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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2730120 No.2730120 [Reply] [Original]

Mine is the Guardian Legend.

>> No.2730124


>> No.2730126

Zelda 2

>> No.2730137

double dragon

>> No.2730143

Mario Bros 3. I like Zelda 2 as well, really not as bad people make it although I still need to beat it. CV3 is GOAT....sorry for mixed messages.

>> No.2730145

So, is anyone actually going to post the reasons they like these games, or what? Why even bother fucking posting? You could make a bot to randomly select NES games for this thread and you'd get the same fucking result. You dumb fucking retards have nothing of value to add to the discussion but you think it's very important that you anonymously let everyone on the Internet know what your favorite game is.

>> No.2730148

I was very excited to post in this thread until I read this :(

Super mario bros 3.

BECAUSE; I can sit down and speed run it and it's really fun. When you can speedrun a game it makes it that much better.

>> No.2730149


>> No.2730159
File: 29 KB, 425x301, attack of the giant faggot starring OP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a simple poll about /vr/'s favorite NES games but telling why you like favorite game is encouraged.

>You dumb fucking retards have nothing of value to add to the discussion but you think it's very important that you...
People who do nothing but bitch and whine about everything generally never contribute anything meaningful to discussions either. Your post is a good example of this.

>> No.2730174

Dragon Warrior IV

>> No.2730185


>> No.2730190

Excellent taste OP.
But I have to go with Mega Man 2/3.

>> No.2730210

Puzzles are smart, setting is fun and it's full of atmosphere.

>Journey to Silius
Game is fast, fun has great controls and the music is killer.

It's like if they had made a third Zelda on NES. Highly underrated action-RPG.

>> No.2730213


>> No.2730282

Crystal Mines

>> No.2730498

All 3 of these are great!

>> No.2730550

>It's like if they had made a third Zelda on NES

except besides having a top down perspective, it's nothing like a Zelda game whatsoever.

>> No.2730562

Castlevania 3

>> No.2730584

>So, is anyone actually going to post the reasons they like these games, or what? Why even bother fucking posting?

We only were given 10 seconds bro. Chill out. Oh shit I'm already over the time limi

>> No.2730601

>[Crystalis]'s nothing like a Zelda game whatsoever.

Whereas Zelda 1 and 2 were so similar.

>> No.2730608

Mine is a hidden gem called "Stop Making These Pointless Fucking Threads".

Unfortunately, very few people seem to have heard of it.

>> No.2730613

My favorite is "bitter guy who needs a gf"

>> No.2730615

Double dragon

>> No.2730634


>> No.2730636
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Depending on the day either Faxanadu or Crystalis.

Probably Crystalis though.

>> No.2730662

Might be Super Mario Bros. 2, Batman, or TMNT, though I've got a shitload of NES games I love.

>> No.2730673
File: 12 KB, 218x300, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conflict got me hooked on strategy games and I still play it occasionally. Then Super Conflict came out on SNES and was amazing.

While I am on it I'd love to learn how to code better to make an Android port of Conflict, I even designed a tabletop version played with plastic army toys and dice. I never finished or did anything with it as nobody around em at that time was into tat type of gaming.

>> No.2730693


No, not gonna play your game OP. I am however gonna hijack this shit so it's a bit less cliche.

Name your favorite NES game you discovered WELL after the system faded from mainstream relevance.

For me it's Air Fortress. I had never heard of the game until I randomly played it in an emulator one day and then had to go out and buy a physical copy. Amazing atmosphere, music, and gameplay. Unique as hell and nice, cheap hidden gem in the library.

>> No.2730705

Fire 'n Ice
The extra levels are more easy than i expected

>> No.2730707

Gimmick or Mario 3

>> No.2730721

Final Fantasy

Warrior, Red Mage, White Mage, Black Mage master race.

>> No.2730726

For me, it has to be Little Samson

I never head of that game before I discovered it online one day after researching good NES games to play.

That game is a ton of fun and a very unique game, even by today's standards.

I also like Rockin Kats. Mostly because it takes elements from Bionic Commando and Ducktales and combines it into this weird platformer. (The bosses are frustrating though. Mostly because they give you very little room to manoeuvre around them and some of them are just random in their pattern)

>> No.2730763

Super Mario Bros. 3, or The Legend of Zelda, depends on my mood

>> No.2730925

Blaster master

>> No.2730979

Dragon Warrior IV

>> No.2730985


probably SMB3, yeah... so exciting.

>> No.2731002

Sonic 2

>> No.2731019


>> No.2731220
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>> No.2731246
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Snake's Revenge Not even kidding. This game is incredibly underrated due to all the blind hate it gets from Kojimadrones who never made it pass the jungle.

>> No.2731257

what a dumbfuck

>10 seconds
>expects a short story

>> No.2731274


>> No.2731281
File: 92 KB, 496x433, battletoads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Battletoads. not only my favorite NES game, my favorite game period.

>> No.2731307

Fun fact, the team who made this game will later go on to find Good Feel years later.

>> No.2731327

The NES Castlevania/Snake's Revenge team really had nothing to do with GoodFeel. That was the Goemon team.

>> No.2731338

Kojima said otherwise.
>That was the Goemon team.
They also did Twinbee, Parodius (except the MSX one, thats proto-Treasure), most of the Gradius spin offs and 90% of their licensed games (some like Simpsons & Bucky are also done by proto-Treasure as well).

>> No.2731341


>> No.2731350

>Kojima said otherwise.
[citation needed]
H. Akamatsu, the lead programmer of Snake's Revenge worked on all three Castlevania games on the NES and Yasuo Okuda also worked on III. There might had been some overlap with Goemon people, since it was technically the same Konami division that worked on all Famicom games, but it was mainly half of the Castlevania III team.

>> No.2731364

Upa, Skate or Die, NES TMNT, NES Metal Gear & Bucky were done by proto-Treasure however.

However, Iga did say a few Treasure staffers did came from Kobe but Treasure was mainly a Tokyo thing.

http://www.gamingcx.com/2011/08/gamecenter-cx-episode-7-prince-of_6706.html (interview starts at 27:36)

Yes I do know know about the CastelvaniaXMetal Gear thing with Snake's Revenge.

>> No.2731478


>> No.2731521

Legend of Zelda
Nothing beats the sense of freedom of wandering around in Hyrule

>> No.2731574

Zelda 2

the only zelda game i enjoyed. and enjoyed it very much

>> No.2731607


not too off-topic, but i spot 1/4 of a Tyco Turbo Hopper RC car on the desk behind him...

>> No.2731654

Metroid, Zeldas, Faxanadu and Solstice are all great; if I had to pick a favourite I'd probably have to go with SMB3 tho.

>> No.2731658

I know it's super fucking common and pleb to say, but I probably have to go with Super Mario Bros. 3. It's just too fucking good even if I love other NES games to pieces.

>> No.2731880

Mega Man 6

>> No.2731892

Megaman II or IV, great system but not exactly my favourite

>> No.2731902

If I have someone to play it with me River City Ransom, if I don't then I have to go with Mega Man 2.

Magic of Sceheheheraza, not only it features the rarely used arabic setting that is nice change it's also a interesting hybrid between Zelda and Dragon Quest like parts.

>> No.2731918

none. literally worst system i ever played. ps2 is better.

>> No.2732014

Sweet Home

>> No.2732018


>> No.2732026


play some atari 2600 and then report back to thread, you idiot.

>> No.2732027

ew atari. im not a nes nigger, i play gtx titan x

>> No.2732045


>walks into NES thread just to say NES is mediocre

only mediocre thing here are your baiting skills, newbie.

>> No.2732054

nes is mediocre. sorry. it was never state of the art. it was mediocre even before it was released.

>> No.2732064

Faxanadu, probably.

>> No.2732101


how can you say it wasn't state of the art when it was released, when your mom hadn't even released you from her vagina until 15 years later?

you just weren't there. NES came before you and will go on after you're dead and gone.

>> No.2732104

sorry if i offended your fanboyism, it's still a mediocre console.

>> No.2732109


yawn. your b8 got old 3 posts ago. you don't even bother going into reasons... just bla bla mediocre hehehe... look at me i'm trolling, mom!

>> No.2732110

Mah nigga.
Shatterhand is easily my favorite NES game. Cool look, level design, you can punch bullets out of the air, it's just tight and satisfying as all hell.
Really, most of the NES games I really like are all like 89-onward stuff.
Kirby's Adventure is another favorite.

as for shit I enjoyed as a kid, I remember playing a fuckton of Seicross
and I had like Antarctic Adventure on a pirate cart

>> No.2732113

still mediocre.

>> No.2732114


still baiting, unless you can back up your bullshit posts.

>> No.2732128

Blaster master

>> No.2732132


aww how cute. someone just learned the meaning of the word "mediocre" and can't stop using it online.

>> No.2732143

You can't call the NES the worst system and mediocre at the same time, those terms are mutually exclusive.

>> No.2732237

Faxanadu, probably.

>> No.2732271

mediocre doesnt mean bad, it just means mediocre by all means. a mediocre system can still have good games. nes has 3 or 6 of that.


>> No.2732295


I love everything about it. It looks great it, it sounds great, it plays great, and nothing tops punching shit to death.

>> No.2732302

shatterhand has literally the worst cover of all games. its like an intern at singstar did it. thus it is the worst game of all time, followed by super mario 1 which also sucks ass.

>> No.2732320

Maniac Mansion

>> No.2732323


>> No.2732327

Final Fantasy III, but Guardian Legend and Metroid are close seconds.

>> No.2732338

CV3 on Famicom aka Akumajou Densetsu

Zelda 2 is also good

>> No.2732351


>> No.2732359

Dr Mario

>> No.2732365


that music though. lol

>> No.2732368

Ninja Gaiden

>> No.2732913

Kung Fu

so much fun and cheesiness in just 5 minutes

>> No.2732938

dahn dahn du du du du du dahn dahn dah dut duh

>> No.2733086 [SPOILER] 
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Rockin Kats

>> No.2733098



>> No.2733102

Mega Man 4

>> No.2733486

>no one said metal storm
Not a surprise I guess, Metroid, Mario, and Megaman are definitely better games, as are Maniac Mansion and Metal Gear, but for me Metal Storm just has a special place simply because of how fun and varied it is. I like flipping, I like each level and each boss (fuuuck the moving box one though with lasers and whatnot, and holy shit the transforming boss is hard as shit), I just enjoy the whole game.

>> No.2733583

Dragon Warrior 4 for the win.

>> No.2733850
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>> No.2733852

Are you me?
Well yes, Guardian Legend is indeed really my favorite too. Still hoping for a remake or sequel.. But will likely never happen. (except the few tries of fans stuff)

>> No.2733889

Dragon Quest III or Legacy of the Wizard

>> No.2734008

Mother 1

With easy ring.
Don't bully me please

>> No.2734086
File: 13 KB, 468x355, 04-468x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite and, objectively, the best over-all game on the system. The Adventures of Rad Gravity.

>> No.2734095

Did play it at some point, only thing I really recall is having to look up this in the last level.

>> No.2734113

What're the names people came up with for the different teams you can have? Like 4 fighters? I can't remember.

>> No.2734150
File: 214 KB, 400x300, background-avta-77.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Metroid is not a better game than Metal Storm. Sure Metroid is massive and unique, but unless you're making your own maps you'll get lost in the generic rooms.

Metal Storm had a mechanic that wasn't tried again until VVVVV, and it still did it better with the NES hardware.

>> No.2734546

It's not terribly difficult. The level design is pretty cool though. My favorite is "Turvia". The one where everything is upside-down.

>> No.2736095

Ninja Gaiden
Maniac Mansion

>> No.2736109

Crystalis, as I loved the post-apocalyptic setting as a kid, it both intrigued and terrified me.
A lot of the backstory was borrowed from Nausicaä of The Valley of The Wind, but that only gave me incentive to see that movie.

>> No.2736118

Guerrilla war

>> No.2736130
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Ikari Warriors

>> No.2736135

Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers

>> No.2736175
File: 140 KB, 800x1136, 194419-isolated-warrior-nes-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww yiss. One of the very few NES games I replay nearly every year.

>> No.2736180

Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers

>> No.2736209

Favorite game was Pirates! My dad taught me to read with that game.

Magic of Scheherazade was amazing. I adore that game.

>> No.2737213

Fucking good choice

>> No.2738398

3 most favourite in order:
Darkwing Duck
Chip & Dale: Rescue Rangers
Ninja Gaiden 3

>> No.2738412

Solar Jetman

>> No.2738436


yes, air fortress is excellent. but for me it was one of the first games I played at an early age, so it's hardcore nostalgia.

I discovered gimmick! recently and it's a classic by any measure.

>> No.2738506

I for one love Ultras Candlejack Gear.

It's an espionage gam-

>> No.2738567
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>> No.2739583

I was going to post this, good taste anon.

>> No.2739610
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Punch Out easily.

Still can't beat Macho man, but I can get a lot farther than anyone I know.

>> No.2739681

It's incredible how >>2738506 managed to put a dash at the end, solve the captcha and hit 'post' while being taken away.

>> No.2739784
File: 28 KB, 640x480, snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This game here

Musics great, not too difficult. Loads of fun

>> No.2739812

Hell yes. It was a tossup between RCR and Shatterhand for me, but Shatterhand easily takes the cake. All the little tricks you can do like the robot companions you can pick up make it so much fun to play.

>> No.2739865
File: 54 KB, 256x364, Ninja_Gaiden_(NES).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great controls, great level design, one of the first games to have cut-scenes, and the best soundtrack on the nes.

>> No.2739964

The Guardian Legend, Crystalis or Life Force.

>> No.2739975
File: 182 KB, 820x558, reccafront[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing can beat this in my opinion.

>> No.2740046

Top 5:
1 Adventure of Link
2 Dragon Warrior IV
3 Kirby's Adventure
4 Snake Rattle n Roll
5 Bomberman II

Runner-ups: Mega-Man (series), Dragon Buster, SMB3

>> No.2740068

>Like 4 fighters

>> No.2740116
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>> No.2740529

Megaman 5

>> No.2740534



>> No.2740536

what it is

>> No.2740554

lupin the 3rd it looks like

>> No.2740756
File: 31 KB, 480x274, Golgo 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Golgo 13: Top Secret Episode

>> No.2742340


>> No.2743631

Kirby's Adventure

>> No.2743646


>> No.2745238
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>> No.2745614

The Leguend Of Zelda 1 & 2

>> No.2745643

Super C

>> No.2745801

right now it's river city ransom.

>> No.2745901

Little Samson

>> No.2745906


Super Mario Bros. 3

>> No.2745909

this tbh fam

>> No.2745913

>Blaster master

>> No.2745939

>only ten seconds

Fucking bullshit. How many games and how many years ago?

Anyway, my favourite is SMB3. It's almost everyone's favourite, it's objectively the best NES game. Second favourite is Mike Tyson's Punch Out.

>> No.2745978
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Pic related


Have some gameplay!


and some 2600 gameplay XD

>> No.2746046

Punch Out!!

>> No.2747651


TMNT 2: The Arcade Game