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2727631 No.2727631 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2727635

Man, Delita is one of the best written video game characters ever. Discuss this great game and everything about it.

ALSO: to people who really know the game's mechanics; I'm looking through a saved game editor and wondering what is the absolute best set for evasion? Is it a Ninja with Equip Shield and Abandon?

>> No.2727904
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Great game.

Too bad magic classes are useless until you get Calculators

>> No.2727908

Nigger just get Bladegrasp on anyone with an estucheon 2 and you basically cannot be hit by physicals.

>> No.2727916

Yeah, blade grasp is really OP. We're talking enemies having single percentage chances of hitting your character--works on guns, works if they try to hit you from behind, ect. Abandon is good if you wanna negate magic damage, but say you lower a unit's faith enough, magic isn't going to be doing a lot of damage to them in the first place.

>> No.2727925

If you're playing the PSX version, Summoners sweep the first 3 chapters easily even without Short Charge. Much much easier than the annoying slog using Thief to Ninja anyway because all the intermediate classes are solid.

>> No.2727962

Mage classes rock, you just have to put a little more thought into them beyond "equip strongest sword and highest HP armor."

Magic Attack-Up, Wizard Robe / Rod, Magic Gauntlet, Flash Hat and spend a few fights raising your Faith to something resembling reasonable.

Abandon doesn't need to be on a Ninja. Having Escutcheon II and Abandon on any character gives them 100% Evade and 100% Magic Evade. It should be noted though that shields only block what's straight ahead of you, so being flanked reduces that number.

If you're looking for all-around evasion regardless of facing, then only c-ev (class evasion) and a-ev (accessory evasion) matter.

The highest generic evasions belong to Ninjas (30%) and Thieves (25%). Equipping a Feather Mantle (40% Physical / 30% Magic) is the best option. Note that Abandon, while making the Feather Mantle 80%p and 60%m, putting it on a Ninja (which abandon enhances his base c-ev to 60%) doesn't add up to 140%-p and 120%-m respectively. Rather, it would be you have 80% evasion from the Mantle and your class now covers 60% of that remaining 20% for another 12%, putting you at 92%-p evasion and 84%-m.

(Pretty sure my math checks out, but it's late as fuck here.)

Blade Grasp can give you 100% physical evasion, why would you even bother with a shield?

>> No.2727965

Because if you get a high magic blocking shield you can essentially be invincible.

>> No.2727976

Wait, I double-checked. C-Ev is usable only from the front, S-EV (shields) from front or side, and A-Ev from any direction. Still, the math was right.

His example said "cannot be hit by physicals." And combining the Escutcheon 2 with Blade Grasp won't make you immune to magic attacks, whereas combining it with Abandon would. The Escutcheon 2 is made for Abandon builds, it's wasted on Blade Grasp ones.

Besides, a Blade Grasp build would get just as much mileage out of the Aegis Shield, since it has an identical magic evasion stat. Though honestly, since a Blade Grasp build requires a 97 Bravery to cheese properly, you might as well just twink the Faith down to 3.

>> No.2727980

try running geomancer / white mage or geo/timemage in endgame with dual +magic swords and ring

>> No.2727982

Why Geomancer as the primary class? They only have a 105% MA stat. Mimes, Bards, Oracles, Summoners, Time Mages, Priests and especially Wizards all have higher. (Wizards have 150% MA).

I can see the appeal of a double Rune Blade build (MA+2), but Wizards can just as easily dual wield Wizard Rods (MA+2) to even greater effect. Though I'm pretty sure Magic Attack-Up provides a greater effect than a second MA+2 item and thus is a better option than dual wielding entirely.

Also, which Ring? The only one that gives a MA boost is the shitty Cursed one where any Chemist or Priest instagibs you.

>> No.2727990

Magic Attack-Up is a flat 33% buff to all magical healing and damage, including Geomancers and Samurai abilities. There's never a time where Two Swords is better for a caster build. Short Charge sometimes, but never Two Swords.

>> No.2728006

You might not want to actually achieve 100% evasion in certain scenarios, because the AI will proceed to do something else such as Draw Out... though that's really kind of rare anyway.

If you leave it at 1% hit rate, the chances of them hitting you are minuscule but the AI will stupidly try it anyway and waste their turn

Geomancer's advantages are +1 Mov and innate Shield-Holding so they're a bit tankier as a carrier class.

Elemental is actually pretty good too as a no-cost long range chip attack that sometimes have pretty lethal Status procs like Petrify.

Black Mages are definitely the class to go if you want pure power though

>> No.2728014

Eh, still not worth it in my mind. A Wizard with Elemental does pretty much all of that and better (though Iaido is probably still a better secondary). And between Move +2, Move +3 and Teleport, the innate Move 4 of a Geomancer becomes pretty negligible.

That said, the Geomancer is probably the go-to for a gish class. Outside Mimes and bullshittery special NPC classes, they're the only class to have both a physical and magic attack multiplier of over 100%. Plus Swords, Shields and Robes are the best options for either build out there.

>> No.2728154

I think they're competitive with Oracle as a 2nd tier Carrier class if you want to carry a Magical secondary.

Also I think once you put Equipment bonuses in play, Wizards really have around 25% more MA over Geomancers rather than 150% but I haven't done the calculations in a while

>> No.2728396
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best mod to play that revamps jobs/makes it interesting? i tried 1.3 but the difficulty made it not fun

>> No.2728410


blade grasp is all you need. that skill by itself breaks the game

add a good shield and a mantle and you are practically un-hittable

>> No.2728813

black wizard with draw out is pretty kill too

>> No.2729236



Sticks closely to Vanilla's design but rebalances jobs + more diverse enemy setups

>> No.2729247

Should I emulate the PSX or the PSP version?

>> No.2729520

looks perfect, thank you kind sir

>> No.2729879

I always hated using Blade Grasp. It seems like too obvious an easy-mode win. Same with Calculators or Orlandu. Not that I mind invincible characters, but I prefer them to use less heavily traveled avenues.

Defender + Weapon Guard for Knights, for example. I mean, who uses Weapon Guard, right? What a shitty reaction ability. But with just a generic Crystal Shield and Feather Mantle that's what? An 87% evasion rate?

Obviously it doesn't beat out the 97% auto evasion of Blade Grasp, but because it took a far less obvious route to get there, I end up enjoying it all the more.

>> No.2729884

Did anyone else ever use certain characters/jobs because they looked cool?

I had a female oracle in my party most of the time just because I liked the outfit.

>> No.2729897
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I always thought the Bard was awesome-looking.

It's a shame he had the lowest stat growth and lowest physical attack, hit point and magic point modifiers in the game. Really, the all around worst class.

But that bandanna and cape...

>> No.2729910

>worst class

Leave him in the back and just have him sing all the time to keep your other guys buffed. It's like losing a party member but gaining a bunch of cheat codes instead.

Dancers are pretty great for this reason too.

>> No.2729925

Is there any mods that add job classes and items? Like something that makes the game harder in 1.3 but also adds in a couple classes and new equips.

>> No.2730938

It's objectively the worst class. You describing how they're intended to be used doesn't make them any less the worst.

>> No.2730948

Yeah this.

>Heals are pitiful
>The speed or damage ups are unreliable
>Pretty much bad at everything

A party wide +1 PA or speed sounds insanely good, the issue is that when it fires it may hit 1 or 2 people, and if he was just something more powerful like a Ninja or Summoner that turn could've been put to better use, like killing someone on the other team.

>> No.2731245

How's the PSP version. I thought they fixed the balance stuff in that?

>> No.2731303

but two bards raising speed and two dual wielding speed breaks is just too much sadistic fun

sure four dual wield speed breaks is better ... but not neARLY a preetty

>> No.2731313

Niggas. I like this game but I think some of you have played it to death.

>> No.2731337

I started a new game the first day of summer vacation for the past like what, 15 years?

Then I played it if I was ever bored, I had like 10 PS1 games at the time.

>> No.2731448

Except odds are all the turns they wasted singing to raise their speed didn't actually hit either of them. And they have the lowest physical attack in the game. Priests hit for more. The only effective thing about that build is you giving them Knight abilities which would be better on any other character.

And giving Two Swords to Bards who can only wield two-handed weapons? Why? It's not like you can give them Two Swords and Equip Sword at the same time?

>> No.2731452

>the first day of summer vacation...

adults don't have this and teachers are worthless cunts that couldn't hack it in the real world.

>> No.2731454

Is it inconceivable for you that 15 years ago someone might've been a child? Not everyone on the board is 40.

>> No.2731460
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here is my waifu, pls no bully.

>> No.2731461

I meant Blade Grasp builds with Two Swords and Speed Break on the front lines, forgiveness please -.-

It is far from optimal, just fun ... for a battle or two

>> No.2731464

He said he's been doing this for summer vacation for 15 years. You'd have me believe he's been playing FFT since he was 3? Even if he was eight the notion is equally absurd. Only an obsessive autist could possibly behave like this.

>> No.2731467

>Dual wield speedbreak
Completely worthless since you may as well just deal the damage and kill people instead of crippling their speed.

>> No.2731472

I refuse to call the pleasure I took from paralyzing my helpless victims as "useless" ...

Even if you are technically correct.

>> No.2731829

>teachers are worthless cunts that couldn't hack it in the real world

take your epic memes back to /v/ or /pol/

>> No.2731834

YOU take your epic butthurt to tumblr

>> No.2731842

Not him, but you are breaking the edgy-o-meter.

>> No.2731849

sshhhh, meme master


>> No.2731851

You can't oppress me, shitlord.

>> No.2731859

I always thought she was bald

>> No.2731863

I don't think FFT hacking/modding has advanced that far yet.

1.3's new content characters was basically done by making Onion Knight/Dark Knight as "Special" one-off characters and data wise, it's done by using one of the redundant special character slots that are only used in cutscenes etc

Hahaha, no.

They left things mostly unchanged balance-wise and things got grindier but that's because it was based off the Japanese version of PSX's FFT (the NA version of PSX FFT reduced a lot of job requirements and buffed Summon Magic which was a good move IMO.)

Even the new content, they try to make it as non-balance affecting as possible - out of the two new classes, one is shit (Onion) and the other requires so many requirements that you might as well grind for Calculator instead. Multiplayer has some EQ rewards that are pretty OP but good luck finding an actual friend to play it with (it's pretty fun if you can though!)

>> No.2731969

I'm working on one. I replaced the calculator class with a modified dark knight (Gaffs abilities + souleater and last resort with calc rsm) and changed a lot of item properties. It's still a work in progress

>> No.2732305

Damn I thought someone would have gotten on creating new classes
Make a bunch ha, or at least make boss classes available and just need them.

>> No.2732307


>> No.2732342

I just want a straight up sequel to this game. Keep the core mechanics the same, keep the visual style the same, balance them a bit for sure, but just give me more jobs, more monsters, more fucking fft. Also, set in in FFT's Ivalice. None of the FFTA bullshit, or FF12.

>> No.2732358

Pretty much this, a prequel of being balbanes would be cool

>> No.2732503
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Best grill

>> No.2732517


what a slut

>> No.2732607

I wouldn't mind the system of gaining abilities from equipment like in IX, Advance and A2

>> No.2732625

My african-american.

Those systems discouraged grinding, which I appreciated.

>> No.2732967
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Aww yeah, gurl... You master that beast...

>> No.2733291

PSP with slowdown patch.

>> No.2733465


Agrias >>> Reis > Rafa > Alicia = Lavian > Generics > Male Characters >>> Meliadoul

>> No.2734092 [DELETED] 

Rafa was probably the qtest tbh. Her lamenting her own weakness with Ramza before frogmalak showed up made me want to comfort her.

Agrias is a badass tho and I would want to vanquish evil with her

Unrelated: who would win in a fight, Tellah or Strago?

>> No.2734116

naw they already figured out how to expand some of the memory blocks and add more jobs to the job change wheel

it's a lot easier just to write over what's already in the game though, there's a few duplicate actors that can be wiped also

>> No.2736481

Is there any work being done with this?

>> No.2739282

Another fun alternative to Blade Grasp is giving your Knight Two Swords with Abandon.

With a Feather Mantle, that puts you over a 90% evade. High enough that nothing's going to hit you, but not so low that enemies won't make the attempt. Plus Defenders have really solid damage output, and the Two Swords support ability ensures massive damage output.

Just another alternative to the insta-win that is Blade Grasp.

>> No.2740698

Not related to Blade Grasp at all, but some reaction abilities I've had fun with are Counter Flood, Critical Quick, and Hamedo.

I've gotten good use out of those three with the right setups. Counter Flood for magic-geared units, Critical Quick specifically for Summoners or whatever has Math Skill (if I use it), and Hamedo for primarily physical attackers. Though Speed Save on a reraising unit has it's own kind of charm. Especially someone with Jump.

>> No.2740706

Counter Flood is good because if I recall correctly it can counter Magic and Physical attacks. It also doesn't require you to know all the Geomancy.

>> No.2740776


Agrias is pleb as fuck so I'll just throw your shit opinion out the window.

>> No.2740896

Thinking of playing this again, but knowing the stat growth stuff kills it for me.

>> No.2741075

Final Fantasy Tactics was the best game in the entire Ogre Battle franchise.

And btw, if you didn't know, the development team for Ogre Battle was hired by Square to produce Final Fantasy Tactics. It's far more an Ogre Battle game than a Final Fantasy game.

>> No.2741094

I didn't know this. Gonna have to check out tactics ogre etc.

>> No.2741105

I'm playing 1.3 right now, really revitalizes the game.

>> No.2741438

>These little fedoras.
Too adorable to be bait, I can't even get mad at that.

>> No.2741652

Can I finish it without recruiting the nonames?

>> No.2741672


agreed. FFTA was shit.

>> No.2741674


TO is also awesome but a bit of a different experience. id definitely say it is tougher overall which is appealing, but it lacks the customization that makes FFT so absurdly replayable.

>> No.2741937

I haven't played the rendezvous missions on psp yet(sadly lack friends with a playset, or a second of my own), but how come so many of you are suggesting blade grasp(shirahadori)?

For me, auto-potion carried me through the entire game. I can see how broken blade grasp could be with low faith, but if your character ever does take damage, your auto-potion will heal it all up and then some nearly all of the time(or usually on a weak attack by another npc).

Honestly, I think ffta would've been *much* better if it wouldn't have had that ridiculous "judge" system; nearly every battle you get carded for doing what is almost always the obviously, logical choice, while the NPCs get to get carded all day, because who the fuck cares! Nameless NPC #19933 sure as hell doesn't! It just felt like a blatant mechanic to let the computer punch you in the gut for doing what should be the obvious choice while suffering no real consequence itself.

>> No.2741971

How exactly do you pronounce his name? Da-leet-a or dal-eye-ta?

>> No.2741981


FFT is not a part of the ogre battle franchise. Yes, we all know it's made by the same developers.

>> No.2742000

First one.

>> No.2744264

Blade grasp essentially makes your character unhittable; you avoid arrows, bullets (which definitely helps later in the game), and 1v1. You can equip some sort of feather mantle or magic shield to help aid in defending magic.

>> No.2744267

that's a woman?

>> No.2746591
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Is that official art? I've never seen Reis's before.

>> No.2746673
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eh, quite possibly.
I never did round to getting to doing the semi-perfect save I always meant to get round to, where I'd use all the things I didn't know before I got the internet.

I started a new save to screw around recently, but my playstation died. I've been looking into replacing the laser, but I don't know if I need a specific model of laser for my specific playstation or not.

>> No.2746676

Just buy a [PS2] and play it on that.

>> No.2746680
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Poor Melly. Joining up after Orlandu just made her look like a right lame duck.
I quite like her though, and usually use her when I play the game(I normally don't bother with Orlandu).

>> No.2746704
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>Thinking of playing this again, but knowing the stat growth stuff kills it for me.
Can't you just ignore it? It's largely irrelevant to anyone outside of optimal-build obsessists.

>> No.2746707

>Can I finish it without recruiting the nonames?
Sorry, what're you referring to? You're not talking about standard Final Fantasy tactics are you, cos I can't think of anything in it that that term would apply to.

>> No.2746708

I'm British, Final Fantasy Tactics never came out here, so I needed a modded Playstation to play it.
And while my PS1 is modded,my PS2 isn't.

>> No.2746715

play the psp version using ppsspp

>> No.2746725

In that case I'd just emulate it. It emulates perfectly.

>> No.2746794

In the PSP version Agrias also hits like a truck if you do her birthday event making Mel seem even more useless.

>> No.2746797
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Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles...

>MFW I learned why

>> No.2747154

no-names as in the random ones that you can hire in the tavern

>> No.2747543

Yeah. I think it's from the Prima strategy guide.

>> No.2748940
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you can quite easily beat them game with the generics you start with, yes. You don't ever have to go to the recruitment office if you don't want to.
I used to never go to that place.

I heard there was some accessory you got for her through some event, but I couldn't remember what it did.

>> No.2749086
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It gave +3 to both attacks, plus perma-protect, shell, and haste. It can be equipped by anyone that's a girl, which means it's fair game for Melly to use it, even if it was Agrias' birthday present.

The event is triggered when you enter a town or city on Agrias' birthday (June 22nd/ 1st of Cancer) with 500,000 gil (the event deucts 50,000 gil from your account) and by keeping Mustadio and the two knights she came with up until that point.

Also, I'm surprised that >>2731863 didn't mention the two special units. Luso is placed into your lap automatically in Chapter 3, with an early Icebrand and early Behemoths. He's basically a copy of Chapter 4 Ramza, with added poach. Balthier can be missed if you don't look at the tavern often, but he's pretty broken. He's got a wide selection of equips, Mustadio's abilities, a better version of Steal, and Rapid Fire too.

The best part of what the remake added was using Aragath as a stress ball after they made Elmdore's stuff unstealable.

>> No.2749489

>tfw want to replay FFT since it's been years
>tfw want to make a party with none of the OP NPCs
>tfw too lazy to download a ROM and emulator
>tfw don't want to suffer through Delita's sociopathic behavior and Algus' insufferable ego.

>> No.2749979

I kind of wish that instead of tie-in characters to other Ivalice games that become highly anachronistic, WotL would've had a Red Mage and Blue Mage class added in. I know that the Calculator/Arithmetician covers them both in certain regards (multiple magic schools, "Lv X Spells), but even so.

>> No.2750005

>Ninja with Abandon
I'd classify that as Stealth over Evasion. Just tossing that out there.

>> No.2750010
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>Get two Dancers and a Bard with a Mime
>Train up a Monk with Dual Wield
>Doublecasting Sing and Triplecasting Nameless Dance
>Monk is Berserk

>> No.2750031

>Fire Bracelet

>> No.2750116

>not one transparent dancer and 4 mimes spamming wiznaibus

>> No.2750128

Fucking Bards/Dancers are so weak but so fun.

>> No.2750415

I think she should have just joined right after the Bernevia Free City fight, if not immediately then at least as a Guest for the next few battles. Probably makes a bunch more sense than casually strolling into the Zalera fight too as an ally in a battle where she can do jack squad since its entirely Monster based.

Maybe Matsuno didn't want to make his plot reuse of redesigning Aloser too obvious or something.

You can equip the Tynar Rogue on any female though.

It's really just that there isn't any more hard Human-based battles after Mel joins to use her in any more, though at least the PSP version allows her moves to hit Monsters for pretty good damage. Still inferior to Orlandu but who isn't?

>> No.2751135

I use magic users for party balance, but yeah, it's much easier to break a physical class with high movement and attack damage than it is to make a magic class that's a greater overall threat. Charge times are probably the biggest issue with casters, although being heavily reliant on MP when the spells that bring them up to physical damage levels cost over half your MP pool and being a squishy character in general don't help matters.

If I was going to try and fix the problem, I'd start by limiting movement bonuses and rebalancing stats around that. Things like two handing Knights or duel wielding Ninjas having a movement range of 8 or 9 where they can cover half the map in one turn means there's nowhere to run and nothing to hide behind as ranged and magic using classes. After that, I'd give magic classes a base of low MP cost spells with instant cast times (Things with lower impact like Cure 1, <element> 1, that sort of thing), create strong spells with high MP costs and short charge times, and then perhaps create spells more akin to how dancers and bards work: rituals that have long charge times but wide, powerful effects. Now, you'd have a white mage that can drop light heals on the group at a longer distance, cure status effects or revive for a good chunk of MP, or grant defensive buffs to the entire party with long cast time spells.

>> No.2751625

I think if you just drop the concept of Speed growth and keep them static even as you gain levels, Magic will probably be more viable for more portions of the game.

Currently, Charge Time is static while Speed grows meaning that as you level, there's a higher chance of being interrupted before your spell goes off.

>> No.2751883

Heyyy, I actually made a patch a couple years ago for FFT that neutralized all playable classes' job stat growths to the values the game typically treated as 'standard'. Job stat multipliers are still in and basically serve the same purpose in class variance without pointlessly screwing you for spending too long in the wrong job. A second version even gave adjustments to the multipliers based on what was lost (because even more stupidly, the growths weren't themselves proportionate to the multipliers).

Might have to dig it up.

>> No.2752176
File: 172 KB, 800x1199, battle_in_riovanes_castle_by_vanoxymore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be inside riovanes castle
what's this...?
>There you are Ramza.
>Draw your sword Ramza.
>Whats wrong? If you don't. I will.
How miserable you are........
Giving your spirit to lucavi just to avenge yourself.
If Miluda knew about this, she'd be very disappointed.
>Revenge? HA! That's not what i'm after.....
>I want far more then that. I don't give a damn about Miluda's murder.
>I want to bring 'chaos' into the world.....to hear the screams of humans....
>But,don't worry.Ramza. I'll kill you...myself

>> No.2752185

I am strongly considering a hard mode patch where all the accessible jobs have their stat growth numbers set to the lowest possible rate, with the majority of stats coming from equipment and job choice and only monsters and bosses having actual growth

>> No.2752214

Scream sort of falls off as a useful Ramza asset when the rest of the party will either finish before he gets noticable benefit or die while he looks after numero uno. Great for solo Ramza, kinda dumb in a decent team.

I want to hack in a Scream2 or something that can kickstart him into high gear sooner but becomes more time-inefficient than regular Scream before he hits crazy values. I was thinking, +2 to pa/ma/sp, but give it a charge time such that Ramza will just miss his following turn if used at 20 speed or above... Does that make any kind of sense? Then I bump down Scream's chapter availability. I'm very sick so I really don't know if that makes sense.

>> No.2752227

Scream is fine, I only ever use it once or twice in a battle anyone while I wait for my opponents to get closer.

>> No.2752254

All depends on builds. My new favorite Ramza build has a great deal of range, so using a turn for Scream is no skin off of me in 99% of battles. Then again, if you're going primarily physical, it could cost you a degree of time with multiple uses.

>> No.2752270

Are there any decent FFT hacks out there?

>> No.2752341

FFHacktics has a ton. I know there's a patch that replaces the original dialogue with the WotL dialogue, if that's something you'd be into. Past that, most hacks I've seen are a little wanky and add in characters from other series/games, or mess with the balance in either odd or masochistic ways.
Still, you may find something you like.

>> No.2752448
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> There will never be an accurate uncensored english translation of FFT
> The supporting named characters will never receive mission dialogue that fleshes the game out
> Meliadoul will never be unlocked before Orlandu
> You will never get Dark Knight from Gafgarion's Crystal
> There will never be more asides between the named NPC's, like when Worker 8 wrecks Mustadio. Or Mustadio's scene on Agrias Birthday in WOTL

>> No.2752450
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>> No.2752453


The first time I did that battle I got my ass kicked over and over again. I saved at that point just for the fight too, so I ended up just starting the game over just to level up and prepare Ramza for that one part. I killed him quick that time lol

>> No.2752515

FFT 1.3 if you want beyond nightmare level difficult mode. Classes are revamped/balanced/new abilities/spells, Calculator is now Sage and uses Boss only spells (Frog 2, etc). All random fights are different, the list goes on and on. Just google and follow the instructions.

However if you don't want the difficulty, there's also a content patch they offer, without the "enjoy every fight taking 30 minutes+ and being brutally raped"

>> No.2752521

To add onto this, some other changes include a "unique" Dark Knight, Onion Knight event, where they join you, and Marche from FFTA joining as well. Dark Knight/Onion Knight jobs are unlockable, but the Holy Knight etc classes are rebalanced (their sword attacks now cost MP), new monsters such as Tonberry and Cactuars, new ??? Bosses you can randomly encounter over and over and basically each fight requires actual thinking/planning. Story fights scale to your level now and you aren't going to just breeze through with whatever jobs you like. Knight and Lancer are now godly, as is Thief. Just google for the site and read, if you're interested. If nothing more, it's a very well made hack and will give you the ultimate experience, difficulty or content patch wise.

>> No.2752554

I'll direct you to this post. >>2729236

>> No.2752964

Content is not that different from FFT 1.3 in practice. It's still ridiculously hard compared to every other game in the genre.

>> No.2753078
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I've been enjoying this, but im at the orborne library fights now and the enemys jumped from lvl 18 to level 25, and im still at lvl 15. dont feel like grinding, what do?

>> No.2753113

Isn't hamedo just as effective?

>> No.2753117

Daily reminder that Ramza screaming "GERONIMO" is, yes, part of the original japanese script, and Matsuno does not literally shit gold

>> No.2753127

Blade Grasp provides a much more comprehensive range of protection.

>> No.2753615

Levels don't mean that much in FFT, abilities do.

I dunno, just go to Sweegy Woods a couple of times and use Auto-battle and multi-task or something if you don't want to manually fight.

Hamedo only works on the "Attack" command and only if you're in range - it's still pretty good in certain circumstances but Blade Grasp is definitely the superior defensive move