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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 6 KB, 500x320, logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2749970 No.2749970 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a thread about truly awful retro games, starting with the "classic" DQ clone, Hoshi wo Miru Hito.

>> No.2749996

The music is literally random blips and blops

>> No.2750007

you know what's weird, there are actually fans of this game... and hot-b in general, that will defend this game to death.

>> No.2750028


No, THIS is literally random blips and blops:


>> No.2750032
File: 3 KB, 200x200, Spelunker_icon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I un-ironically enjoy Spelunker. I love playing it as long as I can until I die for the first time, then turn it off and come back to it later. I have gotten better and better at the game, it's gameplay was immediately dated when Super Mario Bros. came out, it's such a strange beast.

>> No.2750045

>I un-ironically enjoy Spelunker.
Are you kidding, I love NES Spelunker.

>> No.2750050

I wasn't aware that people actually considered this a shit game... saying that a game is unforgivably hard isn't the same as saying a game is shit you know

>> No.2750051 [DELETED] 

the thing is though that game is a homebrew game made as a joke though.

>> No.2750052

that really isn't that far off from the music in OP's game, also you aren't randum and edgy for posting that meme game here.

>> No.2750056

I know what you mean, it feels like one of those commodore/spectrum platformers even though it's supposed to be an arcade port.

>> No.2750067

ITT: HG101

>> No.2750094

>and hot-b in general

they had some good games. The Blue Marlin is fantastic..and I hate fishing, Palamades is a hidden gem of a puzzle game, Over Horizon is a really fun shooter and should have got an NA release.

>> No.2750095

It's considered "kuso-ge" in Japan, albeit a beloved one.

>> No.2750113

Spelunker is good kusoge, if that makes sense.

>> No.2750124

Truly the IGN of retro video games.

>> No.2750565
File: 38 KB, 600x450, kazunori421-img600x450-1395399351haar9v20044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Armored Police Metal Jack for the Super Nintendo, based on a series that is only slightly better than the game.

One of the characters can't even complete the game thanks to a poorly designed boss fight later on that is impossible due to the fact that he's too slow to land even a single hit.

>> No.2750607
File: 19 KB, 320x200, A_10962_1241514322_aip_002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accidents in Paradise


An extremely low budget and obscure Germany-only flight "simulation" about the Earth being invaded by retarded aliens.

The whole thing is absolutely ridiculous on so many levels and simply one big joke, starting with the silly writing that involves Will Smith as US president and gay air traffic controllers, over the missions that involve shit like finding out whether the spotted unidentified objects are actually aliens or just a bunch of drunk airplane pilots, to the unorthodox locations like the Moselle Valley and credits where one of the special thanks is for the erection of one of the devs.

But it all pales in comparison to the joystick calibration where whenever you move the stick into one direction you'll hear a male or female voice moaning.
A shame that there isn't a video of it out there because that's shit that needs to be seen to be believed.

>> No.2750616
File: 202 KB, 792x866, earnest_evans_by_rudecubes-d46xoe3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, I'm Earnest Evans. Check out my keraaaaaaazy limbs! And my game. Which probably counts as 'good' kusoge like Spelunker. Those retsupurae guys called it 'QWOP mixed with Indiana Jones' and I think the bastards were right. No, Annet, your games were NOT better.

>> No.2750649
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>> No.2750661
File: 72 KB, 384x256, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The arcade version is way more superior, it's actually easier and you don't automatically die when you fall. It even has a sequel on arcade.

>> No.2750676


>easier = "way more" superior

I wish /v/ would leave.

>> No.2751469
File: 38 KB, 480x306, snes-lagoon-cart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game came with my SNES when I bought it off my cousin. Never got anywhere as a kid and only truly realized how shit it was when I beat it as an adult.

I don't know how well known it is around here since I'm not a regular poster but I'll describe a few of its problems if anyone is unfamiliar

Tries really hard to be Ys. No bump combat but it might as well be with a sword literally 2 pixels long

Tons of cool magic spell options, but they all cost too much MP to use and the basic versions of each spell are the best.

Speaking of spells, you cant actually use magic in boss rooms. You can only equip rings that give you minor boosts for ~6 seconds before they drain all your mp and unequip themselves

There are healing and mana replenishing items but they are rare and purchasing them involves massive backtracking to the one store in the game that sells them. You can only hold one of each at a time.

HP and MP regen on their own by standing still, but the process is incredibly slow. At higher levels regen from low hp to full takes a minute and a half. In a dungeon where every enemy takes half your hp with one hit this gets really tedious really fast.

Story is the most basic shit ever and might as well not exist. Final boss is a nightmare even when overleveled because of the games tendency to make bosses trap you in a corner with no invincibility frames which instakills you. Also his final form makes this awful high pitched screech constantly that really hurt my ears.

It was still an interesting experience at least. I usually don't force myself through bad games.

>> No.2751489
File: 11 KB, 512x448, HongKong97Title.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A herd of fuckin' ugly reds is invading your country! What do?

>> No.2751536

Lagoon fan site. It's real.


>> No.2751542

I wouldn't have been able to get through the game without that site.

>> No.2751851

Does the genesis port of Shadow of the Beast count?

>> No.2751868
File: 73 KB, 431x760, Engrish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grabbed this intro text from a shitty PC-Engine shmup called 'Rock On'

>> No.2751871
File: 199 KB, 256x307, Jp-trespasser-cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still go back to play it sometimes. Its bad but interesting.

>> No.2751874
File: 575 KB, 606x603, mp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat loop

>> No.2751876

Has anyone taken the time to kill 1.2 billion reds?

>> No.2751893
File: 22 KB, 113x105, yoshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one in the world can make it real who has got to be billionet and radical, physically and mentally....

>> No.2751919

downloading, this sounds hilarious

>> No.2751947

The part where they didn't bother adjusting the game for 60 hz? Pretty hilarious.

Heavy Nova is the worst game I can remember attempting to play. Maybe I was missing something.

>> No.2752375

Sword of Sodan on Genesis is wretched

>> No.2752620

My biggest gripe with Hoshi o Miru Hito is the nonexistent character progression. When you level up, only your HP goes up. When it's time to face stronger enemies you don't have stats high enough to even damage them, making you run away every fight.

>> No.2752626

TG16 games were notorious for having engrishy text, this is amusing but hardly shocking or telling of how bad the game is.

>> No.2752629

I meant their RPGs, which were always mediocre at best. There are people out there that defend them like fatlus neckbeards defend atlus... I don't get it.

>> No.2752632
File: 135 KB, 800x1147, 194159-palamedes-nes-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Palamades is a hidden gem of a puzzle game,
jesus christ, this box art
I have to wonder how many NES games horrible box art destroyed

>> No.2752650

Same as all music from that era.

>> No.2752659

>being this autistic
come one, you knew what they meant.

>> No.2753261
File: 16 KB, 256x240, triothepunch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the way the music never stops even between levels becomes maddening after a while. Typical Deco, uh, "quality" but you all probably knew that.

>> No.2753267
File: 871 KB, 1000x624, Heavy Nova.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone else played this piece of shit? I bought it for the cover art. Oddly enough I also bought a game called Robotica for Saturn that same day. It was also complete shit and also made by Micronet.

>> No.2753268


I actually love trespasser. And I didnt even play it before like... five years ago. I find it incredibly immersive even when the engine shits itself every five minutes.

>> No.2753287

>amazinly exciting

>> No.2753861

We used to play this crap in vs mode. Horrible.

My nomination for this thread is Wrath of the Black Manta.


Altered Beast is a horrible, horrible game

>> No.2753862

I'm far from knowledgeable about music composition, but the music sounds like maybe the "instruments" are slightly out of sync or something.

>> No.2753983

>Wrath of the Black Manta
Kusoge levels of awful? I'm not seeing it. At worst, it's kinda average. Controls were responsive, hitboxes and platforming were fine, and some of the special moves were pretty cool. The only negatives I can think of are the laughably bad 80's ninja/say no to drugs story, the lack of variety of music, and the repetitiveness due to the lack of challenge. Maybe I'm a little biased towards it because it was one of the few NES games I could beat as a kid.

On the other hand, I played a ton of Ikari Warriors NES for god knows what reason. The arcade version was decent, but holy shit was the NES port unrelentingly awful. Ikari Warriors II and its morse code intro can go fuck itself too.

>> No.2754115

It's a sub-standard and even slower Shinobi clone with worse controls IMO. I borrowed it as a kid and considered it a waste of time as I played it, but finished it anyway. I wasn't charmed by any of its cheesiness back then, so yeah I'd put it in kusoge territory personally.

>> No.2754116

I really wish WolfTeam wouldn't have fucked this game up so bad. I like the idea and actually like El Viento. But god was that game shit it makes me sad.

>> No.2754124

worst part about it was the turrican damage

>> No.2754134

Poor Earnest, I really liked the game and I learned to control it pretty fine.
I didn't even noticed a lot of it's flaws or just decided they wheren't important because I assumed my opinions were wrong.

I still like it more than El Viento thanks to his bosses.

>> No.2754150
File: 4 KB, 256x224, Earnestevens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just can't get past the physics thing they did with his sprite and if the layout was better I would love it. I like the character design a lot though looks cool.

>> No.2755101

Chara design is a given because friggin' Wolfteam, but the controls are the main offender because usually their games where tight as hell.

>Arcus Odissey
Using bouncing arrows to hit enemies safely was top fun.

>> No.2755430

So how do I get a password in this game? I can't find anyone who saves your progress or anything

>> No.2755674
File: 15 KB, 256x224, Ancient Magic Bazoo! Mahou Sekai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>battles are very SLOW
>all offensive magic misses 1/2 of the time on any enemy
>game emphasizes magic use and most characters are spell casters but mana is always in short supply
>spell MP cost scales up faster than spell power
>difficulty scales up according to your level
>you never feel like you're becoming stronger as you level up

>> No.2755685
File: 26 KB, 467x640, someone will defend this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2755706
File: 12 KB, 256x223, Kouryuu Densetsu Villgust (english translation)-2-full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey, this can't be that bad, I could probably try it out
>look up a youtube video
>battles this fucking slow-paced with an average JRPG encounter rate
It looks like murder to play. I am a /vr/ JRPG addict and kusoge ones have a certain charm to them, but I'm not touching this with a 10 foot pole.

Pic related is another RPG kusoge. Delirious music, shitty graphics, virtual absence of plot. The only notable thing about it is that you can run out of random encounters in a given location, which prevents you from overgrinding, and that you can reach big 5-digit numbers on your stats rather early on, making it appealing to the terminally autistic like me

>> No.2755713

Do you get stronger from equips instead then?

>> No.2755718

Reminder that there's a difference between "kusoge" and "bakage"

Kusoge: Genuinely bad game.

Bakage: Can be good or bad. But the premise or graphics are just plain weird.

For example: Cheetahmen is a kusoge

Something like Growl/Runark is a bakage

Many people consider Trio the Punch a bakage, not a kusoge.

>> No.2755721

>Doom Guy and his friends the Bad Dudes memorialized as gilded paintings

I've heard things about pic related, I own it and intend to finish it sometime in the next year along with every other NES game I've ever purchased. Is it kusoge or just grueling? The manual makes it seem like the latter.

>7 towers
>all of them have invisible entrances
>and 200+ rooms
>there are also invisible entrances to parallel world mazes
>which also have invisible exits

As a fan of map making I expect to enjoy it but I also expect pain.

>> No.2755726

Then leave.

>> No.2755729
File: 355 KB, 320x450, Deadly_Towers_boxart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic like a foo

>> No.2755738

I love Beijing Tiananmen

>> No.2755757


>> No.2755763

Lol sounds like you just suck kid. Lagoon was hella good.

>> No.2756064

>Is it kusoge or just grueling?

I enjoyed it, but it does have some serious flaws. Enemies can sometimes hit you near-instantly if you enter a room from the wrong direction, and it takes an absurd number of hits to kill anything until you get some upgrades.

I'm also not sure you fully comprehend how ridiculous the dungeons are and how difficult they are to map. In addition to what you listed, the dungeon maps loop: traveling off the right edge brings you to the left edge of the map and so forth. I initially tried mapping out the dungeons, but gave up due to that and the way nearly every room looks identical. I still somehow beat the game eventually, though.

>> No.2756068

my vote for worst controls ever

>> No.2756078

No, it's pretty typical nes music. Fuck him and fuck you.

>> No.2756112
File: 105 KB, 633x663, 1439769360128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we got an edgemaster here