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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 76 KB, 653x611, 1312146-konami_arcade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2761542 No.2761542 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /vr/.
>Be me, in 1st year of IT engineering school
>Find buddies interested in retro vidya
>Big conference at school
>Teachers tell us we've gotta do a project for the end of the year
>"Let's do an arcade machine guys !"
>Everybody's like "fuck yeah, let's do this !!"

Basically, we're gonna build a minimalist computer with a Raspberry Pi 2 with Arch running on it, program an interface so players can choose their game, have a wifi connection so we can put our own games on it and make updates, put high-scores online and shit but we have a few problems:

1) How can we use old arcade games on our arcade machine without running into legal trouble ?
2)When playing with two players on Mame on the same keyboard, we had a huge input lag on most games but especially Dodonpachi, and shit like this can ruin the game. Any ideas ?
3) We're gonna build our own arcade controllers for it. Any advice ?

Also, general arcade thread and thank you /vr/ troopers.

>> No.2761571

>Be me 1st year ot IT engineering school
Your project looks that way.

Using a raspberry pi is fucking retarded. You have so much fucking real estate inside an arcade cabinet that you don't need a fucking microcomputer to do it.

>Input lag on some games
Becuase you're using a fucking PI

>We're gonna build our own arcade controllers for it, any advice

Go to something like Groovy Game Gear, buy buttons and switches, and then figure out how to rig it up. You could most likely just emulate keystrokes or you could setup like a breadboard .

This also isn't /vr/ in the fucking slightest.

>> No.2761787

Please don't build a shitty American-style panel with a bat top and a grid layout for the buttons.

>> No.2761808

the fuck is IT engineering?

>> No.2761821

Electrical Engineering for dumb people.

>> No.2761826

1. Non-profit?
2. look up shmupmame
3. no idea lol

>> No.2761827

>This isn't /vr/ in the fucking slightest

You hear that everyone? Arcade games aren't retro.

To answer OPs questions, drop PI, get a couple of older desktops, get the buttons and shit and just solder them to either a gamepad PCB or a keyboard. Gamepad PCB allows you to retain true joystick movement.

>> No.2761832

you're shooting too high

>> No.2761842

He isn't though. The only flaw in his plan is using a Pi for something that you needed a pretty high end desktop to do up until semi-recently.

>> No.2761868
File: 299 KB, 500x375, wodrdfowuirhgf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your college project is building something that has a thousand wikis online telling you how to do it. I'm sure your teacher at (insert shitty school here) will be impressed.

>So much b8

>> No.2761874

There appears to be a couple features not typically done with guides online. How about we help OP instead of shitting on him for having interests that pertain to the board.

OP, depending on where this thread goes I might give you my email and we can discuss this more civil-like. I like the idea of an online high-score database. Could be neat.

>> No.2761882

you mean petrockblock.com? You're not going to be posting the highscores online without editing the roms. Unless you just want to create a screenshot shortcut for each game that knows where they should be uploaded.

>> No.2761889

You have no idea how mame works, do you?

>> No.2761927

Oh look another guide more closely related to this trolls nonsense.

>> No.2761936


give him your email. I'm sure he'll appreciate you googling for him. In order to extract a highscore from a rom you'll likely need a script that references it's saved data. Now that I've basically done OP's community or for profit college homework for him I'm off.

>> No.2761949

Let me let you in on a little secret: The highscores aren't stored in the rom, dumb ass. Maybe learn what you're talking about before opening your mouth.

OP, it should be pretty easy to either a) write a way to read the highscore.dat file and upload it to the database automatically or b) cout out the highscore.dat file completely and have it just save directly to your online database.

You're probably better off looking elsewhere though since evidently everyone here wants to be ignorant assholes rather than contribute in any way shape or form.

>> No.2761950

This is honestly a much cooler project. Easier to take to class as well.

>> No.2761953

I was speaking generally. Sorry if I didn't get specific enough or choose my words better for your tastes. I've actually provided him with more useful knowledge than you. I have been entertained how you've gotten triggered like a little tumblrina. Give him your email sperglord.

>> No.2761954

So op's entire project is just him writing a script? He'll have to do no other work than that as it's already been done and documented online? Higher education standards are slipping.

>> No.2761961


You haven't done shit, actually. You didn't even know that Mame didn't somehow store information in Read Only Memory until I called you out for being retarded.

It's not as cut and dry as "writing a script", and again, from the sounds of it his project seems to involve features NOT well documented online.

Again, OP, you're better off asking other people for help because all you're going to get from /vr/ are idiots who's answer to everything is "HURR DURR GOOGLE IT CUZ I ALREADY DID AND NOW I'M GOING TO ACT LIKE I'M A GENIE ASS" "GO BACK TO /v//Reddit/9gag/etc" and "NOT RETRO"

>> No.2761970

So extracting values from a .dat file using bash scripting isn't well documented online? Uploading values to a website or that websites database isn't well documented? You really are a sperglord. I'll leave you to your autism. Go on more about how I didn't use the term .dat file while the gist of everything I said was correct. I'm taking away 20 gbp from you. No more replies from me trollholio.
>Give him your email.

>> No.2761980

kek, this nigga needs to keep check his sources before he replies. I hope he does post his email on 4chan.

>> No.2761984

What's the site then? Let's see it if these are such well documented things.

Yeah, I know you do.

>> No.2761991

>2015 not knowing how to torrent a text book or use ctrl-f

>> No.2761994

What do text books have to do with online score databases?

Forgot to mention: Here was no mention of highscores being saved to anything prior to my post other than one idiot who tried saying you would need to "hack the rom".

>> No.2761995

You honestly don't even need to download a textbook much of the time. Just google and actually know what you're looking for.

>> No.2761998

What is computer science alex? What is learning alex?

>> No.2762002

Still waiting for all these websites full of high-scores you keep telling OP to google for.

>> No.2762004

>Give him your email.

>> No.2762013

>Implying anyone is dumb enough to give their actual email on 4chan.

h1742374@trbvm.com Honestly, who is that stupid?

>> No.2762020

You were, too late to delete?

>> No.2762030

Delete what exactly? Nothing I posted need to be deleted.

>> No.2762031

1. The same way you use other components of the project without running into legal trouble. Buy them.
2. Don't use a shitty platform. Remove your fedora and use a PC
3. Use arcade controllers to make arcade controllers.