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File: 34 KB, 478x264, Final_Fantasy_VI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2775369 No.2775369 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it so hard to find a good way to play FF6.
>Roms are too choppy
>PS version has lag
>GBA version has bad music
>GBA hack too complicated

>> No.2775378

Play the SNES version.

How is that hard?

>> No.2775380

You must have one god-awful PC if it can't handle a SNES emulator.

>> No.2775381

pretty sure theres a prehacked gba rom floating around. Also in the time it took to make the post you could have patched the gba rom.

>> No.2775385

>>Roms are too choppy
Are you trying to actually run it on a toaster or something?

SNES version is best, ROM or cart doesn't matter.

>> No.2775389


>> No.2775439

>Complaining about this.
You're new to JRPGs, huh?

>> No.2775443

Play the GBA ROM that has the SNES music patched back in.

>> No.2776327

Download the SNES version. Patch it with Woolsey Uncensored Edtion:


>> No.2776332

This is what I'm doing right now. Best way to play the game hands down. Loving every minute of it.

>> No.2776342


Hate to say it but I am really enjoying it on my iPhone.

>> No.2776402

FF6 isn't that good anyway. You won't miss much by skipping it.

>> No.2776432

>Choppy SNES emulation in 2015
>Unable to patch a GBA game any year
Please leave.

>> No.2776436

There's a sound patch for the gba version. That's the best version imo. Has a monster codex, faster movement, a bunch of extras and a pretty good translation.

>> No.2776437

>Roms are too choppy

Upgrade your toaster?

>> No.2776438

>tfw there is no good version of FF4 in english
>official translation is shit
>fan translations are more different shit

>> No.2776446

It's censored

>> No.2776468

Fuck off

>> No.2776483

>Roms are too choppy
If your PC can run a web browser capable of posting on 4chan you can run an inaccurate SNES emulator smoothly. Fix your settings and stop letting Windows run a whole bunch of shit in the background.

>> No.2776487

Is it me or does the game start a bit slow? I just got to the first town after the castle burrowed and we went through the cave and not much has happened yet gameplay-wise. Do the cutscenes stop soon?

>> No.2776521

>Do the cutscenes stop soon?
Ho ho ho. Welcome to Final Fantasy.

>> No.2776526
File: 77 KB, 1024x682, CS8uGmxUsAAL7Fu.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it me or does the JRPG start a bit slow?
oh anon you're a funny guy

>> No.2776537

PSP version is pretty good, but the look is pretty different from the SNES version.

>> No.2776545

It's really unnoticeable. The translation is more accurate to the Japanese version than the other versions, and there's maybe like one esper sprite that is slightly censored? I never used esper summons anyways.

But if you want the original experience I suppose the only way is to play the Japanese super famicom version with translation patch. Or learn Japanese.

>> No.2776563


six is by far the worst with this though

>> No.2776576


You're not going to believe this, but there's even a little ROM-patching magic to revert this back to the original, if I remember correctly.

Final Fantasy really does get all the ROM hacking RPG love. :(

>> No.2776579


Are you nuts? The PSX titles take it up to eleven..... 0-o

>> No.2776587

a solid 15+ minutes of action right at the start
a couple minutes of talking then you can wander around or go right to the fire cavern

can't remember with 9, probably worse than those two though

>> No.2776589

Man, not even close. 9 and 10 are so much worse in the endless cutscene where's muh gameplay at department. And that's only venturing slightly outside retro territory, they've done it so much harder.

>> No.2776596


VII isn't too bad, but you're either forgetting or blatantly ignoring the big, huge, long, unnecessarily melodramatic cutscene at the very beginning of VIII. Just because they tried to pass it off as the demo doesn't mean it isn't "Yet Another Fucking FMV".

>> No.2776609

Protip: Buy the game and play it on a real console.

>> No.2776693

>Are you trying to actually run it on a toaster or something?

If he uses bsnes/higan/whatever it is called now, then he'd actually need a high end CPU.

>> No.2776697

If you want a Final Fantasy game with actual gameplay instead of cutscenes and DRAMA, then you should be playing FF V instead of FF VI.

>> No.2776745

>emulate SNES version
>buy SNES version on Wii VC
>play PSX version and deal with load times
Pick one

>> No.2776824

Why would someone do that though unless they have a high end PC? Also he's talking about emulating the GBA one as well which has spottier emulation than SNES.

>> No.2776901

snes version has a shitty english script

>> No.2776915

As opposed to the others which are masterpieces?

>> No.2776927


As opposed to the others which are better. Obviously.

>> No.2776950

Woolsey script is great. It's even better than the original Japanese script in a lot of places.

>> No.2777371
File: 17 KB, 250x250, 1300044776986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not liking "Son of a submariner!"

>> No.2777373

>GBA version has bad music


>> No.2779575


Bullshit. The fast/mid versions still run fine on toasters. Only the super-accurate version might slow down.

>> No.2779587
File: 66 KB, 600x898, get.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>hating on Woosley

Whatever dude.