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2678858 No.2678858 [Reply] [Original]

So I want to try to get into Dragon Quest again, and am going to go for one of the Super Famicom versions. Maybe with a translation patch, but I don't care about story at all so I might just go blind with pointers on what to do next.

Of the three, which has the most interesting options for how you build your party? That's the biggest thing for me at this point.

>> No.2679013

This thread involves Dragon Quest, therefore it is now a Dragon Quest thread. I decree it!
>B-but it's only about subject related
But thou must.
Tfw you can't muster it up to beat Dragon Quest 1 Also, free bump.

>> No.2679021

The series really went downhill after III. I could maybe get into IV, but that's as recent as I'll go. Everything after III tries to force you into scripted character roles, and that's where it fails horribly. I just don't feel like this is the type of game that was meant to involve scripted characters. I - III were much more roleplay-able.

I also hated the marriage system from V. There were too few options, and you couldn't even play from the perspective of the hero's mother instead of the father. Not to mention the fact that the character has to be heterosexual for plot purposes.

>> No.2679032

Actually Dragon Quest 1 is one of the only ones in the series I've really liked. Played the GBC version and had a blast despite the simplicity.

Played 2 as well, and had a good time with that. Enjoyed III somewhat, but never finished it. The GBC cart is still in my drawer waiting for it's destiny to be fulfilled.

Then tried DQVII when it came out and HATED it. Never got around to VIII, but tried IX and thought it was wonderful too. One of my favorite DS RPGs along with FFIII.

So I got the three DS ports of IV, V and VI but wasn't able to get into any of them. Thought I'd try the famicom versions maybe and see if that was better, but I could be convinced to try the ports again.

Maybe I should just restart 3 fresh then?

>> No.2679065

How do I muster it up to go back into 1? I'm playing the SNES version.

>> No.2679078

*NES version

>> No.2679109


III has virtually infinite replay value, so I'd probably never get bored of replaying it with different class combinations, or maybe doing solo runs. If you're playing the GBC port, then you have even more stuff to do.

>> No.2679126

I dunno, I never hit a lull. I would say just start playing again.

In that case, I might just do that. No memory where I am, it's probably been like 10 years at this point. So I'll just start fresh.

>> No.2679131

V is my favorite. Out of the others I've played, I is great because of its simplicity and really feels like you're a lone warrior exploring the world. IV I feel is really overrated, I didn't care for it at all. The characters and word weren't interesting enough to warrant a chapter system where you start over at level one every few hours. The last chapter is the best part of the game, but it's still nothing to write home about. I played I on the GBC and IV and V on the DS.

>> No.2679148

Care to describe iv?

>> No.2679226

Thanks! Do you get more party memebers in V? Can you change classes? And what is VI like?

>> No.2679573


In V your party consists of family members, and monsters that you catch, not unlike Pokemon.

>> No.2679582

>Of the three, which has the most interesting options for how you build your party?
IV is nil until the last part where you can build a party.
V gives you the ability to recruit monsters, meaning it's always changing and somewhat limited but there are some really neat ideas.
VI is the only one of the three that has the class system, so you can build your own characters that way. It's not quite as diverse as say FFV, but it has it's moments.

Something to note here: if you liked III's battle system check out the Sliva Saga games, they're the only other ones that have this type of idea.

>> No.2679593

Not him but it plays out in something like acts. Every single one is a different quest with a different set of characters. Most of them are pretty much the same deal except for the merchant, which had you raid dungeons for stuff you can choose to sell in your shop and accumulate money. They all come together at the end.

Best part outside of the last bit was honestly the merchant. Apparently I wasn't the only one because Mystery Dungeon started as a spinoff starring him. DS has an extra postgame bit that isn't bad though.

>> No.2680383

Only semi-related due to /vr/ and all, but

>> No.2680487

This dude got serious replies. That really was gr8 b8, m8.

>> No.2680493

>So I want to try to get into Dragon Quest again
>but I don't care about story at all

Might as well not even play tbh fam

>> No.2680504


>wanna play dragon quest
>don't care about the story

Retard of the day.

>> No.2680552



>> No.2680639

Well I've taken your advice and started a new game of V. I just got the cat, was pretty disappointed that it didn't even let me name it myself. So far it's been a little dull, but sticking with it so I'll see how things go.

Yeah, I'm realizing this may just not be the series for me. It really hasn't been all that much before. But it's the last major series of RPGs I've never really gotten into.

I like the wandering around exploring and building your party part of RPGs, but I get pretty bored with the stories and character dialogue. Meh.

>> No.2680645

Well that's a bunch of bullshit. The only remakes Square does that aren't hit-or-miss are DQ.

It's not like they don't have a perfectly fine script lying around either, it would take next to no effort to localize it. Looks like we're waiting for either a fan translation or the mobile port.

>> No.2681446

Oh, but anon, that IS the mobile port!

>> No.2681460

VI's class system makes it a lot of fun to mess around with without doing just the story. Story is decent too.

Anyone here playing the SEA release of DQMSL?

>> No.2681691

I feel like you should have ended that post with some stereotypical villain cackling, like "kya kya kya!"

>> No.2681743

It was meant more as a horrified Damsel in distress voice.

>> No.2682389
File: 740 KB, 900x1200, pomodorosa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like the odd one in this thread.

I can't into II. I think I'm about halfway through, but the no sense of direction at all and just wandering about hoping to further the plot or get a macguffin is starting to wear thin.

I've beat 1 and 4 and loved them both for what they were. I'm playing 5 right now and it's a little railroady, but the ability to recruit monsters is amazing, and I love the party chat. Makes the characters in your party (that are not monsters) more fleshed out than in other typical JRPGs of the era. I also just really dig the story, it seems like it's going down to save the world, but fuck do they do a great job of making it personal.

>> No.2682397
File: 237 KB, 1024x702, dragon_quest___erdrick_by_tidalc-d5zqiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, look at Google Play's DQ games. Besides one, most of them have around 5k-10k sold.

Compare that to their FF games on GP that's in the 100sk sold, and you can see why they're letting it die here...

>> No.2682416

Op here, I beat the ice queen in fairy land last night. So far the game is still pretty boring, I have the cat, but all it can do is attack and doesn't even listen to me all the time. The fairy girl has been tagging along but she's AI controlled. So far it's been almost all just selecting attack and then heal once every dozen battles or so.

How far into the game do I get to form my own party more and start collecting monsters and other party memebers? Also, will it always be like with the cat where I have to pick from a list of names?

I'm thinking of switching back to VI and giving that a go, but undecided at this point,

>> No.2682830


I played it for awhile, and even managed to exploit the system with a bunch of lv1 metal slimes, but having to be connected online all the time killed it for me.

Here's some gift codes I found online, if you are interested:
Half Hog (Rank C): D7x3BYaAf
Fire Bird (Rank C): 46gC5tYbKJ
Juggular (Rank C): DepZzm4v
Wyrtle (Rank C): PEbhSYTDn2
Cureslime (Rank C): V3rzXuTCs
Liquid Metal Key: M4BRXH
300 Gems: kgFvMAZWH

>> No.2683246

I actually really like 1.
I can't beat 2, though. I got somewhere in the final dungeon, but I was so bored throughout the whole game I stopped giving a shit super hard near the end. It was like I was playing on autopilot. I barely remember anything.

Then when I lost my save, I just stopped giving a shit.

How are the android versions of 1-6 and 8? I was thinking of nabbing 3 to have something to fuck around with on my lunch break.

>> No.2683281

Use the official strategy guide anon. Wasn't it bundled with the game?

>> No.2683539

i gave my ds and 9 to my kid last christmas along wit a bunch of games i thought she might like. she still plays 9 just because she likes the game and dressing them in new outfits.

>> No.2683549

>Not to mention the fact that the character has to be heterosexual for plot purposes.
Yeah I really can't enjoy SNES RPGs unless gay sex is involved

>> No.2683572

>Yeah I really can't enjoy SNES RPGs unless gay sex is involved

Glad we're in agreement then. RPGs should be about choices. I can see why this particular game's plot necessitates a heterosexual marriage due to the whole generational thing, but generally speaking, RPGs that script in character romances should try to be accessible to gay and straight audiences at the same time. Games like Fable and Knights of the Old Republic pulled it off just fine, and Dragon Quest could take a note from them.

>> No.2683592

But the only decent FF port was V and it looks like shit on the cover, while DQ IV-VI were ace for the most part.

Obviously for Square not trying is exactly the way they earn money.

>> No.2683736

Again...SNES vs both Xbox/PC games.
If they put romance back into DQ now it mgiht allow those options.

>> No.2683759
File: 9 KB, 338x339, 143485066615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>be me
>play V
>5 hours in the game is taking my hand
>When I would go adventuring by myslef?
>now you are free
>that feel

>> No.2684420

DQ getting all the good versions but bad/no publicity in the west has always been a thing.

I feel lucky that we even got I-VI and VIII.

>> No.2684636

>be me
As opposed to not being you?

>> No.2684678

Are you forgetting that we got VII as well? I mean I know it's bad, but it's not wipe your memory bad.

>> No.2684707

I think he's talking about the mobile ports.

>> No.2684735

Learn to read, the conversation was about mobile.

>> No.2685041
File: 567 KB, 654x546, nigga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know it's bad

>> No.2685710

DQVI DS is a much better game than the SNES game solely because the game is much, much faster than its SNES counterpart.

>> No.2686331

1 (or at least, remakes of 1 like SNES and GBC) is the best starting point, essentially timeless, a great place to be introduced to RPGs and one of the first games to do "exploring" right.

2's a bitch without a guide and/or one of the remakes, 3 and 5 are classics, 4 is very much a product of its time and holds up about as well as the first four FFs, 6 tries a bit too hard to follow the lead of other RPGs at the time and comes across as generic, 7 is made specifically for people who can't get enough DQ but is a timesink for shitty reasons (unless you can read nipnong and play the 3DS remake), 8's a return to form that plays way too slowly on PS2, 9's a decent nostalgiafag grinder that has inaccessible content now, and 10 and 11 are neverever.

>> No.2686338

That's because of the pricing.
$10 for 3? $15 for 4? Outrageous given the fact that they aren't even the best ports.

>> No.2686346

For someone who wants to try out this series, your post helps a lot. Thanks!

>> No.2686585

there's still ways to get dq9's content unlocked. there's a series of codes and a full save editor

>> No.2686598

>9's a decent nostalgiafag grinder

This might explain why I liked it. So far 1 and 3 were the ones I liked best besides 9 and I've been pushing pretty hard into 5 and it's not doing much for me so far.

Though I'm still early and assume my father can't be long for this world if I'm ever going to grow up and get to be a hero myself, so hoping after that it gets more interesting.

In general though I've noticed that DQ is a lot more story oriented, and almost feels like RPG mixed with visual novel at times. I think though I find the combat frustratingly bare bones, it's probably like that on purpose for people who more want to just experience exploring the world.

>> No.2689035

So what's bad about Vi exactly?

>> No.2690064

It's not bad, it's just a game that tries to follow other popular SNES/Genesis RPG conventions instead of doing its own thing.