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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 816 KB, 1280x873, Legend_Of_Zelda_Link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2765373 No.2765373 [Reply] [Original]

What are your favorite frachises, /v/?

Pic very related

Favorite entry has always been Ocarina of Time.

>> No.2765405

>using the word franchise

13 year old confirmed

>> No.2765470

It might sound a bit casual but Mario is probably my favorite series, if we limit it to the /vr/ stuff. That's including spinoffs like Mario Kart, Party and the RPGs. I love the platforers as well of course, but if we count each Mario spinoff as its own series seperate from Super Mario Bros. then each one equals a lot less than the whole, I think. If we count each Mario series (SMB, Kart, etc.) separately, then Metal Slug would be my overall favorite videogame IP.

Yes, he should have said series or intellectual property. Thankyou grammar anon.

>> No.2765582

Mega Man

>> No.2768321

Probably Zelda. Most of my other favorite games never garnered enough to be considered a franchise, or if they did, most of the games are shit.

Ocarina of Time gets a lot of shit hurled at it, but god damn it's so good. To this day, I'm always amazed how solid it is. The game doesn't hold your hand, doesn't bullshit you, and has zero filler. You progress as fast as you want. You can take your time and do everything, explore everywhere and talk to everyone, and likely get all kinds of neat shit to supplement your experience, or you can just fuck everything, make a beeline straight to Ganon's castle, be done with the game in like 7 hours, and the game NEVER slows you down. Considering this game basically wrote the book for 3D adventure gaming on the fly, it did it near-perfectly.

It's a shame that every subsequent Zelda has been a step down. Majora, only slightly, because some of the pre-dungeon tasks are a bit too much like filler. Wind Waker suffers from obviously cut content and miserable pacing at the beginning and ending. Twilight Princess, I haven't played since it came out, but I recall feeling greatly annoyed by the mandatory wolf segments, and being forced to find "tears of light" or whatever to unlock new areas to progress. And well, we could fill a book with Skyward Sword's problems.

>> No.2768353
File: 1002 KB, 500x280, stallman prevent.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>intellectual property


>> No.2768367

>No filler


>> No.2768368

Okay, lay it on me. What does Ocarina of Time have that could be considered filler.

>> No.2768372

>excuse me, I have a neckbeard and an opinion!

Yeah, no one cares.

>> No.2768397

Your criticisms for Majora are valid, but I didn't mind the number of dungeons personally. I know dungeons are what make a Zelda game but there was so much to do outside of them in that game that I never felt bored. It was a nice change of pace at least.

>> No.2768398

final fantasy.
zelda was only good on n64. ff xiii saga sucks too.
also worth mentioning:
>god of war
>prince of persia
>resident evil
>kingdom haatsu

>> No.2768403

I guess it only has 3 /vr/ related games, but the Metroids were pretty top tier for all of their platforms. Hell, I'm still learning new tips and tricks for Super even today.

>> No.2768408

All filler in OoT is completely optional. Unless you're going to claim something like evading the guards on the way to Zelda in the castle or having to do the Epona race is filler. I'm having trouble thinking of anything.

>> No.2768412

Do you even need Epona in that game?

>> No.2768413

Suikoden and Star Ocean series. Yeah, I love all the games, despite all the flaws people who aren't me claim ruin some of the entries.

>> No.2768414

You need to do the race once and then jump out of the ranch and progress, yeah.

>> No.2768426

But what parts? From what I remember you can get into Lake Hylia via the river in Gerudo Valley, and can get into Gerudo Fortress with the Longshot.

>> No.2768434

Oh I gotcha, yeah I don't know if you actually NEED her for anything else in the game after that point. I just brought it up as something the game forces you to do that some people might not like and call filler. Not some ravenous OoT fan here or anything, I just like it and play through it once a year or so.

>> No.2768436

>Not some ravenous OoT fan here or anything

Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that you were. I was just curious if it was required is all. Its such a short segment that I don't consider it to be filler that much.

>> No.2768449
File: 82 KB, 625x626, 1392753595614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2768453
File: 108 KB, 275x517, Beat&MegaMan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love me some Mega Man. Not the most original series in the world, but always delivers a fun experience with some great music. Plus, I can't get enough of the overall character designs. They're just so colorful and original.

>> No.2768471


You're never forced to get Epona. Even if you enter the ranch, you aren't forced to compete in the race. When I was a retarded kid I couldn't even figure out how to get Epona as an adult.

>> No.2768472

The game doesn't even require you to get Epona. You could go through the entire game without setting foot in Lon Lon Ranch.

The act of getting Epona isn't even filler. It's the act of getting Epona. You have to ask Ingo to a race and win twice. It's a challenge with a reward. I know the exact definition of filler is sort of subjective, but some people get pretty stupid about it, though. If you look at it their way, dungeon enemies and puzzles are just filler until you get to the boss, and dungeon bosses themselves are just filler until you reach the final boss.

I didn't even mention the number of dungeons. I consider Majora to be just as good as Ocarina of Time, really, it's just so very different, and it requires some patience and a little bit of repetition that makes it less than ideal to just pick up and tackle in a straightforward manner like OoT.

>> No.2768512

just play along

even though OP didn't even bother to change it from /v/ to /vr/

>> No.2768521
File: 39 KB, 450x300, goemonc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love and miss this gang so much.

>> No.2768579

Mega Man (classic, not X)
Banjo Kazooie
Donkey Kong Country/64
Mario 2d platformers
Metal Gear (including solid)
Crash Bandicoot
Mario RPGs

Platformers are far and away my favorite genre.

>> No.2768795

For the long running franchise it would have to be the Legend of Zelda and Castlevania

>> No.2769125

Not that guy, and I fucking love OOT, but going back to the forest to learn Saria's song right after leaving was pretty annoying. It does introduce the lost woods and forest temple, but that could have been done while you were there the first time, or the shortcut to there from Goron City could have been made to be unblocked with something other than bombs.

It's a very minor amount of filler, and is the only part of the game that I would call such. Still, it's there. Even great games have flaws.

>> No.2772075
File: 611 KB, 1000x796, 1439184024509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>/co/ reminds us that Ocarina of Time is the best Zelda of all time.

>> No.2773102

I don't understand this image.

>> No.2773108

Metroid. Favorite has got to be Super Metroid.
Also Wolfenstien. any series, and pretty much any other game where I can kill Nazis.(pronounced nazzies)

>> No.2773124
File: 33 KB, 349x260, 955939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Darius. Love them all except the SNES ones and have cleared almost every single route for all games.

>> No.2773184

It's a bit of backtracking, but since it introduces you to an important new song, AND allows you to explore an entirely new area that has tons of shit to do (The Lost Woods), I think it can hardly be considered filler in the typical sense.

>> No.2773189

>doesn't hold your hand
>zero filler

>> No.2775086

It is an edit of the "Zelda's Reaction" meme featuring the emotions (and Riley) from the Pixar film Inside Out.
Riley (the blond girl on the lower left) is the cutest of them all but she has the name Ocarina of Time instead of Riley.
Therefore, it is true that Ocarina of Time is the best Zelda. According to /co/.