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2778895 No.2778895 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this level considered difficult? It's really just a matter of memorizing patterns.

>> No.2778995


It needs considerably better timing and precision than the other levels.

>> No.2779023

the bridge levels were way harder desu senpai

>> No.2779045


The Lab is harder than those.

>> No.2779048

lab's easy if you use your akus wisely, the bridge has sudden death shit everywhere

>> No.2779054
File: 7 KB, 320x224, btgen11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this level considered difficult? It's really just a matter of memorizing patterns.

>> No.2779094

Stormy Ascent is way harder than this casual level.

>> No.2779136

>Bootsy will never finish Battletoads in your lifetime

>> No.2779141

Can't that be said of every single difficult level in every single game ever?

>> No.2779143


But it's not accessible by normal means

>> No.2779170

Come up to the front of the class and tell us your definition of "casual" so we can laugh at you.

>> No.2779208

>Can't tell I'm obviously joking.
I don't know which is the hardest, Slippery Climb or Sunset Vista.

A shame, because it's should be there if only for its ridiculous difficulty (perhaps as a hidden level).

>> No.2779227


I was able to get the gem for Slippery Climb after a few tries. Get on my level.

>> No.2779502

it's not that hard but i had trouble with it when i was younger anyway.
there is actually a level with the same theme that was cut from the final game because it was too difficult

>> No.2780832


I already am.

>> No.2781707
File: 17 KB, 480x360, hqdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


For first level completion, I'd say Fumbling in the Dark is worse than both of them, but out of those two, Slippery Climb.

For crates, Sunset Vista. It's WAY longer then Slippery Climb, so retrying when you're close to the end is a real bitch, and it has a lot more patterns to remember.

>> No.2782490


Dunno who that is. I was happy watching through Diabetus' let's play.

>> No.2782516

Just got this game to 100%. Trying to finish all the classic crash games. I got 100% on Crash 1,2,3,Bash, and CTR.

>> No.2782525


Well, then you already did 100% all the classic Crash games.

Wrath of Cortex (not retro) is worth going through, if you can stand the typical confused early 2000 presentation and even MORE focus on vehicle levels.

Twinsanity (even less retro) is the one that went full retard on a lot of things, among which replay value, and is quite piss easy to 100%, as there is no box breaking, only poorly hidden gems to find scattered around.

>> No.2782529

pretty long too

>> No.2784631
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I wish Crash 2 was harder. It's the only flaw in the game. Otherwise, it's fucking perfect.

>> No.2786083

1st game is better desu. Semi-linear island level system was better than 5-level teleporter system.

>> No.2786139


I agree with that. Crash 1 felt much more like a journey than Crash 2, 3 and Wrath of Cortex.

I guess Twinsanity and Titans are worth a mention in this regard, but Twinsanity is severely overrated by the retarded fans and nobody liked Titans overall.

>> No.2786184

You don't really have to memorize anything in that level. It helps, but it's way more important to get a feel for that sweet spot of when to press the new direction. I'm confident I could do a course of similar complexity blind.

>> No.2786238
File: 11 KB, 480x360, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that fucking bridge
>holes and ice everywhere
>annoying turtles
>dat camera angle
try to walk on ropes and you always fall

>> No.2788273


What about the camera angle? I never had a problem with it.

>> No.2790707


But is there really any margin for failing at all in that level?

>> No.2790907

Lets talk about the GOAT levels. My personal favorite has always been Toxic Waste, bouncing barrells are a bitch though. Also really like the heavy machinery level.

>> No.2791156

The Aztec cities always felt great, but Road to Nowhere is probably still my favorite level in the game.

>> No.2793360


I love nearly all of them. Out of the signature jungle levels, the boulder levels had that little extra ominous feel that make them stand out.

Slipper Climb and Lights Out/Fumbling in the Dark stand out even more so in a similar fashion.

Sunset Vista and The Lost City also have a great atmosphere to them.

Oh, and The Lab. Always loved the castle theme with the nightsky outside, together with the fast paced music that goes well with the tight obstacle placement in the level.

But if I can, I want to point out Road to Ruin and Ruination from Crash 2 as the defining levels of Crash Bandicoot. No level matches the charm of these overall.

>> No.2794039


I remember the bouncing barrels in Toxic Waste being the part that was too hard for me when I was a child. My dad had to beat that level.

>> No.2794062

I think a good trick to it is that if there is ever a really small platform the barrell will jump over it. Not too hard once you get the pattern down. I still have a problem with the sunset Vista levels even to this day.

>> No.2794072


I can do it just fine now, I realized the barrels always bounce in the same places.

Slippery Climb is the level I can still sometimes have problems with, and it's because on a few occasions, the hit detection on the bird enemies have been slightly off, causing me to die or lose a mask when jumping right on top of it like you should.

>> No.2797153


>> No.2797163


Am I the only one who finds it weird that the sky is clear in the background?

>> No.2797184 [DELETED] 

Why would that be weird? You're supposed to be on the final insland.

>> No.2797187

Why would that be weird? You're supposed to be on the final island.

>> No.2797425


Yeah, but I highly doubt you could have heavy rain and thunder in such a tiny area.

I don't know, I'm probably being autistic about it. I also try to make sense out of the kind of day/night cycle the game goes through, like, how many days it took Crash to reach Cortex.

But I can't make any sense of it, because the days go on inconsistently.

> Crash makes it through a whole island and then some in one day
> The Lost City is the first level to not take place during the day, but rather at sunset.
> Road to Nowhere is set during the day again, so he must have spent the night in Temple Ruins
> Sunset Vista, obviously set at sunset again, what the fuck was Crash doing that day?
> Cortex Power, presumably set in the morning, fair enough
> The High Road, set during the day
> Slippery Climb, presumably early sunset
> Lights Out, first level set visibly during the night
> N.Brio fight, presumably set during sunrise
> Then The Lab really cocks it up completely by being set during the night again
> Then of course, Cortex fight set during sunrise again

> Relax, it's just Crash Bandicoot

No, overthinking Crash Bandicoot is way more fun than leaving it as is.

>> No.2798813

Too many vehicle levels on Crash 3 but it's always been my favorite. I love the atmosphere of it.

>> No.2799038


Why? Crash 3 clearly has the worst atmosphere to me out of the original games. I'd go as far as saying Wrath of Cortex, and possibly even Titans, had a few moments that had better atmosphere than Crash 3.

>> No.2799050


Heavy Machinery.

For your pleasure, here's the pre-console score for the level: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcFmuI1sADQ&list=PLH834K1pkcjJlOVvwPYpmOri36U0ZrvKI

>> No.2799101

Probably nostalgia. I remember when I got it as a kid I just loved the whole idea of traveling through time to stop Cortex. I wish they would have focused the levels themselves off of the zone they look like. Tiny had a castle in his zone, Cortex had a city, and N.Gin had an asian themed zone. Wish they would have focused a little more on that.

>> No.2799120


In that case, I preferred the way it was done in in Crash 2. The bosses had their own themes there as well. Ripper Roo had temples, Komodo Bros had ice, Tiny had sewers, N.Gin had fire (I think), and Cortex had the space station.

No need for generic all around the world stuff, besides, both Crash 2 and 3 were inconsistent with it, mixing up the levels for variety.

>> No.2799371

One actual checkpoint.

>> No.2799505


I believe you get to start over at the N.Brio bonus round if you collect the 3 icons. as well.

>> No.2799819


>name dropping e-celebs like they're people who matter
>name dropping at all

>> No.2799826



> Le

>> No.2799875

Yes. You and the ball move at the same speed.
Each pixel you lose end up getting you closer to death.

>> No.2799891

Fumbling in the dark was probably the level I got stuck on the longest
the time on those light sources was absolutely brutal

>> No.2799901

is there even a hard level in crash bandicoot 3?
the only difficulty I even remember in that game is getting a platinum ankh for every level and that's just optional

>> No.2799968

I fucking love Generator Room. Other levels I really enjoy in terms of atmosphere in Crash 1 are Slippery Climb, Lights Out/Fumbling In The Dark, Jaws of Darkness/Temple Ruins and Sunset Vista/The Lost City.

Crash 2 is my favorite of the series but it has less memorable levels than Crash 1. Still the Sewer levels (in particular the last one with the lava ruins) and the space station levels are GOAT.

I loved the arabian levels in Crash 3, especially High Time and Flaming Passion. I'm a sucker for arabian architecture.

>> No.2800019


Especially whenever you spin an enemy that ends up flying down the corridor, hitting an Aku Aku crate in the distance.

>> No.2800029

You can but this is not a regular checkpoint.

>> No.2800058

Some of the motorcycle levels at the end can take awhile. I also had trouble with the under water levels

>> No.2800071

I remember that 100% is not enough. There is like 104% or something in first three games.

>> No.2800094

I got to 104% in Crash 2,3,Bash and CTR but Crash 1 only goes to 100.

>> No.2800102

>It's really just a matter of memorizing patterns.

Is there any game that isn't this way, though? I'm asking for real.

>> No.2800215 [DELETED] 

I think I'm having deja vu right now.

>> No.2800226

weird, I found crash 2 to b extremely memorable.
I usually forget about the ruins levels thought because I remember them as crash 1 levels

>> No.2800538

>I got to 104% in Crash 2
Are you sure? I remember it going up to 100

>> No.2800569

Pretty sure but Crash 2 was the first one I tried completing so my memory may be hazy. I know for a fact though that 3,Bash and CTR go to 104 or 105 while 1 went to 100. Some of those relics are a bitch to get.

>> No.2800747

Crash 1:
Stiff controls
Stiff animations
Stiff camera
Steep difficulty

Crash 2:
Fluid controls
Fluid animations
Fluid camera
No difficulty

Crash 1 with Crash 2 physics please.

>> No.2800762

What the fuck happened to Crash /vr/? Was it Naughty Dog leaving? Imagine how fucking killer it would be to play a PS4 version of Crash that was actually good and true to the originals? I'd play the shit out of that.

>> No.2800930


Activision fails to see the potential of in smaller scale productions. That's why Radical was sacked while making the promising Crash game Crash Landed in 2010.

Read company reviews from former developers, the project they're on matters more than anything.

>> No.2802070


I think you can get it as far as you want, because there is a glitch in Snow Go that lets you acquire unlimited gems.

>> No.2802120

>Naughty Dog leaving?
Didn't they pretty much get it taken from them?

>> No.2802665


No, they worked under Universal as an independent developer.

Apparently, the views on how their working environment was at Universal are strongly divided.

David Siller claims they got a huge opportunity in Universal, with good offices, developers and even royalties (Jason Rubin made 80 million dollars on Crash accoreing to Siller, IIRC).

Jason Rubin claims the working environment was horrid, inhumane. He specifically mentions while developing Crash 3, they had to work at a Universal building at 100+ degrees f with no AC, and that they had to cool down the server with ice buckets and fans.

>> No.2802731

Knowing naughty dog, they might have well implemented a weather/day-night cycle to the world map had they the time

>> No.2802792

As am I anon, welcome to the club, we have jackets

>> No.2803016


Mind Over Mutant sure could use that. It's fucking mid-day through the entire game.

>> No.2804769
File: 189 KB, 720x670, IMG_20151119_073835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hopefully it doesn't look like Crash's leather jacket. God forbid if anyone dresses anything like Crash.

>> No.2806854


That would be great. Would probably be easy to make these days.

>> No.2807793


I don't know why, but while not significantly different, it's pretty cool. I always thought the in-game version sounded rather silly.

>> No.2809608

Just revisited this game. It takes a little while to get used to the controls, but it works wonderfully after getting used to it. Crash 2 controls much better, though.