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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 396 KB, 1600x1200, More Famicom CIB video games collection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2760752 No.2760752 [Reply] [Original]

So i came across this


ib4 you say E-CELEB, i want to discuss, is it bad we keep buying games from japan, considering that they return the games to the stores after getting sick of them?

>> No.2760776

People who say this obviously never where in Japan.

>> No.2760814

Take business, economics and commerce to /biz/.
This has no longer anything to do with playing games which is what this board is about.

>> No.2760904

oh, fuck off.

>> No.2760948

I lived in Japan from 2012 to 2013. Back then, it was an amazing adventure to look for retro games in second hand stores (Book/Hard-off) and find games for 100 Yen that would usually cost you about $30. Also, the retro game stores in Akihabara, though way too expensive most of the time, were also great places to look for games.
Going back in 2015, I found that many Book Offs got rid of the "Old Soft" section completely and if they haven't, the oldest games you can find are GBA titles. And if they have older games, the prices have gone up a lot.
The stores in Akihabara have also gotten worse. The Trader used to have a whole storey reserved for retro games, but now it is slowly taken over by more recent titles. The Super Potato used to have literally every game you can think of, but not anymore.

Now, whenever I'm in Japan, I just buy games on Amazon. It's cheap and convenient but not quite as much fun as randomly getting off at small towns's train stations and looking for second hand stores.

>> No.2760984
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Cross posting because I just posted this in the pick-Up thread.

The problem is when people say "Japan", they really mean " downtown Tokyo", more specifically Akihabara. I just got this haul from Nagoya to the Southwest, a city of over 3 million people but way less exposure in the Western media than Tokyo, and there Super Potato and Mandarake were stuffed full of affordable, desirable retro games.

I just went to the Akihabara Super Potato, and their stock was miserable compared to the Nagoya store simply because of the media exposure they have received in the last two decades. Also the prices at the Mandarake were absurd compared to the Nagoya store's prices.

>> No.2760989

Dammit forgot to link my post in the pick-Up thread.

>> No.2761045

I think you folks are failing to consider that it's not just foreigners buying from Japan, but also Japanese buying from Japan. Nostalgia is hitting them too, folks. Little Japanese boys & girls are now grown, working adults with disposable income and want to recapture that 8-bit childhood magic.

>> No.2761356

This. Japan forces the same problem as any countries. People prefer buying online instead going somewhere to buy in a store. On the one hand it is much cheaper and on the other hand Japanese shipping service is superior.

I'm not much into retro games. Any advices what game I should try to find in Japan to sell it oversea?

>> No.2761361

Akihabara is a overpriced shithole. It changed a lot in the last years. Now it is just a cost trap for western otaku tourists. If you are in Tokyo go to Nakano Broadway.

>> No.2761364

This. We really don't need to have endless discussions of the re-seller market. This board is for video games.

How about you fuck off and stop clogging the board with this garbage.

>> No.2761367


>> No.2761412

>This. We really don't need to have endless discussions of the re-seller market. This board is for video games
The market is part of video games, you don't need to post just ignore it and stop bitching.

>> No.2761437

>The market is part of video games

Only barely. "This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games." These threads about buying/trading, bitching about markets and ebay all push topics about actual games off the board.

If they didn't do that, it would be fine to ignore them. But they do. These threads are shit and they push out real threads that the board is dedicated to.

You have a whole board dedicated to this stuff. Use it.

>> No.2761459

Too bad I find these threads more interesting then some of the others


>> No.2761462

The only issue here, if there even is one, has to do with Japanese pop culture in general. If a brick and mortar store in Japan makes all it's sales via mail order internationally and almost no local sales, then I don't see there being a problem with the shutting their doors and focusing on their actual customers overseas. You do all realize that the USA constantly does the same exact thing with their pop culture as well, right? A lof of 80's records can be found for 50 cents that in Europe go for $25... and pretty much every single record store in the states closed last decade because of this.

>> No.2761463

That's because you're a collector of antique electronics, not a fan of video games.

>> No.2761624

Pat and Ian are right when they mention the Japanese selling almost exclusively to the western market, its been happening more and more. The inverse is hardly ever true, very few Japanese folks bother importing region 1 games unless maybe its something brand new and they don't wanna pay Japanese buttrape price for new games

>> No.2761686
File: 1.27 MB, 371x480, DjhEo9b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they don't like it they can always buy them back.

>> No.2761735

Mandarake just generally is expensive. I used to live in Fukuoka and the Fukuoka Mandarake prices were also really high.

>> No.2761862

oh shut the fuck up this board is slow as hell and if you actually allowed people to talk about their e celebs or video game markets contained to specific threads they might go out and you know. post about video games in other threads?

>> No.2762096

Didn't watch the attention whore.
It's not really bad that people buy from Japan. True it drives up prices in the well known places, and apparently some of the less well known places according to >>2760948. I still find games for ¥100 or less but I've got so many I'm not really even looking any more. I think there's just so much vidya over here that it's hard for a few weebs to put much of a dent in it.

>> No.2762103

The only real truth is that it's a global market. World's changing and people need to get over it and change with it.

>> No.2762112

Why should I give a shit about this if I'm not Japanese?

>> No.2762124

Disgusting westerner game hoarders make me want to vomit. When I lived in Japan, I probably sold 90% of the games I bought and only kept my absolute favorites. That's how all retro vidya should be, there's no reason to stockpile them.

Luckily, these people are too fucking stupid to realize that "Japan" is bigger than just "that one store in Akiba with a lot of video games", so it'll be safe for a few more years.

>> No.2762137

There's pleny of disgusting japanese game hoarders. I think you're only real gripe is that your tiny countries gaming has become an obsession of the third largest one in the world. Maybe if you didn't get nuked so hard twice you'd still have the will to breed.

>> No.2762146

I didn't say there weren't. The average self-proclaimed "game collector" in the US is a straight-up fucking hoarder. In Japan, there's a lot less people just stockpiling hundreds of cartridges for e-peen and attention, so it balances out and most games are still being bought and sold back to retro stores.

There's a finite amount of these things, and retards from other countries swooping in like locusts because they've depleted their supply of games in their own country is fucked up. All it does is hurt younger kids who eventually won't even get to play some classic games, because half of the production run is sitting in some 45 year old manbaby's basement.

Also, I'm not a jap.

>> No.2762147

Nobody in japan hoards because you all live in matchboxes

>> No.2762157

A lot less people in japan though.

>> No.2762164

I collect. I generally only buy titles that I'm interested in and can't emulate. Once I can I generally get rid of them. I like playing the games over the need to acquire junk. I will say however these hoarder guys in many cases are preserving the original formats. I can't hate on them for that.

>> No.2762174

Oh boy, I guess it's morally indefensible for individuals to want to own one copy of something and not want to get rid of it according to other people's timetables of appropriateness. Grow up guys, it's not a crime nor is it even socially irresponsible.

Not saying that I agree with the severity the OP's video is implying, but they're saying that Western collectors are the ones having an impact because Japanese gamers tend to recirculate the games back into the sales channel when they're done with them. Japanese people, especially in cities, tend not to retain as many possessions because physical space costs such a dear premium. OTOH, when foreigners buy these games, they never come back to Japan. Interesting situation, but I'm not hearing Japanese people complaining about it. Just these nerds.

>> No.2762178

Hoarder detected

>> No.2762183

You want to buy my duplicates, anon? :^)

If so, I'll let you know when I ever have any. :^)

>> No.2762187

I agree, there's absolutely no reason why anyone should think people who buy games, play them for 5 minutes, and then take pictures of their shelf to brag online with are fucking filth.

>> No.2762189

Do you honestly think that accurately describes many people? Enough to whine about here?

>> No.2762195

That describes about 90% of game collectors, the picture part is optional.

>> No.2762201

I won't cast aspersions by guessing why you're so delusional about that percentage, but trust me, I have an idea.

Enjoy keeping up with the latest emulator news and developments, everyone.

>> No.2762208


Wouldn't have to if you would release your catches back into the wild instead of locking them in your basement-dungeon.

>> No.2762214

Buy your own games, friend. This entitlement over other people's possessions is unhealthy.

>> No.2762221


How do you buy something that isn't there?

>> No.2762225
File: 81 KB, 200x200, Quot+do+you+love+me+_3ecad0fad34092afa722d48f886dd579.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2762234

You wait for it to show up, sometimes for a long time, or you go find it. I had to do that too anon. There are things I'll never have even though I'd like to, and that's ok. It's part of the fun of collecting that doesn't fit in with an "instant gratification" lifestyle.

>> No.2762240

This, people who don't collect are manchildren.

>> No.2762254

Can't we all just find a healthy balance? I emulate and collect. $300 for earthbound? Fuck that. The game isn't that good to warrant such a price.

>> No.2762270


>Part of the fun of collecting is having to wait for another collector to die or have some horrible happenstance occur to them in order to get something you want

Yeah, I'm fine with emulation in that case, you morbid fuckhole.

>> No.2762271

I wouldn't go that far but I do think there's something strange about people who demand other collectors give something up so they can own it instead.

There's nothing unique about that scenario. Either something is worth the money to you or it isn't. My collectoin's big but there's plenty that I would never buy because it's not worth the price. And games are luxury items, they're not air/food/water/shelter. If I go without Earthbound, I won't die.

>> No.2762272

>i make the rules for everyone because reasons
Enjoy your nes envy. I have hundreds of games I've never played and probably never will. I have multiple copies of all the popular games and buy more every time I see a good deal. I would rather have games sit in a box for decades as opposed to be played by whiny little shits.

>> No.2762273

please be samefag, i love troll antics

>> No.2762275

Emulation helps preserve gaming history. These roms will exist long after every system and cart has turned to dust.

>> No.2762283

I'm grateful for that.

>> No.2762290
File: 19 KB, 315x262, ss (2014-06-18 at 07.29.26).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My collectoin's big but there's plenty that I would never buy because it's not worth the price

Maybe you should go collect dirt or something else in your price range, you fucking casual. You don't deserve a single one of your games.

>> No.2762297

It's like the beauty and genuine legacy of art. When I look at the Mona Lisa I think of the generations that have come before. I'm sharing a common experience with my ancestors. 400 years from now none of these systems are likely to work. There just might be a kid who plays mario (or insert other retro game here) and experiences what you did. It's how we pass on our experiences to the future.

>> No.2762303

There are many copies of the mona lisa. You can view it online. It's not the original but you are sharing an experience of those who came before you.

>> No.2762315

Pretty much, only millennial shitters don't get this.

>> No.2762332

If every manchild hoarder opened their basements as retro game rental stores, every issue would be solved. They get to keep the games, and other people can still play them on the original hardware.

>> No.2762335

So is the GBA guy still shitting up threads with a tantrum?

>> No.2762336

I demand your wives, you can't lock ass like that up all to yourselves

Come on, don't make me cry, I deserve your wives


>> No.2762339


I agree with this post. Most of the sad fucks on this board care more about collecting carts like they're paintings or some shit rather than playing the games.

>> No.2762343

Embarrassing. Stop trying to pretend you aren't a massive faggot hoarder.

>> No.2762345

Dis nigga clearly doesn't read well.
This based anon blew all the trolls away with undeniable common sense.

>> No.2762352

I never argued against collecting either just to be clear. I collect myself but don't find emulation to be evil. I do both. People should pursue their happiness as long as it doesn't hurt others.

>> No.2762361

Everybody here owes me an apology and all their games.

>> No.2762368

Continuing on my previous drunken thought fragments I'd like to say I'd like to see both the hardware and software preserved.

>> No.2762373

Stay butthurt, manchild hoarder.

>> No.2762376

Now you owe me your wife too

>> No.2762386


I refuse to marry this woman or have anything to do with her, but I'll keep her in my basement so you can't marry her either!

>> No.2762389

Take the money you were going to spend on a Gameboy Advance lot and spend it on a blowup doll instead.

>> No.2762390


thread main theme

>> No.2762394

I hoard prototypes. No unreleased games, mind you, but I enjoy getting then because (some of them) can't just be downloaded and are interesting pieces of game history (even the ones that have been dumped or are the same as retail release).

I don't share the motivations of people who'd pay 2k for Little Samson and the like, but people like what they like and spend their money on what pleases them. I really don't see why people care. The only reason I can see people who don't have a desire to collect being bothered by others doing it would be some degree of jealousy.

>> No.2762464



I was there in the spring, Akihabara stores had massive libraries of games, but the prices were outrageous. Poping on the train for 40 minutes to Koganei or anywhere in Saitama you could find Hard-Off, Book-Off stores loaded with everything imaginable, for the cheap ass prices you would expect. Westerners never really seem to venture off the Yamanote line and explore the suburbs. Kyoto and Osaka were even better, got a ton of great games on the cheap.

I've also noticed that in Akihabara it seems that in addition to the westerner tax, they also seem to put the games that require no Japanese front and center, or cover out; while the RPGs, Strategy, etc games (even the rare ones) were just spine-out. They fucking know what they're doing.

>> No.2762474
File: 256 KB, 760x1000, Amano_FFII_Cast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Pat and Ian but their are tons of hard offs in Japan a lot of them you wouldn't even know about unless you were a local or knew someone from these areas and they told you cause they're hard to find sometimes.
You would be surprised.

>> No.2762486


"Ack hee a bara" what the fuck dude?

>> No.2762502

Not samefag and not even trolling. A couple summers ago there was a horde of faggots here, whining about prices and calling anyone who had more than 1 console with a self destructing laser evil hoarder scum. It dawned on me that these shits simply didn't deserve good vidya. So I went through a bunch of flea markets and bought every copy of the games they were bitching about. I flipped a few on ebay to cover my costs and stuck the rest in a box. Now every time I see something cheap I just buy it. Every so often I sell a beat up old yellow console or cart with drawings and a ripped label to one of these fucks for up to 50 times what I paid for it so I'm not out of pocket. I have a spare room full of this shit. I kid you not. If any of the poorlings in one of these threads were to see that room, full of stuff that they will never lay a finger on, they would probably gouge their own eyes out.

>> No.2762504

pics or it didn't happen

>> No.2762507

my favorite is when weebs say MUH DOH KUH

>> No.2762536

Keep that shit in good hands my friend
people seem to forget one of the main aspects of collecting
and that is for preserving the past.

>> No.2762539


I can tell you're a fat,pale loser with a neckbeard and shapeless face just from this post.

>> No.2762541

>a possible prediction for the future for the us retro game market

Says the fuckers with literal walls of NES cartages that they use for declaration. Holy shit.

>> No.2762560

maybe sort of off topic, but I find it hilarious how common games like Turtles in Time for the SNES goes for about $60 on average nowadays.

>> No.2762561

I think it is just a matter of time before people get bored with these things again. Many of these games were popular back in the day and normal people spent decent money on them and enjoyed them when they were new, but eventually they got tired of them and sold them off, leaving only the diehard fans. Yeah, it is trendy right now for a certain group of people, but I predict they will get tired of it and move on to a new fad and the heat will die off. Prices will probably permanently suffer as a result, but I think prices will drop down to only a bit over what they were a few years ago.

>> No.2762637

Pics of what? A bunch of boxes in a room. I don't turn my house in a Toys R Us like some kind of man child simply because I hoard vidya.

It's in good hands. All cleaned and packed up away from dust and light. Just waiting for the day when childkind proves itself once again worth of beholding such splendor.

let the butthurt flow through you.

>> No.2762638

uh huh

>> No.2762649

You've devolved into talking to yourself again. Troll game is weak as shit.

>> No.2762751

Ok good to hear my.
Now this reminds me I need to invest in some durable containers for my boxed games and book collection

>> No.2762771

Not anyone you're replying to but I'm weird about books myself. The only ones I buy are signed copies. Since I started reading on my digital devices I find reading otherwise intolerable. I genuinely hate losing the time turning a page involves versus swiping a finger. I'm sure people will call me a retard for this. It just makes the story more fluid as I read.

>> No.2762774


I'm not that guy but who da fuck are you?????


this is me though.

>> No.2762776

ummm. wut?

>> No.2762779

It's like everyone ITT is living in Japan.

Me too actually.

>> No.2762783
File: 295 KB, 469x656, Screen Shot 2015-10-01 at 9.13.33 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck are these guys?

Yes as the world population explodes, and more and more people realize their shit's worth money (or could be) this is natural.

Let me tell you about the 1950s when you could walk into the hardware store and buy surplus firearms by the pound. No shit.

But this fucker when he started up "I feel like everybody's idealized vision of the videogame stores in Akihabara..."

Holy fuck shut off now.

>> No.2762884

I get most of my storage containers at JUSCO They have a pretty good selection of modular drawers and boxes with latches. Durable, light, reasonably priced. For stuff I know I'm not going to need to get at for ages good old cardboard boxes.

>> No.2762942

Relax, guys, most hoarders are very unhealthy. In 20 or so years all those megacollections will be entered back into the natural flow of things after being auctioned off at estate sales.

>> No.2763303

hipsters everywhere, that's why? you wanna get a good idea, try sitting trough one of this, Kids/Teens react to retro games.

>> No.2763743

Quiet, Japanophile dog.

>> No.2763782

>All it does is hurt younger kids who eventually won't even get to play some classic games, because half of the production run is sitting in some 45 year old manbaby's basement.
>implying kids don't emulate
I didn't grow up with a SNES or Gameboy Color and I emulated the shit out of those.

It sounds like you're trying to project your own frustration onto others as justification.
Newsflash, few kids generally give a shit about games that are too old, unless maybe they grew up with it.

I didn't grow up with a 2600, and I generally care very little about games from before 3rd gen because the gameplay in most seem to simplistic and unengaging to be interesting. If I want to experience 2600 games I'll emulate them, find some modern port, or a recreation in flash.

If a kid born 98 sees an old SNES game somewhere and wants to check it out, his first instinct is not going to be "I MUST FIND A SUPER NINTENDO, AN ORIGINAL COPY OF THE GAME, AND A CRT TV", they're going to look to see if there's a port for it on modern systems (like Virtual Console), or they'll go find a way to play it on their computer, as in, emulation.

Just because Earthbound is $150 doesn't mean kids aren't playing it.

>> No.2763805

Can we all agree this was a shitty weeb topic?

>> No.2764654

The only shitty part about the topic is that Japan isn't really running out of games, just the easy-mode tourist trap shops who have decided to sell online to foreigners.

>> No.2764884

>Japan isn't really running out of games
I'm not trying start a thing, but could it actually be true for some games, especially ones that had really low sales numbers but ended up generating interest later on? I can imagine this effect would be exacerbated in Japan since their sales numbers tend to average out less than American ones even for really popular games.

I mean you probably won't ever run out of Sakura Wars or Virtua Fighters, but even before Saturn collecting and importing became big overseas, I still didn't see all that many Saturn Symphony of the Nights floating around there, for example, and when I did they were always considerably more expensive than the other bread and butter Saturn games you'd find five or ten copies of at every store.

>> No.2765014

just look at wives on your computer, you're seeing exactly the same thing.

>> No.2765034

>but could it actually be true for some games, especially ones that had really low sales numbers but ended up generating interest later on?
No, and the answer is simple, its because they're in Japanese.

Normal people, even the ones that collect video games, dont usually buy games in other languages unless reading isn't really a requirement. I can see someone buying a Japanese copy of... lets say Yoshi's Island. Because there really isn't any reading that needs to be done. But few people will pick up a Jap copy of Final Fantasy. Sure, there are exceptions, but generally speaking most tourists/collectors won't buy things like that. The kinds of people that would are maybe like 2% of the total collector population. You need someone who's going for a complete international set, is autistic about a certain series, would rather bumble through a game than pay average American/European prices, can read Jap, or plans to learn Jap. And even then, they need to have both the cash, and the initiative to buy them.

Americans buying out Japan's game market is as much a problem as Europeans buying out America's.

>> No.2765080

Poe's law in full effect here.

What happened to this board?

>> No.2765095

I dont know if its still going on, but a few months ago there was an active attempt at shitting the place up by a group of tumblrs. /sp/ found their blog thing.

>> No.2765298

For real? Why'd they shit up THIS place? There's plenty of boards that actually deserve it, like /lit/ or /r9k/.

>> No.2765457

because reasons
mainly because their place is shit

>> No.2765543

"shitting the place up" as in the site as a whole, not just /vr/. anything related to video games, cartoons/comics/animu, or that has a large or popular user base like /pol/, /b/, /soc/, /k/, and /tg/, are (or were, not sure which) being raided by tumblrs. Though obviously thats not the only reason why the site's been shit recently, but it is a pretty big one.

>> No.2765672

>Kids/Teens react to
>implying those aren't staged as fuck

>> No.2765675

Damn, those landwhale bastards are gonna pay for shitting up my /k/!

>> No.2765764

>Implying the teens reacting here didn't come here because they reacted to teens in a teen reacting youtube designed to incite teens to react to teens reacting....

>> No.2766012
File: 278 KB, 650x1146, Lickle Label (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly bro Ive shown my old vidya to my nephews and nieces and their friends. None of them give 2 shits, all they care about is minecraft, FNAF, and whatever other shit their class mates tell them is popular. Enjoy the retro fad now because in a few years once the youtubers stop hyping this shit to their hispter audience and the kids of today grow up no one will care about Nintendo anymore.

>> No.2766015

Pretty much this, my nieces recognized Mario at least.

>> No.2766113

There is a super potato in ikebukaro too.

>> No.2766138


Well i bought the Japanese copy of Akumajo Densetsu and Super Castlevania for Famicom and Super Famicom.

Castlevania 3 Pal-B goes aroun 60€ here and the Super Castlevania IV goes around 70€.

I paid 15€ for Super Castlevania and 25€ for Akumajo Densetsu.

>> No.2766231

Nakano Broadway has like no retro games outside of Mandarake. Akiba has like all of 3-4 stores total.

Akiba has been ransacked by tourists over the last decade and those photos were taken during Tokyo Game Show, when Akiba is crawling with Western game bloggers, so of course the shelves are going to be fucking barren.

Sensationalist at best, symptomatic of a larger problem (Westerners cleaning out Kanto-area shops) at worst.

>> No.2766242

Ian (the one who looks the most like a loser) is a fucking idiot, I didn't even watch the video and I am sure he is the one who said that

>> No.2766251

That was him, can confirm.

>> No.2766254

Here's the thing.

>> No.2766260

*heavy sigh*

>> No.2766383

Most kids don't think Mario is a big deal.

>> No.2766385

this 100%

>> No.2766386

I suppose /vr/ would be an easy target.

>> No.2766410

I never knew super potato sold video games

had no idea what it was really