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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2757631 No.2757631 [Reply] [Original]

>Be on craigslist
>See a relatively okay lot of stuff, not rare but Mario, Zelda, maybe Pokemon trade stuff
>no price listed
>"I know what I have so don't low ball me"
Does this bug you as much as me?

>> No.2757648

He's bluffing. Lowball him by at least 50 dollars and be prepared to walk away if he tries to fuck you over or raise the price on you during the actual transaction.

Complete the transaction at a Starbucks so that there will be other people around if he goes full sperglord on you.

>> No.2757650

Maybe you shouldn't be an asshole and offer $5?

>> No.2757689

Offer 100 and show up with 40 and just take the shit you want and fuck the extra fluff he added in the lot. Act like you have no clue either. Fuck craigslist cucks. They deserve it.

>> No.2757701
File: 1.21 MB, 640x480, yoshimitsu seppuku.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not at all, craigslist is a pretty desperate place and idiocy is to be expected

make sure you know how to spot a bootleg gba cart if you end up buying, I've seen more bootleg MK Super Circuits than originals at this point

>> No.2757704

I'm not one of those craigslist assholes, but I have to say that if I was and somebody lowballed me, I'd certainly agree to meet them at a Starbucks and just not go.
I'd even text back 15 mins after the agreed time and tell him I don't like being kept waiting, ask him if he wants it for the agreed price he'd better get there by time I finish my poofy coffee.

>> No.2757716

Protip: Fake GBA carts are usually black, they have no indented numbers in the sticker (hold it under a light to see) Usually the back of the cartridge says "NLNTONDO" or similar and the sticker will be pretty poor quality and a miracle if cut to the right size.

>> No.2757721

sorry, this was meant as an extension to the other anon's post.

Another tip: If you aren't sure if a GBA game on ebay is fake or not, buy it anyway.
If the game is fake and you can prove it to ebay, they refund you and instruct you to destroy the cart.
...but...but here's the thing.. you can just keep it and nobody will know!1

>> No.2757734

Were you born yesterday?
Have you zero life experience?

You make the guy an offer and then he says yes or asks for more, its standard way to bargain for shit.
It only "bugs" you because you are autistic and have retarded social development.

>> No.2757738

You're dealing with the new /vr/ here.

These are kids and hipsters. Neither like to bargain or have much experience in general with it. They buy everything from amazon or ebay.

>> No.2757743

where can I find GB/GBA bootlegs (more or less) openly sold as such for less than the real cartridge?
I'm interested in getting some mostly for curiosity and potentially for cost-saving (but eh, I guess flash-cart is the true way for cost-saving though)

>> No.2757752

>saying "cucks" unironically

Please return to /v/ with the other 14-year-olds

>> No.2757761

>Does this bug you as much as me?

Would you rather he high-balled it and then you have to negotiate him down? Hell, you are already in a position of power since he's basically at the point of not wanting to negotiate himself and will basically have to settle for the highest offer. Offer half their market value in cash, and if he wants to wants to throw a stink about it, point out he would get half that amount in cash on trade in if he wants a quick dump and you've in a buyer beware situation. If he wants more, he'll have to put more work in to selling it, and wish him the best of luck.

>> No.2757775

On Gameboy the only bootlegs you'll usually find are globtop compilation carts. They usually sell for a weirdly high amount. I guess they have kitsch or nostalgiac value for kids who went on holiday to Spain in the 90s.

GBA games won't be openly sold as fake, but if you look on ebay, craigslist, gumtree etc, probably over half the games you see will be fake and won't cost much.

The point is that this isn't a regular transaction where those rules becessarily apply. You're not just dealing with somebody who has THING for sale, knows how much he'd like for it. These guys are chancers who think they've found something rare in the attic they can sell for unreasonable amounts.

You too, get off your high horse. Your only accomplishment in this field is either being alive longer or living in a culture where haggling is expected or even encouraged. Neither of those entitle you to be a tit.

>> No.2757776

I've gotten some pretty good buys off craigslist. But I've got to say, nothing trumpts CR for finding idiots trying to sell off garbage for ridiculous prices.. http://richmond.craigslist.org/vgm/5263598154.html

>> No.2757789

I sell shit on craigslist all the time. Buy too.

Maybe grow up a little, get a little maturity, and fuck off?

>> No.2757804

CL is horrible for selling games but I'm a little bitter because I can't sell off my junk.

>> No.2757806

I also buy and sell there, I don't see how that pertains. Variations on telling me to grow up is a poor way to argue your point.

>> No.2757809

>Does this bug you as much as me?

You call it a "relatively okay lot of stuff" and it doesn't belong to you so you don't deserve to have any entitlement over it...no offense, but what kind of stupid kid lets this shit bother him?

>> No.2757815

People do not know how to conduct business because they grew up without a father figure. and either go to Walmart or by online. odds are they have never "Haggled" in their fucking life. Probably cant look you in the eye and will ultimately will get low balled. Unless he's just an asshole, in that case let him fucking sit on it.

>and yes
, all ebay and craigslist listings that don't list a price and claim, that they don't want to be "low balled" are assholes. If you know what you got let me in on the know. SELL ME!

>> No.2757824

You seem to get awfully mad about someone saying fuck off to your low ball offer.

Or is that just your generation that has to blog about everything? "Oh man this asshole on craigslist told me to to fuck off, Let me post online about it!"

>> No.2757826

To elaborate, I'm specifically talking about sellers who use hostile or otherwise telling language like:
>"I know what I have so don't low ball me"
when I say they're chancers who think they found gold in the attic. You always know these guys by their listings. They don't know or care about videogames, they just know they can buy it cheap and flip it with relative ease.

Those are the ones who project onto others with language like "I know how much this is worth" or "No timewasters" or other variations to the tune of: "I suspect everybody interested is just as big a dick as I am".

>> No.2757841

I don't know which poster you think I've been this whole time, but I don't make low ball offers.

>typical vague, dismissive "you youngsters today" based on anecdotal evidence
Aye, great finish to your lousy argument. Keep flaunting the generation into which you were born like you had some part in it.

>> No.2757848

You're bitching about posts directed to the OP. Are you autistic?

>> No.2757859

I bargain all the time, I usually avoid posts like these though.
I usually look for people with games listed about 70-80% ebay. I offer around 40-50% depending on title. We usually settle somewhere around 60 unless the dude is intransigent or has something he know will sell anyway.
Posts like these never go anywhere.

>> No.2757870

It's really just a minor inconvenience.
Thought I'd make an amusing thread about it on 4chan because I'm not doing much but looking for games and surfing the internet Simmer down.

>> No.2757884

>Lowball him by at least 50 dollars
This is perfectly fine, just don't be surprised by any outcome.

>Hell, you are already in a position of power since he's basically at the point of not wanting to negotiate himself and will basically have to settle for the highest offer.
All baseless assumptions. He could be open to negotiation; all you know is that he just wants other people to open the pricing discussion. And he could easily just keep it all; you don't know why it's on CL instead of ebay.

>Offer half their market value in cash
OK, easily ignored

>and if he wants to wants to throw a stink about it
or just ignore you

>point out he would get half that amount in cash on trade in
something he already knows

>If he wants more, he'll have to put more work in to selling it, and wish him the best of luck.
easily ignored and you it doesn't make you look as classy as you think it does, you're just wasting your own time on your own ego trip

He's selling a game lot, so what. I'm not going to waste my time pricing it all out individually just for the sake of this discussion but if somebody does, and it seems reasonable to them, where's the problem.

>People do not know how to conduct business because they grew up without a father figure
holy shit, what a way to put a red flag on anything you have to say afterward

Those are all assumptions that are a waste of brainpower. Either you want the shit enough to open the negotiations or not. It's not time to play psych major for the next 5 hours figuring out what kind of asshole has temporarily taken over your life with a simple CL post.

All fair. You have an approach and clearly do what works for you.

Everyone else, lel

>Simmer down
I respond better to "tut tut kiddo, the adults are talking"

>> No.2757890

>be on /vr/
>see an off-topic thread
>"I can't read a simple sticky"

This bug anyone else?

>> No.2757901

Nah. Rules are meant to be broken. Gotta release the steam somewhere.

>> No.2757902

>Have a bunch of stuff on CL
>Say I'm open to trades
>People mostly offer crap or stuff everyone has like mario 64 for my way more rare and expensive stuff
>Guy has some NES games I want, he's willing to offload everything I want for 2 things I have
>Ready to setup, ask when he can come meet me at my house, or at the mall/train station nearby (still 15 minute drive + waiting time)
>"Oh... I don't have a car can you drive 2 hours away to my house?"
Stopped responding. Immediately after that.

>guy gives me a list of stuff says he wants X Y and Z of my stuff
>Z is gone already, tell him that the only thing he has I'm interested in is some really expensive game he has.
>Let him know that thats the only thing I'm interested in and I'd be willing to trade + some cash and ask how much cash he wants
>My stuffs market value is like 120-140, his is like 180
>"Your stuff + 80 cash"
Stopped responding. I expected maybe like 20-40 but 80 is a fucking joke. Especially since he was the one who initiated the trade. Then he went and offered me like 60 cash after I didn't respond for 2 days.

I don't even know why I bother. I try and do trades because I can cut out the ebay fees for myself and hopefully everyone gets a deal, but everyone just offers me shit or expects me to trade down or waste my time and money driving miles away.

I'm just not going to bother with CL anymore besides looking for big stuff. Everytime I try to sell reasonably, or trade I get fucked over or people waste my time.

>> No.2757907

If I trade on craigslist I take into account that I'm saving a shitload on shipping fees for a bundle of items.

You can't look at shit as static values that cumulatively make it more valuable. That's rarely the case.

>> No.2757908

A 4 hour round trip is worth fucking 8-10 bucks shipping to me easy.

>> No.2757914

trade sections of namefag forums are best

trading with randos, expect EVERYONE to push the limits of unfairness, constantly trying to get the upper hand with the expectation that you are just another rando as well, who may or may not be out to cheat them (or provide a favorable deal to them)

nothing to get angry about, it's just what naturally happens among strangers with no set rules or repercussions. you don't know them and they sure as fuck don't know you.

>> No.2757921

I know its just frustrating.

I'd post it in the /bst/ but most of it is non-retro (gba, ds, psp, and ps2 onwards) and the expensive stuff is retro and desirable (neogeo, and SNES) and people just lowball or do the same shit there. Honestly the /bst/ has been pretty dead lately, I've had some good deals, and straight up trades on it and that's been good but its really hit or miss, especially lately.

Got any particular forums? I haven't really browsed anything but 4chan for years. I'll probably register on the Neo-Geo forums at some point.

>> No.2757942

Nothing specific, I just wander the landscape and check out the trade forums wherever I go. I like to trade more in non-gaming electronics.

>> No.2757948

This could apply to Super Nintendo games as much as PS3 games honestly.
The post is about hunting video games, which /vr/ collectors do, thus I'm going to say it's on topic.

>> No.2757956

Kind of my experience with CL. I posted some SNES RPG's, at lower than ebay prices. The only offers I got were from resellers asking me to sell for half my asking price "otherwise there's not enough profit in it for me".

Now I just sell in the B/S/T thread.

>> No.2757971


This is pretty accurate, and pretty easy to relate to if I'm not raging over a posting.

I feel like a lot of these people aren't actually interested in selling these items, and just don't give a shit because you can post offers free and anonymously. I have plenty of shit I could easily part with if somebody offered me a good enough deal. So why not use free resources to continually market it until somebody actually does buy for my offer? Nothing to lose really...

I'm pretty sure all of us have seen people pay some pretty insane prices for some items. For me, a lot of them don't even give a shit that they did. A common example is some freshman overpaying for an N64 and a copy of SSB.

Maybe I should go list my extra copies of OOT for 40 bucks each on craigslist for a year.

>> No.2757985

How the fuck does he expect anyone to see what he's got with that picture for ants?
Is he selling to ants?
Do ant colonies spend money on Craigslist now?
Wow, actually, that would totally explain what happened the last time I responded to a M4M ad.
Didn't see any Nintendo products there, though.

>> No.2758045

non-brokered sales:
>no chance of a return
>buyer assumes all risk

There's a reason no one wants to pay ebay prices from some guy on the internet. You can get this shit on Ebay/Amazon and have peace of mind that you aren't going to get fucked in the transaction, and you're happy to pay the premium.

Buying from some asshole in the internet equivalent of a garage sale? You can't expect people to pay full price for that shit. You're lucky to get half of the list value in cash.

People like in the OP posting shit like "I know what I have" demonstrate a fundamental ignorance of their process in the transaction. You know what you have? So does the buyer, or they wouldn't be buying it. No one's trawling Craig's List for impulse buys. They're looking for cheap shit and they'll take a gamble that it works.

>> No.2758056

I used to do this, keep extras listed on CL at the lowest ebay price. There was no immediate need to sell, but it was available if anyone wanted it. I always invited trades too but never got a single non-cash offer.

One thing people would tell me is that they liked being able to inspect and even test stuff in person, plus not wait for shipping. They were also safe from shipping loss/damage, though nobody mentioned that specifically.

>> No.2758068

Obviously you've never sold anything on Craigslist before. I've been offered $5 for merchandise listed at $300 before.

Hell even the first comment on this board still tells you to make him a lowball offer.

People can make an offer, but its insultingly low, don't be surprised when the person says, "I think we're just too far apart" and hangs up.

>> No.2758117

>Obviously you've never sold anything on Craigslist before. I've been offered $5 for merchandise listed at $300 before.

Its a negotiating tactic. You offer something ridiculously low with the hope that the guy will just drop to his minimum. Its a no lose situation. Either they drop to something much lower, tell you to fuck off, or they make a counter offer and you keep negotiating. Whatever happens, the prospective buyer isn't in any worse of a position, and the seller is looking at having to hold on to merchandise they want to sell.

>> No.2758119

I know people want deals, but its frustrating from a buying and selling standpoint on CL.

Having to haggle over prices, or just completely disregarding guys who want the moon. I've seen a shitty label Earthbound listed for 300 bucks. Having to fucking sync up to meet someone at their house or at a mall, and if you don't meet up at your house or their house you run the risk of getting some garbage that doesn't work. Most people are asking eBay or gamestore prices anyways, so its almost always better to just buy from eBay, pay the shipping because you -know- if it doesn't work you can send it back and get a refund, sure you're out return shipping, but thats a small price to pay. You can go on CL and be left with a fucking 60 dollar brick, which is way better then eating 5 bucks for shipping and then leaving a neutral or neg.

I'm a busy guy. its nice to just buy my shit and have it show up on my doorstep when I get home from work. Likewise, its nice when I sell duplicates to just do a quick run to the post office since I can do other errands on the way and I don't have to actively go out of my way to meet someone.

CL is good for big stuff, where shipping is going to be 50+ dollars. But I mean that being said, I bought my big ass CRT on eBay and it was only 30 bucks to ship.

Its all a total crapshoot, but I honestly believe people on CL are worse then your average ebay user.

>> No.2758125

Its one of the worst tactics I've ever seen.

Its an immediate fuck off from me. I'm petty and if you immediately low ball me, something thats not even ballpark what I'm looking for then you can go fuck yourself. Even if you were willing to pay 175 for my earthbound but started out at 75, I'd be insulted and just tell you to get lost.

I'm not a store. I'm in no rush to move my stuff. I'll let it go for reasonable offers if you can come and fucking get it, but if you wanna meet up, somewhere, or want me to hold it and give me a big song and dance you're paying full asking price.

>> No.2758130


You sound like a beady-eyed neckbeard to me.

>> No.2758132

Grow up, champ. Or grow a set.

>> No.2758149

I'm pretty sure talking about selling and buying old games is not against the rules.

>> No.2758150

>I'm not a store. I'm in no rush to move my stuff.

You think stores are in more of a rush than you are? They've got volume to fall back on. They don't give a shit if they're HUGELY overpriced shit doesn't move. They get shit for a quarter of what they can turn around and sell it online for, let alone to some schmuck who's happy to pay the found-it-in-a-store tax.

>> No.2758175

the meme team set the price of earthbound at 250
why would you sell for less? b-because your nice?
I think its stupid, but so is earthbound. wish crhono trigger was cheaper though... hate having to emulate a classic like that.

>> No.2758195

>meme team

Wrong board.

>> No.2758198


You're on the wrong site, kid.

>> No.2758260

There's no need to be upset.

>> No.2758327

I think the argument is less about not wanting to haggle, but more the impression the seller gives. I'm not OP, but that just screams "I think my $50 worth of crap is worth $200 and if you offer anything less than $210 I will give you shit about it." Maybe he really just means "don't offer $1," but that style of posting makes it seem like he is fishing for idiots with more money and desperation than sense and is unwilling to deal with anyone who won't offer top dollar+.

>> No.2758329

not reaallly /vr/ but craiglist related.

i was looking for a spare model 1 gamecube for some mod work, found some guy who had one but no listed price. emailed him asking how much he wanted
$60 for cube and cables.
I just didnt say anything after that.
where do people get off?

>> No.2758341

Not cl, but you all might get a big fucking kick out of this total idiocy:


A run-of-the-mill repro: $891.00. Feedback of high bidders indicates that they were legitimate bids. As if anyone needed proof that there are people buying games who have almost literally no idea what the fuck they're doing or much knowledge about games beyond what ebay tells them. I wonder how many Little Samsons and Earthbounds these bidders have overpaid for.

>> No.2758343

I don't know what sort of alternate reality /vr/ lives in that this issue is so contentious, but people who fish for offers on craigslist are the worst.
Just as bad as people who price over eBay.

>> No.2758345

no, because I'm not a lowballer asshole like you

>> No.2758468

>Whatever, happens, the prospective buyer isn't in any worse of position. . .

Unless of course they actually wanted to buy the merchandise, which by making an insulting offer, is now off the table. They end up wasting their own time and mine.

>> No.2758497
File: 639 KB, 1009x3995, Amazon.com_Disney_s_Aladdin_Chess_Adventures_-_PC_Video_Games_-_2015-10-24_23.44.43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2758512


Flag this jackass for selling bootlegged shit

>> No.2758525

>tfw I've done this.
I had 2 cellphones for awhile because I fucked up my plans.
>knowingly post a bunch of games that are expensive and say "open to offers"
>get shit like "15 bucks"
>Accept it, tell him to meet me at the mall food court at X time, give him my phone number, tell him phone only works for texts (true)
>be non-chalantly waiting in the mall food court bench
>text him telling him I'm the butchest looking guy in the place, preferably if he's eating and with some people
>guy approaches the behemoth
>guy asks him about the games with 15 bucks in his hand, expecting the deal of a lifetime
>guy snatches the 15 bucks tells him "thanks" and tells him to fuck off
>guy texts me freaking out

>other time
>4 guys end up wanting stuff
>get them all to meet at the same time
>I tell first guy on scene I'll be a bit late
>I tell guys 2 and 3 that I'm the first guy that showed up
>I tell guy 4 that I'm fucking around with these assholes and I'll be there in 5 minutes
>end up with a bunch of guys mad as fuck and arguing with each other about who gets to buy the shit
>Lead them on saying I'll be there in 5 more minutes
>they all stay there for a fucking hour waiting

People are fucking idiots.

I only buy from stores, fleamarkets or ebay. Mostly ebay.

>> No.2758540

Doesn't bother me in the slightest so I'm guessing the answer is no.

>> No.2758541

>Feedback of high bidders indicates that they were legitimate bids.
No it doesn't.

>> No.2758547

so epic XD

if i try this in my country i will die in a jail XD

>> No.2758553


this is totally legit, righ?

>> No.2758557

yea that happened

>> No.2758601


Just like in my Japanese animes. :)

>> No.2758895

shit that never happened: the post

>> No.2759017

Except if the guy was interested in paying jacked up prices he could get them on ebay without having to deal with some asshole trying to sell shit that isn't priced to move.

>> No.2759448


>Greedy Fuckers, Greedy Fuckers Everywhere.

>> No.2759930

Negotiating a fair price takes finesse and flexibility, along with patience. If you you lack any of those, you are right, better just stick to easy deals.

>that auction
>any auction
Please explain.

>> No.2761736

What kind of shit hole do you live in where some random guy at the mall just steals another guys money and everything is groovy?

>> No.2761742

catfishman has a new scam.

>> No.2761743

my girlfriend is 31 and finds cucks and cuck jokes hilarious.

>> No.2761748

Probably because you're the cuck and just don't know it yet.

>> No.2764379

60 for the gb player and zelda promo. everything else isn't worth having.

>> No.2764536

The worst are morons who try to sell "gaming computers" from 10 years ago for 500-600 bucks. No concept of how technology works.

>> No.2766564

You poor sad soul

>> No.2766589


>> No.2766650

not /vr/

>> No.2766652
File: 896 KB, 500x281, not retro reeeeeeeeeeee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot your frogs.

>> No.2766661

facebook frog

>> No.2766686
File: 18 KB, 816x616, toplaugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh cmon people are smart I mean look at this ad

>> No.2766848


I mean, if it's just money driving four hours probably uses that in gas. Though I think taking road trips is a reward of its own so there's multiple layers there.

>> No.2766851
File: 123 KB, 640x715, latest[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much would you be willing to pay for Little Samson?

>> No.2766864

for me, a four hour round trip would be 1 tank of gas, which is about $20 or so right now. A four hour one way trip would come out to $40 spent in gas. shipping is cheaper either way.

>> No.2766871

About 40$.

>> No.2766876

And then resell it for 300$?

>> No.2766992

Not that anon, but I would pay 40 bucks at most, put it on my shelf and flaunt it for the sheer purpose of mocking people who worship this game like a god on earth, and willing to pay outrageous prices for it. At least it's actually rare though, and not R@RE1