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File: 172 KB, 600x585, Street%20Fighter%20Alpha%203%20[U]%20[SLUS-00821]-front[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2674142 No.2674142 [Reply] [Original]

Jesus Christ why is this game so brutal? I have it set to 1 star and can't even beat it. No matter what I do the CPU just cuts through all my attacks. Even if it looks like I got mine performed first theirs slices through it like butter. Then I got forced into a corner and they shoot endless fireballs at me. There's literally nothing I can do. Help.

>> No.2674176


Use jumping or crouching medium kicks to stop pretty much any combo.

>> No.2674181

Learn how to do combos. The CPU is random so you can't really make any reads, but they really don't do any combos and tons of unsafe shit you can punish.

In short get gud. Alpha 2 arcade was much harder, alpha 1 was easy but I can't recommend it because chains were taken out of the later series ( and it's shit) Alpha 1 is getting a sequel called street fighter 5 though.

>> No.2674319

I think having the lack of a projectile was definitely hurting me. I must've spent 30 continues using Karin but beat it with only 1 using Ryu, I'm sad to say (because I don't like Ryu). I'm playing the PS2 port and apparently you can unlock Upper too, so I tried that and I couldn't even beat the first guy with anyone, even at 1-star. Is it a naturally harder version of Alpha 3 than the regular?

Besides Ryu and Ken who is easy to learn? Karin seems to be a no-go for now since half her moves involve predicting and parrying.

>> No.2674335

Cody is shoto controls, but I don't really know how to use him. Adon is pretty good against CPU if you use Heavy Jaguar Tooth to cross the screen, combo, then jump out.

>> No.2674342

I hope you're playing the arcade version and not the PSX port.
And this game isn't even hard until you reach Bison, but even he isn't too hard.
You just sound unexperienced with fighting games, just keep praticing.

>> No.2674358

the bison fight is pretty bullshit thanks to his 0 frame special thing

>> No.2674361

I don't know what version it is, I got the Alpha Anthology on PS2 so whatever ports those are. A real big problem is I can't get the moves to come out using the d-pad and the stick is too unreliable. Trying to do the special meter move (qcf x2+P) is almost impossible when I need it, and doesn't help I keep doing hadoukens instead. About the only other fighting games I've beat are most of the Mortal Kombats, and I played some Tekken Tag 2 until my PS3 died.

>> No.2674394

>Learn how to do combos. The CPU is random so you can't really make any reads, but they really don't do any combos and tons of unsafe shit you can punish.


The single player mode in Alpha3 is no different from the single player mode in every other Street Fighter game (Except SF4, which is easy) in that many new players struggle because they don't understand basic fundamentals like spacing, zoning, and punishing. New players always want to jump in and spam special moves, even though it's far more effective to simply play safe, control the screen, and punish the AI's attacks.

Learn basic combos only to the extent necessary to get some good damage when the AI slips up and does something stupid. Be patient, and play safe. It may sound like the "boring" way to play, but it's more likely to produce results against the AI.

>> No.2674404

Well, adapting from MK and Tekken to SF can be a little tough at first.
Can you do qcfx2 just fine in pratice mode without the opponent's pressure? If so you just need to pratice execution until it's reliable to come out whenever you need it. If it really is the controller's fault and you can't do anything about it, I'd recommend playing on V-ism. V-ism is more combo oriented and doesn't have supers, you just gotta learn how to use it.
Also, Karin is a very strong character in Alpha3, if you can't do good with her at 1star then you do need to pratice some.

>> No.2674431

is it just me or is alpha 2 on the SNES embarrassingly easy? I can sleep right through it on 8 stars even

>> No.2674438

Stick to akuma and Ken, i used to 1cc the arcade with those characters back then. Also do lots of shoryuken when cornering your enemies, tons of juggles.

How it's compared to other versions? i played 8 stars of Zero 2 and it was a decent challenge, still quite 1cceable though.

>> No.2674448

>i played 8 stars of Zero 2
I forgot, Saturn ver.

>> No.2674452

I have the saturn version too and the SNES version seems like a different game it's so easy. I 1ccd my first attempt and I'm not even that great. To try and put it in perspective it was as easy to 1cc on 8stars as marvel super heroes vs street fighter is on default.

>> No.2674476

I guess this is the designated SF thread so is the PSP version worth getting since it has Ingrid or are the controls fucked to hell and back?

>> No.2674562

if you want perfect control, then play it on the emu

>> No.2674581

OP here, just beat it (including Bison) with zero continues. Pretty good, but it was still 1 star and with Ryu. I don't like the guy at all but I have to say he's pretty good. Maybe tomorrow I'll bump it up to 2. I'd like to beat it at 4 ideally.

>Can you do qcfx2 just fine in pratice mode without the opponent's pressure?

No, I usually can't get it to come out at all, just a hadouken. I don't know if I'm doing it too fast or too slow, so I'll try it out in training mode I guess. It doesn't seem to be a very great attack anyway since every time I do get it the AI just blocks it and does hardly any damage.

How do you do combos in this game? I'm used to MK's style so I kind of just mash punches in the corner and try to sweep them.

>> No.2674589

If you have a 1000 then don't even bother, trying to play fighting games on it was one of the worst experiences of my life, that d-pad is raw shit.
On a 2000 or higher, the d-pad is usable if not great, I can play Real Bout Fatal Fury and GGXXAC on it just fine. Give it a shot if you aren't on a 1000.

>> No.2674609

dude it's super easy, watch this
now get back there and stop being a pussy

>> No.2674613

i have the UMD on PSP and while it's a great port, it really is hard as hell. I agree (using a PSP3000) that the early model d-pad is shitty for most games, but SFA3 is going on eBay now that i thik about it...

>> No.2674625


Karin is my favorite character, so here's a couple of tips: keep some space in front of you and bait them. if they jump in, you have a lot of time to use your parry. see them about to use a special move? block. if they are moving towards you on the ground then you have to gamble: either use your parry, poke them away or use her other specials.

>> No.2674629

I got a 3000 so I don't know, it's on sale this weekend for 3 bucks so I figure why not but it will be nightmare mode trying to do 360 inputs with that pad. I read you can bind certain moves to a button but afaik that removes one of your punches or kicks so I don't know how it'll work.

>> No.2674978
File: 477 KB, 1920x1080, retroarch 2015-09-11 14-41-44-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the PSP port because of the world mode that it was already included in PS1 version, I've never used the extra chars

>> No.2675037

I guess people weren't kidding when they said this game was broken.

>> No.2675050


anyone love the music to alpha 3? I love how extreme it was with its CPS2 synths

>> No.2675058


it's nice but I preferred Alpha 2's music


overall more memorable melodies

>> No.2676190

OP back, I bumped it up to 2 stars and am back to getting my ass beat. I think the computer is cheating because it's doing fire shoryukens before it even looks like Ken is off the ground. Is there a way I can do it or not? He's definitely whipping normal ones out faster than I ever could. How do you recover from being thrown? I threw him and he rolled on the ground instead of hitting on his back.

Also I think Sakura is canonically the most powerful character in this game. Every jump kick of her just gets priority over mine and cuts right through it. She's the reason I had such a problem using Karin.

>> No.2676195

what's the difference between the world tour mode in the DC and PS1 versions? I heard they changed some stuff around and the psp game was based on the DC.

>> No.2676196 [DELETED] 

>Also I think Sakura is canonically the most powerful character in this game.
Yea she's definitely stronker than Akuma. capcom was a feminist in the 90s

>> No.2676207


>> No.2676218


How is a tier list gonna help a guy who can't figure out the basics and beat the computer?

OP, the computer isn't a real person. It reads your inputs and reacts to them. Play defensively and look for a move that the CPU seems to have a hard time doing things against most every character has several, and just wait for them to do something that seems to leave them vulnerable.

>> No.2676235

git gud

seems like you have no muscle memory, which is essential.

practice more, you'll get there

oh, and learn your elementals.

>> No.2676241

like fire beats ice beats rock beats wind, right?

>> No.2676265

gheghe, elementals, u got me, I think I meant fundamentals.

>> No.2676283 [SPOILER] 
File: 533 KB, 294x233, 1442027808746.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I play it on Vita and find the controls pretty good.

>> No.2676292

How do I beat Russian Bear? He is grabbing me in all sorts of ways even though it looks like our sprites are nowhere near each other. This is such King level tomfoolery.

>> No.2676375


block and punish. it doesn't matter how bad you are at the game, when playing against the CPU just block and punish it by throwing anything out there.

>> No.2676530

Have you tried X-Chun Li? She has short, simple combos that do a stupid amount of damage. Her normals are oddly effective against the CPU. Standing HP and HK and crouching HP stuff a lot of the CPU's attacks and often times nets a heavy counter hit which allows you to follow up with another hit or two (especially in the corner). Blocked spinning bird kick does a silly amount of chip damage, although it is a little tough to get the CPU to block it.

Honestly A3 Bison is the easiest of the series. Don't attack when he has full meter; let him whiff his dive punch move since he does the psycho crusher super immediately after. After that you're free to go to town on him since he doesn't really have anything else to threaten you with. His scissor kicks and (air) throws are minor annoyances. His stomp slow, easily punishable, and easily sets up basic crouch cancel combos. Most of the time he does psycho shots, he crouches to charge, so you can easily time a jump-in combo.

Karin's great; the problem is she's very execution heavy and reliant on V-ism to be threatening.

>> No.2676546

2-star still with Ryu, would've had no continues (minus not beating Bison) except that little tart Sakura caused me to use 5. She is the bane of my existence, but I think in the last match I saw how to dodge her spinning hurricane kick that she spams endlessly, just block and sweep her.

I haven't used her yet but maybe I might try her this weekend just to see. I'm already tired of Ryu but his hurricane kick is pretty nice. I don't think this game does mirror matches in arcade ladder does it? I might switch to Sakura just to avoid her spams.

>> No.2676643

I forgot to mention that Chun is one of the few characters that has to fight the Juli/Juni 1v2 before Bison. It's pretty hectic, but they have reduced health and rarely block. If you keep them both on one side it's a lot more manageable.

>> No.2676649

>Honestly A3 Bison is the easiest of the series.
Easier than alpha 2?

>> No.2676763

Maybe, maybe not. I might have exaggerated a bit.
>>2674358 made it seem like Bison's super psycho crusher is OP when it really is a non-issue.
I get hit by A2 Bison's level 1 SPCs way more often than I do A3 Bison's SPC.

>> No.2676936

Bison is the easiest fight in the arcade version. Just use the "be dumb" button.
Hold back and tap LP 2-3 times. Bison will be dumb and either teleport or duck.
If teleport: immediately hit HP, you'll nail him as he appears behind you. Lands as a counter hit, so happy juggling.
If ducks: he's charging a fireball, so jump in and whip out the combo of your choice.
As soon as you've done either of these two options, immediately go back to hitting the Be Dumb button. Enjoy your two perfects.

>> No.2677107

I think it's a bit of a split. A3's Crusher is a lot easier to block, but it's full of super-fuck-you-up if you don't read it right.

>> No.2677112

Very cool, thanks for the strats.

>> No.2679618

Just tried this, it works really good. I don't know any combos but I jump high punched in and did a sweep low kick whenever he ducked.

I tried with Ken, he seems a lot slower than Ryu and I miss the lack of forward+MK move, but he has a roll instead. The problem is his 9th battle is against Sakura so maybe I'll try Chun next, since even though Ken's a marginally better character than Ryu he's a little harder to play imo.

>> No.2679649

Tried again with Ryu and only used 1 continue, so I'm bumping it up to 3 stars now. Do Alpha 1 and 2 play mostly the same? Like if I git gud with Ryu with those skills transfer over or are there enough differences I might as well pick a new guy?

>> No.2679758

first off, both 1 and 2 default to "A-ism" for your play style.
Alpha 1 is rather stiff. solid on the oldschool fundamentals like proper spacing and footsie game. It does have "chain combos" like Mahvel, so in close you can tap LP>MP>HP for a 3 hit combo.
2 feels smoother overall, and adds the Custom Combo feature (to everybody, you don't have to opt in for it like in 3) which can lead to some disgustingly high damage.
Also note for Alpha 1 and 2 you don't start with any super meter, so you have to work to build it.

Based on the way you describe your skill level, you shouldn't have too much issue moving back to 1 or 2. I recommend 2 over 1 by a country mile. The beauty of Ken/Ryu is that 95% of what you know from 1 game carries over to the next.

Open up your combo game with the shoto bread and butter:
jump hard hit > ducking medium hit > Hadoken or DP or Tatsu.

Happy ass kicking.

>> No.2679807

Is that your first fightan, OP? Game is pretty easy. I remember beating it with only jump + HK > duck + HK.

>> No.2679850

Just beat it on 4 stars with 0 continues, so I'd consider that a solid victory. I'm an animal. Kind of a shame it was with Ryu but I have to admit he's pretty good, especially his sweep. I won a lot of victories just by ducking and sweeping or punching. My last run had me in a showdown with Akuma, Sagat, and Ken as my final three and it was close in all three but I got it. I survived a Bison super meter attack and kept doing what >>2676936 said, it works great.

For the meters for some reason it's a lot easier to do his back-quartercirclex2+K rather than the forward ones. Must just be how the d-pad works, since I had the same problem in Tekken with some of Lili's moves.

Thanks. I'll probably give 2 a try and keep with A3 to try some more Karin and maybe Vega, I always liked him but I imagine he's hard to play.

>> No.2679860

Yeah I guess looking back it is way easier than Mortal Kombat. It took me a full month to beat MK5 on 1 credit. I'm pretty happy though, this is the first SF I've beaten.

>> No.2680042
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>PS1 port

>> No.2680230


So you didn't even really fight Bison and considers it a solid victory, lol

>> No.2680605

No, I beat him. I took a full meter attack to the face and lived through it so that's pretty good I think. Abusing the AI with him isn't much different than how I ended up handling Sakura with waiting for her to use her spin kick and then tripping her over and over. I beat him a couple times before anon's trick too, but on a lower star.

>> No.2680648


Oh then it's nice.

Once you're done with the Alpha series OP, go play SFIII 3rd Strike. My favorite SF. I gope SFV is good.

>> No.2680668

Trying to beat Shin Akuma in World Tour mode is a hellish nightmare.
Especially when you have to use a slow poke character like Dhalsim.

>> No.2682631

Okay OP again, I played some Alpha 2 yesterday. I honestly don't see any difference in gameplay between this and 3 other than the lack of isms and I guess you can hold PPK or KKP to do a special burst of attacks (which I didn't do, just read about it). Is there anything else different? It really seems to weird to call them two separate games. Also what's the deal with A2 Gold?

>> No.2682647

Beat it all with Dan.

HELL is anyone with a fire ball grouped

>> No.2682747

>It really seems to weird to call them two separate games
Why? It was released two years later, it almost doubled the number of chars and, as you said, the addition of ism.
It was a new game.

Gold is the home versione, Alpha 2 vanilla is the arcade port.

>> No.2682938

> I honestly don't see any difference in gameplay between this and 3
If the only combos you can do are jump-in -> sweep or jump-in -> medium -> special, then yea, you aren't going to notice much of a difference. Once you get to a more competent level, there are huge differences in combo systems between the games and they play completely different from each other. I'll try to explain one of the main differences: juggling.

In A2, after a hit/combo/special puts an opponent in the air, there are very few instances where you can follow up with another attack.
For example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ElXhBFll_c
Notice how nearly all combos in the first minute of the video put the opponent airborne and close enough hit again. If you tried to attack the opponent, they would simply fall to the ground, completely immune to your attacks. During custom combos (the special burst of attacks), you can combo and juggle for the duration of the CC, but any attacks made after the CC ends will whiff.

Now let's look at A3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D65-tMlNZuk
Notice how in all the A(Z)-ism combos, Guy can follow up after putting an opponent in the air. The first combo is after an air counter hit; the second one is after a super; the third and fourth are after chain combos. At a basic level, there are measures in place that will prevent you from juggling infinitely (air recovery by pressing PP in air, juggle limits in corners).
Obviously at a high level, you can work around these measures and get insanity like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUGirFTDsJY

>Also what's the deal with A2 Gold?
Ok, so the Alpha series is called Zero in Japan (SFZ, SFZ2, etc). A few months after A2, Capcom attempted to balance out the silly BS in A2 and released SF Zero 2 Alpha. Gold is the US home version of Z2A with a name change because SF Alpha 2 Alpha would sound stupid.

>> No.2683478

Thanks, those videos were helpful. I think I see what the difference is now, but just at my level I wouldn't have noticed it. I just do a jump in strong punch/kick and then either a low strong or medium kick to sweep and maybe some light punches. Even in Tekken I sucked at juggling anything because I was bad at the timing.

It just seemed like A3 was to A2 what Super SF2 was to SF2, just an updated version with some new guys added in. It didn't seem like a sequel like SF3 was to SF2 with everything redesigned. All I really noticed was the different stage backgrounds since Ryu in both seemed to play the same.

>> No.2684837

>It didn't seem like a sequel like SF3 was to SF2 with everything redesigned
That's because it was still part of the Alpha series, and even in III it took three versions to get to the definitive one

>> No.2685942 [DELETED]