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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 412 KB, 1280x587, 1280px-PSX-Console-wController.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2699261 No.2699261 [Reply] [Original]

Just bought pic related, can you tell me some cheap game to buy? I had a ps1 as a kid, but I didn't have many games, just Metal Gear Solid, Crash series, Final fanasy VII-IX and Spyro1-3.

>> No.2699286

Ridge Racer

>> No.2699368


>> No.2699378

Okay, you know the popular titles for PS1, right? Your FInal Fantasies, your Metal Gear Solids, your Chrono Crosses, etc.

Literally any game that's not those will be cheap, and there's hundreds upon hundred of them.

>> No.2699383

Sell it and buy a PS2
It can play PS1 games and its cheaper
It supports 2 times more controllers too

>> No.2699530

Don't listen to these noobs OP. Be a real man and disk swap.

Works on any Playstation or PSone. You throw any cheap legitimate copy in, then load up burnt copies by switching the discs during certain times in the boot sequence. I did this for 10 years with my psone without any noticable damage, and for 5 years with my original Playstation. Both load everything fine, look fine, laser/spindle untouched from the way they originally came.

You can load anything. Imports, special loaders/cheats, PAL on NTSC tv, fan traslations ect. Took me a good week to get the timing down but i was like 14-15 at the time so i'm sure it isn't that hard. Now the only reason a disc wont load by this method is if i really wasn't paying attention or the disk image itself was not burned correctly. Cheers.

>> No.2699567
File: 4 KB, 357x84, every1lovesotn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick tutorial, if i remember correctly.

>find out a way to tape sensor down
>open lid, insert real disc, turn ps1 on
>the disc will speed up and stay that way for a bit, as soon as you hear the motor slow down swap the copy in (i give it a slight spin clockwise when i put it in sometimes, feels safer than slowing down the spindle to a halt. not important to the method.)
>the copy will speed up, slow down for a sec, speed back up, then when you hear the motor begin to slow down again swap the real game in
>right when the real disc starts spinning, or the screen turns black, swap the burned copy in and it should boot.

The second and last swaps are the most important. If you are having trouble, perfect the timing. Try one step a bit earlier, one a bit later ect. If you mess up the timing quite a bit and the game still loads, there may be some corrupt sprites or skipping music. But this is rare and will not harm anything. Just try again. There are other swap methods that require less/different steps for certain Playstation models, but id try this first. This should work on literally every Playstation (US sold models at least). If yours is really really old, like close to release old, there is a CD player menu exploit that might be easier. But don't count on it for all games.

Lastly, home made "utility" or boot discs can make it a lot easier to swap correctly. They are very small memory wise and purposefully a lot easier to swap. Some games will only work if you load them through a bootdisk first (usually newer/high budget titles). To do this you just need to load the bootdisc according to the steps above, select your options through the menu screen, put in the game to be loaded and hit start. A lot even stop the disc from spinning for you. They also contain region selection, anti-piracy killers, PAL/NTSC switchers and other useful things.

>> No.2699572

Disregard the trip, left it up from sunday night. I am an anon damn it. Sage/nobump

>> No.2699580
File: 452 KB, 1632x916, farmville zero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had good luck at thrift stores where they mistakenly label PSX games as CDS. Got Metal Gear Solid for a few bucks a few years ago and got this very recently.
But also fuck this thrift store for charging $4 for CDs

>> No.2699590

>It can play PS1 games
If you find one that still can you are lucky. Or it is a newer model. S-VIDEO is shit compared to PS1's, and in a noticeable non-autistic way.
Ps1 is a good deal cheaper than the ps2. Maybe games are cheaper but i'm not sure. Plus if you pay for a ps1 it is almost guaranteed to work. With a good chance that it will last for many years to come. Ps2's are a bitch to keep in full working condition when they get old. Mainly sensor, dust and disc drive problems. If anyone has a fat that can still read cd-r ps2 games or ps1 games id be surprised.
>2 times more controllers
Wat. Both need a multi-tap for more than 2 players

I'm not shitting on the ps2. They can do tons of cool things. Though if OP wants to play PS1 games only, then he already has the right machine.

>> No.2699594


>If you find one that still can you are lucky.

What? Not that guy but I have a thin PS2 and it plays ps1 games just fine, even older games like MK Trilogy

>> No.2699595

>they mistakenly label PSX games as CDS
PlayStation games are CD's, though.

>> No.2700398

my nigga

>> No.2700504

>I've had good luck at thrift stores where they mistakenly label PSX games as CDS.

...And this is why Playstation/Dreamcast games are my only real decent finds at thrifts anymore. Any cartridge based games are snatched up and put in a glass case to be sold at or above Ebay prices. They are starting to pay more attention but there are still always some that slip through the cracks.

>> No.2700520

Who need's s-video when the ps2 can output component?

>> No.2700763

I've been building a little collection of shit I love for the shitter lately, if you like fightan games look into Soul Blade (Soul Calibur 1), Tekken 1-3, and Gundam Battle Assault 2, other than that just the quintessential PSX games most of which you mentioned. Twisted Metal maybe?

>> No.2700772

Dear /vr/,

Should OP invest time in Vagrant Story? I'd recommend it, but I haven't played it. I've only heard good things.



Dragon Warrior 1 is really hard.

>> No.2701026

Siphon Filter

>> No.2701064

You know what he meant. Quit being difficult.

>> No.2701068

No. it's an overrated turd of a game which punishes you if you don't take the convoluted crafting system to heart.

>> No.2703228

What's so bad about the crafting system? I think most people would complain more about the stat up mechanic it has

>> No.2703310

>if a CD stores game data instead of music data, it's suddenly not a CD!!
Congratulations. You're officially retarded.

>> No.2704027
File: 66 KB, 252x252, Driver_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the three best racing games of Playstation.

>> No.2704086

In the states it's common to refer to music CDs simply as CDs, just as "cassette" is colloquially used to refer to audio cassette tapes, despite magnetic tape's ability to store other data.

>> No.2704186

You have no idea what you are talking about. Stop giving advice.

>> No.2705198 [DELETED] 


The first 2 ps2 models were the only good ones when it comes to ps1 compatibility, and it's not 100%. Anon is right, optical units fail. Fast. They're cheap to reapir tho so it's not really an issue. Compatibility is. Both consoles are dirt cheap these days, so it's a good idea to get them both (PSOne and the later PS2 models are particularly cheap) and you won't have any compatibility issues.

Now to answer OP's question, a great game that's almost a ps1 exclusive is G-Police. Great game and easy to find.

>> No.2705203
File: 86 KB, 1024x768, gpolice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>2699261 (OP)

The first 2 ps2 models were the only good ones when it comes to ps1 compatibility, and it's not 100%. Anon is right, optical units fail. Fast. They're cheap to reapir tho so it's not really an issue. Compatibility is. Both consoles are dirt cheap these days, so it's a good idea to get them both (PSOne and the later PS2 models are particularly cheap) and you won't have any compatibility issues.

Now to answer OP's question, a great game that's almost a ps1 exclusive is G-Police. Great game and easy to find.

>> No.2705227

>The first 2 ps2 models were the only good ones when it comes to ps1 compatibility


>> No.2705727

street fighter and doom