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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 189 KB, 640x480, Samurai_Spirits_RPG_(J)-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2723059 No.2723059 [Reply] [Original]

So lemme see if I got this right.

A full english translation exists for Samurai Showdown RPG and it's not being release because .... asshole.

>> No.2723071

Don't talk shit about Deuce-kun!

>> No.2723134

It's not being released because it doesn't exist. If you believe those guys then you fell for the oldest trick in the translation-circle handbook.

>> No.2723141

There's an YT video of Deuce's friend playing it in English.

Also, byuu stopped working on Far East of Eden Zero because he was afraid Deuce would pull on him what he pulled on Nightwolve.

>> No.2723150

And that was what exactly?

>> No.2723152


do I even want to know?

>> No.2723162

Deuce translated the Ys games, and Nightwolve inserted the translation into the games. XSEED approached Deuce for his script (they were re-releasing it on Steam), he download it off Nightwolve's tool, and sold it to XSEED, never bothering to even give credit to Nightwolve.

Mind you, there's no saint in their midst. Both those guys are dicks.

>> No.2723179
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So this nigga stopped working on FEoE0 because the thought that nigga was gonna make some money off of a 20= year old SNES game........

>> No.2723185


has he contacted Xseed about it?

>> No.2723189

Its really nice if someone spends a lot of time translating and patching games and releases them. But how are they assholes for doing it for themselves and then not releasing it?

Learn Japanese.
Learn how to do a good translation.
Learn how to implement said translation into the ROM.

-Then- you can bitch and whine.

I didn't even know about this game until someone mentioned it in the Neo-geo thread earlier today.

>> No.2723197


because it takes literally no effort to toss up a mega


>> No.2723205

>But how are they assholes for doing it for themselves and then not releasing it?

Because they dangle it over the heads of people and act like a chick with GOTIS.

>> No.2723206

Most people are ungrateful cunts who couldn't give less of a shit about the work someone put in to doing something. They just want everything done for them, for free.

Hell, most people will probably bitch about teh translation being bad anyways

>> No.2723229

Why bother doing a translation if your Japanese is good enough to translate the game?

Just play it straight up.

>> No.2723362

>never bothering to even give credit to Nightwolve.
He wasn't the translator? Why would he credit him?

Nevermind the fact the guy went on an incredibly insane crusade afterwards which soured people to him even if they agreed he was screwed over.

>> No.2723381

>buy giant lollipop
>wave it in front of childrens faces and taunt them with it

totally not an asshole bruh

>> No.2723413

ya. no dice

>> No.2723454


exactly. when people refuse to release content like this, it's not about whatever excuse they make. eg other people playing it doesn't "diminish the value". a million people have played chrono trigger, but that didn't make it any less fun for me.

the reason they do this is because they want to possess something that others value but don't have. it's egotistical, selfish and greedy.

>> No.2723467

If he delivered it in the exact format Nightwolve converted it to I can understand getting buttflustered, but if he just sold his script that he translated himself I don't really see an issue.

>> No.2723567

And guess what I don't have to share it, I took my time to translate it. If I want to share then I can. Learn japanese and do it yourself.

>> No.2723571

Then why translate it in the first place genius?

>> No.2723594

For my personal usage, and cuz I can. You could do the same with a little practice.

>> No.2723612

>already knows japanese
>translates a game for himself
Looks like you just wasted your own time. Bravo.
Finally Drakon will have a butt-buddy.

>> No.2723629
File: 68 KB, 600x563, 1440991863906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For my personal usage
So you translated a game from a langue that you already understand to another langue that you already understand just so you can play it?

>> No.2723637

XSEED don't give a fuck.

>> No.2723640


they'll go to any length to deny that they do it to be shitlords, withholding their gold from the peasants.

>> No.2723642

except the person in question is dangling it on front of others faces.
The person in question also has a track record of fucking over his partners too...

>> No.2723662

I have some pretty grateful friends.

>> No.2723714

he doesnt need to release shit.

doesn't owe you shit.

go learn Japanese or translate it yourself.

>> No.2723796


>> No.2723848

NIghtwolve is a cunt of worldwide renown. Good riddance. Not to mention Samurai Shodown RPG is not a great game.

>> No.2723861

Yes, and he continued his campaign into utter insanity. Now he raves about XSEED like /pol/ does about Jews.

>> No.2723867

He did a bunch of other shit too.

As already mentioned they're both faggots.

>> No.2723893

Fantastic game. One of the most replayable RPGs there is, and a real love letter to the first two Samurai Shodown games.

Made learning basic Japanese really worthwhile, I'll tell you that.

>> No.2723956


>> No.2724110

Newsflash - you have no business telling OP to do anything. If you think someone who goes to the effort of translating a game just to show it off and tease other people is right to do that, then you have no business complaining when people bitch about how dumb actually doing that is.

>> No.2724138

>byuu stopped working on Far East of Eden Zero
Literally nothing of value was lost if you non nipspeakers were even interested.
It's a plain mediocre and forgettable game, the only interesting thing about it is that it's semi non linear regarding exploration, but there are much better games on the SFC in that regard too.
The only game worth playing in the series is the GBA Tengai Makyou and it's not even retro anyway.

>> No.2724319

Translation scene bitching thread?

People releasing demo patches so that everyone will suck their dick until they release the final patch.

Absolute Zero, AGTP and whoever translates those otome games in like 2 months while everyone else takes a year+ are the only good translators/groups out there. Literally everyone else is involved in ego stroking and utterly flabbergasting levels of drama bullshit. AGTP only gets flak for taking forever to release anything and when they do, it's usually some obscure game no one was looking forward to but that's only because they take on too many projects.

>> No.2724328

Hey, I'm sure everyone's waiting for SRW Alpha but at least it's getting help unlike SMT If. Dark Half and Lagrange Point are pretty damn good though.

To be perfectly fair with this point however, most of the work done is the hacking after the script is done. And I would imagine a lot of Otome are built pretty similar. In the end you're looking at fans putting out unpaid hours, so obviously people will work on what they want to or shit's not going to get done either way.

>> No.2724406

If I want to show my work off that'd fine, just cuz you don't wish to or are to lazy to work for it that's a personal problem.
Maybe you complain also that other people have nice things whole you sit at home doing nothing and don't think it's fair.

>> No.2724518

>People who do work and release it publicly get credit

seriously the egos

>> No.2724578

People don't deserve any compensation or recognition for their work, because everything digital should be free for everyone. And fast and of perfect quality, too! If you don't like it, then you're a lazy, whiny money- and fame-grubbing little bitch.

>> No.2724758

One of the things that pisses me of Is when they translate the newer games and not old gems. All 4 Goemon SNES games will never get the full translation it deserves.

Meanwhile shit like the new FE gets translated in the matter of weeks in release. Why translate shit that's eventually coming out?

>> No.2724793

Shut up poopyface.

>> No.2724797

Because popularity.

>> No.2724802

But why bother making a translation if you already know the original language in the first place?

>> No.2724814

Because he a perma virgin with no friends.

>> No.2724901


I wish he'd just cut a deal with SNK Playmore, it's not like anyone is making money off of those games nowadays as is.

Then again, SNKP doesn't seem like they'll ever bother to even properly translate stuff like the mess that is the Art of Fighting 2 english translation...

>> No.2724971

FWIW there's a GG2 SFC project in the works that got announced lately...and it's fairly complete atm: http://www.romhacking.net/forum/index.php/topic,20026.0.html

Also, I like that patches have made some games more known to a /vr/ audience than before, like in the case of Dark Half or Hourai High (and hopefully Metal Slader Glory). I definitely wish some of the long-time projects would finally wrap up (seriously, two failed patches for Illusion City!), but the scene's doing well given its age and the online warfare.

>> No.2725037

Translating is fun.

>> No.2725040

Isn't it past your bed time?

>> No.2725090

Nah that can't be it. I'm one too and I just spend all my time shitposting to the point where I get banned from at least one board a month.

Except you guys and /m/. I love you all too much for that.

>> No.2725143
File: 43 KB, 570x587, i_earned_this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm super jelly of your superior work ethic when it comes to translating 20+ year old Jap games. You must be a huge hit with the ladies ;^)

>> No.2725156

The ethic comes from learning the language and doing something with it I can benefit from. If I choose to help others then cool. Suck it up we all arent fat ameritards that only speak murricun.

>> No.2726473

Without nightwolve hacking skills, there will never be a finished product to show deuce skills
as a translator.
No one ever will give a flying fuck about the translation if you just post it as a document, have you ever seen any company aproach some random dude that posted a complete translation as plain text?
And even after all that a damn thank you from Deuce would be fine, but no, he just say well fuck you nightwolve.

>> No.2726480

probably because shit like this


>> No.2727029

>like /pol/ does about Jews.
but /pol/ is right about jews, could Nightwolve be right about XSEED?

mind you if he is, that isn't going to stop me from buying XSEED games

>> No.2727329
File: 2.20 MB, 193x200, 1399230953162.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That whole post

>> No.2727406

Glad you like it, I find them funny too.

>> No.2727414

Newsflash - if OP has the right to bitch about it, I have the right to bitch about OP bitching about it.

>> No.2727578


I didn't know this existed. cool.

>> No.2727703

Nobody posted this yet? Check it out if you want to have a laugh.


>> No.2727912

His hacking skills aren't what XSeed wanted, even if it's the result of his patch that got the translator noticed.

They wanted the translation. They are under no obligation to credit the guy who hacked the original game.

Nevermind that Nightwolve's development into insanity about the issue pretty much pushed everyone so far away from him that he would never get professionally credited now either way.

>> No.2727927

You don't see the point here.
Having a finished product and people playing that product was the reason it brought atention from xseed.
If deuce only posted his script in plain text
I can guarantee you that the hype about the game would never be the same, as a finished playable product as oposed to a plain text file.

And please respond me this, Do you really think for a second that if deuce posted his translation as plain text, Xseed will contact him
9 years ago?
Or it was because a lot of people discovered the game generated a lot of hype and then some guys at xseed say, Hmm there's some fan base here lets bring the game over to the states.
You can say that nightwolve is a lunatic but it was by him, that this games passed from niche and obscurity to a wider market.
And a fucking thanks from Xseed or Deuce would be nice, the guy filled their pockets with money.

>> No.2727936

so if a hack have '"dicks and nazis headless mario" it's ok to be hosted on romhacking dot org, and if you say something about it a mod would warn you in the act, and then proceed to encourage the retard tha makes that shit to uplad a new one.
But if a guy that make a normal or awesome hack's like zelda parallel world , godness of wisdom and zelda iq test decides to protect his work agains repromakers is inmediatly not good for aproval?
What a bunch of douchebags and retards in that site!

>> No.2727937

I see what you're saying, but that's a sidepoint altogether. Regardless of whether or not he's the one who helped bring it to attention, he's not under any obligation to be thanked.

He was not the one contracted out or hired.

Yeah, maybe that's a shitty thing to do for people who are suppose to be friends, but it's not obligated even if it's the cause.

>> No.2727950


I've done translation work, and if you do it properly (not half-assing) it's mentally taxing. each language has its own challenges, but japanese>english is trickier than two european languages. they're so different, and japanese is very context-based (and often has non-western cultural references) it takes skill to pull it off right.

you expect me to believe that anyone would translate an entire script simply for their own amusement? I mean it's possible, maybe you enjoy term papers and tax returns too, but if it were only for fun you'd stfu about it and keep it to yourself.

there is only one reason to go through the trouble of translating a script and telling the internet, and that is being a shitlord, gloating at all the peasants who want something of value but can't have it. it's selfish, egotistical bullshit.

>> No.2727958

We wasn't friends, I asked him if he could help with something and he did.
Not my fault he couldn't think about making legit money from it.

>> No.2728050

>Why would anybody ever do anything if they're not going to do it for me?
The level of entitlement of translation consumers is hilarious.
Attitudes like yours are EXACTLY the reason that sometimes we just translate shit, tell you we have it, and then sit back and enjoy the shit show as you lose your fucking heads over the fact that you can't have it.

>> No.2728069


it's not entitlement. I don't think translators are debt servants (especially since I've done translation myself). but like I said, if you like doing it for yourself that much, why announce it? your post pretty much says flat out that the intention is to be a trolling shitlord.

and yes, I think the most important function of art is to be consumed. what's the point of a painting that no one's ever seen?

>> No.2728125

Some people just enjoy painting?

>> No.2728136

frenchfag detected

>> No.2728140

This looks awful, so many better RPGs from this era.
What's wrong with you?

>> No.2728163


again, I can sort of understand just doing it to practice or for the sake of doing it. not doing it then holding it over peoples heads, then getting offended like you're the victim.

a better example would be editing and restoring an old cult classic film, posting about it, then refusing to release it because "entitled jerks" and "I just like working with old rare movies that other people are interested in".

my point from the beginning is that you withhold things others value so you can sit on your throne and chortle about it.

>> No.2728343

If you want to play the game, why don't you just fucking learn Japanese? It's not impossible to learn an additional language unless you're mentally retarded, in which case you should get used to not getting everything you want anyway. Oh, let me guess. You're all to busy to learn it, right? But you have plenty of time to futilely bitch on the Internet about how other people should do things for you. Or maybe you're worried about being called autistic. Because, conveniently, nowaydays doing anything that requires effort is grounds for autism.

>> No.2728391

I love Samurai Showdown. Spent many a quarter on those games.

>> No.2728652
File: 22 KB, 680x299, 1441992082503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2728661

You refuse to learn a language because you're afraid of your autism?
It's autistic to worry about that.

>> No.2728887


Some of us like Samurai Shodown and would be interested in experienced in a genre that's better at storytelling.

>> No.2728927


>> No.2728948

What intrigues me the most about this game is the cameos from non Samsho SNK characters.

Iori and Kyo look really cool in this, I just wish I knew what the fuck is going on.

>That reimagined Iori laugh

There's an ending with Athena too on the related vids.

>> No.2728957
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>> No.2729714


that's really kind of the whole point isn't it.

He made a post declaring that he was translating the game and then decided to keep it for himself.

He didn't have to make that opening post just to get attention for a project he never intended to share in the first place. If he didn't say he was shouting from the mountain tops that he had the thing people wouldn't be asking for the thing.

>> No.2729719


>> No.2729749

Could be just one of Kyo's ancestors, although I caught a brief glimpse of Kyo's name in his presentation.

>> No.2729764

IIRC, if you go talk to Cham-Cham, Kim Kaphwan flies through the screen, in his Hou-ou Tenbu Kyaku pose.

>> No.2729767

Actually, that is a bonus mode that you unlock after completing the game. You play as Shizumaru, and most of the dialogue is complete nonsense. Weirdly, this bonus mode only exists in the Neo Geo CD version. The PSX version had a cutscene viewer, and the Saturn version had an interview mode.

>> No.2731149
File: 2.11 MB, 220x190, Tickled.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>translate a game
>hey guys I translated this game
>no you can't have it translated