land. He also recalls a story of him watching a delinquent playing the game, getting frustrated, and hen continuing to put more money in.

>> No.2788813

Xevious originally had a realistic fighter plane. However, the designer just went up and left the company to travel to Africa. You can tell what happened when the new designer came in.

He says that developing Star Wars (Famicom) was a pain in the ass and licensed games didn't even necessarily mean better sales. He expresses how Star Wars was definitely not something that could be properly made on the Famciom. The weird Vader bosses were because they were just as such of a loss for how to work with Star Wars on the Famicom. Vader turning into a Scorpion was influenced by Alex Kidd of all things, but it wasn't the only parallel. He basically admits, they had no fucking idea what to do, so it was just a hodgepodge of shit, quite a bit from Alex Kidd.

>> No.2788865

Is there any Capcom stuff on this volume?

>> No.2788871

There's some nice Capcom Pro. 4, specifically the Capcom 5 info. That's not really /vr/ though. Though if nobody (including mods) don't mind.

>> No.2788881

Fire ahead. Does it have anything on Dead Phoenix and the earlier versions of killer7 and RE4?

>> No.2788886

All three infact, but some of it is known info. Dead Phoenix wasn't much more than a proof of concept when it was shown off. It was developing VERY slowly. So they shitcanned it. PN.03 was mainly just made because they NEEDED a game that could be made in less than a year and fill Dead Phoenix's void. Everything about PN.03 was made because it was easy to make. It was the definition of a throwaway game, sadly Mikami kind of knew he halfassed it and then decided to step down.

BUT THEN THEY PULLED HIM BACK IN TO DIRECT RE4. Sadly, the book fails to mention that a lot of RE3.5 was repurposed into Haunting Ground, but it does explain a bit more as to why RE3.5 didn't work, which was the Gamecube's limitations, it just couldn't consistently do Leon hallucinating and such randomly.

As for killer7 info, let me re look it, since they touch upon the early version of killer7. The cutscenes in Cloudman were made because they didn't have the staff available to make in-engine cutscenes, so they just outsourced them.

>> No.2789569
File: 89 KB, 536x659, bubble_bobble_ad_or_cover[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there something about Bubble Bobble?

>> No.2790051

This. Who won? I mean other than the entire internet. Did they resolve their beef already?

>> No.2790061

scan this shit you c u c k

>> No.2790063

First suit failed; appeal failed - she's appealing again, but we won't hear anything of it for like two years and the frog court probably won't do anything different. Anyway it won't be resolved until his paranoia gets to the point where he finally offs himself.

BTW, someone just posted an article on Twitter saying that according to Schizo's volume 2, Nishizawa said that M2 has the source files for Aquario, so there may be hope of seeing that. Oakland, have you gotten to that part yet?

>> No.2790072

John, since the books are still coming out. But Agness probably has more public support. Even Jeremy Blaustein supports her. He was one of the translators actually in the first book.

I talked with her last night a bunch about the book and the interviews she did actually work on for the book. Aziz Hinoshita and Ryuichi Nishizawa. Neither of which were in volume 1 and the former which is a volume 3 interview.

And considering the recent Westone news, it is pretty shitty John decided to put Nishizawa's interview in Volume 2.

>> No.2790079

No. I'm not destroying a book and scanning FOUR HUNDRED PAGES. Buy the book, or better yet (can't stress the better part), just ask for specifics so you don't need to give John money.

I do. Nishizawa said that he's been in talk with M2, but they're really busy so recovering the game isn't very high on the list of priorities. And then John spazzes out about how fucking horrible Backbone was, which I agree with him on. Backbone took too many jobs M2 could have done in the west.

>> No.2790298


Nishizawa gave the source code to M2 like 2+ years ago. Unless there's some kind of breakthrough, it's probably not happening.

Last I heard they had found one of the guys with one of the location test boards...but again, this was at least a year ago and I haven't heard anything since. Maybe it fell through, Japanese arcade board collectors can be pretty skitterish from what I hear.

>> No.2790302

I think since there's public awareness that they might be able to get M2 to recover the game. Though they'd have to do it on their own time, which isn't cost efficient. Maybe crowdsourcing?

>> No.2790307


AFAIK Agness didn't do any translations or transcriptions. Her sister, Hanako, did do the Westone interview.

Nishizawa (and a bunch of the Sega people's) interviews got pushed back out of volume 1 because it was scheduled to come out (roughly) at the same time as Sega Mega Drive/Genesis: Collected Works, and John was worried there would be too much overlap. Then again, outside of the Nishizawa interview, there's not much else for the Sega stuff in Vol. 2 either...

>> No.2790309


Crowdsourcing would be awesome, yeah. Part of it time though, I think, M2 is kept busy, especially with all of the Sega stuff they put out on the 3DS. Obviously if we could throw money at it, there would be a different priority.

>> No.2791819


>> No.2791857

Sketcz plz...

While I'm talking though, thanks for the summaries, Oakland.

>> No.2791947

I'll post more when I get off work. I'm still in shock from that Nintendo Direct.

There's some REALLY good stuff from Human.

>> No.2792393

>I talked with her last night a bunch about the book and the interviews
Why do you talk to psychotic japanese women?

>> No.2792394

>And considering the recent Westone news
What happened?
Scan or photo cool concept art. That's the only thing interesting me

>> No.2792396

I wanted a physical copies, but the prices are awful for some reason

I'm waiting on HG101 Top 100 Games 'cause they make it sound a worthy list, something I rarely see due to "top X" being use more or less as a quick gimmick.

>> No.2792397

They filed for bankruptcy. Westone as a company no longer exists and Nishizawa is freelance now.

We follow eachother on twitter. Why exactly she follows me is beyond me, but she's pleasant to talk to, so whatever.

>> No.2792407

>making a Top 100 list
They're barely competent enough to review individual games. I shudder to think what's their criteria for Top 100 best.

>> No.2792413

>They filed for bankruptcy. Westone as a company no longer exists and Nishizawa is freelance now.
Why is it bad to publish an interview with him then?

>> No.2792417

HG101 is seriously overrated when you realize all the writers are autistic shut-ins of the worst calliber.
Their "videos" have proven this.
But it's nice to check their site for obscure games you would've missed out on otherwise

>> No.2792419

Why are you flirting with middle-aged psychotic japanese houswives over twitter?

>> No.2792430

>Their "videos" have proven this.
They have a Youtube channel? First I heard of it.

>> No.2792443

>They have a Youtube channel? First I heard of it.
Yeah. I have a pretty high tolerance for stuttering youtube neckbeards but HG101 takes the cake.


Their sniveling voices, weird pronounciation and stuttering while reading text makes them so fucking unwatchable. They take turns narrating and everyone is his own brand of shit.

Puts their reviews in perspective if you imagine them being read aloud by that same voice.

>> No.2792446

>The internet drama with the crazy mgs2 translator feminist was a far more fun read.

Please, please fill me in
I googled a bit and have found just scattered infos

This sound like it could give some worth laughs

>> No.2792452

>Autistic, shut-in nerd leaves his basement with $50.000 in cash and goes to japan.
>meets psychotic and completely batshit insane japanese housewives (including the sister of the woman who butchered MGS2's script) who volunteer to "translate" for them because he interviewed one of them via email before
>everything goes completely to shit
>nerdboy cant keep his schedule and generally cant function outside his basement with a steady supply of hotpockets
>crazy japanese women turn even crazier, botch interviews partly because nerd boy still hasnt figured out to properly schedule interviews and prepare questions
>the entire project turns into an unsalvageable disaster, several japanese game developers are so shocked they proclaim to never talk to foreigners again
>bridges are burned
Thats the cliffnotes so far

>> No.2792463
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>who butchered MGS2's script

>implying it wasn't already butchered in japanese form

>> No.2792472

I happend to read the interview with her where she complains that kojima's script is full of privileged male macho fantasies that were purely written to offend her and she doesnt see why it would be entertaining so she hated every bit of it and translated it shitty on purpose.

That's what I would call a butchering, regardless of how much you dislike or like Hideo or Tomokazu Fukushima.

>> No.2792478

Hey, you contrarian faggot, haven't you heard the news? MGS2 is the best written MGS game yet, fukushima can do no wrong and only MGSV sucks.

Should lurk /v/ more often to update your daily dose of contrarian.

>> No.2792489

Her suggested script changes were much worse than what we ended up with.
>This is Snake. Do you read me, Otakon? Over.
> Loud and clear, Snake. Over.
>Think I'd wait forever [the comment is directed to the player]? I'm at the infiltration point [SP for 'sneak point']. Over.
>Everything going okay? Over.
>The stealth camo's busted. Landing impact. Over.
>We did use the hell out of that thing. Sorry, but you're gonna have to deal. You're not in the military-industrial complex anymore, Dorothy.
>Right. I don't plan on relying on this gadget either way. Over.
>Hey, the private sector's not so bad, though, huh? Privacy guaranteed...
> I'm happy as long as no one slips a Mickey Finn in the morning glass of OJ.
>You mean that thing with Naomi?
>And I can't say I miss the chattering nanny.
>Mei Lin's not so bad. That reminds me, I have to get in touch with her again about that new Natick flashware.
> Diverting toys from the SSCEN (U.S. Army Soldier Systems Center) again? Someone will find out, sooner or later. She's better off assuming it's sooner and quit while she's ahead. Tell her I said that.
>The mission objective is to make visual confirmation of the new Metal Gear being transported by that tanker and bring back photographic evidence. No destruction, please. Got it?
>Don't worry. I know the drill -- we're not terrorists.
>Very good. We're a 100% UN-recognized 'Opposition to Metal Gear' aka OMEGA*. Don't you forget that you're a part of an NGO and can chew granola with the best of them.
>Recognized, but still fringe, Otakon.

Yeah, she has such an unwarranted persecution.
>I'm gonna talk shit about my employers on random blogs and act victimized when they no longer want to employ me.

>> No.2792494

That's not what I took from the interview. What I read was that the script was extremely poorly written but she was forced by Konami/Kojima to make it a literal 1:1 translation after the Blaustein experience of rewriting every line from scratch in MGS1 because it was garbage originally. The only thing she supposedly changed were military terminology because it was blatantly incorrect in the Japanese.

She's pretentious as fuck, yes. But let's not pretend the Japanese original was a holy grail that was tainted for the sake of white piggu.

>> No.2792496

>she called it bad fanfic

I'm amazed by how someone can be so right and yet be so wrong

>only MGSV sucks

Shame that one of the best games to come out in years and years is marked to death by being the successor of a completely different series that's also top tier for entirely different motives

When Kojima wanted to make a open-world game, he could as well make a new IP

>> No.2792503
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>No destruction, please.


>> No.2792505

Let's face it if this script was actually accepted back in 2001 you'd be defending it to this day.

>> No.2792507

Well maybe you just happen to be one of those HG101 neckbeards too who are so autistic that MGS2 completely flew over their heads.
Everything kojima writes is tongue in cheek: MGS never took itself seriously and she was so offended by what she percieved to be "macho talk" that the point that large portions of the script are satire flew completely over her bulldyke haircut sporting feminist head

>> No.2792508

>Think I'd wait forever

That's really terrible.
Glad it ended up being ketpchawaiting huh.

>> No.2792517

>repeating the phrase "not so bad" twice in a matter of two sentences
What the shit was she thinking with her crappy script?
Completely off the mark and flows poorly to a point where it already READS stiff before anyone reads it aloud

>> No.2792519

>Everything kojima writes is tongue in cheek
Well gee, I'd rather prefer the way that Blaustein did it with MGS1 which was tongue-in-cheek AND high quality (for a game anyway) instead of the poorly written / awkwardly phrased mess that we ended up with the literal translation. Kaku's lack of humor doesn't appeal to me much either, which is why I said she's pretentious as fuck.

>MGS2 completely flew over their heads.
Any actual great work of literal significance flies over the heads of people who think MGS is high quality writing

>> No.2792523

Not really. There are localizations I grew up with that I thought were awful (anything by Working Designs comes to mind).

>> No.2792525

>Any actual great work of literal significance flies over the heads of people who think MGS is high quality writing
I'm having a hard time understanding if you agree or disagree here.
I'm saying being offended about "macho talk" in MGS is like being offended about police brutality in the naked gun movies.

I've noticed that with many feminists like her, they are completely incapable of processing humor, satire or even irony. And feel incredibly "smart" for having figured out something that was blatantly obvious to anyone with half a brain and a working sense of humor.

>> No.2792527

>after the Blaustein experience of rewriting every line from scratch in MGS1 because it was garbage originally.
I always love how people who obviously never played the Japanese version of MGS1 and wouldn't understand it anyway assume this, even though Blaustein's script wasn't really that much of a departure from the original, outside of minor moments such as Snake making a joke about an infomercial in the US version.

>> No.2792531

I also love the selectiv bias, considering that blaustein was responsible for the SotN localization too and the same people who celebrate MGS1 as a masterpiece shit on the SotN translation as cheesy.
From what you can learn about Blaustein he tried to get too friendly with kojima, instead of just translating the script and tried to give him advice about how to do his job. That guy seems to be a drama queen too.

>> No.2792537

Then why did Kojima fire Blaustein and get somebody else to do a more literal translation for The Twin Snakes instead of recycling Blaustein's script.

There's a point where Kojima apologetics starts to not make sense.

>> No.2792539

He's pretty defensive about his work on Symphony of the Night too, or thinks people like it unironically. Wasn't he in charge of the voice directing too?

At any rate, it's not like the more recent MGS games aren't liberal with their localizations. I noticed quite a few poetic license done with MGSV.

Who knows really? Royalties issues perhaps. The TTS script only changes a few lines though, not the entire script.

>> No.2792541

>Then why did Kojima fire Blaustein and get somebody else to do a more literal translation for The Twin Snakes instead of recycling Blaustein's script.
Because Blaustein probably pissed him off by trying to give the script "his own" flavor. Something he is even proud of amidst a billion different reasons.

Twin Snakes was so full of retarded over the top shit that you just destroyed your entire argument of "hurr kojima is a dumb jap who takes everything he writes seriously only glorious american translators can fix his dumb mess"

Your entire train of thought is so fucking autistic.

>> No.2792547

>He's pretty defensive about his work on Symphony of the Night too, or thinks people like it unironically. Wasn't he in charge of the voice directing too?
Yes. He was in charge of both.

I actually like his hammy version of Sotn over the redone PSP version. also for
Blaustein's translation for Sotn was also "fixed", so it's entirely unkown how many more issues with him and konami exist.

>> No.2792548

>Because Blaustein probably pissed him off by trying to give the script "his own" flavor.
Ah so you do admit the changes did have sufficient significance.

>Twin Snakes was so full of retarded over the top shit that you just destroyed your entire argument of "hurr kojima is a dumb jap who takes everything he writes seriously only glorious american translators can fix his dumb mess"
I don't follow. That over-the-top shit was purely the decision of Kojima.

>> No.2792552

>who takes everything he writes seriously only glorious american translators can fix his dumb mess
Literal strawman. His scripts aren't high quality tongue-in-cheek or not. Having a light tone isn't a get-out-of-critique-free-card.

>> No.2792558

>Blaustein's translation for Sotn was also "fixed", so it's entirely unkown how many more issues with him and konami exist.
They re-recorded the dialogue because they didn't want to pay royalties to the original actors. Same shit happened with the Silent Hill HD Collection, the X-Men arcade game and the original TMNT games when they were all re-released at different points. Konami are just cheap like that.

The script changes were probably done for the same reasons.

>> No.2792571 [DELETED] 

>Ah so you do admit the changes did have sufficient significance.
Could you talk less like comic book guy from simpsons, you autist loser?
I don't even get what your point is. Blaustein apparently did a bad enough job because he ended up getting fired. That's it.

>His scripts aren't high quality tongue-in-cheek or not.
>muh taste
the post.
It doesn't matter what you personally think of it.
The point is that large portions of metal gear are satirical and goofy.
Being pissed off at MGS for being a "macho call of duty clone" like crazy japanese translator woman is an entirely different ballpark of stupid.

Maybe you personally think kojima's writing is shit. Maybe you are fluent enough to judge that even in japanese, maybe you are just a dumbfuck autist who spergs out if opinions he parrots since 2002 are challenged online, I don't know.

I even mentioned that in my second post here.
>regardless of how much you dislike or like Hideo or Tomokazu Fukushima.

There you go.

The type of genre has nothing to do with how you judge the writing quality.
Taking offense at satirical elements, that are supposed to be reminiscent of 80s action movies in a slightly comical way without understanding they are already a satire and then feeling all uppity and smart about having figured out kojima's SUPER SECRET INFLUENCES AND SEXIST PIG FASCINATION WITH ACTION MOVIES FOR SEXIST MEN is really retarded.

Everybody knows kojima is a 80s action movie nerd. He mentions it in every interview. How far removed from the material do you have to be to feel smart about having figured out something that was never any kind of secret in the first place and then give smug interviews about how you were fired because you totally saw through that silly sexist man pig.

>> No.2792573

>Ah so you do admit the changes did have sufficient significance.
Could you talk less like comic book guy from simpsons, you autist loser?
I don't even get what your point is. Blaustein apparently did a bad enough job because he ended up getting fired. That's it.

>His scripts aren't high quality tongue-in-cheek or not.
>muh taste
the post.
It doesn't matter what you personally think of it.
The point is that large portions of metal gear are satirical and goofy.
Being pissed off at MGS for being a "macho call of duty clone" like crazy japanese translator woman is an entirely different ballpark of stupid.

Maybe you personally think kojima's writing is shit. Maybe you are fluent enough to judge that even in japanese, maybe you are just a dumbass autist who spergs out if opinions he parrots since 2002 are challenged online, I don't know.

I even mentioned that in my second post here.
>>2792472 (You)
>regardless of how much you dislike or like Hideo or Tomokazu Fukushima.

There you go.

The type of genre has nothing to do with how you judge the writing quality.
Taking offense at satirical elements, that are supposed to be reminiscent of 80s action movies in a slightly comical way without understanding they are already a satire and then feeling all uppity and smart about having figured out kojima's SUPER SECRET INFLUENCES AND SEXIST PIG FASCINATION WITH ACTION MOVIES FOR SEXIST MEN is really retarded.

Everybody knows kojima is a 80s action movie nerd. He mentions it in every interview. How far removed from the material do you have to be to feel smart about having figured out something that was never any kind of secret in the first place and then give smug interviews about how you were fired because you totally saw through that silly sexist man pig.

>> No.2792578
File: 26 KB, 439x585, woody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Could you talk less like comic book guy from simpsons, you autist loser?

>proceeds to make most autistic post in thread

>> No.2792585

What is it about Agness Kaku that always end with a bunch of nerds questioning the credibility of Kojima's writing?

MGS is a series about secret agents with phallic sounding codenames where they destroy giant mechs. What's more is there to say about it?

>> No.2792594

What's with the narrator's weird accent? Is he really one of the writers from the site?

>> No.2792597

at least for the second video they got someone who's comprehensible

>> No.2792601

Because she literally unveiled the emperor's new clothes on Kojima (that is, that he's a hack writer constantly shifting between poorly phoned satire of science-fiction/action, and preachy 3deep5u plot twists). He's only been able to get away with what he has because gamers have such low standards and are under-educated (as she says).

Just because she's crazy in some other ways and has no sense of humor doesn't mean she's not right about this. There was no satire intended in the preachiness of Kojima's anti-nuclear tirades, or that 20 minute freshman-quality meme theory dump at the end of MGS2, so Kaku can credibly discredit those. The "macho" thing is a completely separate issue, and I agree that humorless Kaku's opinion isn't worth much on that.

>> No.2792604

Yeah, but people have been bitching about Kojima's writing without even knowing who Kaku was. The clusterfuck of a story that was MGS4 is a testament to that.

>> No.2792608

But nobody with any "status" in the gaming community (if there is such a thing) came out and said that about Kojima before. Criticisms of MGS2 really only focused on the length of non-interactive bits and not actually on the quality.

The fact that MGS2's own translator came out and said she thought Kojima was a bad writer simply added credence to what a lot of people were actually thinking. Hence the emperor's new clothes.

I think a lot of MGS fans have convinced themselves that it's ~all~ satire, because that's the only way they can seriously stomach some of the preachy and 'deep' stuff.

>> No.2792628

>But nobody with any "status" in the gaming community (if there is such a thing) came out and said that about Kojima before.
To be fair, most people with "status" in the game industry aren't openly critical about their peers because they don't to burn any bridges.

>I think a lot of MGS fans have convinced themselves that it's ~all~ satire, because that's the only way they can seriously stomach some of the preachy and 'deep' stuff.
I have to agree with you there. I like the MGS series, but Kojima can't planned out a narrative for shit. I once argued with a zealot fanboy who seriously believed that Kojima had the Venom Snake twist planned out since Metal Gear 1.

I find it amusing how Kojima purists make fun of Snake's Revenge for its "bad story" because Big Boss comes back from the dead as a cyborg, but are totally okay with Liquid Snake being a ghost in Revolver Ocelot's arm.

>> No.2793126

Derboo did the voices in the earlier videos but he felt self-conscious (and people gave him shit about his accent) so they got someone else - I don't know who the new narrator is.

We have one for the podcast too, although at this point there's less about retro stuff than indie games. Kal's voice makes up for it though, I think he sounds more handsome than me because of the Australian accent thing.

>> No.2793478

>Derboo did the voices in the earlier videos but he felt self-conscious (and people gave him shit about his accent) so they got someone else - I don't know who the new narrator is.
I assumed it was Derboo, since you mentioned he was German in a previous thread. The other narrator sounds a bit like wildweasel.

>We have one for the podcast too, although at this point there's less about retro stuff than indie games. Kal's voice makes up for it though, I think he sounds more handsome than me because of the Australian accent thing.
I've seen the podcast channel once, but never really gave it more than a glance.

>> No.2793636

It wasn't. It was bad for John to publish the interview AFTER they died. Westone definitely could have used the exposure.

The script in TTS was fucking horrible and full of things that only work as a Japanese speaker. The changes from MGS1 to TTS were a joke.

>I don't like to call it a weakness, but a character flaw.

>I don't like to call it a weakness, but a weak point.

Which one of those sounds better?

>> No.2793679

The original line was "Jakuten ja nai, yowami da yo."
"Jakuten" and "yowami" have similar meanings, but it seems jakuten only applies to flaws in a manmade things, whereas yowami is more general. At any rate, it just sounds weird when translated directly. Character flaw is probably much closer to what the Japanese original was trying to convey.

The rest of the script changes are just weird. A lot of the time they don't even change the meaning of the original sentence, they just change the wording and it comes off like the actors are reading from a bad fansub.
>Ridiculous. You yourself... In Zanzibar Land.
>He's choosing me? knowingly... To be the inferior one? For this I want revenge! You don't even understand me, You! who could kill your own real father!

>> No.2793691

The scripts after Blaustein's sound disassociated. Adding 'color' to a translation can go horribly wrong (much of WD's, for example) but in MGS's case it made it sound not constipated.

I listened to the one linked above about platformers and it is Derboo.

>> No.2794010

>The scripts after Blaustein's sound disassociated. Adding 'color' to a translation can go horribly wrong (much of WD's, for example) but in MGS's case it made it sound not constipated.
I seriously doubt Kojima is as clueless about the need to localize things as people assume from his alleged fallout with Blaustein. It was after all, his idea to replace some of Mei-Ling's Chinese proverbs in the English version, since they were practically untranslatable. And it's not like some of the Metal Gear games after MGS1 had changes to their scripts between localization. MGR had a character making a DOOMP joke in the English version and in TPP, Ishmael's line "You're talking to yourself" was originally phrased "omae wa ore da" (literally "you are me") in the Japanese version. I assumed the script changes in TTS was due to royalties than anything else.

>I listened to the one linked above about platformers and it is Derboo.
It's amazing how listening to people you know online for the first time can change your perception of them. I found Icycalm's youtube account a few months and now I think of the talking fish from American Dad whenever I read one of his writings.