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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 39 KB, 260x179, galufaeris.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2754545 No.2754545 [Reply] [Original]

Whose death was more shocking?

>> No.2754547

Nice spoilers dude

>> No.2754549

These are 23 and 18 year-old games respectively. Come the fuck on. BTW Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker's father as long as we're dropping stunning new bombshells here.

>> No.2754550

Snape killed Dumbledore

>> No.2754556

Titanic sinks.

>> No.2754558

>not Alys

>> No.2754565

Shadow's if you're not prepared for it.

>> No.2754581


That's not true, that's impossible!

>> No.2754604

Who are they

>> No.2754624
File: 4 KB, 494x557, that feel moomin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Harry Potter books can be considered retro

>> No.2754650
File: 24 KB, 825x468, 10850678_842177479160496_1968625326_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your reaction to Jon Snow dying.

>> No.2754654 [DELETED] 
File: 199 KB, 704x1168, Mrx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mister X is Xander Payne[/soiler]


>> No.2754658
File: 199 KB, 704x1168, Mrx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mister X is Xander Payne


>> No.2754664

Galufs of course, but the only death that actually made my cry was syldras death...

>> No.2754669

Galuf, easily.

Him being replaced by Krile pretty much ruined my first playthrough.

>> No.2754732

Aerith's has all the audio/visual elements going on (sappy sad music, dramatic FMV, etc.), but Galuf went down like a fucking man, and unlike in FFVII, they actually tried everything in their power to save him, to no avail.

I will say though, Yuffie's reaction was sadder than Aerith's death itself. Never knew about it until very recently since I never use her.

>> No.2754736


>> No.2754740
File: 17 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Welcome to /vr/. How contrarian are ya?

>> No.2754791

>tfw Ex-death threw a Vaccum Wave, Flare, Holy and Meteor and Galuf still managed to drive him off.

>> No.2755098

I think Aerith's was heavily foreshadowed so I'll go with Galuf.

>> No.2755125

I was glad when Syldra became a summon spirit for the party to abuse.
Galuf for sure.

>> No.2755134

>My favorite Final Fantasy is II
>N64 is better than PS1
>Saturn is better than Dreamcast
>Megaman X4 5 6 are better than X1 2 and 3

>> No.2755137

>I think Aerith's was heavily foreshadowed

Not in a good way though.

>> No.2755139
File: 132 KB, 480x640, Yuffie cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will say though, Yuffie's reaction was sadder than Aerith's death itself. Never knew about it until very recently since I never use her.

Ive never not used Yuffie

>> No.2755156

ermagherd. He tried to bone his sister!

>> No.2755183

Galuf's death was AWESOME.

>> No.2755241

Best Zelda

Zelda II of course

Best Mario

Without a doubt, SMB2JP

Best castlevania

Tie between Bloodline and chronicle

>> No.2755245

Galuf just died like a bitch and was replace like 2 minute later, who care, FF5 character had no personality

>> No.2755250

>Galuf just died like a bitch

>fights despite 0 HP
>dies a hero
>meanwhile Airshit dies like a bitch from a single sword poke

>> No.2755252

same here

>> No.2755283

How, exactly?

Wow, rude much.

>> No.2755327

Perfectly sums this place up. Underrated post.

>> No.2755340

Galuf. Aeris' pissed me off more than anything because I spent a while grinding to get her limit breaks.

>> No.2755529

>My favorite Final Fantasy is XI
>Neo Geo is better than PS1 and Saturn
>Dreamcast was never good and only had a handful of decent games that would have been better on other hardware
>Megaman Legends is the best Megaman

>> No.2755557
File: 10 KB, 176x300, Respect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Megaman X4 5 6 are better than X1 2 and 3

But this is correct. The only reason it seems contrarian is because /vr/ has their heads too far up Nintendo's ass to acknowledge that certain series did indeed do better on other consoles.

>> No.2755606

X1 is still the pinnacle of the franchise nigga, X5 and especially X6 were godawful.

>> No.2755664

>Neo Geo is better than PS1 and Saturn
I think this but it's only because I play fighting games mostly.

>> No.2755841

Aeris' had the emotion, scene, music and such.
Until you realize (or had realized) she basically got killed the way she did because she's an idiot.

Galuf was a do or die final stand that was awesome.

>> No.2755949

To be fair, if Sephiroth didn't kill her, Cloud was going to.

>> No.2756069


Fuck thanks for RUINING the game form e ASSHOLE

>> No.2756071
File: 18 KB, 305x197, 1379201319870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John DOESN'T die at the end

>> No.2756149

Aeris probably comes as a bigger shock, if it hasn't been spoiled for you. Galuf's death scene is better though. Standing up to and repelling Exdeath by himself, refusing to drop long after hitting 0 HP, then the party trying all their spells and items to bring him back. I don't even remember what events surrounded Aeris' death.

>> No.2756197
File: 940 KB, 1661x1569, yuffie box.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How, exactly?

You ever watch an episode of Star Trek where a normally background or tertiary character suddenly starts getting way more screen time and attention?

It was basically that. Because the party was split up so damn often and Aerith may not always be a part of it the way they had to shoehorn a lot of character moments all at once was a dead giveaway that something was gonna go down in a big way, very soon. It wasn't so much foreshadowed as it was telegraphed a mile a way.

I don't have a picture of aerith. Here's yuffie sneaking around in a box

>> No.2756207

>I don't even remember what events surrounded Aeris' death.

That literally was the event. That whole event was just to kill her off. She didn't die as an organic part of the story, the story had to hit a detour to kill her off

>> No.2756210

Play shitloads of RPGs before FFVII came out:
>pretty much everyone died or "died" in FFII(IV)
>Crono the main character of his own game dies Chrono Trigger
>Gremio dies in Suikoden

>play FFVII
>don't give a fuck about Aeris' death because it definitely wasn't the first time party member was killed off despite the people who found the FF series (and often RPGs as a genre) with FFVII say
>to add to this Aeris' death was foreshadowed and Aeris herself wasn't that hot or interesting character from my point of view

>play FFV after finding out about the "lost" FF games

While Galuf's death didn't come as a huge shock because I was already used to the fact party members could die in RPGs way before FFVII and Aeris I will say this: Not only his death made sense (motherfucker fought Exdeath taking shitload of damage after being at 0 hp) making it clear in all possible ways he took mortal damage. Also I like how the FFV cast ACTUALLY TRIED USING PHOENIX DOWNS AND CURATIVE MAGIC ON HIM (unlike the FFVII's cast with Aeris) even if it was clearly a moot effort.

If I had to pick between the shock value between Aeris' and Galuf death neither shocked me at all but one of them died a heroic death while the other was basically waiting for her death doing absolute nothing so the shitty plot device from her death could take place. IMO the one that makes more sense was "better" death.

>> No.2756483

That's completely irrelevant you piece of shit. There will still be people who won't have played those games or watched that movie.

>> No.2756525

Oh, and Rosebud was the sled.

>> No.2756551

we can't talk about something for fear of spoilers! illimitable free information and access to it exists but we can't talk about something for fear that a small margin of people either have never played it during its time or were too young to have played it. let's narrow the scope of conversation to cater to them. if anything ffvii is so well known and it's spoiler (aeris' death) that i didn't even play the game as a kid and knew at the time. because self censure is not always the most paramount of concerns. especially considering it makes talking about something go from being normal conversation to having to have an elephant in the room to make someone else free to enjoy something spoiler free.
galuf, i gave a damn about him.
i like the metroid series from best to worst
in release order. i think the saga games are better than final fantasy. link's awakening is better than alttp. wario>mario. pokemon g/s > r/b/y. sotn is overrated for the hype the inverted castle gets. flashcarts are a better investment/value than collections for playability/cost.

>> No.2756568

nope just unlikely, like all of the galaxies most important events revolving around 1 family and their group of immediate friends/acquaintances/enemies.
4/10 slightly irritated. Going out like a bitch would be laying down and taking it or getting jobbed. i'm not sure you're familiar with what you said means, as a combination of words used to derive meaning as a whole.
so that's what 1 out of 3 for both consoles.

>> No.2756840 [DELETED] 


>> No.2757463

That's what the expanded universe is f-NOT CANON
... ohhhhh

>> No.2757491

More shocking? Aerith's, as it does really come out of nowhere and takes first time players by surprise. However, I got never got nearly as emotional at her death as I did at Galuf's. Aerith was killed in the beginning, and to be honest we never really had that many moments where she grew on us. There was her scenes with Cloud in the slums and the scenes with her at the canyon, but it always felt like we barely knew Aerith as a character and when we did, she was either talking about plot or being talked about. Even after her death the characters didn't seem all that effected, Cloud dumped her body in the lifestream and everyone went on with their lives, it wasn't until towards the end when they learned of Holy that she became really relevant again.

Galuf however, had a huge impact on both the player and the characters. Galuf's death was less shocking because there was a bit of(excellent) build-up to it with the ExDeath fight, but the emotions of the characters, I think, left a much bigger impact. Galuf had been a party member through 65% of the game, you knew who Galuf was and you knew what his character was as well. And when he died, they legitimately tried everything they could to bring him back, their sadness reflected your sadness and vice versa, you knew they truly cared for him, and because his jobs and experience carried over it never felt like he was truly irrelevant, instead that he(like many of the deceased in real life) lived on through his friends and family. And even at the end, he still directly affected the outcome of the game and aided the heroes.

>> No.2757507
File: 60 KB, 1195x399, Final Fantasy 5 Galuf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Galufs death wasn't shocking, but incredibly heroic.

Aeris's death wasn't shocking, it was downright pathetic. Stupid bitch ran off on her own, you spend a ton of time looking for her, and then she gets stabbed in a cutscene while the villain does his best Dick Dastardly moustache curl and exits, stage left. She was an unlikable cunt during the game and got what she deserved.

>> No.2757513
File: 47 KB, 457x639, Asterix - Caesar Knife Holder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Titanic sinks.

Julius Caesar gets murdered by Brutus & his posse.

>> No.2757528
File: 89 KB, 485x593, ArchdukeFranzFerdinand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Archduke Ferdinand dies

>> No.2757535
File: 641 KB, 1074x861, 15-MeteorStrike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


regrettably his granddaughter didn't really fit the image of Wizard Monk I spent a whole game building to that point

>> No.2757748

I think the biggest travesty in the game is that Krille basically doesn't fill any of the roles well that Galuf did, which is nonsensical since she gains all his skills.

>> No.2757772

Shut the fuck up dude you're not funny, you're not clever, and you're especially cute.

>> No.2757813

What was more shocking? Aerith or Crono?

I was not expecting a protag to die in an RPG. Made playing the party more interesting and I kinda thought you HAD to resurrect him during my first playthrough, and then I learned you didn't. That's player choice. That's quality.

That's Chrono Trigger

>> No.2757954
File: 16 KB, 467x397, 1244781213856.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these people ITT calling her Aerith

>> No.2757968

why couldn't they just give her a normal name like Alice?

>> No.2757991

Too many people overlook the fact that Aeris' death was meant to be a departure from the series staple of a heroic death of a character and make her passing a tragic and shocking occurrence as she wasn't a warrior fighting her last breath but instead a defenseless maiden and the main heroine at that.

>> No.2758371


Same reason they didn't call terra Tina


I get all that. Thing is, it didn't work. And they saintifed her so much later on that it really ran counter to the whole point

>> No.2758502
File: 13 KB, 224x216, 1387670317488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just started playing FF5 this week, you fucking faggot.

Not everyone has played every 40+ hour game out there, a heads up would have been nice.

>> No.2758505

Oh, okay. So following that logic, you'd have absolutely no problem with me spoiling any game eligible for discussion on this board, correct?

>> No.2758549


The world isn't gonna wait for you to play catch up.


everything that can be discussed here is at least 10 years old. It's by default not a hang out for people who fear spoilers. Go nuts

>> No.2758561


>hurr durr life's tough so i'm gonna spoil video games durr

I'm not asking you to suck my dick while bending over backwards to accommodate me or other users. This is not something extremely difficult or rare on the internet.

It would just be less of an asshole move to MARK spoilers or just discuss them INSIDE the actual thread INSTEAD of posting them in the OP.

>> No.2758564

I've never touched an FF game and I know the major spoilers of every single one.

There is no excuse for you to not know.

>> No.2758569

>spoiler olympics

Yeah, cool, fuck off.

>> No.2758584

>I'm not asking you to suck my dick while bending over backwards to accommodate me or other users. This is not something extremely difficult or rare on the internet.

You know what else isn't difficult? Staying off a board where in all likelihood everyone has played the old major releases and will be tossing around spoilers like Zeus tosses around electric bull semen

These aren't even obscure games. So fuck off till you're ready to knuckle down or throw caution to the wind.

>> No.2758593

>"Stay off an entire board because I'm unable to provide the bare minimum of self-control and common courtesy to not spoil a 40 game in the fucking OP"

Just admit you're an obnoxious dickhead who doesn't give a shit and leave it at that.

>> No.2758594

And you don't find that a problem at all? Why should someone born years later be spoiled? God you're all so freaking rude sometimes.

>> No.2758595

>Why should someone born years later be spoiled?

why would someone born years latter go on a board where people know the old shit inside out and will be talking loudly about it.

>God you're all so freaking rude sometimes.

no, you're just being stupid. You lack common sense. You're dumb. A simpleton. A maroon. a yutz etc, etc.

>> No.2758597

>why would someone born years latter go on a board where people know the old shit inside out and will be talking loudly about it.

Well, gee, I guess the only reasonable assumption is they come here so they can have pivotal moments of game plots spoiled for them.

Is it really that hard to use some critical thinking skills?

>> No.2758602

>Well, gee, I guess the only reasonable assumption is they come here so they can have pivotal moments of game plots spoiled for them.


You're bringing it on yourself. Clearly you have nothing to add to these conversations beyond whining that the world doesn't step on egg shells for you

did someone have to tell you not to stick a fork in the light socket? Is it really so hard to understand that people are gonna talk about games regardless of whether some nobody online played them?

Really who are you that we should censure ourselves? fucking nobody that's who

>> No.2758604

>no, you're just being stupid. You lack common sense. You're dumb. A simpleton. A maroon. a yutz etc, etc.


>> No.2758613


I don't know about you, but the internet I browse often marks spoilers on forums, or at the very least takes care not to spoil things in the topic title or first post. It's obvious no one's going to say, "Oh, I'm sorry I ruined a game you just started" or at the very least admit they were wrong or haphazard with spoiling, so it's pointless.

And we'll probably have some asshole defending this shit because of "muh 4chan culture." Yeah, the same "culture" that perpetuates /v/ and /b/ maybe. I'd like to think we're all reasonable adults here (this is a retro board after all) but then again, you've proven me wrong.

>Really who are you that we should censure ourselves? fucking nobody that's who

I'm someone who has been on forums and this site for many many years. And as a user of said website, I feel I should be able to voice my opinion about blatant spoilers.Also, the word you're looking for is "censor," jackass.

>> No.2758616

>I don't know about you, but the internet I browse often marks spoilers on forums

so go there.

Seriously. You're the one with the problem. You leave. The internet doesn't exist to serve you.

>> No.2758625
File: 296 KB, 522x458, 1370494085452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are fucking insane. Having a spoiler AS A THREAD PICTURE is a bit dickish but what do you expect people to talk about on a board devoted to 20 year old video games?

aeris death was more shocking souley because of FMV technology

>> No.2758627

>The internet doesn't exist to serve you.
Some would argue that it does

>> No.2758646

I'm going nowhere, and I reserve the right to point out bullshit when I see it.

I'm currently playing through FFV, OP was bullshit, end of story.

>> No.2758653

>I'm going nowhere,

Then prepare to get spoiled.

>and I reserve the right to point out bullshit when I see it.

And we reserve the right to call out faggots when we see them.

>I'm currently playing through FFV,

You want a medal

>OP was bullshit, end of story.

cry more

>> No.2758662

Stop feeding the caveman guys

>> No.2758727


I'm currently playing through FFV, OP was bullshit, end of story.

Repost, because you didn't get it the first fucking time.

>> No.2758734

>Having a spoiler AS A THREAD PICTURE is a bit dickish

Uh yes, just a little. Glad someone else thinks so. It's bordering on bait/trolling to be quite honest.

>what do you expect people to talk about on a board devoted to 20 year old video games?

Lots of things. Collecting them, the hardware, different genres, accessories, the industry at the time, soundtracks. And yes, I do expect people to talk about the story in said games, but making a thread like this is just shitty.

It's shitty for discussion for people who have played the games, it's shitty for spoiling people who haven't, and it's shitty for anyone who expects any sort of loose form of a community on this god damn board.

Is ANY of this getting through? At all?

>> No.2758754

You are crazy, irrational, and stupid.

>> No.2758759

And you're redundant, unhelpful, and generally unimaginative with your insults.

>> No.2758770

No, you are irrational. You are attacking people for talking about shit that everyone knows, and you are constantly refreshing the thread in order to fuel your addiction to anger by throwing out more and more bait.

That is irrational behavior, refusal to admit to addiction is a mental illness, and the fact that you want people to pander to you is stupid.

You are only an attention seeker. That's it. Nothing more.

Also, you typed "uh" on the internet. "Uh" is not used in written speech under any circumstances, the same way we don't unironically cough, or do ellipses when we are thinking about what we're about to say.

You are unable to behave on this board.

>> No.2758776
File: 195 KB, 500x374, 1431620333577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just came here to remind you that while you're entitled to your own opinions others are also entitled to theirs.

If you don't like what you see just don't post in this thread, 4chan isn't exactly made with the intent of having a tight knitted community, it's an image board where everyone can post whatever they want, with some obvious limits regarding certain boards, if people want to talk about plot points you don't have any right to deny them the right to and even less to say that it's shitty or meaningless, otherwise people wouldn't write essays on Anna Karenina getting ironed by a train, there wouldn't be classical composition like The Death of Ivan because they would spoil Taras Bulba and so on.

You're just being an entitled whiny bitch because people talk about what you don't like, especially regarding two extremely popular games that are over 20 years old.

And truth to be told, you people who complain about spoilers are those who can't enjoy narrative anyway, knowing that a character dies at some point is insignificant because you still don't know how, why and when he/she dies, the message or meaning behind their death still comes across and isn't spoilered nor made less important or dramatic.

Suit yourself and learn to browse 4chan if you haven't already, this place isn't made to cater to you, get out of the kitchen if things are to hot for you.

>> No.2758782 [DELETED] 

I'm not irrational for suggesting someone click the little box marked spoiler before posting a thread like this. That's IT. That's ALL it would take, and we wouldn't even be discussing this.

Yet I can't even find anyone here saying that's a logical solution to this conflict. No one. Not one single person other than myself. And then we have garbage posts like yours ranting on about how I'm illogical for suggesting something like this.

I could care less about attention, I just find it unbelievable that no one would even suggest that using the spoiler tag would be a better option.

And uh, uh, uh. Get the fuck over it. You're getting pissy because I said "Uh" but not for someone who spoils a game in the OP? Get your priorities together, you mangled piece of shit.

>> No.2758809

Not that guy but he's right. You're crazy, irrational,stupid, and to top it off: naive if your whining over a spoiler of a 20 year old game in an image forum dedicated to retro games.

If you didn't wan't to be spoiled on something here's a tip: Don't go on the internet.

>> No.2758917

Aerith was more shocking.
Galuf was much more fun.

Kicking the shit out of Exdeath up until the very end was a hell of a way to go.

>> No.2758945

So in essence, it's not about the destination, but the journey.

>> No.2758950


I don't know what that thing on the left is but how was retard hair's death supposed to be shocking? The villain had her for a long time and she wasn't the love interest.

>> No.2758994

Honest question: How was Aeris' death supposed to be that shocking? Especially for people who have already have experienced party members dying in other games before FFVII?

>> No.2759058

Aeris tells you about it, there's nothing shocking about it at all.

>> No.2759089

>and you're especially cute.
y-you too.
>A simpleton. A maroon. a yutz
groucho marx, is that you?

>> No.2759174

Because FF7 was the first RPG to far too many people.

>> No.2759184

Who cares? Lots of RPGs are just being discovered by thousands of people daily. Be mindful yo!

>> No.2761512 [SPOILER] 
File: 159 KB, 329x353, 1445886800887.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A picture of Aerith dying is literally /vr/'s spoiler tag.

>> No.2761556

Not to mention that website, aerisdies.com, which is as old as the internet itself pretty much.

>> No.2761559

many of my earliest faps were spent on that website, god bless it

>> No.2761561

>I'm right even though the creators contradict me

>> No.2761575
File: 213 KB, 1908x1066, Jon Snow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jon Snow is alive you nigger, don't scare me like that.

>> No.2761790

>Because FF7 was the first RPG to far too many people.

yeah and? People don't go on near as much about Nei

>> No.2761801

Fuck you Bloodlines is the best.

>> No.2762557
File: 17 KB, 300x495, leen_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leen's death hit me harder than both. even if she got better after wards.

>> No.2762995

The creators contradicted themselves. It's not my fault they gave her a better name for the North American release.

>> No.2763072
File: 122 KB, 612x1000, Leo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.2763194
File: 44 KB, 480x320, krile final fantasy v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Galuf dies
>Krile's sprite stares at you in battle

>> No.2763354

That should be in the sticky.

>> No.2764569 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one was more shocking.

>> No.2764592 [SPOILER] 
File: 13 KB, 480x360, 1446027253520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was more shocking.

>> No.2764724


that game was my first rpg man. them comic book like cutscenes.

>> No.2764725
File: 7 KB, 512x448, 51-Live_A_Live_00302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both are small fry

>> No.2764923
File: 26 KB, 162x168, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what game is that?
>you can google it
im far yoo lazy, and im in no hurry

>> No.2764942

>typing all that out
>posting a reaction image
>not making two clicks to reverse image search
>not reading the name of the image

Your not too lazy, you're too dumb.

>> No.2764957

Cloud and Aerith
Cloud and Earth

Fire Emblem's Marth should've been called Mars like in the OVA.

>> No.2765382

> 51-Live_A_Live_00302.png

>> No.2765967

well it sure looks like you proved your point...thank you anyway.

>> No.2766357


Gonna be perfectly honest. As a kid I legit thought she was the main character