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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2745228 No.2745228 [Reply] [Original]

What retro game is most similar in terms of gameplay, style and atmosphere to Dark Souls?

>> No.2745234

King's Field


>> No.2745242

Shadow Tower

>> No.2745334
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To add a bit more: The Dark Souls series is the spiritual succesor to Demon's Souls, which was the spiritual succesor to the King's Field series.

>> No.2745376
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Nothing, it is in every way a modern game

>> No.2745473

I found Demon's Soul a whole lot more closer to King's Field's atmosphere. Dark Souls feels more like generic grit n' soot dark fantasy.

>> No.2745481

Honestly if there is one outside of Kings Field and its spinoffs (Shadow Tower, Eternal Ring) I'd like to play it because I feel like Demon's (and to a lesser extent, Dark) Souls is probably the single best game of the generation

>> No.2745491

>Demon's (and to a lesser extent, Dark) Souls is probably the single best game of the generation
I got to the party late so I prefer Dark Souls myself :\
I have to agree with you though. I haven't felt that good playing anything since Sixth Gen and before.

>> No.2745520

Try Vagrant Story.

>> No.2745528

>Well, not OUTRAGEOUS but wrong
>Well, no, not entirely wrong
>You know, he may have a point
>Actually yeah, this.

My thoughts on seeing your post.

>> No.2745568

Vagrant Story kinda gets it down buts its a little too Japanese at times. You know, with Sydney being the ultimate edgelord and all that garbage.
I know FROM is from Japan, but some how they nailed the Western Dark Fantasy with Demon's so fucking hard.

I still think its an amazing game but its definitely more JRPG then action-RPG dungeon crawler.

It does get the Isolation and the atmosphere on point though.

>> No.2745572

Moonstone: A Hard Day's Knight.

>> No.2745803

Castlevania Symphony of the Night has progression similar to a Souls game.

>> No.2746251

Weirdly enough for me, I always felt like dark souls was the spiritual successor to diablo.
Diablo2 kept the gameplay and the loot, but was nothing like the first for atmosphere.
Dark souls was the first game in a long time to capture the trepidation and somberness as well as pervasive sense of misery that diablo had.
Weird cos they are pretty fucking different, but go back and play diablo1 as a warrior and see what I mean.

>> No.2746260
File: 134 KB, 640x922, sword master cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NES games with their darker color palette and higher difficulty are pretty much that. Sword and Kick Master are super cool.

>> No.2746261

Is die by the sword or severance retro?

>> No.2746434


>> No.2746439
File: 83 KB, 600x336, Spelunker-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't played much Dark Souls, but a friend who is a huge fan of it says it always reminded him in a weird way of Spelunker.

>> No.2746442

It seems as if the Souls games could evoke people many different sort of feels.

For me, it's Metroid.

>> No.2746458

what part of Sydney or any of his actions makes him an edgelord though

I know he looks all kinda gay and also freaky with his metal arms, but he spends literally 0% of the time brooding over anything and never gets all "Everything sucks lets ruin the world" or some cliche shit

if anything most of the time, he plays the character of the devil or the trickster perfectly, seducing and manipulating people to stir shit up intentionally, and opening up pandora's box just because it's there, to fuck up the status quo

he's a snake and I actually like him a lot

>> No.2746462
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>> No.2746532
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>Style and Atmosphere
Shadow Tower

>> No.2746540

>no titles
That'll filter the casuals

>> No.2747162

Zelda 2.

>> No.2747191


>> No.2747227



Now this is a really good game if you like the style, if someone haven't played I suggest trying it.

>> No.2748701

From above,left: Faxanadu,??,??,Chakan,??Maximo Ghost to glory,??, CV2

>> No.2748707

bottom middle is alien soldier

>> No.2748790
File: 576 KB, 2923x2043, Deathtrapdungeon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2748792

Hey, I remember fapping to that ad in the 90's!

>> No.2748796

Valis, Beastlord, probably Shadowman but that's an awful screenshot

I remember fapping to that ad in 5 minutes from now

Well time for lunch break hope all the bathroom stalls are empty

>> No.2748797
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>> No.2748805

Was Deathtrap Dungeon good? I loved those books when I was a kid, but never played that game.

The DS Warlock of Firetop Mountain was a surprisingly great dungeon crawl though, so now I'm curious. I totally forgot this existed till now.

>> No.2748812

Holy shit, that's Kelly Brook! She was the Deathtrap Dungeon model? My mind is now blown.

>> No.2748813

it was okay, but suffered a lot from shitty camera and controls.

>> No.2748817

It's ridiculously hard, mostly due to the tank controls, odd camera and rock solid, silky smooth, hard-locked 17fps.

I assume that not even the devs thought that anyone is nuts enough to beat it since the game ends on a MASSIVE troll ending.

>> No.2748821

That's a shame. But now remembering it's out there I still may attempt it sometime. The DS one was pretty tough in points as well, but fun. Bought it on a complete lark, but ended up playing through numerous times. It's first person and controls quite well though.

>> No.2748825 [DELETED] 
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Damn right it is. You can thank me later, happy fapping anon.

>> No.2748845

good thing I gave up at the horrible flying turtle level near the end then

>> No.2748847

>Well time for lunch break hope all the bathroom stalls are empty

are you actually gonna fap at work?

>> No.2748872

Not that anon, but I fap at work almost every day. I did it about an hour ago. Makes for a nice break.

>> No.2748890


shit at work don't fap there


>> No.2748910

It can't be worse than trolling 4chan which I'm doing now. Having a cushy and mostly independent job is pretty great.

>> No.2748945

Try Deathtrap Dungeon.

>> No.2748949

I don't know, after I cum I feel really unmotivated and unproductive. I think you're shooting yourself in the foot.

>> No.2748972
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deathfap dungeon

>> No.2748995

Really? I feel relaxed and energized. After a fap break is sometimes when I'm most productive. Nothing else on my mind so I just make some mixes or test some shit or whatever's on the plate for that day. Funny thing is that I barely ever fap or come to 4chan when I'm not at work. It's only when I'm trapped here with little else to do that I bother.

>> No.2749951

>Maximo 3 will never happen

The pain will never truly subside.

>> No.2750142

>Sword and Kick Master
this, so much this.
Kick Master has some bosses that really bring a DaS vibe

>> No.2750158

Demon's Crest

>> No.2750592


>> No.2752145


>> No.2752150

what makes the game good?

>> No.2752151

but Anon, Maximo is much better than Dark Souls.

>> No.2752161

It's vaguely similar to every single mildly dark retro game ever made


>> No.2752171


the only modern games I play are pretty much sequels of retro games, (the last Civilization, last Street Fighter, Last mainline Mario)
But I have been stumbling upon a lot of people praising this game on the internet, putting it high among the best games ever.
So, at least I am intrigued.
The issue is most reviews are corny, and feel like the writer is a young person who just beat his first challenging game.

>> No.2752172

Try playing Demon's Souls or Dark Souls without leveling up if that's what you think.

>> No.2752489

From top left to right.
1. Faxanadu?
2. Probably kings field, but I have played it yet, it's coming in the mail now for me
3. ?
4. Chakan the fucking forever man
5. Alisia Dragoon?
6. ?
7. ?
8. Alien soldier

Anybody mind filling in the ones I missed?

>not knowing chakan the forever nigga

>> No.2752494

7 is maximo.

>> No.2752594

>>not knowing chakan the forever nigga

you seem bad at reading