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File: 314 KB, 1333x1000, Sega32X2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2778869 No.2778869 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worth owning? There seems to be a decent handful of fun looking exclusives but the small library has me a little wary.

>> No.2778873

Why not emulate the library and see if it feels worth owning to you?

>> No.2779205

Besides Afterburner, which is arcade perfect, I can't think of any title which is really that fantastic. At least the Sega CD had a decentlty large library, and some real gems, but the 32x has very little going for it.

I'd look up the titles that interest me on YouTube to see what they're like.

>> No.2779216

Unless you're a collector, I don't think it's worth owning.

>> No.2779219

Knuckles chaotix is quite good... And that one with the hummingbird is beautiful.
The answer is, no, it is not worth owning, in my opinion.

>> No.2779225

>one with the hummingbird


>> No.2779240

It's a fun little add-on. There may only be barely 50 games, but about 15 or 20 of them are absolutely worth owning. If you come across it one day then go for it, but don't run out to ebay and buy one.

>> No.2779247

Worth owning, yes: building a Sega tower of power is fun. Also, it does have some enjoyable games as well.

>> No.2779283

Depends if you can find one cheap and have space to keep stuff you'll rarely use laying around.

>> No.2779287

It has an arcade perfect port of NBA Jam T.E, so yes.

>> No.2779312

It's a cool thing to own if you can get a good price on it, same with the Mega CD, but the libraries on those things aren't great.

>> No.2779341

Sega CD is worth owning more than a 32x imo

>> No.2779358

The Mega CD is definitely better, but it still hasn't got a great library.

>> No.2779384

>It has an arcade perfect port of NBA Jam T.E, so yes.

So do the 32bit consoles and the PC.

>> No.2779387
File: 70 KB, 600x499, 1445475275934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sega 32x

>> No.2779391

We get it, Mike is a Nintenyearold. Stop with the e-celebs.

>> No.2779394

No. The vexed electronic pastime fella says it's shit.

>> No.2779395

>you will never find a cheap Mega Drive 32X

I'm tempted into getting a Japanese Super 32x but will it work with an European console assuming it's modded to act like a Japanese unit? And how will it take non-Japanese games?

>> No.2779408

You may as well grab it while it's still cheap.
Someday it's gonna get expensive again for no reason.

>> No.2779410



>> No.2779450

It had like little over 30 games, few which were worth it.

Afterburner is top notch

I never liked Sonic but those who do say Knuckle's Chaotix was rad

There's a port of Doom which is kind of shite, but Doom has this nack for being fun to play even when butchered, the GBA port of Doom 1 is bollocks but ultimately the gameplay is still good

Kolibri as someone mentioned.

I think there was a special version of Ecco The Dolphin which was very similar to the regular one, so it was a shit deal back then if you already had that. Don't know what it goes for now.

There's also games like Blackthorne, Star Wars Arcade, Darxide and others I've heard some good things about, but I couldn't tell you much else.

Honestly, I recommend you get a Sega CD instead, much better library (as long as you avoid the FMV tripe), hell, it has no copy protection at all so pirating games for it is EZPZ

>> No.2779459

Well they put out a lot of FMV garbage because that was the hot new fad, and basically marketed it as an FMV machine, which was probably a bad idea because that bubble burst hard, but the CD has a much larger selection of games than the 32x, you're not limited to only 30 games, where only a few are actually good

>> No.2779467

>muh ironic eceleb shitposting
I don't agree with him on the CD, but is he fucking wrong on the 32X?

Was it not an incredibly shit deal when it came out, being expensive, having a small library of games (many which were just barely improved upon versions of existing Genesis titles), and the Saturn coming around the corner?

People shat on the 32X back in the day, Nintendo Of America declined to release the N64DD in North America, comparing it to the 32X and thinking "that'll probably go about as well as THAT"

Industry professionals shat on it when it came out.
Are you an incredibly delusional Sega fanboy or are you just a chronic shitposter looking for his fix?

>> No.2779478

List of 32x games that are good enough to own if you're collecting:

Knuckles Chaotix
After Burner
Space Harrier
Virtua Racing Deluxe
Virtua Fighter
Shadow Squadron
Star Wars Arcade

I think there's enough decent titles to consider it worth owning, but the prices are starting to climb.

>> No.2779535

Speaking of Sega Towers of Power, is it possible to put a 32X on a Power Base Converter? I mean, it obviously defeats the purpose of the PBC in the first place, but...

>> No.2779643

What is the Power Base converter? Is that what you call the Master System converter? If so, then no.

>> No.2779658

Not worth it, OP. I get what you're thinking- "Surely this must be a hidden gem like the Megadrive CD or the Sega Saturn!".

No. No it is not. Save your money unless you're the kind of sick fuck who thinks the Atari Jaguar is worth collecting for.

>> No.2779831

Isn't there a thing where using a 32X fixes some interlacing issue with the original Genesis?

>> No.2779940

Yes. But, there are later models of Genesis that don't have that problem. The ones with the smaller motherboard.

At least that's what I think I remember having read.

>> No.2779954

The later models don't have as high of a resolution though.

Hi-Def model 1 + 32X is the ideal Genesis experience.

>> No.2779959
File: 41 KB, 555x552, sega.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hi-Def model 1

Seriously? This one? Not the newer square version?

>> No.2779960

Yes. Plus an RGB SCART cable and a stereo mod (or at least a cable that connects to the headphone jack).

>> No.2779961 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.2779973
File: 755 KB, 3264x1836, 20151104_000138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 32x's RGB seems a bit more washed out and muddy compared to that of the standard m1 genny's. I just tap RGB from my core system and use my 32x as a passthrough to play my japanese games on. Pic related, I've been enjoying the ever loving shit out of this bootleg cart I got for 5 bucks. Wouldn't mind having a copy of Space Harrier since I love that game. I have After Burner, but it's really not a game I care about much. I also have Shadow Squadron, NBA Jam and Knuckles Chaotix. They're all decent enough games to warrant having the system for. I think if I had Doom and Space Harrier, I'd be set for everything I view as worth getting on the system. Maybe Wrestlemania arcade too.

>> No.2780308

>starting to climb
It was always kind of pricey desu
Though it's absolutely possible to the addon itself for peanuts

Say, people have made hardware clones of fhe SNES, has anyone made one for the Genesis?
I was thinking something with 3 cartridge slots and a port for attaching a CD unit, but fuck that, how about making cheap hardware clones of the 32X? One that comes with a 32X flashcart, so any 32X game you want to play you'll download and put on the cart.

That way you can avoid collectorsperg prices, I've seen people ask 200 for one, they didn't even cost that when new.

>> No.2780326

Powerbase Converter was the official name for it.

Though it isn't so much a converter as it's just a passthrough contact with no special parts, the Genesis can read Master System roms just fine, the PCB just allows them to fit so it can read them, if you put a MS rom in Genesis flashcart, it should play just like as if you used the PCB. This is probably common knowledge, but I'm just really fascinated by this.

>> No.2780421

there's like a handful of games worth bothering with
not great, but looks gorgeous and has a good soundtrack, the rubber band mechanic is fun
the stage design ranges from kind of okay to hilariously, obnoxiously, completely awful and you can tell that this game was rushed as fuck
>After Burner
almost perfect, runs at 30fps, can't go wrong here
>Space Harrier
damn near perfect, keeps 60fps with minor drops, love this game
>Shadow Squadron
relatively fun 3D space shooter, excellent visuals, gets a little boring at times, energy management is a concern later on and that was annoying
supposedly has some weird bugs in it, I haven't encountered them myself
>Virtua Racing
the ideal way to play this at home (PS2 version has really fucking weird handling and collisions even though it's gorgeous, the 32X handling is much closer to arcade)
also, the 32X extra tracks and cars are neato
>Virtua Fighter
not an amazing port (lowish framerate that drops, low detail) but quite polished (unlike the Saturn and its fucking 5 foot draw distance and general jank) and is a good, fun game
somewhat nifty hummingbird shooter, I'm not the biggest fan, but it's pretty and some people like it
not nearly as terrible a port as it's made out to be, but there's no reason to play it on the 32X in 2015
also, mute the music -- it's not bad the entirety of the way through, but when it gets bad, it gets fucking awful
oh, and fucking no episode 3 stages and hilariously gimped lighting
if there's one thing to say about it, it's almost entirely better than the garbage Saturn port (and has shit like smooth door movement)
>Star Wars Arcade
well, I don't like it myself, but it's not terrible
another 3D space shooter for the machine
>Metal Head
it's kind of crap -- but it has kusoge appeal (the fucking talking heads) and textured graphics

I'm missing stuff but post limit.

>> No.2780529

Talking Heads were in Metal Head?

>> No.2780547

I can hardly even tell what you're trying to say with all the retard and weeb dripping from your post.
There are MD/Genesis clones and a regular flash cart runs 32x stuff.

>> No.2780607
File: 243 KB, 705x475, SoulStar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the left is a standard Sega CD game, on the right is the same game with a 32X attached. NOBODY else has ever seen this with their 32X?

No idea what's causing the colors to flare out like this. It only happens when using Genesis and CD games through the 32X

>> No.2780615

I hate when people put 32X and CD on the same level.

>> No.2780848

>wordfilter turns one word into desu
>"post dripping with weeb"
That aside, a Genesis flashcart can run a 32X rom and there's no issues?

You don't need the hardware to play the 32X games? Are you sure about this? I'm kind of doubting you since the 32X isn't just a passthrough like the Powerbase Converter, there's actually some guts in the thing

>> No.2780859

He's addressing two different points.

One is that MD/Gen clones exist.

The other is that flash carts support 32x games.

>> No.2780974

>Powerbase Converter was the official name for it.
In America that was the official name. In Europe and Australia the official name was Master System Converter.
Mega Drive cartridges won't fit in the slot of the MSC, that's the question I was answering.

>> No.2780982

>a Genesis flashcart can run a 32X rom and there's no issues?

>You don't need the hardware to play the 32X games?
No, you need the 32X. These SH2 CPUs won't materialize out of thin air. You just use the same flashcart, since 32X carts and MD carts work the exact same way (which was the point of the 32X: not having to buy special chips each time you want to play an chip-enhanced game like on the SNES, thus bringing the costs down in the long run).

>> No.2780986

So, a Sega Neptune w/ a flash cart?

>> No.2781021

Filters on /vr/ are a new thing. Personally I don't mind the kidspeak but it's be easier for us all if you just use real grownup words until the mods stop sperging about it.

As others have pointed out a Genesis flash cart can't run any games on it's own. It needs the other hardware to run the games, so G/MD for G/MD/SMS and 32x for 32x

>> No.2781248

baka desu tho senpai

>> No.2781603

>tfw darxide never got a US release and is crazy expensive

Would it be possible to play a 32x ROM from a genesis flashcart in the 32x?

>> No.2781612

check this out bruhs:


I was kinda devastated to find out my Genesis Model 2 I got in 1994 is one of the shitty ones... I never noticed the "jailbars" all my life until hearing about it on the internet. Why did Sega have to be such cheap cunts with the revisions and manufacturing?

>> No.2781686

Yes, that point has already been addressed in this thread. 32x games don't have any special hardware like enhancement chips to prevent them from working on a flashcart.

>> No.2781803

So how does that work? Don't the 32X games need the extra power of the 32X to run those games?

>> No.2781827

Read the fucking thread again, and use your brain for once. This has been clearly addressed multiple times.

>> No.2783034

There are either a buttload of idiots asking the same stupid thing ITT or one idiot asking it a buttload of times. Either way it's clear reading isn't an option for people with this level of stupid.

>> No.2783394

Don't be an idiot. You still need a 32X to play the games. The point is that a Genesis flashcart will load 32X games the same way that it loads regular Genesis games so you don't need a different flashcart just for 32X games.

>> No.2785039

kill yourself

>> No.2785590

I've been playing Metlahead lately (with a 6 button pad) and got to admit that it's actually quite fun. It hasn't aged well, obviously, but the variety of objectives still make it a bit enjoyable.

>> No.2788534 [DELETED] 

It's a fun little add on.

>> No.2788585

Please stop posting like this. It's retarded.

>> No.2788603


Word filter. I'm actually starting to find it hysterical.

>> No.2788607

I'm shaking my head, to be honest.

>> No.2790378
File: 10 KB, 200x185, metroid32x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2790392


To be honest with you as a family member, I am shaking my head and disappointed that let other men have sex with your wife.

>> No.2790403

I really want to like that game more. It's so damn clunky though.
The radar degradation when you take damage gets annoying as fuck too on later levels, too.
Also, I kind of wish it was a Saturn game instead, that draw distance and framerate are atrocious. Actual hardware accelerated 3D graphics (never forget: the 32X is some CPUs and a framebuffer and nothing else) would have really helped.

There's fun to be had with it, but it's just a bit of a mess of a game.

The fact that it bothers people is probably the best thing about this filter.

That's extremely odd, not a clue what's happening there that your colors get so hypersaturated.

>> No.2790406

NTSC composite video encoders in a nutshell

>> No.2792760

Mommy, what are those two Sega machines doing?

[They're making an arcade system, dear.]

>> No.2793085

Spotted our newfriend.

>> No.2793151

Eh. "Never Twice the Same Color", definitely relevant here indeed.

>> No.2795145

Sort of depends on what you pay for it. I found one in the junk bin at a record store for $10. I've had a lot of fun with it and think it's an absolutely fascinating add on. If I paid the ebay price for one? I think I'd be disappointed. There's some fun games for it, but don't expect to end up with 20 or so games for it that are all timeless.

>> No.2797635

You forgot Zaxxon, T-Mek, and Motocross Championship.

>> No.2797638

To my knowledge it still has the best home ports of Virtua Fighter 1 and Virtua Racing to date, and Chaotix is pretty good too once you get the hang of it. Worth picking up cheap if you see one.

>> No.2797639

far as I'm aware, the big reasons to own them before were Space Harrier and Afterburner, both of which now have very wonderful 3D ports. Not on a big screen though, so that may be worth considering.

>> No.2797662

Blame Sega's retarded marketing back then. If they focused on stuff like having the best port of Final Fight at the time instead of Sewer Shark the CD would have probably had a way better reputation.

>> No.2797683

The Saturn versions are better/arcade perfect and on a big screen.