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File: 215 KB, 500x281, WB3TDT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2691254 No.2691254 [Reply] [Original]

Best side scrolling RPG?

>> No.2691256
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>> No.2691258
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>> No.2691261
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>> No.2691265

monster world 3 is the best in the series

>part 1 (monster land)
Way too much reliance on glitches to get them 65 coins. Complete fucking glitchfest

>part 2
good game

>part 3

>part 4

>> No.2691267

glitches? I think you might be a shitter.

>> No.2691270

I know. I've been trying for 20 years to find a game that matches its awesomeness but to no avail

>> No.2691274

>Wonder Boy 3
Love this game.

>> No.2691276

Finished it again about a week ago. Favorite retro of all time. Have you seen the new wonderboy project? Google "Monsterboy"

>> No.2691282
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I'm guessing pic related is part 2. I don't like how you have to re-enter the boss rooms to grind for money in order to buy better equipment. This kills replay value, in my opinion.

>> No.2691286
File: 604 KB, 2560x1440, beach1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my God. The Shantae guys should really sue.

>> No.2691290

Eh whaTS THIS?

>> No.2691293

shantae ripof

>> No.2691302

first of all, that's monster land (monster world 1). second, that's the shitty SMS port where you lose all momentum during your horizontal jump whenever you attack. the arcade game didn't do that and horizontal jump attacking is a pivotal tactic when you're going for a 1cc. third, you can't re-enter boss fights in the arcade version. the only one u can redo is the kraken. Therefore, you're forced to use glitches to get 65-68 drops from hidden coins

kek. if you don't know about monster land's money glitches and how important they are when going for a 1cc, then you probably haven't played the game very much, if at all. So, don't accuse me of being a shitter if you don't know much about the game

word. Monster World 3 is great

>> No.2691309 [DELETED] 

>money glitches
Explain, please?

>> No.2691323

I have one CCd the game and I did it before I discovered most of the exploits shitter. You don't even have to grind either maybe if you weren't so shit you could afford legendary gear just by finding enough hidden gold.

>> No.2691326
File: 143 KB, 768x1024, d398jvm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus. Arcadefags are the worst.

>> No.2691329

are you mad you bullshitting retard?

>> No.2691331

no this faggot is just giving out false information saying you need glitches to beat the game like some fucking retard who doesn't actually know shit.

>> No.2691332

>he's mad

>> No.2691338

are you playing the arcade version you nub? you obviously aren't. it's literally impossible to "grind" in the arcade version you bag of dicks.

>> No.2691341
File: 441 KB, 640x480, FaxanaduU_005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not the best but its pretty fun i think

>> No.2691383

i'm talking about exploiting the glitches you literally don't need to exploit.

>> No.2691909

Stop playing the baby-mode SMS version, where everything is much easier

>> No.2691995

Shit's addictive. Definitely deserves an HD remake.

>> No.2692013
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no poppuru mairu yet for shame

>> No.2692245

Goddamn Legacy of the Wizard.

Grossly underrated. Definitely deserves a remake or something.

>> No.2692256
File: 98 KB, 768x672, gfs_39637_2_17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game is also beautiful.

>> No.2692265
File: 33 KB, 640x400, xanadu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Xanadu count as a sidescroller when combat and dungeons have overhead view?

>> No.2692309
File: 45 KB, 251x384, cover-xanadux1disk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also dat cover.

>> No.2692339
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not by Palace Software

>> No.2692441

See this is your problem you assume it was the MS version because you're so much of a shitty to beat the arcade without exploits means noone else can.

>> No.2692508

Oh shut up you bull-shitting retard. I saw your post asking to explain the glitches, which you conveniently deleted after a few minutes. Check the archive, nigger. I know it was you because back then there were a total of FOUR posters on this thread. Now there are 10.

So just shut the fuck up, anyone who has 1cc the arcade game knows how fucking pivotal the money glitches are. The mere fact that you didn't know about the glitches, and the fact that you think u can get legendary gear without the glitches proves that you play on the SMS version which is infinitely easier

I'm fucking done with you.

Anyone who has played the arcade game will know immediately that you're full of shit you baby

>> No.2692718

Falcom is really talented with this genre. Also, does anyone prefer the MSX version of Xanadu?

>> No.2692732

I haven't gotten far enough into any of the versions to state a preference, but Revival's music is far superior to any of the other scores. And I really like the low-color visuals of the non-MSX/PC-98 versions, it's not inviting like something from a contemporary adventure game but neat in its own way.

>> No.2692742

shut the fuck up I am specifically referring to your dumbass post here. >>2691302
>monster land's money glitches and how important they are when going for a 1cc
Complete bullshit

>> No.2692762

>Calling Wonderboy game a Shantae ripoff
I thought summer was over.

>> No.2692771

It's a joke.

>> No.2692975


>> No.2693378
File: 116 KB, 256x256, Vpbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if this counts, but it's one of the best RPG's point period.

>> No.2693386

Yep. You've never played the arcade version.

>> No.2693504

just because you're too shitty to beat a game with exploits doesn't mean everyone else is.

Confirmed for never having beat the game period even the baby tier SMS port

>> No.2693507
File: 24 KB, 236x272, ff5662b8e635699a64ec811b12530f0c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're STILL arguing over this

>> No.2693512

I just don't want people to be discouraged from the game because they are under the false impression it has to be glitched to be beaten.

>> No.2693542

Too late. I hate glitches so I'll probably never play that game.

>> No.2693569

So the arcade version is the best to play nowadays?

>> No.2693580
File: 19 KB, 640x400, stuck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got to level 8 but now I'm stuck because I wasted my mantles early on and you don't find any more.

>> No.2693590

nah master system is still really fun, it has an extra level. No continues but pretty easy if you are good at action platform game

>> No.2693618

this little retard learned about the coin glitches 1 day ago and now he's acting like an expert on this game. go back to your SMS version, runt

>> No.2693642

keep projecting kid

>> No.2693659

Speak for yourself, son

>> No.2693689

You're just salty because I called you for being a shitty cause you said you need to exploit the game to have enough gold. You're only retort is NUH UH you can't do it, or it was SMS cause a true arcade expert :^) like me can't. I'm just here telling you that you are actually a shitty and not an expert. The first wonderboy game is great, very difficult but a good game THAT DOESNT NEED EXPLOITED UNLESS YOU ARE SHIT

>> No.2693698

Nerd cry more and force your smiley (how many months?). Haha.

>> No.2693708
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>> No.2693712

>wonderyboy in monsterland sucks because I am bad at it
whatever, i'm going to bed you win

>> No.2693745
File: 13 KB, 474x343, wrecked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up faggot.

You literally didn't even know about the money glitches. You've never even played the arcade game before so go finger yourself

>> No.2694872

that wasn't me you fucking shithead I am well aware of flailing the joystick around to get cash spawns to choke up more money. Go fuck yourself you retarded cunt.

>> No.2694905


>> No.2694912
File: 281 KB, 800x450, latest[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Symphony of the Night

>> No.2695051

Go fuck yourself, you didn't know jackshit

>> No.2695489

hahaha you're so mad you have to use exploits to win

>> No.2695498


See >>2693745

You have literally never played the arcade version.

>> No.2695502

>I suck at games and can't win without exploits so thats means you're too shit to win

Keep trying bud

>> No.2695519

The official Monster World Collection for PS2 actually has an option that does the wiggle for you automatically. The "superplays" in that game USE all the glitches.

The wiggle and other money glitches (oh, you thought it was JUST the wiggle? lol u newb) have become an integral part of the game.

But you wouldn't know that because you only play on the baby-mode SMS version.

>> No.2695520

Keep pretending like you know what you're talking about, fag.

>> No.2695529

would you faggots shut up I just said they aren't essential to beat the game. This asshole believes you really need to exploit to win, both of you shitters should just fuck off and go collect red coins in mario or something more your pace

>> No.2695539

Why don't you shut the fuck up first, idiot

>> No.2695540

because I am not the one telling people to avoid a classic arcade game because of the false impression you need to glitch to win. Is that a good reason?

>> No.2695543
File: 757 KB, 1000x1414, 80fed3854f81cff22e62d246e5518691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is criminally un-popful

>> No.2695545

You can win the game any way you want. But i specifically mentioned 1cc, didn't I?

>> No.2695549


also, find me the post where i said to avoid this game.

>> No.2695550

you don't need to exploit the money glitch to get the legendary gear which is pretty essential to a 1cc. I have beat the SMS version the arcade version and bikkuriman world (pc engine version) and have never had to exploit. Infact the glitch doesnt even work in bikkuriman world and other than that its arcade perfect apart from models still the same hitboxes though.

>> No.2695551


It's not a glitchfest though, it has its share of bugs but if you want to call it a "glitchfest" might as well slap that tag onto tons of games like Pokemon is a glitchfest so is ocarina of time better avoid those glitchfests,

>> No.2695560

I highly doubt you can consistently get to the point of getting legendary gear without using money glitches during a 1cc run on the arcade game. I highly, highly doubt it. Maybe 1 run in 20.

I never played Bikkuriman World. Didn't Hudson port the game? Westone didn't

But the difference is that among those who play Wonder Boy Monster Land (arcade version at least, and players who are able to 1cc it) at least 90% of them use the money glitches. It's extremely common and practically second nature for WBML players. Glitches in other games aren't well known and are not as ubiquitously used

>> No.2695567

butthole I just said it was possible not necessary, I don't think it's a game to avoid because it has some helpful exploits. I actually just played it for the very first time last year and I had so much fun with it I had to master the game. It was fun to play the gold was fun to find it was fun to try and make it through without buying any health powerups so you could afford decent gear. The part most people actually complain about is the jumping segment in mechadragons castle which is actually a breeze with the legendary boots and gear. You need the whole set for the boots to have any traction though. I didn't find out any glitches until I had already beaten the game too they make the game a lot easier because you can afford heals and stuff too but I don't think people should avoid playing it because it has some exploits.

>> No.2695570

Idiot, if you can find me ONE video of a wbml ARCADE 1cc run that does NOT use any money glitches, then i'll admit that i was wrong. No "longplays" btw, those are tool-assisted.

I'm not going to bother replying to any other post since

1) i never told anyone NOT to play this game, dummy

2) i never said the game sucks, you illiterate douchebag

3) i explained the glitches sufficiently and even provided proof of how commonly-used they are by most players (e.g. the OFFICIAL game in the PS2 collection even has an OPTION to make it come out automatically)

Find me ONE video.

If you can't then just keep your mouth shut.

>> No.2695576

This thread looks like the work of one single person suffering from a severe mental disorder.

>> No.2695587

>76 posts
>22 IPs
/vr/ is not a circlejerk they said

>> No.2695617

That looks like of one of them rape trolls from Berserk

>> No.2696558

It takes two to tango.

>> No.2697154
File: 103 KB, 640x480, cadash-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no cadash
Tbh fam im disapoint

>> No.2697192

My man!

I've been thinking that for years... That one and 8 eyes...

>> No.2697198

Posting the shit-tier Mega Drive version.

What are you, a deviant?

>> No.2697219

I just recently found out about the arcade version. I beat it like 2 years ago on the mega drive and i literally blew my load at the fact that there was an arcade version of this game.

>> No.2697247

It's not just the lack of characters that makes the MD version bad. The entire game mechanics was butchered, enemies behave differently (i.e. stupidly - For instance, in the MD version, enemies will follow you down ropes like nincompoops. That's just the tip of the iceberg.), the hit detection and hit stun are bad and at times feels more like Sword of Sodan than a Taito classic, a major boss was removed, etc etc etc.

But yeah, the arcade version is a fantastic game and a classic.

>inb4 someone says the priestess is the best character in the game
No she isn't. I can debate this game for months. She ain't (at least in the US/JAP versions). Ninja and Mage own her.

>> No.2697261

I was ok with this game, until I was thrown to Lava Zone. Get the fuck out with the fire dragon.
And I thought that boss was tough in Oath in Felghana.

>> No.2697269

>(at least in the US/JAP versions)
There's any other version?

>> No.2697278


>> No.2697489

not him, but how different are they?

also: Mage FTW in Aus.