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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 605 KB, 2048x1350, 10seinfeld-cityroom-superJumbo[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2696327 No.2696327 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best comedy games?

The Oddworld games are humorous and artistic.
>You play as Abe who frees the slaves
>The Glukkons are perfect caricatures of greedy capitalists
>Lorne's helium voices for the Mudokons
>Mind controlling your farts and using them as bombs
>In Exoddus the Mudokons will commit suicide by slapping each other to death if they get too depressed about their friend's dying

>inb4 another video game thread gets deleted yet >>2694000 goes free despite being meta shit with less retro discussion than any of these threads
That being said, all games allowed.

>> No.2696330

Video of the anger and depression chain reaction that Mudokons are vulnerable to:

>> No.2696339

This song was suprisingly catchy for a parody song in a video game. There needs to be more games that actually try to parody modern culture.

>> No.2696346
File: 355 KB, 1152x864, Armed-and-Dangerous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember Armed and Dangerous being hilarious. It has funny dialogue/cutscenes and weird weapons.

>> No.2696350

Stop making this thread fucker.

>> No.2696353
File: 64 KB, 640x635, ps1_medievil-120314[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought Tim Burton had something to do with this game but apparently not. Still, pretty whimsical and funny at times. The gameplay isn't great but it's still fun. I hear the 2nd one is even better.

>> No.2696360
File: 160 KB, 256x357, Vampire_-_The_Masquerade_–_Bloodlines_Coverart[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2004 political/black humor at it's finest. Playing as a Malkavian is even whackier.

>stop talking about video games

>> No.2696370

I found both Paper Mario and Mystical Ninja 64 fairly humorous.

>> No.2696373

>There needs to be more games that actually try to parody modern culture.
That would require modern game devs to actually put effort into their games

>> No.2696374

Can't believe I've never heard of this game, the VA is actually pretty good.

>> No.2696384
File: 210 KB, 256x363, Psychonautsbox[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game reminds me of a comedy show, the colorful cast that you can interact with, a unique setting that's taken somewhat seriously. My favorite character was the Russian kid.

>> No.2696395

Mort the Chicken.

It has these silly comedy bits inbetween levels of a world where everyone is a chicken. Newscasts happen a lot but there's a lot of other little TV shows and such. Also the loading screens have classic chicken art.

>> No.2696406
File: 19 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would be cool if you could talk to the dinosaur prop in the museum as well.

>> No.2696408
File: 1.98 MB, 472x284, 850.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no seinfeld point'n'click adventure

Wayne's World got their own adventure game, it sucked ass though, but a Seinfeld game with involvement of Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld could've made it work.

>play as Kramer
>need to get out of apartment, but the gas company men are waiting outside
>puzzle that involves writing a letter by using ketchup (you're out of ballpoint pens!), and then sending that letter to Newman's apartment via clothesline

>George Costanza puzzle where he's in public toilet and he runs out of toilet paper

>Elaine messes up catalog photos and he needs someone to manipulate the pics, and the only guy who can do it is some disgusting nerd who wants to bang Elaine

>Jerry is on a date and accidentally sees the main chef not wash his hands
>rest of the date you need to hide food and pretend to be eating it

It would be great.

>> No.2696417
File: 13 KB, 160x215, 1441589912009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop talking about non retro

>> No.2696419

Speaking of licensed comedy show games, has anyone played the Futurama PS2 game? I remember Simpsons Hit and Run being really fun.

>> No.2696425

Yet the previous thread fit the shitty definition of past 2000 =/ retro and it was still deleted by some hot pocket lardo. Go shitpost somewhere else.

>> No.2696426

>inb4 another video game thread gets deleted yet >>2694000 → goes free despite being meta shit with less retro discussion than any of these threads

You have doomed your own thread by bitching. People don't even need to spam the NOT RETRO, and they should fuck off anyway.

>> No.2696442
File: 66 KB, 640x647, 447_front[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More adventure than comedy, but it might fit under black comedy with those crazy death scenes.

>> No.2696443
File: 18 KB, 400x400, 1439661744187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because this thread is full of offtopic posts about 2000s games and the OP has a picture of something that is not videogame related at all. This shitty thread just confuses people.

>> No.2696446

I loved Andy Capp game on C64
Very effective title since it was identical to the strips, you had to stay drunk in order to stay alive, stay away from your wife who will kick your ass and steal your money, stay away from bobbies, gave kisses to ladies and generally wandering around and do misdeeds.
Maybe naive for this time but I loved every minute of it.
Also on C64 I was very fond of Skool Daze, a game where you could beat kids and teachers, do various stuff and it had this kind of mean childish humour that I enjoyed.
Both games were originally on Spectrum, despite the clunky controls I miss the originality that most games from the European computing era had, now it seems that is all gone.

>> No.2696465
File: 33 KB, 256x251, 256px-ApeEscapeNACover[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The monkey names and descriptions always made me laugh.

>Eight 7 - "Older than he looks"
>Radd - "Did his own brain-surgery"
>Fej - "Studied piano with Ludwig"
>Robart - "Euro Techno junkie"

Thread picture doesn't need to be video games.
Remove all your whiny autist posts and it's a completely reasonable video game thread. Not replying anymore.

>> No.2696476

I'm watching this video now
Seems comfy. I always hear how there are a lot of old tongue in cheek adventure games worth playing.

Wonder if the music is gonna sound any better with Bassmidi. Guess it's time to learn how to emulate C64 games.

>> No.2696479 [DELETED] 
File: 171 KB, 167x426, 1436903856052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread picture has to be relevant if you don't want shitposters like me.

>> No.2696481

More like nightmare fuel

>> No.2696486
File: 3 KB, 320x200, rags-to-riches-video-game..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever play that C64 game where you're a homeless bum and you pick up bottles and coins in the street to pay for education and booze?

>> No.2696502
File: 696 KB, 601x594, TSQyUUR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2696549

Secret of Evermore. I'm always delighted how the Hero takes whatever shit situation he's in in stride and just comments about how it reminds him of some cheesy movie he once saw.

>> No.2696597

Giants: Citizen Kabuto


>You must all take out your genitalia and run into oncoming traffic.

>> No.2696621

>I can't remember the answers in the last thread from a few days ago
>I have the brain capacity of a goldfish

>> No.2696632

>stole the R from Rayman

>> No.2696660

I really hate to be the not /vr/ guy because I like GBA a lot and dislike /v/ but this is extremely not /vr/

>> No.2696723

Thousand Arms is basically a parody of JRPG's.

>> No.2696801


Conker's Bad Fur Day

N64 version.

>> No.2696845

Meh, I always found the Oddworld games to be crude and childish, honestly. The "satire" they attempt so desperately to depict is moronic at it's core, since it was capitalists that MADE the fucking game and distributed it. Unless of course they were going for some kind of wannabe postmodern mindfuck. In which case "bravah"...

Inn all seriousness though, I find in general that non comical games that have comical elements are the best course of action. Because let's say you're playing something ":serious" in tone, and then just the right joke comes in at just the right moment to give you that laugh you needed before the next big battle or tense scene. That's the way to go IMO. And I don't think I need to give examples, since so many games have done this, that all you gotta do is think for a second.

>> No.2696869

The OI guys can have negative things to say about capitalism and still use a publisher. In fact, their treatment was not all unlike their games. When they signed with MS they were promised to make Munch the lead mascot of Xbox, but Halo got in at the last second. Munch and Stranger's were rushed, and they had other issues with EA trying to steal the rights. I got nothing but respect for them, and I feel like the first two OW games aren't just crude. The art and sound design are really good as well.

>> No.2697096

Seinfeld sucks

>> No.2699358
File: 48 KB, 717x284, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Abe's Odyssey

Reminder that the original game is currently free on Steam for the next several hours or so.

>> No.2699379

Most of LucasArts' adventure games.

Worms! was pretty damn funny too when it came out.

>> No.2699382
File: 68 KB, 680x680, 1440152568402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moronic at it's core

>> No.2699801

>That being said, all games allowed
Please get it through your thick skull that you don't make the rules.

>> No.2699817
File: 23 KB, 500x500, pacman 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many point'n'click adventures are humerous, but I really love Pac-Man 2's style.

>> No.2699841

pac man 2 the new adventures is my favorite game. you can find plenty of boxed copies of em on ebay for like 15 dollars