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2671351 No.2671351 [Reply] [Original]



There's a new 3d classic game included with this one this time around. Who could it be? Any guesses?

>> No.2671362

Looks like excitebike to me

>> No.2671370
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>> No.2671384

Jet Set Radio

>> No.2671402

Alex Kidd or Pulseman

>> No.2671428


GET HYPE for a game you can play right now

>> No.2671437
File: 250 KB, 894x894, jet_set_radio_future___beat_by_flash_gavo-d5qdm84.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


if it ain't I'll be really disappointed

>> No.2671465
File: 196 KB, 971x439, NewGames.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who could it be? Any guesses?
Sure. Here is the list of games.

Drop the caps sperg autism next time kid.

>> No.2671471
File: 361 KB, 450x900, Human_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope it's shining force.

That does look kind of like Max.

>> No.2671474

It turned out to be one of the Love Live moeshit anime characters sitting on a Puyo Puyo.

RIP Sega

>> No.2671481


>> No.2671483

I'm sure I saw it on Twitter before but now I can't find it. Am I going mad?

>> No.2671519

appears to be a giant cock?

>> No.2671524

Hello, mrs. Freud? Your husband is on the phone and he'd like a word.

>> No.2671638


Fuck that, JSRF HD port FUCKING WHEN?

>> No.2671642

Where is this list from? Are all of those games confirmed for getting a proper 3D port?

>> No.2671645

Hopefully never because it sucks compared to the original.

>> No.2671648


Nigger please

>> No.2671650

I'm playing through Future right now. The original is frantic arcadey gameplay. Future is a lot of wandering around. And the music and art style aren't half as good.

>> No.2671653

data mined from Gunstar Heroes rom.

>> No.2671662

So we will definitely get a Landstalker 3D? Holy fuck.

>> No.2671667

its looking likely.

>> No.2671668
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>no Power Drift

>> No.2671679

To be fair, they did release Outrun and Super Hang-on.

I do agree that sucks though, it'd look awesome in 3d.

>> No.2671696

I hope there will be an official announcement soon.

Also it be great if we could get those compilations on cartridges too. But I'm content with digital as well, as long as we're getting anything at all. And I wished Capcom, Konami and Nintendo themselves would port some of there games too.

>> No.2671709

Nintendo have ported some nes games into 3D also.

>> No.2671715

Yes, but they have stopped doing it, as far as I know? Also they (once again) only gave us NES games. How about porting some SNES games? If Sega can port arcade and MD games, Nintendo surely could have tried offering one or two SNES games, before leaving their own 3D classics dead and buried.

>> No.2671749

Not sure why y'all think it won't happen, given that Horii mentioned wanting to port Beyond Oasis in a recent interview yet that game's not on the list. I think we're looking at the games M2's experimented with in-house before either finishing the projects, putting them on hiatus, or scrapping. Power Drift's's been mentioned before as something they've looked into.

>> No.2671771

Neat, I always wondered how Sonic would look like under his pen.

>> No.2671781
File: 83 KB, 457x452, powerdrift-saturn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would think the red cart guy could easily fit in the center. sonic is looking back at something that can presumably compete with his speed?

>> No.2671881
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It was 3D power drift, 3D Puyo Puyo 2!

And bonus Master System games Maze Walker 3D and Fantazy Zone 2!

>> No.2671917
File: 13 KB, 320x224, puyo2-arcade6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better bring PuyoTsuu to the west unaltered, at least digital SEGA you piece of shit!

The list is for the genesis emulator.

>> No.2671928
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>> No.2671931

Oh lordy. I don't care if my3ds is nodded. Im buying dis

>> No.2671949

The ONLY bad thing about this entire thing is that its the Mega Drive Altered Beast.

What were they thinking?

>> No.2671956

iirc the arcade game has less parallax for one thing

they explained their reasons in an interview

>> No.2671971


I agree that the original is the better game, but no doubt JSRF has the better soundtrack

>> No.2671979

based Game Freak tbh

>> No.2671989

>Love Live moeshit anime characters sitting on a Puyo Puyo.
I'll have you know that is Arle Nadja who has been in gaming longer than Sonic has.

>> No.2671990

More like based Ken Sugimori, Game Freak have been in the shit hole lately, besides Pokemon the last good game that they made is Drill Droozer, directed by Sugimori himself.

>> No.2671992

Even more, Sugimori only did the cover art.

>> No.2671993

FUCK, mean to >>2671979

>> No.2672096
File: 187 KB, 296x260, Bocke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want this guy to get a 3D classic

>> No.2672103


Was the elephant game any good?

>> No.2672146

Sketch Turner, fuck you I want my Comix Zone 3D

>> No.2672150
File: 143 KB, 494x700, comixzonecover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Comix Zone 3D
I'm imagining the attack where he rips the paper airplane off the wall in 3D

I don't think Japan cares enough about the game to ever get a 3D version though.

>> No.2672164

...Where is Fantasy Zone?

>> No.2672180

Excellent. We got the untranslated original via VC last time.
>Power Drift
Okunari just gave me the D. I cannot wait to play this! Game's no doubt going to be arcade-perfect for the first time on a non-original platform, and I really hope we get it.

>> No.2672274


Whatever that list is, its only listing console games. No Arcade.

No Fantasy Zone 1+2, Super Hang On, Galaxy Force, After Burner 2 etc

>> No.2672283


I seriously doubt we will get it but luckily 90% of 3DS can easily be made region free

>> No.2672294

Well there's Outrun 3D on there, Altered Beast, and Zaxxon was an arcade game.

Pretty weird.

>> No.2672304


Outrun 3D is the Master System bonus on Volume 1 physical cart. It was a 3D glasses game from like 1991. Same with Space Harrier 3D on master system.

3D Altered Beast was the Genesis version and Zaxxon was on Master System too.

>> No.2672309

Oh, I'm retarded then.

>> No.2672314

I just hope that Power Drift will come out here as a n individual download

>> No.2672402
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Improved version of Space Harrier 2 confirmed for never ever happening ever :(

>> No.2673428 [SPOILER] 
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More reasons to still hate Love Live.

>> No.2673448

Guess it's kind of cool that her chest plate looks a bit like Opa Opa's visor.

>> No.2673457
File: 95 KB, 599x897, hello-kitty-sonic-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The collaboration is launching a retweet campaign where three users who retweet the official Sega post (seen below) before September 23 will receive an A3-size poster of the image as a gift

So despite the click-bait headline for a sponsered article, it's fucking nothing just a one image crossover

It's like saying Hello Kitty is the face of Sonic

>> No.2673469
File: 1.10 MB, 1844x1380, puyoshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember when puyo puyo used to be manly dungeon crawlers for manly men?

>> No.2673473

I wonder if Puyo and Power Drift are getting regular digital releases?
Only Maze Walker and Fantasy Zone are listed as bonus MS games.

>> No.2673569

Yeah, but half of these screenshots aren't from a dungeon crawler, but from my favourite Madou Monogatari.

>> No.2673904

What's the other(s) like?

>> No.2673914

I've bought literally every single one so far and put well over 100 hours into them and it kills me that we will never get the Jp physical copies. Fucking Nintendo region locking their stuff.

>> No.2673927


Dat Sugimori Arle. Yessssssss

>> No.2673930


You realise theres like 6 different methods of bypassing the 3DS region locking right?

>> No.2673936

No one should have to in the first place.

>> No.2673945


Well duh, but if you want to own and play the Vol 1+2 of these games then you can.

>> No.2673960

Does it involve not getting banned from online? If not, then my and my 4G buddies are gonna have to pass.

>> No.2674062
File: 430 KB, 657x600, SEGA3DClassicsBoxArt[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty radical

>> No.2674063

>We will never get fan-translations of any of pic related in our lifetimes

>> No.2674076

I heard someone in the homebrew thread on /vg/ a while back say that Sega Fukkoku Archives were mostly unplayable with region free hacks, that many of the games crashed or refused to load.

>> No.2674082


>> No.2675821

Looks boring.

>> No.2678652

Would anyone like to post their high scores in some games so I have something to try and beat?

>> No.2678694

nobody asked for this

>> No.2678706

>And bonus Master System games Maze Walker 3D and Fantazy Zone 2!
The amount of care and attention and love that goes into these ports is insane.

>> No.2678718

Fox McCloud with his big fox wiener hanging out and Sonic 'mirin.

>> No.2678736

When is 3D Sonic 2 coming out anyway?

>> No.2678775

the colors make me think its Bubble Bobble

>> No.2678782

>post your Outrun scores to be laughed at
yeah no

a lot of these let you cheat the scores with saving or credit feeding anyhow

>> No.2678783

i should buy a 3DS

>> No.2678912

According to this interview, Sinc 1 was the first MD game of the 3D remake serie and Sonic 2 will be the last.


I don't think there is going to be more 3D remake of MD games released and this list is probably just some list of titles they wanted to port or that they tried porting.

In one of the other interview of M2 devs on Sega's blog, I remember one said they tried to adapt Landstalker but the game was too long and this would have taken them way too lmuch time compared to allocated budget so they rapidly dropped it. Too bad, that's one of the games that I would have love to play on my 3DS :-(

>> No.2678972

>According to this interview, Sinc 1 was the first MD game of the 3D remake serie and Sonic 2 will be the last.
Damn, I want 3D Sonic 3 and Knuckles...

>> No.2679143
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>I don't think there is going to be more 3D remake of MD games released

>> No.2679239

The first one have any extra like that collection for PS3/360 or just 3d effect?

>> No.2679262
File: 14 KB, 300x300, 10464374_10201863878908248_1084202925207917095_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never because Sega knows it'll only sell 5 copies :(

>> No.2679348

Licensing issues will likely prevent that (music similarities).

There's no telling what M2 and Okunari will do as long as the games are selling well in Japan (which they have from the start). What I'm worried about is continued localization; I can live without Landstalker in 3D, as that sounds very tough (though M2's redone skewed-angle parts of SoR2 and Gunstar now, so maybe it's possible).

>> No.2679354

Landstalker is not even a sega IP, it must be lost in copyright hell.

>> No.2680975

>Those characters legitimately in the Pokemon artstyle.
I had no idea how much I wanted this until now

>> No.2681140

Tfw i wish they do 3D MUSHA or Thunder Force IV and if it was even possible Model 1/2 like VF or Virtua Racing. Even Revenge of Death Addler I'd kill for that

>> No.2681316


I hate how small Shinobi and Blaze are though. I wish someone would shop the cover around so everyone was a good equal sized then it'd be perfect

>> No.2681385
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Every where I read says "September", but the month is already half over. Getting sick of this shit.