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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 560 KB, 840x346, ffIV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2662951 No.2662951 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, help me because I don't know which fucking version of that game should I play
-SNES is the original but has no enchancements, higher resolution etc.
-PSP looks like SNES but higher res and with better music, spirtes on the map are a bit off I think
-DS has all the bonus shit but the game doesn't even resemble the original. Are harder/more clever bosses really worth it?
And which version of DS port should I chose if I chose DS
-DS version has extremely low resolution
-Mobile version has touch screen interface which I hate for FF
-PC version is reported to be stuttering, people are reporting issues which input lag and unresponsive controls which will surely drive me crazy

>> No.2662965

What about GBA?

>> No.2662994
File: 117 KB, 700x747, Final.Fantasy.IV.full.109706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one where Rydia won.

>> No.2663012

We retro, so you play retro.

>> No.2663017

I didn't know about GBA.

>> No.2663020

> original has no enchancements, higher resolution etc
You on wrong board, son.

>> No.2663026

I play old games because they are good, not because they are old. If there is a version of an old game that is basically the same in every regard but art is clearer, music is higher quality etc. I'll chose the enhanced version. I don't know what's wrong with that. Of course if the new version made the art look shitty (like HoMM 3 for example) I'll stick to the original.

>> No.2663038

SFC Hard Type

>> No.2663049

Oh thank God, so the DS version IS actually toughened up. I've been playing it lately and I really thought I was just becoming endweebened in my old age.

>> No.2663056


>> No.2663067

Don’t even argue, anon. Any other option to your logic is just retrohipsterism

>> No.2663070

PSP version is ugly as sin, it looks like it was made in RPGMaker and all of the sprites look really awkward, not to mention how the portraits look compared to the original ones. I reccommend the PS1 Chronicles version because the load times are minor, it's the regular SFC version of the game (not Easy Type or FFII (US)), and it uses a pretty nice translation.

>> No.2663081
File: 11 KB, 320x256, Bad_Vibes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw people come here to argue that old games look old instead of just playing the game

>> No.2663090

This OP.
It doesn't work that well. Go for the other versions.

>> No.2663097

I don't know how you can think that the PSP version looks like RPG Maker and the original doesn't when they both look like a stereotypical JRPG.

>> No.2663109

Nobody argues that. I just point out that some people like playing old games because they are good, not because of a personal philia of playing something old.
I'm fine playing a respectful remake if it's worthy

>> No.2663123

I mean specifically like it was made in RPG Maker VX, the "HD" style of sprites just doesn't look as good with those big eyes and stuff. The small models are a lot more timeless and more consistent with the style of other Final Fantasy games.

>> No.2663170
File: 76 KB, 500x492, 1434865499720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hurr durr, which Final Fantasy port is best?!

How many times a week do we have this same fucking thread, and how often does it dissolve into shitposting? At this point, I suspect OP is just trolling.

Play the original version and fuck off.

>> No.2663419

GBA version had all kinda a weird glitches introduced. And slowdown.

PSX version took half a year to save.

DS version threw in a ton of BS to try to trick long time players (which in turn screwed over new players).

PSP version is probably the most 'pure' of them as far as content and bugs and slowdown goes, but it isn't really the OG.

Soo... play an emulated version of the snes japanese version.

Case closed.

>> No.2663427

The SFC is pig disgusting kana only.

>> No.2663429

DS version is the best.

>> No.2663460

Even though I own a DS and 3DS and I have played the DS version. I still have to say it looks like shit, I can't stand low resolution 3D graphics.

I haven't played the PSP version but looking at your screenshots it looks much better, if that version sucks then go for the original SNES. Look up if there is any fan patches (bug fixes & more accurate translation). I think there were, but it was awhile since I played it.

>> No.2663463

grab an emulator and play the hard type on a CRT

will look better than anything and comfier too

>> No.2663473

The original still looks the best to me
everything else looks like a flash remake

>> No.2663525

At this point there should be an image list like there is one for Sega CD games.

>> No.2663531

GBA. European version to fix the battle bug.
All other choices are wrong, except maybe SNES original.

>> No.2663534

Get the GBA release, specifically the European one which fixes the ATB glitches.

>> No.2663537

Doesn't fix the slowdown though.

>> No.2663545

I recently played through the entire game on a flash cart and didn't notice any slowdown. It's either much worse in emulators or blown way out of proportion.

>> No.2663548

The only thing that looks nice in the PSP version are the monster graphics. Everything else looks terrible.

>> No.2663628


My thoughts exactly.

>> No.2663632

I think PSP looks beautiful. The sprites are large and detailed. I would say it is the definitive version. IIRC it's an enhanced port of the GBA one, with bug fixes, so it makes the GBA version obsolete.

In terms of the 3D ones they feel like a totally different experience. I'm not sure how well PC is vs DS in terms of control, but I think it's universally agreed the PC is smoother looking. I'd wait until the Christmas sale since Steam will probably have it for under $5.

>> No.2663647

>I can't stand low resolution 3D graphics.
I love them. I'm not a fan of the way the PC port looks or how it looks emulated but I really like how FF3 and 4 look on DS

>> No.2663659 [SPOILER] 
File: 26 KB, 256x220, 1441481307831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The PSP version looks like shite. The graphics are all disproportionate and constantly clash with the backgrounds or other sprites, some are sharper or more blurred than others, and the color detail isn't very consistent. It's like Square assigned a dozen different artists to come up with their own designs. Like someone else mentioned, it looks more like an RPG Maker project than a professional game.

The GBA version has numerous intrusive bugs, some of which are addressed in the European and later Japanese revisions. The graphics are too bright and washed out. There's all kinds of slowdown, especially when using the airship. The retranslation is shit, and unfortunately the PSP version is based on it. The GBA version is easily the worst version of FF4 and should be avoided at all costs.

I didn't have any problems with the DS version trying to envision the game in 3D, but the translation was as remarkably bad as the GBA version.

I'd just stick with the original Hard Type version. You can either emulate a fan translation or play FF Chronicles for PS1.

>> No.2663718

PSP and GBA versions are both the same except PSP fixed the bugs, has higher resolution sprites (whether they look better or not is a matter of opinion), and much better music because GBA had terrible audio hardware. PSP lets you choose between the original soundtrack or the remastered version that was made for the DS remake. PSP also has all the bonus content from the GBA version, and the After Years included.

>> No.2663740

Maybe I'm just weird, but I like the GBA's soundtrack better than the other versions, particularly this track:


Probably because of the percussion.

>> No.2663761
File: 6 KB, 640x350, 1f21789fc95330a98f42c1f7024b46df8caa380b448ad08650ea33d690f1bb10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Text mode, bitches!

You can't handle teh truth!

>> No.2664391

OP here. Thanks for people in this thread I've switched to PSP version. I liked high-res sprites but I won't tolerate fucked up translations. I've also discovered that they've changed some gameplay elements, which upset me. Also, I feared that it will suffer from loading issues like PS1 version of FFV, which is not the case.
What is funny that one thing that bothered me the most about PSP version was Ceci's Dark Knight portrait being inconsistent with the sprite. It turned out that the portrait was inconsistent in all versions including the original SNES one.

Unrelated question. Am I remembering correctly that the best version of FF V is GBA version with some fan patch because of improved translation and new jobs?

>> No.2664406

There are only like 4 new jobs iirc and they don't become available until the very end of the game, so they're not really that useful. There is a new translation though. I'm not sure what patches there are, but if it's anything like FF6 it's to restore the music and brightness I'd guess.

>> No.2664448

Cecils paladin sprite in battle is different from his field sprite, in the PSP version.

In battle it seems to be paying homage to the original short hair he had, and in the portrait he has long hair as well as long hair on the field sprite with a blue cape.

The inconsistency was there in the snes version as well, at least with the long hair in the portrait and short hair in the battle and field sprite.

I still think the psp version is the best version despite such inconsistencies, though I do like the DS version just because its much harder.

>> No.2664452

Yeah, these are the patches I've meant. Too bad there is no patch to make Faris portrait look anything like her sprite or vice verse because it pisses me off.

>> No.2664459

>I've switched to the PSP version
You poor soul, I feel sorry for you.

>> No.2664536

This is a mistake, I've meant to write "switched from the PSP version to PS1 version". Mostly because of translation being criticized and some gameplay changes like changing how do cry ability works.

>> No.2664547

>PS1 version
You poor soul, I feel sorry for you.

>> No.2665086

Everyone always speaks of loading times for FFIV PS1 version, but the only time I ever experienced them was when I was saving or loading the game from memory card.

Original game was only 1MB, so I figure they were able to load the whole game on PS1 2MB memory. All the extra data was just the ugly cgi-cutscenes added to the disc. FFV and FFVI on the other hand had some bad loading times, but they were larger than 2MB.

>> No.2665104

For fucks sake which version is good then?
-PSP has weird sprites and bizzare lightning effects, also the translation is fucked
-GBA version is like PSP except worse looking
-DS is a totally different game, which I can play in uber low res on the DS, or totally fucked up on the PC
-SNES version is fucked up in all place both when it comes to translation and gameplay
-Famicon version is in fucking Japanese
-PS1 is objectively the best version and if emulated the long saving times are not an issue since everyone can just use save states

>> No.2665106

I know I'll learn Japanese fly over to Japan, grow brain tentacles, drive them directly into the head of whoever designed this shit and just play hist vision of the game it in his brain.

>> No.2665132
File: 13 KB, 256x224, Final Fantasy IV (Japan)002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if you can read Japanese you wouldn't want this.

>> No.2667284

SNES version with translation patch

>> No.2667394

>Famicon version is in fucking Japanese
More like doesn't exist.
>-SNES version is fucked up in all place both when it comes to translation and gameplay
I'll take silly fan translations over load times. Translated Jap SNES version is best. William Shatner jokes and all.

>> No.2667538

>Original game was only 1MB, so I figure they were able to load the whole game on PS1 2MB memory.

That's not how porting works. They didn't just throw the Super Famicom ROM on the disc and try to emulate it or something. The games rewritten and ported to the PS1 natively, which means they're going to be larger than 1 or 2 MB. The game assets aren't going to be stored or compressed the same way as a Super Famicom ROM would. PS1 uses a whole different data structure along with a different series of formats.

For some reason, they stored FF4's soundtrack as CDDA audio instead of PSF. (At least partially, I don't know about the entire soundtrack) That right there accounts for a sizable amount of data found on the disc.

>> No.2667757

Seriously. This seems like such an obvious answer.

>> No.2667758


The SNES version and you really should be on >>>/v/ for this honestly.

>> No.2667782


Even the people that worked on that translation patch are kind of embarrassed by it these days honestly. It was very unprofessional with how things were done.

>> No.2667786

The only problem the PSP version of FF4 has is that it's not as hard as the original version. Other than that it's immaculate.

>> No.2667789

PSP has better postgame and more content, DS has more difficulty and arguably the best official translation work.

Mobile and PC are shoddy ports of DS, Square has always been shitty on the mobile circuit.

Your call really.

>> No.2667792

Which translation patch are you talking about? If you're talking JP, fuck no. It even accidentally censors itself. Too many people working on it at once caused it.

Project II/Namingway is the one we deserve though.

>> No.2667801

>DS has more difficulty and arguably the best official translation work
>the best official translation work

Nigga, you best be trolling.

>> No.2667807

Does anyone else find autistic arguments over the various translations of FF4's trite script to be ridiculous?

To answer the OP, play the Playstation 1 version. The remakes look like shit.

>> No.2667870

No this
>>I play old games because they are good, not because they are old

>> No.2669621

Are you fucking joking?

>> No.2669626

Final Fantasy II is the best version of the game.

>> No.2669648

It's flowery fuck, but it's the dialog is more on point and doesn't include old Internet jokes.

It really depends on how you see it.

>> No.2669653

Final Fantasy II is better than Final Fantasy IV ever dreamed of being. IV is objectively the worst in the series, throwing out interesting battle and leveling mechanics in favor of stock characters and a cliched story. But even still, suggesting asking which version someone should play of it isn't appropriate talk for this board is laughable.

>> No.2669663

It doesn't help that every single goddamn port has script differences. >>2669648 is right though, it depends on how you like it. Just pick one and roll with it.

Are you that faggot on /m/ yesterday who insisted Toku wasn't /m/ while talking about old shitposting targets?

>> No.2669681

I haven't been to /m/ in years and don't even know what Toku is. But here in /vr/ remakes are considered a perfectly acceptable topic of conversation.

Welcome to the board, I hope you enjoy your stay but please don't shit up threads like this. We're tying to cut down on that.

>> No.2669762
File: 972 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_njwlvjGquq1uo1ykdo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Playing any version of Final Fantasy I-VI outside the Famicom/SFC originals.

>> No.2669778
File: 70 KB, 460x612, a.baa-Are-you-kidding-me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing old games, just because they are old, not because they are good, or the best version of say game

>> No.2669783
File: 185 KB, 453x628, 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PSX is best version of II, DS is best version of III. There's no good version of I or IV.

>> No.2669784

I'd play them if they have kanji, which only applies to 5 and 6.

>> No.2670037

For those complaining about translations, PSP version of the game does have an option to switch between English and the original Japanese. Hell, you can use it as a learning tool (or to compare differences) by switching back and forth mid game and talking to the same NPCs.

>> No.2670161


>Expecting me to give my money to Squeenix to fund future shitty localizations

Nope, sorry. When a company treats its consumer base like complete shit by consistently ignoring consumer demands and refusing to invest in better quality control, it no longer deserves my money. Square Enix can go bankrupt for all I care.

>> No.2670164

The Chronicles version is your best bet OP. It's not without its problems, but it's the only half-way decent version of hard-type ever localized.

>> No.2670186

Who said anything about buying it?

>> No.2670189

>implying anyone actually paid for PSP games.
Do you want to play the best version? That's all that matters.

>> No.2670194

>consumer demands
Die in a fire.

>> No.2670203

And switch between Kanji and Kana only.

>> No.2670242

Actually the PSP version of FF4 only has one Japanese script, and it uses Kanji. I also just noticed that the NA version also has a French option. Don't know if that's in other versions.

The PSP versions of FF1 and 2 both have kana only scripts and kanji using scripts.

>> No.2670268

Exactly what is the problem with the PSP translation?

>> No.2670398

>implying Squeenix gets money from anything but the DS games/ports anymore.

If you want to have a physical copy it's all eBay and resellers. They're not making a dime.

>> No.2670430

>Exactly what is the problem with the PSP translation?

Lazy, inaccurate, bad grammar, the translator literally makes shit up as he goes along. In some of the recent Square-Enix localizations, the translator leaves large chunks of the script untranslated. Entire character dialogs are removed from the English script for inexplicable reasons. Some of the cutscenes are actually redone so that those characters don't give any visual cues of speaking, since their lines were stripped out. You can even find the untranslated Japanese strings still in the data structure of the game.

I do a few translation hacks, so I've cracked open some of these games out of curiosity.

>> No.2671146

>There's no good version for I or IV
>NES with Final Fantasy Restored for 1
>SNES with either Project II or the Namingway Edition "fork" of that for 4, depending on how you like it.

Yes, sometimes hacks are the best way to play. It's pretty shameful when you're talking FF, because obviously they have the full means to do the best localization work possible for their 15 ports of everything, but hey.

>> No.2671626

I was being a bit snarky there, but I dislike pretty much everything about IV. The first three games all tried interesting approaches to leveling and character development (even if 1 is super rudimentary). But IV throws all that out the window and sticks you with stock characters, very few options and instead focuses on story which is also pretty lackluster. That it's the one we were given as "FF II" and became super popular just adds to my dislike of it.

The first Final Fantasy isn't bad per se, especially for it's time. But it's also not all that great and the most efficient ways of making it through the game are by picking classes that pretty much just attack. It was a good start to the series but is ultimately pretty boring.

>> No.2671659

>DS version of 4 is hard
I still don't understand this. I've never had a problem with any enemy, except for Proto-Babel, but that's a bonus boss.

Which version lets me use the characters that have left my party? I've always been curious what Edward can do at a high level.

>> No.2671676

GBA and PSP have a party-making feature before the end, and there's also a cave that opens with gear for your new party.

There's also a postgame random dungeon with character-centric events for who fought the final boss.