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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2713776 No.2713776 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think of the SoR fan remake?

>> No.2713781

Still haven't played it and I was the hugest SoR2/3 fag back in the day. It's supposed to be really good though, right?

>> No.2713785

It's garbage.

>> No.2713787


Aight, I'll just dig out the Genesis and SoR2/3 instead.

>> No.2713791

No prob.

>> No.2713794

Why don't you just download it and try it yourself you Cambodian

>> No.2713797


already got the Genesis out now fam, too late. having a blast though.

>> No.2713807

Hello Sega dev.

>> No.2713812

what bothers me is these types of game hardly ever had use of four player's or even more then two controllers

>> No.2713843

Home consoles didn't have 4 controller ports pre-Nintendo 64. Multi-taps were rare and almost nobody ever bought them. Why spend extra time and money developing for it unless it was easy.

2 player is fine.

This guy is an idiot. If you like SoR, you'll love SoRRemake. Its just more of the same but slightly better. Visuals and gameplay are tweaked for improvements, and with multiple paths, multiple endings and secret characters and modes to unlock I honestly think its may be one of the greatest beat em ups ever made.

>> No.2713848
File: 64 KB, 646x512, sorr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i fucking love the sor remake. its always strange seeing guys praise sor 2 but they never played the remake.

basically its all 3 games put into 1 massive game with paths so its not overwhelming. lots of extras and all the options you'd ever want to tweak the gameplay to make it like any sor version. it also has every character playable including their older sor1/sor2 versions.
but best of all it makes those jetpack guys not stay off the borders of the screen.

>> No.2713851

I think the Atari 5200 had 4 controller ports.

>> No.2714149
File: 159 KB, 630x700, 1370791957622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unmasked Sub-Zero
>edgy Roger
>gay Bison
>Liu Kang

>> No.2714162

Don't forget Kangaroo Jack

>> No.2714170
File: 296 KB, 1190x1615, tumblr_mr7bo4jyA11rkrwaco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Home consoles didn't have 4 controller ports pre-Nintendo 64
Found the pleb.

>> No.2714184


>> No.2714454

How is it garbage you fucking thick cunt?

>What do you guys think of the SoR fan remake?
It's fantastic and super well executed. It's so good that if sega weren't such assholes they could of done some kind of deal with the dev and released it officially.

>> No.2714717

It's tons of fun

characters are unbalanced

Enemy AI is terrible; and their definition of challenge is "throw gigantic waves of dumb enemies at the player" rather than improving the AI

It lacks online co-op

>> No.2716140

Closest thing we'll get to a "new" SOR game. I found the remixed soundtrack to be pretty good aside from the SOR3 tracks. Those felt out of place and prefer the original compositions.

>> No.2716142
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Anyone know if you upgrade to Win 10 if it fucks this game up?

>> No.2716357

>Enemy AI is terrible;
No it isn't i has better ai than on the original games and the a.i is difficulty dependent to, on mania the a.i is very good and very frustrating.

>> No.2716450

Can you gimme a quick tier list?

or just the best chars is fine. I remember Rudra being OP. but didn't play all the characters back when this game came out

>> No.2716552

It's the best fan game ever made. Manages to copy the mechanics of the original games pretty much exactly, combines them all into one game and adds some decent new content as well. Only thing I didn't like was the fan fictiony original character, but I just never play as her.

>> No.2716648

> remake
I don't like these things, unless they're ironic joke things.

>> No.2716654

Max da bess
Maybe Shiva, then Adam
The rest suck
>muh oc

>> No.2716851
File: 45 KB, 538x351, nope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>win 10

>> No.2716864

the number gets higher so it's better

>> No.2716946

still the best.

>> No.2716963

>How is it garbage you fucking thick cunt?

Not that guy, but the gameplay is unbalanced as fuck. It's the same run-jumpkick-turn around-repeat fest as SOR3 was. And mixing together SOR2 and SOR3 characters, each with different move timing and damage, makes the game even more unbalanced.

The best part of SOR2 was that it had incredibly well balanced gameplay, and even on highest difficulty it was still fair and very playable.

>No it isn't i has better ai than on the original games

It's been a while since I played SORR, but from what I remember the AI was a cross between SOR2 and 3. Sometimes it goes full crazy on you, sometimes it just waltzes around dumbly.

>> No.2716967

It's great.

But I have no idea why Alt+F4 just turns on scanlines.

>> No.2716968

Then get Ubuntu 15.10 I guess

>> No.2716972

>looks no better than the genesis versions

>> No.2716975

SOR1 Blaze is better than all of them