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File: 159 KB, 496x599, ultima9 - extras - DragonEditionCover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2729547 No.2729547 [Reply] [Original]

What went wrong?

>> No.2729549


>> No.2729552

It was rushed.

>> No.2729554

massive hype

>> No.2729569


>> No.2729570


>> No.2729572
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>> No.2729591


>> No.2729598

First it was given too much development time and too many staff changes. Then they decided to rush it for a Christmas release and put everything they had together with some lousy excuse for a plot.
In some parts it was too ambitious, in others not ambitious enough. Like it could have been an open world game instead of sectioning the land.
It's not bad but it could have been a lot better.

>> No.2729602


>> No.2729612

Nothing. The glorious jump to 3D finally gave us the first, and last, good Ultima game.

>> No.2729627

Are you overlooking Underworld?

>> No.2729631

>implying Underworld used polygons

>> No.2729636

Many of them even texture shaded.

>> No.2729647

Just watch Spoony's series on it and you know it. The fucking platforming for one.

>> No.2729654

Don't do this.
The platforming in 9 is harmless compared to UW1 and 2. Not to mention 8.

>> No.2729659


>> No.2729674

EA's influence.


>> No.2730016

EA, the same thing that ruins almost every game they touch.

>> No.2730031
File: 49 KB, 568x455, Ultima-IX-Beautiful-Britannia9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But still nice and atmospheric game.... easyh ruinable by hundreds of bugs

Also in u9 you kill not many children like in prev games...

I really liked building columns out of trash items and climbing over mountains (also helps in some dungeons)

If any experienced U9 player would make a longplay (longplays.org) would be totally awesome

>> No.2732741


>> No.2732782

Ultima 8 is what went wrong. The decision to move away from the pinnacle of RPGing that was Ultima 7 is what doomed the series. Truly baffling why they would abandon the Ultima 7 engine after it had proven to be a winner. Very sad... I still consider U7 to be the most well craft RPG world ever, with U6 and U5 close behind.

>> No.2732793

Betrayed me!

>> No.2732797

Ultima 7 was wrong as well. The engine was extremely limited and couldn't handle things like viewing range or larger dungeons. The combat system in 7 sucked and all the puzzles and item management was frustrating.
Gameplay wise 7 is a major disappointment. Serpent Isle turned out even worse due to EA pushing for a release.

The problem with 8 wasn't that they tried something different but that they didn't get enough time to think it through or tie up the plot. They could have made something like Diablo but only managed to make a broken mess of platforming and cut scenes.
EA refusing to release a finished addon was the icing on the cake.

>> No.2733108

And Ultima 8 gave us Crusader indirectly. Same engine.

>> No.2733625

I remember playing it as a druid or something and getting the pimpstaff that rekts everything.

>> No.2733630

And same problems. Good grief, that game was a chore to play.

>> No.2733636

>Truly baffling why they would abandon the Ultima 7 engine

Back then the "industry" wasn't oriented towards reusing game engines that much and they were trying to do something new frequently.

At the time when Ultima 7 came out even the concept of game genres was a relatively new idea and most games dabbled with all manner of concepts that might or might not work and mixed and matched various shit.

>> No.2734174

The Codex of Ultimate Wisdom?

>> No.2734175

Have you actually played the game or are you mindlessly parroting phrases?

>> No.2734189

To not fight.. To go!

>> No.2734394

>UW1 /2
Very little platforming once you have the levitate spell. Really only need to jump around when you reach the magicless levels, an even then potions & wands will work.

>> No.2734407

There's an annoying jump to reach the first Ankh.
Generally speaking the platforming is manageable if you stick to making standing jumps with Shift+J but it's still a bit annoying.

Levitate becomes available on floor 3 or 4 if I remember correctly though you get a fly potion on floor 2.

>> No.2734427

Spoony's videos ruined any and all Ultima discussion.

>> No.2734432
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Shittiest battle theme EVER.

>> No.2734439

He gave up actually trying in his reviews, gone are the days of clever, improv-esque humor and random people jumping through his door, now the shtick is; "play shit and upload it unedited", upload old content and, of course, WRASTLIN' !

He even has a patreon going now for a few months, and still hasn't put out anything close to the level of his old reviews(phantasmagoria, etc.). Not to mention disabling comments everywhere on YT.

It's hard for me to tel who fucked up worse; james, or spoony; at least with james he still SOMETIMES realizes he can't keep his channel alive solely on the bullshit he puts out(james and mike couch-day) and dons the nerd attire to stay relevant for awhile longer.

>> No.2734474

It reminds me of old Hollywood movies.

I hope people don't skip Underworld 2 just because some e-celeb is too retarded to properly play it.

>> No.2734575

I'm actually curious. It seems like a retarded idea to deliver an exposition through a character that's supposed to know everything already. Is there more to it like with Final Fantasy or is Spoony actually right this time?

>> No.2735068

His only really funny reviews were this one and FF8, and even they got extremely annoying at some points. He suffers from Nostalgia Critic syndrome where the vast majority of his reviews are him whining purely for the sake of whining, and shoehorning in long-winded skits that are often just as lousy as whatever he happens to be reviewing. I tried watching his FF10 review and had to quit as soon as he started ranting about a fucking lamp post.

And I'd say Noah fell harder from grace, because at least James is still popular and respected despite the movie fiasco and all that other bullshit, where as Noah hasn't made a good review in years and barely even matters anymore.

>> No.2735071

That's something I'd expect from a children's Christmas movie.

>> No.2735074

I like it. Doesn't sound like it's mean for serious fights.

>> No.2735075

Yes, they could have given the character datalogs or something to read through if they wanted to learn more about the lore of Britannia, but of course EA wanted the "lol reading is for nerds XD" audience so they had to turn the avatar into an ignorant idiot said audience could identify with.

>> No.2735080

System requirements were very high.
I am still so pissed that the soundtrack cd in the special edition was glitched goddamn.

It was okay? Not like it was a horrible game. It was weird, it was an ultima. It had a crazy world that blew my mind with how detailed it was and the dungeons and world were pretty fun.

Plot and acting was just absurd though.

>> No.2735084

Reminds me of Rowdy Rumble from Kingdom Hearts 2.

>> No.2735258

Most of these questions are optional, intended for people that didn't play the entire series. You could ask the same stuff in previous games via key words, the difference is that in 9 you can no longer ask Lord British for his name or his job.
The Avatar generally isn't supposed to know everything, knowledge is not a virtue.

>> No.2735360

His videos ruined any FF8 discussion too. Not that it matters since I hate FF8 with a passion but still.

>> No.2735728

Good point, bad advice.
Unlike >>2729647 Spoony doesn't even mention platforming in his Ultima 9 review (though he goes on a tangent in 8 about it.)
He does showcase a few interesting glitches that come from platforming though. I believe I can fly.

>> No.2735731

>I really liked building columns

>> No.2737085

This thread made me re-watch spoony's review. As much as i realize the issues the game canonically, I found it enjoyable.

And it's available on Gog. I'd really like to sit down and actually beat the game. I've gotten pretty far a couple times, but i know the last time i played, trying to navigate the ship around caused a LOT of crashes.

>> No.2737114

You've got to turn the draw distance down for the navigating mode.
There isn't a lot to gain from navigating yourself instead of leaving it to Raven. You can get to Skara Brae before you need to but there's not much there anyway and there are one or two hidden treasures you can only reach by ship.

Canon shouldn't be taken too seriously with Ultima. It's advised to play them in order but they generally change quite a bit to suit their needs.

>> No.2737176

His review of FF8 was funny because while most of his complaints were exaggerated, they were more often that not valid and I couldn't help but agree with a lot of them. He clearly let his popularity go to his head and tried wayyyyyyyyyyy to hard with the rest of his reviews.

>> No.2737393

It's true that Canon had its hickups here and there, but it didn't really go full on Doctor Who mode until EA took over.

>> No.2737404

6 was the biggest offender. It completely rewrote the first trilogy and made significant changes to the story of 4 and 5 so that you find yourself accused of a crime you never actually committed.

The EA games are nothing in comparison.
UW2 follows directly in BG's steps, more than any other game in the series.
SI borrowed some names from 1 and 3 but those had so simple content that it's hard to tell whether anything actually changed.
8 is practically isolated. The only notable change was that the Guardian's homeworld was relegated from Pagan to a sequel that never came out that way.
9 took some liberties but not much more than 5 or BG did.

>> No.2737415

I don't know. The changes in 6 always seemed to me like a matter of perspective, though I admit, it's be a very long time since I actually went over the games, and I was much younger too, so I may have missed some things.

To my memory, it was only 9 that started treating its inconsistencies as objective obserable facts though, rather than faulty retellings.

>> No.2737425

6 changed the story so that it the Avatar was the one who defeated Mondain, Minax and Exodus.

>> No.2737432

Wait, was it ever implied that the protagonist of I-IV wasn't all the same person? (Beyond the deletion of a couple character customization options?)

>> No.2737443

Not at all. The manual in 2 said that a hero killed Mondain (Maybe it was You?) but that's about it.
Nothing in 4 implies that you've ever been to Britannia or Sorceria before unlike 5 where you meet various acquaintances.
And those character customizations don't just include further races and a third gender but also being a party of up to 4 members.

>> No.2737460

Well, it makes sense that you wouldn't really recognize anyone in 4, since enough time has passed that the geography literally changed.

To me, this is less a contradiction, and more an embelishment of rumors.
Yeah, the Avatar wasn't all 4 members of the party, but he was one of the guys.

If anything, you should critcise 4 about this, because of the hard reboot of the setting, rather than 6 for tying things back together so it makes sense that it's number 6 in the series, and not number 3 in a different one.

>> No.2737471

>because of the hard reboot of the setting
4 did nothing 2 or 3 hadn't done before. It was for all intents a new setting with some recurring names, it only tuned out to be the starting point of a continuity once 5 decided to stick with most of the content.
The initial meeting with the gypsy etc also has no indication of a previous encounter with other worlds. At least Lord British should ring some bells.

>> No.2737621

What's the definitive way of playing Ultima 7 - the GoG Dosbox bundle, or exult?

>> No.2737635

Both have their problems. Overall I'd say Exult, just be careful with the viewing range.
You can also try mods for Exult:
Keyring for BG has some minor improvements at the cost of authenticity.
Serpent Isle Fixes repairs a number of issues in SI.

>> No.2737637

I heard there's a way to crash or somehow make the out-of-the-box U7 experience unwinnable (something to do with reckless carpet exploration), and that bug is fixed by exult.
What do you mean with viewing range? I'd try my best to simulate the vanilla experience should I finally get around to it.

>> No.2737651
File: 347 KB, 640x480, ultima7-ex-005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Ultima 7 the normal view is 320x200, In Exult you can go to the maximum of your display resolution or use magnifications thereof. Practically speaking seeing twice the original area is quite useful while 5 times is too much.
One problem that arises is that the game checks whether a character is on screen and will prevent certain events even if that character is on the other side of town.In such cases you must zoom in accordingly.

There's a number of weird shit in 7 like one regular NPC that steals items without warning. This would require you to kill him to get the items back if. This was never implemented in Exult.

>> No.2737660


it had tons of bugs on release. It was so bad origin sent out game discs with a ton of patches a while after release to anyone who bought it.

I enjoyed it once it was stable to play. My only other ultima exerpiences were ultima online and runes of virtue on gameboy.

>> No.2737856

if you fly over the walls on the Isle of the Avatar too early with the carpet I think it locks a door permanently.

I remember my ancient ass PC would randomly crash when flying the carpet too, just completely freeze up. made me mad as fuck as a kid.

what NPC steals shit?

>> No.2738596


Because the Ultima series wasn't made by its combat/gameplay, which was usually pedestrian, or its overall messages, which were usually puerile, or even the dialog, which was decent, but hardly amazing tier.

What really made the Ultima series Ultima was the worldbuilding, especially from 5 and onward. You had shopkeepers who didn't sell stuff adventurers used. You had NPCs who lived according to scheudles, and worried about more than just the Big Bad Evil, but about the crops and the taxes and that blister they had on their foot. Sure, you had some limitations, but Ultima was the first computer game I played which could mimic a tabletop RPG in terms of worldbuilding.

U9's world? Flat. Stale, boring. Everyone acts like they have a lobotomy due to Columns, except even when you turn them off, they're still retarded. People make decisions that make absolutely no fucking sense.

>Hey, the volcano erupted and destroyed our town. Let's rebuild it INSIDE THE VOLCANO!

Or remember the museum in Britain? The one that used to house the runes? How they were stolen some 20 years ago? Are you seriously fucking telling me that nobody cleaned the fucking glass off the fucking floor in all that time?

Ultima 9 felt like a videogame. And the Ultima series was founded on making Britannia feel like a real world and not just a fantasy adventure created for your benefit.

>> No.2738978

Does that excuse the shitty gameplay in Ultima 7 or 8?
NPC schedules are fucking annoying.

>> No.2739074

Is is true that U9 was a great inspiration for Gothic?

>> No.2739097

the dialogue really hurts my eyes especially with that font

>> No.2740173

>NPC that steals item
It was implemented in Exult AFAIK.

More than 1 NPC steals. If I remember right, they will say "Oops excuse me" after they pickpocket you. And it's almost always the hourglass which you NEED to beat the game.

One of the pickpockets is fucking Rudyam, whom you NEED to keep alive to progress the plot too.

Whoever wrote the behavior script for U7 is a fucking troll who should die. Die along with EA.

>> No.2740197
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I pre-ordered the collectors' edition. I still have the box and the tarot cards are important to me. I don't feel the urge to re-play the game, even though I've played all the others more than once (even VIII Pagan).

>> No.2740512

Cant you import a character from 1 to 2 to 3 to 4? And lord British and all the guys recognize you?

Its a very weird world where you and all your bros are imnortal gods

>> No.2740635

No. you can only import from 4 to 5 to 6.

>> No.2743575

Or from 4 to 6, but yeah.

>> No.2743862

At least Spoony hasn't been repeatedly scamming his loyal fans yet somehow getting away with it every time.

>> No.2744750

>at least with james he still SOMETIMES realizes he can't keep his channel alive solely on the bullshit he puts out(james and mike couch-day)
Like it or not, those James and Mike Monday videos regularly pull in hundreds of thousands of viewers despite taking almost no effort to make. Hell, Mike can actually post re-runs and still get views (AVGN clip collections).
You sound like you don't know what a scam is, to be perfectly honest.

>> No.2744752


he knows jack shit about wrestling too

>> No.2744890

Yeah, it seems he just watches it to complain instead of enjoying it for the kids oriented program it is

>> No.2745818

>implying you wouldn't chain him to a pipe in your basement and love him, your way.

>> No.2746558

First, EA fucked with Ultima 8 to the point where it was broken on release with so much cut content that the map that came with the game had almost nothing to do with the in-game map.

Ultima 9 came out after Ultima Online came out. Ultima 9 changed engines several times and was rushed out by EA, because they wanted Origin Systems to focus on Ultima Online and make Ultima 9 play like a recent popular 3D adventure game: Ocarina of Time.

>> No.2746698

>broken on release
That makes it sound like they fixed it later. Sure they added quicksave and variable jump distance but the controls still suck.
Never mind the pointless map, the story as it is in the game is only partially connected.
For instance you free the water titan and then learn you should train with the fire wizards to bind it again but that's completely ignored afterwards.

>> No.2746854

You know, I just made a connection in my head I will never be able to undo.

That quote sounds like something on the mind of Gomez Addams.

>> No.2750098

Sounds like Spoony's being watching too much of the Addams Family.

>> No.2750164
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>Addams Family
>Too Much

>> No.2751059


Garriott felt that each Ultima game should have a brand new engine and raise the bar in terms of graphics and features. Spector believed that you could get away with adding some additional features, and focus on building something more refined. That's why Spector headed development on Serpent Isle while Garriott did Ultima 8.

It comes from their backgrounds, Garriott being a programmer and wanting the latest tech while Spector comes from a producer role that keeps costs low. In the end Spector had the better game.

>> No.2751101

Spector's advantage was that he had more done when EA took over though they still hurt SI quite a bit.
Pagan needed a lot more time to polish the story and gameplay and instead they cut it down to make the deadline.
SI isn't a very good game since it inherited a lot of flaws from BG and often made them worse.

They should have kept Looking Glass and the Underworld Engine. It would have worked well for Pagan with its caverns and tunnels.

>> No.2751137


Origin were still working with LG when Pagan was released, they had just released System Shock. Origin didn't give a shit about what they were doing, and shit out the mediocre floppy disc version of SS instead of waiting for the CD version. Spector was the only person at Origin who really believed in them.

>> No.2752637

Well that's embarrassing.

>> No.2752674

how exactly are James and Mike videos "scamming" fans, they aren't asking for your money or trying to sell you anything, I thought he was talking about stuff like Gamester88 and ProJared, the first of which is constantly trying to sell his and his buddy's scam shit, and the later very obviously being payed off to give good reviews to "retro" indie and psuedo-indie games, yet their fans still eat their shit up and defend them.

>> No.2752686

oh, and also, just to highlight projared's scummyness, I once commented about how as much as he was pushing shovel knight and child of light I was starting to think he was getting payed to do it, to which he commented that he "had to push those games" or else "no one else would because nobody else was talking about them" despite the fact that everyone on the fucking internet was talking about them at the time, and then on top of that, the next day the entire comment thread had been deleted.

>> No.2753062

Indie is shit and not retro. Delete this shitty shills.

>> No.2753093

Sorry, but what the fuck does this have to do with the OP?

>> No.2753153

Some people can only think of e-celebs when it comes to video games. One of them made a ten hour rant about Ultima 9 and now it's impossible to discuss it without that shit being brought up.

>> No.2753649

What else is there to discuss about this travesty anyway?

>> No.2753676

he also does actual older games
also stop repeating that "not retro" shit, just say it's not within the rules, just makes you look like a moron.

>> No.2754067

Are you seriously asking this? There's a lot about the game that can be discussed.
And if you aren't able to discuss the game then you shouldn't talk about e-celebs.

>> No.2754171

Well feel free to start discussing then, don't let me stop you.

>> No.2754414
File: 139 KB, 648x395, ultima-6-online.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why we leaving Ultima Online, abadoned 2 mmorpg sequels out of view? Mentioning "shrouds of Avatar" is heresy?

>> No.2754421

What patches and mods should be recommended?
Forgotten World hasn't gotten anywhere. Beautiful Britannia is also little more than a demo.
Patch 1.19h is the most recent fan patch so it should be the best.
I'm not very fond of rewrites like the Dialog patch or arbitrary changes like the economy patch.
Freedom mod is a cheap hack and while it shows what the engine was capable of I don't think adding it improves the game.
The setup utility is useful if you don't want to dabble with ini editing since the in game options are limited.

>> No.2754458

This is /vr/ so people don't pay too much attention to games after 2000 and Ultima Online tends to be segregated from the rest of the Ultima series.

>> No.2755758

Yeah I didn't get why Spoony was complaining about OPTIONAL dialogue choices, as ridiculous as they are.

>> No.2758363

Thankfully we have the ultimate RPG in Shroud of the Avatar Episode 1 Forsaken Virtues to make right the wrongs.

>> No.2758373

Real-time combat doesn't seem to work for Ultima. All the games that have it (7, 8, 9); it never feels like you're really doing anything.

I dunno whether that's a flaw in the concept or in the execution, though. Part of what makes an RPG an RPG is that stats are supposed to influence things, but then I can think of a few with real-time combat that still manages to be fun and interesting. Fallout: New Vegas for example: stats have a big influence, yet you're not just standing in one spot mashing left-click. You're constantly moving your feet, whether its to dodge, get behind cover, or maneuver into a better position.

U8 and U9's combat just felt dry and boring because you're just standing there hitting one button over and over again.

Spoony was highly invested in the story and characters, that much was clear from his reviews. Even an optional dialogue option says something about the character; it says it's a thing he might consider saying. The Avatar doesn't have an option saying "fuck you you dumb asshole".

>> No.2758426

What about Underworld? There you go back and forth while you charge and unleash your weapon.

In 9 you can at least move around, use manoeuvres or swap weapons, cast spells etc.
You're not rooted to the spot as in 8 where not even stats make a meaningful difference since you're maxed out before you're even a necromancer. The practical approach was to just run past enemies.

>> No.2758885

Real-time combat for RPGs of any kind is always bound to suck enormously. The only exception I can think of is Kingdom Hearts, and that's when you get over how simplistic the core gameplay is underneath all the flashiness.

>> No.2761693
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>>Truly baffling why they would abandon the Ultima 7 engine
>Back then the "industry" wasn't oriented towards reusing game engines that much and they were trying to do something new frequently.
>At the time when Ultima 7 came out even the concept of game genres was a relatively new idea and most games dabbled with all manner of concepts that might or might not work and mixed and matched various shit.

I'm an oldfag and played all the Ultima games ever released, at the time of their release or shortly thereafter, on the original systems. Richard Garriott wrote a book and I read it years ago. In it he explained that every Ultima (up until Ultima 7) was written with a brand-new engine from the ground up, with all new graphics and sound and everything. Every game was to be the cutting edge of what was possible at the time. This is why Serpent Isle is "U7 Part II" - because it didn't use an entirely new engine. It's Garriott's autism alone that caused the naming scheme to be as it was.

Ultime 4 was very impressive when it came out. Ultima 5 ever moreso, but Ultima 6 was amazing at the time and it's still pretty fun today. There were the Worlds of Ultima games which used the same engine but slightly souped-up too.

Ultima 7 is a fucking benchmark game that has aged extremely gracefully. Yes there are niggles to be made about the game even today, of course, but the story, world, interactivity, and overall excellent craftsmanship make it stand out today. Any gamer should play this game and try the turn-based combat mode too. Exult is damn near perfect at this point so whatever platform you have is fine. And no, Ultima was not about mixing and matching and dabbling and stuff, it was the first game that really approached a Grand Theft Auto level of interactivity. Shit it's better than any GTA in many respects just comparing them as two open world games.

>> No.2761696
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Nitpicking Ultima games is tons of fun and he has good bantz when it comes to that.

Only a true fucking Ultima fan and LOVER could make the videos he did, and he nitpicked the fucking shit out of the games, but there is much to discuss even still.

He didn't nitpick U7's crafting near hard enough. Like why can we bake so much shit, but we can't go into Iolo's bow shop AS IOLO and craft a xxxbow?

I mean only dedicated semi-autism-level U7 fans care about this shit but it's important.

>> No.2761701

Tell me about this turn based combat mode.

>> No.2761704
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I like it. Anyway there are plenty of watches in the world. It's part of the atmosphere of the game world, a game world that exists to troll you in part.

I mean god damn it when you get frustrated enough you can just save your game and kill the shit out of everybody. What games would even allow this any more? Garriot embodied himself, the fucking master troll, and then made it so you can in fact kill him (in several ways) just for those occasions where you really have had it with him.

I love it.

>> No.2761723

You couldn't even milk cows or make butter any more like you could in 6. Only the Keyring mod. Other interactive options from 6 like shearing sheep and weaving were also missing.
There really isn't a whole lot of crafting in the game beyond baking bread and the forging in FoV. Savage Empire was the crafting game with tortillas, guns and grenades.

Playing Underworld 2 like a complete retard and criticizing the game for that isn't nitpicking or "bantz", it's just shit.
A lot of the criticism is hypocritical or blown out of proportion and combining it with a fake personality makes it even worse.
People recommending to watch that trash instead of actually playing the series and parroting shit has done plenty of harm here.

>> No.2761730
File: 46 KB, 512x458, u7-bloodfang2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I am totally fucking mistaken.

It's been over a decade since I played U7 but I've been playing U6 from GOG lately and I must have totally taken a triple crossbow to the brain.

My point stands regardless.

>> No.2761768
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>You couldn't even milk cows or make butter any more like you could in 6. Only the Keyring mod. Other interactive options from 6 like shearing sheep and weaving were also missing.
>There really isn't a whole lot of crafting in the game beyond baking bread and the forging in FoV. Savage Empire was the crafting game with tortillas, guns and grenades.
>Playing Underworld 2 like a complete retard and criticizing the game for that isn't nitpicking or "bantz", it's just shit.
>A lot of the criticism is hypocritical or blown out of proportion and combining it with a fake personality makes it even worse.
>People recommending to watch that trash instead of actually playing the series and parroting shit has done plenty of harm here.

I seriously don't think anybody's going to sit though those level +9000 triple-crossbow level autism Ultima videos unless they have already played them. He really did "harm?" People are going to discard Ultima because of Spoony? What about Hacki? He's been nitpicking Ultima games far longer! I appreciate them both and I doubt that they did any damage.

But to address your nitpick, it's true. Ultima 7 lost some of the stuff that was in Ultima 6. But Ultima 6 lacked some of what we had in 5 as well.


>> No.2762035

Consistency is tyranny.

>> No.2762268

Rushed, over-hype, bugs, massive plot holes that ruin the lore and the setting, Ultima online, Avatar made to be a complete retard with no memory of past events or reverence for the virtues, bad, zeldaish combat and no party system, linear structure, and (again) massive plot holes.

>> No.2762325

I think you missed his point. It's the little niggles that can be overlooked, but when they all add together and create a bizarre problem world like Ascension's it is really a shame.

Damn thing is that that could have probably been a kick ass game if it ever got more than 1/3rd of the way completed.

>> No.2762416
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for one who has played them all up to 9 besides the age of darkness (still trying to get my commodore 64) 4 had annoying magic, 5 was 4 with more focus and improved gameplay, economy, interaction, sidequests, equipment variation (fucking stones man), 6 had bad music instancing and user interface issues that made inventory a chore. the fog of darkness is a bit to close. in 7 i wanted a more involved UI, and more involved combat. the POV is rather weird, but open ended nature and the expanded ability to fuck around was great. the guardian was a bit generic and the story had a huge missed opportunity but was solid and well told anyway. the black sword is a tad bit much... in 8 EA deadlines ruined it, and the focus on a single character could have been done better. the action oriented gameplay was done poorly, and the platforming was awful. the setting was fun in the way it made you forget the virtues but was mostly homogeneous in design. 9 was just horrific for reasons I mentioned before. given more time and attention to detail we could have gotten something akin to Gothic 1 or 2, but alas, we did not. that and it still crashes like crazy, even with the gog version.

>> No.2762662

>I seriously don't think anybody's going to sit though those level +9000 triple-crossbow level autism Ultima videos unless they have already played them.
Yet we still get posts like >>2729647.

>> No.2762675

For 6 we have nuvie now which gives you the much needed drag&drop and allows you to play with a larger viewing area.
You can even get a more 7 like interface and the voice acting from the FM Towns port.

>> No.2762949

Sounds like the music Cardcaptor Sakura would play when it cut to the commercial break.

>> No.2763043

>My point stands regardless.
Exult certainly wasn't near perfect a decade ago. It still has a lot of problems and, since development has stalled, will stay that way.
The combat system is bad but it isn't even the worst offender in the generally shitty gameplay.