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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2707017 No.2707017 [Reply] [Original]

What are some of your favorite adventure games, /vr/?

I've always had a fondness for stuff like Universe or Companions of Xanth.

>> No.2707104

I can't get into most of Sierra's productions because I'm not into the supposedly infamous at this point unwinnable situations you can get into if you fail to pick something non-obvious up. That said, I enjoyed Quest for Glory, and its spiritual successor, Heroine's Quest (free on Steam).

LucasArts games, Blade Runner and Beneath a Steel Sky are all games I enjoyed.

>> No.2707440
File: 1.20 MB, 1280x800, PC Computer - Quest for Glory 4 Shadows of Darkness - Town.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I think I'll skip.

Anyway, concerning Sierra's games, I can understand somewhat where you're coming from, but given that I played these games when I was younger, I could look past that and even do so nowadays when I replay them.

That said, QFG 4 is probably my favorite game in the series. It doesn't hurt that they got John Rhys-Davies to narrate it.

>> No.2707721

>I think I'll skip.
Because it's a she? That's mostly because of the cutesy Norse mythology (and thus, valkyrie) vibe to the whole story; if you're looking for SJW undertones, they're simply not there. Seriously, it's worth a try.

>> No.2707928
File: 129 KB, 457x747, QfG_Hero_Minecraft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Quest for Glory franchise isn't just my favorite Adventure game series, they're actually my favorite games period.

Shadows of Darkness > So You Want to Be a Hero > Trial By Fire > Dragon Fire > Wages of War

>> No.2708023

But are all Sierra games like that? I thought only KQ I-V had that bullshit. Do other Sierra games like Leisure Suit Larry, Space Quest and Gabriel Knight have it? I became interested in Adventure games recently, and if they are, I'd better tread carefully.

The Quest for Glory games look amazing, and so does King's Quest VI. I gotta play some more of these games. So far, the Lucasarts games I've played and the KQ remakes are being really fun for me.

>> No.2708078

>But are all Sierra games like that? I thought only KQ I-V had that bullshit. Do other Sierra games like Leisure Suit Larry, Space Quest and Gabriel Knight have it? I became interested in Adventure games recently, and if they are, I'd better tread carefully.

I'm sure Phantasmagoria does not, but both Phantasmagoria games are fucking shit. King's Quest VI and Gabriel Knight are safe. At least Larry 7 is safe.

>> No.2709362
File: 1.16 MB, 3200x1200, qfg4bgs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hmm, I suppose I could give it a try, no harm in that at least.


Shadows of Darkness is just plain brilliant.

Everything in it is absolutely fantastic and it's got such a heavy Slavic theme going for it, which was a fairly rare thing back in those days when it first came out.

>> No.2709745
File: 18 KB, 480x300, 68505-TheNeverhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This insanity.

Boo boo zee zam bud dee oh
Bowly oh ze zat
Op a zop a see saw

It would be noteworthy only for how visually unique it is. But it has also great story, humor and puzzles that look nonsensical and yet are actually solved with real world logic, not moon one.

>> No.2709746

Dum da dum doy doy doy

goddamn the music is fucking legendary

>> No.2709748


It's been nearly two decades since I played that game for the very first time.

I don't remember much, but man, that Wall, with the story. Oh god, I've read all of it.

>> No.2709762

And we're basically getting a sequel to this tomorrow. I'm excited.

>> No.2709765

I was a little slav squirt when i first got my hand on Neverhood. The lack of language barrier during gameplay helped a lot, but I could not appreciate the full story until i was a little older. I was very surprised how it is weirdly similar to old testament. And the world backstory and kings list on the Wall always seemed somewhat... tolkinesque, I guess.But that might just be me.

>> No.2709768


>I was a little slav squirt when i first got my hand on Neverhood.

What a coincidence, so was I!

I was 12 at the time and didn't really understand anything at the time, it was just one of those games that was so amazingly different and I couldn't help but get lost in it. Which really did help for distracting me from the shitpile that my country was in at the time.

>> No.2711546
File: 322 KB, 3497x1911, SpaceQuestIII-PiratesOfPestulon-Map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably my all time favorite. I liked most Sierra adventure titles. The whole QFG series was awesome. Police Quest was decent, the second probably the best to me. Freddy Pharkas, Gold Rush, Gabrielle Knight 1, LSL1&7.

Then there was Lucasarts, Monkey Island (Curse was my favorite,) Full Throttle, Sam & Max, Fate of Atlantis, Grim Fandango.

The Lost Files of Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Serrated Scalpel, Star Trek: Judgment Rites, and Beneath a Steel Sky are all great, recommend them all.

I don't recall this being a widespread issue, KQ5 was the only one that sticks out in my head. There were probably a few more, but it's been a while.

>> No.2712930
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Shannara deserves way more attention than it gets; That is to say, none.

>> No.2714770

Due to this thread, I decided to replay the QFG series. Gotta say the new version of So You Want To Be A Hero is pretty easy on the eyes.

>> No.2714796
File: 2.14 MB, 1600x900, Phaenarch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the VGA version is really pretty. This thread also made me want to go back and play.

I forgot what a severe pain it is to play as a Magic User though. Intelligence is difficult as hell to level up and every spell needs to be individually leveled too.

>> No.2714801


I forgot that you start off with only Zap and have to find/purchase everything else, which I wouldn't mind if money wasn't a bit difficult to acquire. After getting better on random encounters, I just go and camp that one place where Goblins keep coming out from behind the bushes.

>> No.2714853

Starting money to buy Fetch, walk out to the tree and use it get the Healer's Ring. Use the reward to buy Flame Dart and Open. Go talk to the Meeps and acquire Detect Magic. Use Open at Erana's Peace for Calm, Detect Magic at the falls for Trigger from the hermit. Take all the spells and beat Erasmus in the Mage's Maze for Dazzle.

I usually acquire all the spells on my first day in-game.

>> No.2714861

The Longest Journey

>> No.2716816
File: 907 KB, 1500x1402, The_Longest_Journey_by_Marrylie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


God damn. Guess I'll have a go at that.

By the by, in which QFG does Paladin actually become an option for a character? Trial by Fire, right?

Not looking forward to replaying Wages of War though.


I only played the first two games, and can easily say the first one is far better than the sequel (seriously what was with that half-assed combat?).

>> No.2716825

I got Armikrog about a month ago and was hoping it would be nearly as good as The Neverhood.

Boy was I let down.

>> No.2717223

>Trial by Fire, right?


>> No.2718149


>Boy was I let down.

Could you go into details please? I almost bought the game myself, but saw a lot of people saying it would be a waste of money.

>> No.2718337
File: 9 KB, 320x200, qfg2-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always hated Trial By Fire. I don't like navigating the damn maze the game is set in and I don't like the time limits put within the game. And I didn't like discovering that there was no Paladinhood waiting for you if you used the X-Ray Specs... after I'd saved.

>> No.2718540

too short