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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 603 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_0190x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2678548 No.2678548 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here into rogue(likes)?

Pic related, beat me. playing epyx v1.49 on pc.

>> No.2678558

You sure get trolled a lot, jw.

>> No.2678616

I try not to bite but their two-hit kills are hard to ignore.

>> No.2678681
File: 479 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_0199x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2678691

I haven't played actual Rogue in ohh god... over decades now. But I used to love it and my favorite roguelikes are of the simpler variety, more similar to it. This is giving me the itch though. I wonder if anyone's made some decent tile sets for it,

>> No.2678872

Holy shit, is that a real IBM CGA card using the composite out?

>> No.2679158

>I wonder if anyone's made some decent tile sets for it
I kinda like how it looks in 40-column text mode with plain IBM 8x8 characters. Elongated 9x14 px chars feel weird to me since it appears like moving up/down is faster than left/right. Either way, both charsets fit Rogue pretty well.

Although I wonder if there's any difference in items/difficulty/etc compared to 80-column mode since the levels are obviously smaller...

Just a clone CGA card with composite out. In a real IBM 5150 though.

>> No.2679169

If he's using the composite out, 80 column text will be extremely fuzzy. Also if it were a real IBM CGA card, you'd get a B&W picture due to a hardware bug but since it's a clone card that probably won't apply.

Specifically, the IBM CGA card had a bug that the NTSC color burst in 80 column mode is disabled unless you set the border to a color other than black. Normally you want to set it to white as other colors will result in a "tinted" picture. I know of games like Moonbugs that use the 160x100 graphics thing (basically a hack of 80 column text mode) and set the border to white because the programmers knew about this bug.

>> No.2679184

Clone cards give slightly different composite colors than the IBM CGA card; one reason being that most of them use a proper RGB -> NTSC converter instead of a TTL circuit.

>> No.2679750

Yeah, I've just spent a lot of my life looking at ascii games a lot. When there's a neat tileset now I enjoy it.

>> No.2680292
File: 1.39 MB, 1944x2592, 2015-09-05 04.19.21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2680412

started replaying powder on my 3ds now that there's a (half)decent gba emulator.
Once you go lich, everything's your bitch

>> No.2680715

Mmmm POWDER I love that game. I play on PSP, but that looks like a nice set up.

I have had shit luck every time I try for a Lich run. It's like the game waits for me to do it and then finds some weird way to fuck me.

My main strategy and the first to get me through the game is to start worshiping H'ruth and hope to get or find a warhammer early on, a skill or two for it and Endure Hunger. Then I get ready for switching to Belweir, Quizar (or Pax if I can).

From there I go about making my war hammer into an earth hammer. Then as a digging, hungerless wizard, most of what the dungeon throws at me I can either handle or get away from.

>> No.2682653
File: 52 KB, 677x467, browser rogue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This topic has got me looking for ways to play rogue again. First I found was an in browser version which mostly seems to work. A few things are different from the version I remember, your levels are numbers not Novice, Journeyman, Adventurer etc and the enemies that the letters represent are different. But other than that it seems pretty well like what I remember. If anyone's interested

I'm going to try and check out a few others as well though.

>> No.2682732

how did you pull that off anyway

I would think you'd need great luck to get a lich running anyway

POWDER must have the weakest spell casting of almost any roguelike outside of a couple utility spells. Even when I try to build a wizard it turns out easier to melee everything.

>> No.2682801

Yeah, just getting the skills needed to turn to a lich is pretty hard and I find in doing that I often miss out on something else helpful.

In terms of pure damage output it's true that wizards are pretty low, but it's mitigated by the god system. If you're going around meleeing a lot you're pretty much going to be stuck following fighter or barbarian and that severely limits your options.

Powder is fairly non-combat oriented as roguelikes go. You obviously have to get into a bunch of combat, but there's also a heck of a lot of running away involved. I've tried many melee focused runs, and the odds are really stacked against you trying to win that way.

I usually go barbarian near the beginning, but as soon as I get Endure Hunger (probably the most useful skill in the game) I switch to something magic based because those utility spells are what are probably going to save your ass in the end.

>> No.2682962

Here's restored versions of Rogue.

>> No.2684160

Fantastic, thanks. I'm going through and trying to figure out which version of Rogue I played.

Are you familiar with any of the variants they have there like Super Rogue, Advanced Rogue etc?

>> No.2684280
File: 73 KB, 362x430, brogue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you oldschool rogue players find Brogue? It Seems legit and fun to me.

>> No.2684292

I think it's fantastic. Some roguelike fans don't like it because it's on the minimalist side, closer to Rogue than some of the more complex games but that's what I like about it.

>> No.2684297

It's one of the best roguelikes, and one of the few that feels really well-paced, it's "Rogue but better" for anything other than nostalgia and history

>> No.2684340
File: 128 KB, 997x768, MoraffMadHak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moraff World. Beat my haxor skills.

>> No.2684348
File: 153 KB, 801x593, DungHack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm bad at D&D 2nd Ed.

>> No.2684382

It's great. I can't get into most roguelikes, there's just too much to care about in them. I can't find the energy to mess with a thousand races and classes like in ADOM or something. Brogue does what I want, it throws me in a dungeon and fucks off.

>> No.2684418

Rogue's simplicity is still appealing, like over a coffee break I'd rather just remotely log into a machine that has Rogue than start up Brogue on a Windows machine

>> No.2684776

Sorry, I've only really played the latest classic Rogue version.

Advanced Rogue seemed like a completely different game, to be honest.

>> No.2684826
File: 21 KB, 640x400, 260751-rogue-amiga-screenshot-title-screens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look for Epyx Rogue, it was released for many old computers. You should be able to emulate one of those.

The only roguelike I played to any extent is rogue from bsdgames. It's nice and simple, but can be unforgiving sometimes (run out of food, or get bit by too many snakes and lose strength, etc.)

I'd like to play the old ToME (when it was still set in Middle-earth) but got some problems with the display last time I tried to compile it. It builds ok but houses are invisible in starting town (you can enter the shops but they're not drawn on screen...)

>> No.2685943 [DELETED] 


>> No.2686034

That Amiga Rogue runs in Workbench and is not a self-booting game like you'd normally see on the platform. There was also an IBM version released by Epyx which is little more than the old shareware Rogue from 1983 with a CGA graphics title screen and an Epyx copyright notice added. They also released a TRS-80 CoCo Rogue.

Other versions of Rogue on the C64, Atari 8-bit, and Spectrum were Euro-only released done in the late 80s by Mastertronic.

>> No.2686219

it's not /vr/, but I really enjoy poschengband.
I mean, you can play as a CURSED RING
you lie on the ground waiting till some fool picks you up and puts you around his/her finger and BAM it's possesion time.

>> No.2686430

I find to make a barbarian run work, you really have to follow his dress code for diagonal movement. Even though spears kind of suck, you need it to get away. It's possible though, just hard.

>> No.2686601
File: 3 KB, 320x200, rogue_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The DOS version of this is the one I played as a kid! Thanks anon!

>> No.2689034

Thanks, I've been trying this out, it's pretty cool.

>> No.2690347
File: 35 KB, 1440x1080, maxfubardefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That Amiga port is kinda hard to get working in UAE. I boot the ADF with ocs13 config, but the dungeon graphics (tiles, items, monsters, even your dude) don't ever show up on the screen. Only the status line and other plain text is visible. Even increasing the CLI stack variable to like 30000 doesn't help (the floppy's startup-sequence sets it to 10400 or something).

>> No.2691396


Those filters are disgusting.

>> No.2691969

OK, finally got this game to work, but it wasn't so easy. I got the ADF from here:
Rogue 1.48 by Epyx (Amiga) - amigarogue.zip

FIrst thing is, this ADF isn't bootable for some reason, and yet the game expects to be run from DF0:
The solution is to put the floppy in drive 0 and boot from HD image (Workbench 1.3), with Kickstart 1.3, OCS chipset, 512 KB chip mem, 0 KB fast mem.
Then in CLI or Shell:
cd df0:
stack 10240

I was able to play far enough that I know the copy protection didn't kick in. You'll get slain quickly by a "Protection Thug" if the game thinks you copied the disk, so I guess it's not HD-installable unless you can crack it. The ADF must have been made with a sector-copy program that could handle whatever strange protection disk format they used.

I got to 10th dungeon level, where the centaur population is thick and deadly. Managed to defeat a couple thanks to a life-draining wand, but I wasn't strong enough to fight the rest. I guess you need to get lucky and find a nice magic weapon or better armor in order to survive that point.

The tiles are cute, but it's hard to make out what monsters the sprites represent the first time you see them. And there doesn't seem to be an "identify" command like / in bsdgames Rogue. Also, I think only the left shift key works when trying to type capital letters, which kinda messed me up when trying to type T to take off armor during aquator encounter. Otherwise, the game behaves pretty much like I'm used to, even has the hjkl and yubn keys for movement.

>> No.2694506

Was this on original hardware or an emulator? I've been trying to get an emu of one of these working and it hasn't been going super well. It's been ages since I messed with emulators at all, but I really want to play this again.

>> No.2694598

Searching in this game sucks. Ending up on a floor where you know there has to be at least one hidden door and having to search over and over again in every spot while you run out of food and get poisoned by rattlesnakes is pretty shitty.

>> No.2694614
File: 61 KB, 1000x393, tmp_13106-14420670004781889547466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>download a new roguelike
>Vi keys aren't even an option

>> No.2694619

are there roguelikes that allow vi-like actions? Like, you enter the number of repetitions before entering a direction? repeat the last action? different modes for, say, movement and inventory? What else?

>> No.2694630

More importantly are their any roguelikes that allow emacs-like controls

>> No.2694645

Emulator, specifically e-uae
Should work in WinUAE also (but I'm on Unix).

I also tried to boot directly another disk image that's actually bootable (so no HD needed).
Rogue - The Adventure Game (1986)(Epyx).adf
(CRC-32 = 25e1a4c8)
But this one pops up a message box during boot to announce
"error validating disk
key 913 checksum error"
I was able to play the game briefly, but the monsters do a lot more damage, and I soon got killed by a Protection Thug.

>> No.2694653

>you enter the number of repetitions before entering a direction? repeat the last action?
I haven't played recent ones, but I remember Angband + variants all having those options. You can #repeat most action and even set an auto-repeat-until-success for things like picking locks and tunneling.

>> No.2695274

I'm specifically talking about the way vi handles repetitions, not a general repetition function

>> No.2695735

Thanks I'll see if I can get it to work.


I find in general any repeat macros are more trouble than they're worth. You never know what's around the corner, or coming from around the corner at you. Unless you're playing a super easy one it's just inviting trouble.

>> No.2695917

>Anyone here into rogue(likes)?

Yeah, but I suck at them. Even when I don't get slammed by something unlucky, I generally don't have the patience to go about things the smart way and die to something stupid.

Still, they're a lot of fun. I've mostly been playing NetHack and ADOM recently.

I know NetHack lets you enter the number of repetitions for an action, but that's not terribly vi-like, iirc. ADOM has macros for automatic movement (including exploring the level, going straight to the up/down stairs, etc).

>> No.2695975
File: 39 KB, 308x272, ro92215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patience and knowing when to turn tail and run are the two fundamentals of getting good at roguelikes.

That said, this run sucked. It started off pretty promising, I got a 2H sword and ring of slow digestion pretty early, but then didn't find much else in the way of useful magical items.

Floor 7 had boatloads of rattlesnakes and by the time I got out my strength was down at 6 or something shitty like that. I was also full of inventory and foolishly dropped some armor I wasn't using. Because on floor 8 I ran into an Aquator I couldn't get away from and it took so long to kill, my armor was pretty much destroyed by the end. Then a Centaur had me for lunch.

>> No.2695982

>I find in general any repeat macros are more trouble than they're worth. You never know what's around the corner, or coming from around the corner at you. Unless you're playing a super easy one it's just inviting trouble.
Yeah, it's the same in vi.

>> No.2695985

>I know NetHack lets you enter the number of repetitions for an action, but that's not terribly vi-like, iirc
people primarily refer to vi keys for movement. A very commonly used vi feature is to specify the number of repetitions before the movement.
As for automation, vi(m?) records using q, but I never got the hang of it

>> No.2695992

Yeah, I know, I've used vi/vim before.

The guy was looking for the repetition macro to be identical to vi's, though, and off the top of my head I don't think NetHack's is.

see: >>2695274
>I'm specifically talking about the way vi handles repetitions, not a general repetition function

>> No.2696256

I've seen various peoples strategies suggesting setting up macros like repeat 's' a dozen times for easy searching and I can't believe anyone actually does that.

Especially in Rogue half the time as soon as you find a door there's a monster right there. Successful search on the second would leave you with 12 rounds of being attacked. Even if there's not a monster, you're still just wasting food like a crazy person.

The great thing about Roguelikes is that every single action matters.

>> No.2696421

In Rogue, macros like "10s" stop automatically as soon as you find something or a monster attacks you.

>> No.2696441

Ah fuck, just ruined a perfect run.

> str 22, vorpalized 2h sword, +2 plate mail.
> got all leprechauns/nymphs/trolls so far
> run into a MASSIVE treasure room at lvl 17
> two trolls, some yetis and wraiths, carefully obliterate them all
> last enemy coming up
> it's an aquator, better take off this plate mail
> careless button mashing ensues
> not realizing there's a phantom right next to me
> rip with 4833 gold, not even in my own top 3.

>> No.2696454

That's smart. I must admit I'm such an autist I've never even considered trying them out.

>> No.2697805

Fuck Powder is hard. No matter what I do some god is pissed as fuck at me and half the time I die in the first few floors. Fucking Kiwis are rape machines. How do I git gud at it?

>> No.2697812

Don't attack kiwis and they won't attack you


you were asking for it

>> No.2701553

This >>2697812 unless you're hungry or in dire straights, don't attack anything non-aggressive. If fact for the most part if you can help it, don't attack aggressive things unless you're stuck either. Natives on a floor are almost always less dangerous than what spawns when they're replaced, and monster spawning is partially based on your level as well as the floor you're on. I usually like to get down to floor 3 or 4 at least before gaining my first level. And if you find a wand of digging early on, I'll even delve straight down and work my way back up.

>> No.2703268

That's pretty good advice for Rogue and roguelikes in general. I think learning not to be a hero and run away is one of the fundamental steps in getting decent at them.

>> No.2703365
File: 54 KB, 808x1131, 1435585576018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should check out the roguelike general on /vg/

>> No.2703395

if you want to talk about dcss...

>> No.2703464
File: 77 KB, 1280x800, 2015-07-31-154746_1280x800_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, and PCB is pretty popular on there now. CDDA is often discussed, and ADOM is here and there. Every once in a while someone drags up a really obscure roguelike and does a run down of their game, which is pretty nice.

I posted a while ago on /vr/ about old console roguelikes. There weren't that many outside of Mystery Dungeon games. There's an interesting GameBoy roguelike called CaveNoire, and an interesting looking, untranslated roguelike on the SNES (can't recall the name).

Mystery Dungeon cames seemed to be heavily inspired by the original Rogue and not much else from the Western roguelike lineage. There are surprisingly few Japanese roguelikes outside of Mystery Dungeon. I catalogued three of them and was hoping to getting around to translating them, but that's fallen to the wayside. But, if anyone has info on more obscure roguelikes, please share!

Also, I should mention this to get more players, but I run a roguelike server at http://roguenex.us if you want to play online and share highscores and splat messages.

>> No.2703476

I used to post Brogue/POWDER/Angband stuff in there but I gave up, it was all DCSS all the time even though half the people there claimed to hate it.

I'll check out the site, thanks

>> No.2703479

Yeah, I assumed part of it was the fact that school was out. Half of the posts were about removed features. Although, I haven't been a regular very long.

>> No.2703489

I like the old LDC, but never got the hang of DCSS. Just too much junk attached to it that I don't care about. LDC was much more focused and approachable.

>> No.2705029

I have to admit, I found a lot of the people there kind of insufferable and any time I went there were fights over Roguelikelikes. These ones we have here seem to be better for the most part.

I had a bit of frustration in Powder just now. Going though as a hungerless wizard and it's going alright, but I could really really use dig so I can make an earth hammer.

I see a white dragon around the corner so I possess a troll to go see what's in the room and let them fight. Doing that impresses Belweir a bunch and he teaches me Dig as a reward!

Of course, he teaches my current body which is that troll Dig and not me. Ohh roguelikes! How I love you.

>> No.2705903

What is the obsession with DCSS anyways?

>> No.2706393

Mainly luck. You start the tutorial with 3 spell points and 3 skill points. If you get lucky and find the right gear its not too bad.
try it, take your time and think about things.. should be able to successfully beat the tutorial in a couple hours of trying.

>> No.2706418

wand of digging ho. Or find a polymorph ring, sometimes you'll polymorph to something with a free spell point or already have dig.

you'll lose the spell when you polymorph back, so make your hammer quickly.

>> No.2707091

Yeah I have a wand of digging, but it's low on charges and I haven't actually found a room with a pit and pushable boulder yet anyways (also no luck with wand of trapping). I have a polymorph wand as well, but no way of controlling so I used it on books trying for a tome of earth, but no luck yet.

The run is going decently though, I have endure hunger, teleport, blink, diagnose and possess as well as an artifact sword with a huge light radius which helps a lot with the blinking. No invisibility yet either, but I got the Y rune and am almost at floor 20 so I'm hoping the Tridude area has some decent loot, at least to get me to the library.

>> No.2707445

dont forget dipping a wand low on charges in a mana potion will recharge the wand (as long as it isn't an evil mana potion)

>> No.2707469

Good length and very active development. David Ploog set out a nice design document for the game that eliminated alot of the kitchen sink approach found in a lot of roguelikes, like Nethack. This means removing a lot of features that give false choices and focuses on interesting decisions. I suppose this is why there's so much controversy with changes, because people get butthurt by certain features being removed.

>> No.2707471

Yeah, I got lucky with Xom blessing a bottle of water, so now I have a huge supply of holy waters. Wands have already hungrily drunk the holy mana pots I made.

>> No.2709113

So then why does everyone complain about it then? Is it purely just bitching that changes are made?

>> No.2709123

Changes/removals are probably the main source of complaints although there are the odd ducks like myself who don't like the game that much in the first place. It's built to be kind of an anti-Nethack so many folks may fall into one side of that divide.

>> No.2709336

> It's built to be kind of an anti-Nethack so many folks may fall into one side of that divide.

Pretty much this from my experience. Roguelikes seem to be a little like fighters in that people usually specialize in a handful and become very defensive about the game they've chosen.

I died due to hubris last night. Was on floor 18, but still quite low level with Skills 3 and Magic 4. I was going to start leveling up more when I got to the tridudes since I was pretty well set up to handle them.

But I saw a big Kobold den and just knew there was going to be some good stuff in there. So I opened the door, possessed a gelatinous cube and sent it in. But there were still a bunch left which then started running rampant. I was blinking around, zapping wands and throwing shit. But one of them hit me with a potion of blindness and they were closing in. My only option for getting away was teleport, the first one brought me right beside a lizardman that stabbed me and the second dropped me in a lake.

I drowned trying to put my boots of water walking on. Alas!

Started another but I'm still in the upper floors. I did find a pair of artifact boots which was exciting. Dipped them in a potion of enlightenment and they turned out to be Speed Boots and the intrinsic from the artifact is Fast. Thanks game!

>> No.2711217
File: 134 KB, 800x600, IMG_0289x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh, guys
I accidentally my entire mace.
now on what level do these .T!ÿJn≈»s appear?

>> No.2711227

what kind of fucked up display is that?

>> No.2711235

What version of the game are you playing? I've never seen that, but there are so many variations out there.

>> No.2711336
File: 49 KB, 800x600, IMG_0295x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same as OP
(in fact I am OP)

just found this weird trap too. I think my game is broken.

composite cga on a tv.

>> No.2711343

Interesting, yeah it looks like it may be a glitch of some fashion.

>> No.2711356

actual cga hardware, or something pretending to be? what's between the cga card and the tv

>> No.2711360

also, why do you keep showing the "AV" in the top left corner?

>> No.2711361

Began playing them relatively recently. Like, literally this year.
POWDER was my first roguelike.
Was immediately hooked. It is more fun than it has any right to be.

>> No.2711421

Powder is a great choice for a first roguelike. It's complex enough to have a lot to learn and master, but streamlined enough that you can get into it quickly.

These days I actually prefer it to ADOM and Nethack.

>> No.2711468

What's the best way to play POWDER? I have tried:

>on a phone
Has a paywall about halfway thru the dungeon (which took me ages to get to, and I paid up without hesitation), the customizable touch screen controls are mostly nice, except touch dpads are unsalvageable.

>on actual GBA hardware
Runs slow, lots of menu navigation to do basic things.

I haven't touched the game since I accidentally destroyed the altars in Belweir's library and ragequit.

>> No.2711493

I play on PSP, the version is full with no paywall, but I gave some sheckles to Jeff anyways because I like his game so much.

It does have the same menu issues you had on the GBA but they've never bothered me.

Belweir's Library is handy, but certainly not necessary. I've done successful runs where I didn't bother with it.

>> No.2711525
File: 144 KB, 800x600, IMG_0297x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still made 3rd place somehow with this glitched run. did a few more runs but no more glitches as far as I can tell. chkdsk says my floppy is still good, so not sure what happened here.

One cable, between the cga card and tv. I'm actually running from a 360k floppy on an ibm 5150, no emulation involved.
this shitty tv has no option to disable it.