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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 31 KB, 800x621, earthbound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2701982 No.2701982 [Reply] [Original]

So, /vr/, how do you guys feel about Earthbound?

I like it, but I like mother 3 a lot more. It seems to build on what this game did and make it a lot better.

>> No.2701991

again, seriously guys will you not put this fucking thread to rest.
Some of us like it, some of us don't, a lot of us seem to don't fucking like it. Me it's not my favorite game, but jesus every fucking day 3000000000000 fucking threads of this shit.

>> No.2701998

Nobody cares about your personal opinion you stupid shit.

>> No.2702031


fuck you OP.
fuck this thread.
fuck any overrated retro game that costs over $50.

>> No.2702037

>fuck any overrated retro game that costs over $50.
I've never played it and the price somehow makes me never want to play it, even emulated

>> No.2702040

earthbound/mother series is excellent, but it's recently exploded into a cult classic on the internet. its like the vidya version of rocky horror picture show. it's the subject of endless discussion which is why anons itt are fed up.

>> No.2702042


it wasn't ridiculously expensive at first, but its rarity + cult obsession is why.

>> No.2702081

Very unture. They made plenty of those carts, I'd say at best it's "Uncommon"

>> No.2702083

>I've never played it and the price somehow makes me never want to play it, even emulated

you are like the worst kind of retarded faggot

>> No.2702089

As a dq fan who played earthbound after I finished every one till 9, earthbound felt really flat to me. The only thing I really enjoyed was the "YOU WIN" mechanic.

>> No.2702092
File: 527 KB, 2160x1620, DSC00587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a "Twits holding Earthbound" thread. Post yours!

>> No.2702101

"Uncommon" is literally the definition of "rare", you stupid fucking retard.

>> No.2702128

that guy that admitted to selling fake earthbound carts in previous threads like this has even gotten sick of seeing these threads...

>> No.2702132

Earthbound is weird. I played it not too long ago only because of all the hype about it and a friend having mentioned playing back in the day as well... I played i for a few weeks until I beat it, and I enjoyed it while I was in the middle of it, but then shortly after I started realizing how fucking retarded and nonsensical the entire game is. Now I'm just neutral about this game in general... It's just a long RPG that isn't chrono nor FF... that's about it.

>> No.2702136

>I started realizing how fucking retarded and nonsensical the entire game is

It's a silly quirky Japanese game from the 90's you fucking tool. I thought it was blatantly obvious the game makes fun of itself.

>> No.2702153

I bet he craps on Monty Python too for the same reason.

>> No.2702185


Here is my honest view on the game:

I first played it at a friend's house in the late 90's, I begged for him to let me borrow it but he never did, ended up buying it a couple of years later for $20 used and liked it a lot. It's good, really good but unfortunately it attracts probably the second most autistic fan base there is after the Sonic series. Mother 3 felt corny as fuck with it's story, the music was worse and the battle system never quite worked right on emulators. I also played Mother 1 when the rom leaked sometime in the early 00's, I felt that game was kinda shitty.

EB worked so well because of how unique it was and the humor it had, but the other two games are kind of lacking.

>> No.2702223


I won't call you a retard, but if you're trying to say it's slightly rare, I disagree. it wasn't successful in NA in the 90s so the carts aren't common. but then there's also supply/demand. people who own genuine earthbound carts usually want to keep them, and there are lots of people desperate to buy. this will drive the price way up.

even a cartridge with high sales, like chrono trigger, can become effectively rare due to supply/demand.

>> No.2702229

Fags in this thread are actually reviewing this game based on the 'fanbase' it has.

Old games are kind of beyond critique now. It's like writing a serious review of a movie that came out 40 years ago. Who gives a shit what you think, the game is a classic regardless.

>> No.2702282
File: 48 KB, 750x563, team rocket-THIS thread again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related. You can fuck right off

>> No.2702296

>Fags in this thread are actually reviewing this game based on the 'fanbase' it has.

Ironically, not liking things because of the fanbase or mainstream popularity is one of the tenants of being a "hipster".

>Old games are kind of beyond critique now. It's like writing a serious review of a movie that came out 40 years ago. Who gives a shit what you think, the game is a classic regardless.

I kind of disagree here. Yeah it's difficult to fairly judge arts and entertainment outside of the context of the culture they were released to, but there's nothing wrong with fair criticism being applied with that context understood. Eg: looking at a Byzantine painting and saying it sucks because everything is flat would be an example of poorly-contexed criticism, as perspective had yet to be developed. But criticism against contemporary works based on palette choice, subject matter or treatment of the figure would be fair.

>> No.2702302

I refuse to give it a chance and approach it with an open mind

I will prejudge it and form opinions based on nothing more than screenshots, gut feeling, and third hand information

Stay mad

>> No.2702685


that doesn't automatically make it a good game, you dickwad.

>> No.2702687


no. but this game craps on monty python in a big way by starting off with the worst sample of the flying circus theme ever heard by human ears. but you already knew that, you retarded fanboy.

>> No.2702791
File: 64 KB, 500x379, I miss you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just finished Earthbound for the first time
>Had a blast playing it, not perfect but still had a great experience
>Want to discuss the story, the quirky bits, the flaws, etc.
>go to /vr/ and see there's a thread about it
>muh "this thread again"
>thread dies

>> No.2702819

No, it doesn't. But the point raised is that if it takes someone until over halfway through to notice it, they're a tool.

>> No.2702820

Nobody said it did. Maybe you should actually read posts first before you get all defensive.

>> No.2702821

That's really not true. There are far more Final Fantasy, Super Metroid and SaGa threads. I've only seen one or two EB threads in the past week.

>> No.2702823

>doesn't attempt to stir the desired conversation himself despite multiple anons ITT clearly demonstrating a fondness for the game
Come on, anon. I know this site's culture is based around wallowing, but it's just not healthy.

>> No.2703103


bite my fuzzy pickle, you fanboy. i bet if i was saying the same thing while i was halfway through the game, you'd be telling me i had to play it all the way til the end to "get it".

>> No.2703484

Eat less salt.

It's seriously not worth buying Earthbound unless you're a hardcore collector.

It is however worth emulating, or buying the Virtual Console port (which is cheap), it's really fun, not as much for it's gameplay as it is for the world and setting, the writing, the atmosphere.

There aren't a whole lot of games like it, so it's even fun to plain blaze through the game with cheats.

It's not the best game there is, and it is getting more praise than it deserves, but still, emulate it.

>> No.2703502

It sold pretty poorly in North America, so there aren't quite as many carts in circulation as there is for more popular games such as Super Streetfighter II or any Super Mario game.
Most people blame NOA's ill concieved marketing campaign.

Well, Mother 1 isn't nearly as well made.

I agree.

You're missing out, but at least you are honest.

So lets talk about the game itself you big palooka! Ask questions, bring up something which confused you, or talk about a certain encounter which sticks to you.

>> No.2703508
File: 835 KB, 280x189, 1442519716164.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H-how big is your pickle? How f-fuzzy is it?

>> No.2704349

I started playing Earthbound this week, and it's pretty fun. Is there any way to get good without grinding though? I find myself dying often when 3 or more enemies come up. I'm at the town painted in blue, about to go fight the cult leader. The fuzzballs on the end of their hoods was censorship for American localization right? Otherwise they'd be the blue KKK. Also, Apple Kid is best bro. Loving this game.

>> No.2704375

Earthbound is really good not the best rpg game but definitely different. i don't think you can really say the games bad just for the price.

>> No.2704674
File: 19 KB, 124x127, everpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Goat tier music, one of my favourites on the snes. Standouts for me are Paula's theme and Smiles and Tears. It was pretty eclectic, and I found the battle music off putting at first, but the more I played it's charm started to grow on me. Also liked a lot of the ambiance in dungeons and boss battles.

The combat was bretty good, really loved the green/ red swirl, insta-win and rolling hp meter mechanics. Getting a SMAAAASH! is satisfying as hell.

But by and large, the best part of the game is the writing. It'd be nice to play some other games that one writer autered, if anyone has any requests. Definitely gives the game a definitive tone and direction. A lot of laugh out loud moments, juxtaposed to some really subtle sad moments.

As for flaws, my biggest problem was the inventory/ buying & selling system. I didn't mind having a limited inventory, in fact I enjoyed the added strategy. My main problem was how tedious it was to rearrange your inventory or buying and selling items one at a time. It's a very noticeable flaw in what's otherwise a pretty polished game.

It seems like the game is exactly what Itoi set out to create. It's a little overhyped, sure, but still a damn good game.

>9/10 would play again

I didn't really grind too often, and if you ever feel like you're really getting pummeled, just stick it out until the desert and do the criminal caterpillar exp. trick. I wouldn't recommend overusing it, but it helps a lot with leveling up a character whose lagging behind.

>> No.2705032

Apple Kid was awesome.

>tfw Orange Kid's invention recently became real

>> No.2705046


I'm at a loss for words. Someone came up with a way to unboil an egg. I googled it and it's true. lol

>> No.2705195

It's one thread out of 150 on a slow moving board. Just hide it if it bothers you that much

>> No.2705273

the rom is free

>> No.2705282

Or $8 if you want it on your Wii.

>> No.2705286

or free if you want it on your Wii

>> No.2706357 [DELETED] 

>all these anons falling for the bait

>not realizing acting as if you like earthbound is a meme

>thinking anyone but the most easily manipulated people like the shittiest rpg on snes

>> No.2706372


Actually, pretending to not like EarthBound because it's popular is the meme.

Get with the times, gramps.

>> No.2706378

it was considered to be one of the lamest games on the snes, some jokesters decided to go to forums and spout off about how great it was with the dumbest reasons.

Anytime someone mentions "rolling hp" you're getting trolled.

>> No.2706390

>it was considered to be one of the lamest games on the snes

considered by who? you and the cock gobbling fags you hang with?

>> No.2706401

ok kiddo, have fun with your game. I was just trying help you look less like a youngfag.

>> No.2706410


yeah gramps nobody cares about anything from the past, what matters now is that the meme is about pretending to dislike EB because it's popular, if you don't get it, then go back to your middle-aged man life and stop trying to fit in with us cool kids.

>> No.2706414

earthbounds is gay, wahts up with that guy named POO? who would name their kid something like that?

>> No.2706436

poo is chinese for brave

>> No.2707373

The Chinese, man, if it's not Communism, it's something else.

>> No.2707518

just chinese

>> No.2707524

sure thing beta cuck, is it worth it when the price of running with the herd is letting them fuck your woman?

>> No.2707581

>Anytime someone mentions "rolling hp" you're getting trolled.

Not this again. It's a decent mechanic for what it is.

>> No.2707583

First of all, Secret of the Stars is the worst RPG on SNES.

Second of all, what's this about memes?

>> No.2707653

i finished it about a year after starting it.
was alright i suppose.. good atmosphere.
i didnt know you weren't supposed to name the characters ;_;
named them unrelated names really..


>> No.2707719

I honestly feel bad for you.

I guess a mod deleted it because an anon let the cat out of the bag about how earthbound became "popular"

>> No.2707723

>how earthbound became "popular"

in Japan or in the west?

In Japan it was because of Shigesato Itoi.

In the west it was because of Smash Bros.

>> No.2707730

Kek... you're retarded. The nuances of the english language escape you.

>> No.2707742

Shitty combat system where the animations are non existent. Released in the same "age" as Chrono Trigger, FF6, Super Mario RPG.

Super "funky" and "good to look at" psychedelic backgrounds.

Shitty and boring story-line.

Absolutely retarded and boring party members.

>> No.2707745



wow dude you should write reviews, the insight and depth of your critics are mesmerizing.

>> No.2707951

The story and atmosphere was great, but I have to agree the characters in your party were boring. 90% of the time they had no dialogue whatsoever, which feels like wasted potential because they're pretty unique people, what with Duster being half-cripple and Kumatora being an aggressive tomboy.

I'm also dissappointed at the lack of combat animation, and the combat system overall is pretty boring.

>> No.2707964


adjective, rarer, rarest.
coming or occurring far apart in time; unusual; uncommon:

Kek... you're retarded. The nuances of not being a tool escape you.

>> No.2707975 [DELETED] 

not even him but fuck off back to


>> No.2707979
File: 53 KB, 425x282, 1445614742612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get your ass handed to you
>g-go back to r-reddit

>> No.2707990 [DELETED] 

>thinking you're handling any ass

>copypasta of the definition of a word


You can't even make a one sentence post without reaking of reddit, just fucking go

>> No.2709275

Haven't played EB in 8 years. Great game, loved the atmosphere. Thinking about giving it another run, after finishing Persona 3, with an older perspective because there was some shit that just stood out.

>> No.2709479

>replying to that seriously

>> No.2709718

Does a lot of things differently from other JRPGs, but the gameplay itself is too average for me to get excited over it. It's good I guess.