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File: 9 KB, 720x600, Super_Street_Fighter_Bros_8bit_by_torokun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2688458 No.2688458[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What was it about Street Fighter II that made it catch on like wildfire and become an overnight global phenomenon and the undisputed king of the genre for the next 25 years?

I seriously doubt it was the gameplay. Not to disrespect it, but it's incredibly slow and clunky. Also considering the fact characters only have about 3 moves each there's really not a whole lot of meat to them. It wasn't the first fighting game by a long shot, it just built on the formula created by others, so what made it stand out for so many people? Was it just the colorful graphics and nice sprites? I know it sounds like I'm pissing on it, but I do like it, but if I'm being completely honest I have to say what impressed me as a kid was the graphics and not the actual fight mechanics. I'm wondering if that's true for others or what.

>> No.2688459

I wish you were trolling

>> No.2688476

Have you ever played a fighting game made before SFII?

>> No.2688482

This. It's like all the trolls have to do is repeat the same ignor-arrogant shit that the new morons say and it just creates a never ending cycle of shit.

OP do you want to know what the best 1 on 1 fighting game before Street Fighter 2 was? Fucking Karate Champ. Have you ever played Karate Champ? You should. I giving loved that game and then SF2 appeared and it was literally a quantum leap.

You know what? No I can't believe you're retarded enough to claim SF2 characters only have about 3 moves each. Is this some kind of strategy to re energize the board or something?

>> No.2688495

>No I can't believe you're retarded enough to claim SF2 characters only have about 3 moves each.

Well Ryu and Ken have shoryuken, hadouken, and the hurricane kick which I can't be bothered to spell out. In fact the others only got 2 moves. Chun Li only had the lightning kick and the whirlwind kick. Guile only had sonic boom and flash kick. It wasn't until later editions they added in more moves. I'm just talking about the default SFII that revolutionized the genre, not any of the 50 later updates.

>> No.2688515


You ignored the most important part of his post when he said about KC. Fighting games before SF2 were... pre-SF2 fighting games, give them a try if you can, it's pretty easy nowadays.

>> No.2688521
File: 94 KB, 512x448, yie_ar_kung-fu-139745-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved playing Yie-Ar Kung Fu on my famiclone when I was a kid.

But then SFII on the arcades blew my mind.

>dude, if you make a U move and the punch button he will release an energy ball and shout "Atuke!!"

>> No.2688523

You've got to be retarded.

>Also considering the fact characters only have about 3 moves each there's really not a whole lot of meat to them
You're a literal retarded newb. The normal moves are just as important if not moreso than the special attacks.

If you know nothing about fighting games then just shut up you fucking faggot.

>> No.2688539

>Devs pretty much say that they only made the thing a 2 player vs game so that instead of blaming the machine for your loss, you blame the other player. Also, 2 people playing: more money



Since last time I linked this some autist complained about giving views to the website, here is an archive.org link:


>> No.2688540
File: 1.98 MB, 7288x2375, street-fighter-2-champion-edition-marquee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone really only gets their 2-3 specials, pic related.
Sure, there's normals, but most people who play casually don't think about them as individual moves.

It was the best fighting game to that point by far. It was a fucking quantum leap, well above and beyond all that had come before it. It let you beat up your friends. You had eight fucking characters, way more playable characters than anything up to that point. It was really that big a deal.

SF2 is still pretty solid (or at least CE onward is, I don't think I've actually played WW in my life, now that I think about it). There's dumb shit (of particular note is that in no revision of SF2 are throws reasonable -- they aren't broken, but they're pretty god damn retarded and you can do shit like Psycho Crusher into a blocking opponent and grab them immediately as it ends)

Only fighting game pre-SF2 I enjoyed playing was Yie-Ar-Kung-Fu.

>> No.2688545

Holy shit look at Vega's massive luscious tits.

>> No.2688552

I forgot to say that they say there that they only increased the speed because bootlegs that played faster were being sold, and Capcom was afraid of those bootlegs selling better than the official. So calling it "incredibly slow and clunky" is a fact that even Capcom agreed on back then and changed it, but saying that today after having played something faster is very easy, back then it was the best thing ever.


>My mentor Akira Nishitani was very disappointed with the fact that I wanted to make it faster. He no longer was my mentor after that. Because he had, down to the milliseconds, on how people could respond to seeing a fireball [by jumping over it, and then how the other player could counter with an] uppercut. And this was breaking all of that research he did. And I just showed him, at the end of the day, you speed it up 15 percent, people will adapt and they'll be able to see it. So that created a bit of a falling out. ... On Hyper Fighting, [Nishitani] washed his hands of it.

>> No.2688556

Any fighting game player worth a shit should know at least one important unique move not on that guide for every single one of those characters.

>> No.2688559

>What was it about Street Fighter II that made it catch on like wildfire and become an overnight global phenomenon and the undisputed king of the genre for the next 25 years?

Two words: Brand recognition.

Same reason McDonald's is the world's most popular restaurant.
Same reason Nike is the world's most popular shoe company.
Same reason the Beatles are the world's most popular band.

>> No.2688561

But they're secret moves! Also:

>Secret Society of Shadlue
>Izna drop
>2 Psycho-Crushers for Bison


>> No.2688610

>In 1985, artist Akira Yasuda showed up to a Capcom job interview dressed in pajamas and a tie. He left his portfolio at home, saying fans stole his work because it was too good. Asked why he chose pajamas, he replied he wanted to look presentable and that was the only thing he owned with a collar.

I can't believe this fuckstick gets a job while I come in with a suit and a college degree and get turned away in favor of some kid fresh out of high school who will work for less pay. Fucked up world.

>> No.2688621

You act like you're entitled to a job. You're not. Japanese people realize this; they work hard, humble themselves, and don't strut around like the world owes them a living. That's why Akira Yasuda has a job and you don't.

>> No.2688625

It doesn't sound like he works hard at all. He sounds lazy and he's definitely a liar. "Fans stole his work" my ass.

>> No.2688627

Post your favorite character theme from any iteration of SF2.

>> No.2688628

well fuck, thanks for pointing that out

maybe it's just because d/s is right next to each other on the keyboard
and so is y/h

fucking this
maybe they hired him because he seemed hilarious
Capcom wasn't nearly as big when he came on board. Post SF2 Capcom was rolling in cash, but pre-SF2 Capcom was a relatively small outfit.

>> No.2688639

Yeah right, if some suitfag showed up for an interview with me being all "blah blah I'm a highly motivated self starter team player blah" I'd be like fuck you college boy, if you're so great how come nobody stole your portfolio? Try being more Japanese next time, and plus I would push the button that makes you fall through a trap door.

>> No.2688651

I was born in 1984, Street Fighter II was probably the first game I beat around 1991, with Blanka, because his specials were simple, spam punch buttons, and 2 seconds back, forward + punch (the same as Honda, although monsters are cooler for little kids than Sumo guys).
The game was superpopular, as in, I live in Latin America and it was everywhere, it wasnt rare to go to an arcade center and have a very long row of Street Fighter 2 machines.

In my experience, the original and Champion edition were the ones released when Street Fighter was a cultural Phenomenon.
I am pretty sure most men my age can recognize the 12 original Street Fighter 2 characters, but far less can recognize Cammy, Dee Jay, Fei Long and T hawk. When those characters were created Street Fighter 2 had competitors like Mortal Kombat and its fatalities kids loved, and the SNK games (the first Samurai Showdown was a hit).
But around 1991, 1992, Street Fighter was a cultural phenomenon like Pokemon in the late 90s.

>> No.2688751 [DELETED] 

There's more non-whites on earth than whites. They are violent and love fighting games. Street Fighter caught on in America because nigger culture is king, and as we all know, niggers are very violent and love to fight. It got big in Asia due to Asians being psychopaths behind closed doors, their blood lust is on par with niggers, but they are subtle, so they love fighters with mind games.

Europe didn't like it, because it's the only white nation we have, so it's vote was a minority.

>> No.2688793

>We were shot down the first time we pitched Champ Edition. [The team in Japan] said, "Why would anyone want to play the same character, and why would anyone want to play the bosses? We don't think that will be popular here."

Glad to see Capcom's retardation isn't a new phenomenon.

>> No.2688867

He's an old--school spriter. Do you have any idea how much work that entails?

>> No.2688889

SF2 was good in its time but all its fuckups are glaringly obvious now. You use Dhalsim and his legs and arms literally go right through the opponent without any damage. The devs clearly didn't know the first thing when it came to hitboxes.

>> No.2688890
File: 1010 KB, 500x300, pigfuck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These types of topics are the absolute worst.

>> No.2688908

I actually prefer Hyper/Champion Edition over Super since there's no teching bullshit.

>> No.2688909

Does this explain why the Tekken community is mostly black?

>> No.2688910

lmao pretty crazy shit right here

>> No.2688913
File: 78 KB, 640x640, 1441485029853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's the only white nation we have

You mean HAD

>> No.2688947

We wanted to see Chun-Li kick.

>> No.2688949

Lemme know when the racewar begins and i'll lock and load, until then please go back to /pol/ and lemme play my retrovidya in peace.

>> No.2688954

>the best selling fighting game franchise of all time
>mostly black

Uh no, try Korean and Japanese.

>> No.2688965

Japanese are just asian niggers anyway

>> No.2688981

no, that's Koreans

>> No.2688990

Arcades werent very popular in Europe in comparison to the rest of the world, because they have bigger, nanny states, who saw arcades as not that different from casino machines.

>> No.2688991

same shit, Chang

>> No.2689031

I think you mean Filipinos. But then again, they're more like spics.

>> No.2689036

>more like
They literally are spics

>> No.2689048

Filipinos cant read their XIX century archives because they were written in Spanish, and they forgot Spanish after the American occupation.

>> No.2689089

Fun fact: English is the official language of the education system in the Philippines. They're already a step up from the illegal Mexicans.

>> No.2689092
File: 242 KB, 2048x1536, piss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2689093

spanish is not that hard bro, lots of cognates with english

>> No.2689206

English is Germanic based. Any word in English that sounds like one from another language was in fact stolen from that language circa a 17th century movement by linguists who wanted to diversify English's word bank.

Also, the Filipinos fucking hate the Spanish. They'd change their last names and locations and shit if it wouldn't be such a pain in the ass to do so. Speaking Spanish in the Philippines would be like speaking Arabic at a Tea Party convention.

>> No.2689257

It didn't play like ass

>> No.2689274

Who gives a fuck who stole it first, if it sounds the same then it's still a cognate

>> No.2689303

That's exactly what it plays like with as stiff as it is. If you feel otherwise then I'd bet you haven't played it in a long time. Go back to it and the stiffness is immediately noticeable, especially after you've played SF3 for the last few months.

>> No.2689305

But dude, I play sf2 all the time. Do you even realize most versions on arcade had Turbo?

>> No.2689308

This thread's not about turbo, it's about the OG version.

>> No.2689385

It's just fucking awesome.

>> No.2689386

But that's what I'm talking about, no one played Champion Edition once Turbo came out. And turbo is anything but stiff. You're nitpicking.