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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 43 KB, 640x480, Metal-Gear-Solid-Torture-Scene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2658786 No.2658786 [Reply] [Original]

I-I cant do it.

>> No.2658791

this is not a scene from Metal Gear Solid , this is Twin Snakes , isn't it ?
Snake's model is way too detailed for PS1.

>> No.2658794

my bad , what an idiot i am ,the circle button's right there in the picture that's not on a gamecube controller that's only on a sony controller .

I guess i forget just how good the graphics were on some PS1 games.

>> No.2658801

Obviously higher res from an emulator dude

>> No.2658809
File: 241 KB, 1440x900, 2015-09-03-133506_1440x900_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i never said anything about resolution man , its the "abs" the detail on the model's torso in that scene , look at this i took it a minute ago see the difference and why i almost took OP's image for twin snakes.

>> No.2658813
File: 358 KB, 1440x900, 2015-09-03-133836_1440x900_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i noticed Solid's more "detailed" compared to Liquid in gen in this scene atleast might be the whole game, the sneaking suit already has the "outlines" so i guess it was just a matter of pallet and upper texture swap.

>> No.2658817

What's the best way to play MGS1 on PC?
Emulated or port?

>> No.2658825
File: 407 KB, 1440x900, 2015-09-03-132831_1440x900_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

emulated with a controller that has a dualshock like layout.

ain't nothing like poltargisting the hell out of the guards with stealth camo.

>> No.2658828

I have both a DS3 and DS4 so that should be fine.
Just wondering which gave the least visual errors and issues for the most part.

>> No.2658836

there are no glitches on the PS1 emulated version(as long as you use the right emulator and plugin i personally use PCSX-r and Xvideo plugin) and its a breeze to setup too unlike the PC version on modern hardware.

>> No.2658837

Maybe try another hobby. Or play with amiibos. Playing with your little sister's dolls might be something than suits more to you too.

>> No.2658838

OP here, took me a few tries but I finally got it. I am normally really, really bad at those rapidly pressing segments in games so I had to practice it a bit to get it right.

I am using ePSXe with "Pete's OpenGL2 Driver 2.9" as my Video Plugin and with "MDEC filter" turned on to fix the broken cutscenes.


>> No.2658842

broken as in lagging-slowdown especially the sound ?

>Theyyyy aarh dehmanding thhat the guhverment tuhrn ohver theh rehmains of bigh boss.

kinda like that ?
yeah that doesn't happen with Xvideo plugin.

oh and iirc MGS1 doesn't work with savestates , it never loads back from the black screen , no matter the emulator.

>> No.2658845

Can you do that thing where you tense the muscles in your arm and it makes your hand shake? I just do that and put my index finger over the button and mashing is no problem.

>> No.2658851

Alternatively, run your nail back and forth across the button. Obviously it wont work on tall buttons that are common to PC controllers.

>> No.2658857
File: 51 KB, 640x480, 45-dragon18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comparing early PS1 graphics to late PS1 graphics is practically a console generation of progress.
One of the traits of a great artist is the pictures he can create with limited tools.

>> No.2658860

Those are some pretty shit graphics for Gamecube.

>> No.2661348
File: 835 KB, 1920x816, beverage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fucking sounds of the footsteps
>The fucking ahead of its time music theme that played in those areas
>That feeling of complete isolation in a big hostile enemy base
>The way everything felt cold and metallic, being in my mind another metaphor for the Cold War
>What was that noise?
Why did MGS1 have the best atmosphere of the entire series and why were they never able to do it again?

>> No.2661397
File: 144 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's way more obvious when you remember what Twin Snakes looked like.

>> No.2661406

>never do it again
>he doesn't remember the unreal feeling of the Big Shell. A world constructed with artificial barriers restricting narrow walkways, the weird safety-orange color of paths making everythign seem lonely and empty and artificial

MGS2 is actually the best game in the series.

>> No.2661434


>MGS2 had funky lobby music
>Complete random shit happening with seemingly no rhyme or reason

I love MGS2 as much as the next person but there was something unique about MGS1 and its holistic soundtrack. It felt like a classic action movie slowly being distorted and losing its innocence.

>> No.2661451

I agree. While MGS2 is probably my favourite overall in the MGS games its atmosphere just doesn't hold a candle to the first game's. Shadow Moses is too iconic and imposing as fuck.

^This soundtrack is so great. It's got a huge James Bond/Cold War influence to it (kinda like the music you hear in both the GoldenEye movie and game) but it's still doing its own thing and there's nothing else quite like it. It also has a dash of that '80s synth sound to it. Two stand out tracks for me are at 16:32 and 18:30.

>> No.2661474

>flamenco dancers
>water section with emma
>everything rose
yeah, tanker is a solid 10/10 but seriously why not just make raiden a woman instead of an effeminate boy?

>> No.2661485

because metal gear solid is intentionally gay like that, god knows why. that's one of the main reasons /v/ loves it so much tbh

>> No.2661487

Return to Shadow Moses in MGS4 was fucking amazing man. Everything about it.

>> No.2661496

It could have been good but it was ruined because it didn't have human enemies imo. Seriously those robots were shit.

Also man it felt weird seeing that place from a normal, over the shoulder perspective, rather than from the retarded camera angles they used in mgs1. Gave it such a different feel from that alone.

>> No.2661510

>Also man it felt weird seeing that place from a normal, over the shoulder perspective, rather than from the retarded camera angles they used in mgs1. Gave it such a different feel from that alone.
*this isn't a complaint btw, just saying it was interesting seeing it from a normal tps angle with fluid controls at all times

>> No.2661517

two reasons:
1: that hilariously bad market research where "girls don't like Snake"
2: The whole point of the character is that he projects an air of inexperience and childishness. You can't have him looking like a grizzled veteran like snake.

I think you missed the point of the game.

>> No.2661519

What about Terminator and or Escape from New York? Really, about anything remotely 80s goes.

3:41 and 39:41

Because you've been Kojima'd.

>> No.2661524


Lets be honest, most of the shit in MGS4 was stupid as fuck.

>Raiden turning into a robot
I guess they made him come into his own, and Revengeance is a cool game, but it was still fucking stupid

>Vamp coming back -again-
>Robots in shadow moses
>Microwave Corridor. Quite literally the dumbest thing I've ever played in my life.
>The whole "Lol a hand can't take over someone, thats stupid, it was hypnosis the whole time"-Ocelot plot.
But for every stupid thing, there was an awesome thing:

>Return to Shadow Moses
>Piloting REX and fighting Ray
>Vastly improved systems compared to MGS2 and 3.
>Beauty and the Beast Unit

>> No.2661526

>You can't have him looking like a grizzled veteran like snake.
>I think you missed the point of the game.
I think you missed the point of my post. I didn't want raiden to be a tough snake look-alike I wanted an effeminate woman (instead of an effeminate man). A female character could achieve the same thing, more believable actually since raiden alltogether was some straight unreal faggot trap switch shit.

>> No.2661530

I'll never forget the cringe MGS1 induced upon me when Otacon asked Snake if 'love could bloom on the battlefield'. So fucking gay. My next thought was that socially and emotionally stunted neckbeards probably exist that get genuinely teary eyed over that faggotry. Don't lie /vr/, how many of you are like that?

>> No.2661536

Otacon is basically Kojima's self-insert.

A turbo-nerd to the Nth degree and loves all that campy bullshit. Why else do you think some faggot like Hal Emmerich would get with the hotness that was Sniper Wolf?

>> No.2661538

I cry every time, yeah.

>> No.2661570

eh not better than mgs1

>> No.2661595

Yeah, and you forgot the worst thing: the fucking marriage proposal between Akibo and Meryl.

I wasn't a huge fan of MGS4. It could have been the best but it had too much cutscene and not nearly enough gameplay.

Believe it or not I've never really given a fuck about MGS's story, which is probably very strange to most fans. I enjoy the audio-visual presentation of many of the cutscenes, get a kick out of the codec conversations, I like characters like Snake but MGS feels very campy B-Movie to me (rife with plotholes, needlessly convoluted and in desperate need of an editor) and I've never been able to take it seriously. I know that the game doesn't take itself particularly seriously either though and that it's often intentional. I'm mainly there because of the gameplay, atmosphere, attention to detail and the bizarre quirkiness the series is known for. Also at release main MGS games are often technical marvels and beautiful games - MGS5 is a bit disappointing in this regard.

>>Piloting REX and fighting Ray
This was pretty cool, but man I wish they gave us more control over REX. Felt a bit too on-rails but yeah pretty fun.
>>Beauty and the Beast Unit
Still the hottest females in all video games

I never played MGS4 again after the Extreme difficulty playthrough. I didn't even bother to do it after they gave us the updated trophies patch years later. Might try going back to it after MGS5.

>> No.2661596


>> No.2661605

if you're on extreme mode I found switching one after the other works. My wrist would get too tired by the final attempt, so my friend and I would alternate and then it was easy.

>> No.2661639

You sound pretty "socially and emotionally stunted" yourself, anon.

>> No.2661642

>why not just make raiden a woman instead of an effeminate boy?
Because effeminate boy > woman

every time.

>> No.2661732

The main thing that bugs me about later MGS games is that they seem kinda.. Pussified.

In MGS you were Solid Snake. If you dealt with someone you killed them.

In MGS2 they started with the tranq gun where you can play Lets Be Friends Magic Sunshine Solid and not kill the slavs that were trying to kill you. Same for boss fights, which made even less sense since you get the same cutscene whether you kill them or not.

MGS3 goes a step further with The Sorrow and actively trying to make you feel bad for killing people that will try to kill you.

11b that served during the Surge. I do not feel bad for returning fire on people that wanted to kill me. I know MGS is not realistic but when its kill or be killed you sure as fuck dont think "wish i had a nonlethal way to remove this threat to my life"

Also the usual Otocon being a pussy, Raiden being impossible to identify with and other nonsense plot twists.

As a question to /vr/ did anyone get the impression Emma wanted some of that femmeboy D right before the catwalk escort part? imo Raiden should have gone for it. Not like his computer girlfriend couldve cared.

>> No.2661751


go play call of duty if you want the "WAR FUCK YEAH AW YEAH MY GUN IS MY DICK"

the game lets you kill pretty much everyone anyway so why are you complaining? does it bother you that enemy characters have a state between dead or alive? not to mention it's a STEALTH game where the general idea is the enemy shouldn't even know you existed and the highest possible grade to get is to slip by without any contact.

>why does my war game have all these moral themes? i just want to fucking murder people even though it lets me anyway

>> No.2661756

pretty accurate review tbh>>2661732

>> No.2661757

>BnB squad
>awesome, not stupid

but the homoerotic fistfight between two old men somehow managed to be the most amazing thing.

>> No.2661762

I'm gonna play them in Chronological Order once my TPP and my Legacy Collection arrives (so I can play Peacewalker). Obviously only doing "main" games, so no Snakes Revenge, no portable ops, and no Acid (although the Acid series was fucking good)

So thats:

>MGS3 (PS2/Legacy)
>Peacewalker (Legacy)
>MGS5: Ground Zeroes (PS3)
>MGS5: The Phantom Pain (PS4)
>Metal Gear (NES/Legacy)
>Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake (Legacy)
>Metal Gear Solid (PS1, Legacy, or Twin Snakes on GC)
>Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (PS2, Legacy)
>Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (PS3)

I think 4's biggest offense was that it was like 15+ hours of cutscenes and Codec calls.


and in standard MGS fashion, beatable in ~5 hours reasonably.

The cutscenes can be a hinderance. Especially because its laid on so thick at times. I've been known to skip codec conversations because they just get boring. Which is a shame, because they're fairly interesting, but when I'm trying to play the game, and you get interupted for a 5+ minute codec call, its a hinderance.

I remember MGS2 being really bad about this and having a massively long cutscene right before the final battle.

My favorite is MGS3 though. I loved the kind of James Bondy theme it had going for it, and I loved the Russian, and Jungle settings. Its got I feel the most iconic boss fights (with the Cobra unit), and most of them are significantly different, especially "The Boss" and "The End". Plus it genuinely plays better then 1 and 2, but 4 (and 5 looks like it does too) plays much better, which is a shame that its so much shorter and so segmented.

>> No.2661770

Thats because the fight between Snake and Ocelot was an amazing throwback. Ocelot completely changes his fighting style throughout the entire thing based on encounters from the previous metal gear games which was fucking amazing. Then the fact that you absolutely pummel the shit out of him at the very end was a great finale, like you literally had nothing left in you at the end.

But I do think the idea of the Beauty and the Beast Squad was good. MGS1 had good characters, MGS2 was less so, and while they aren't as good as MGS3's Cobra Unit, they were definitely a good villain set.

The photography thing was fucking strange though.

>> No.2661807

>tfw there will never be another legit, Kojima made MGS
>tfw we will never have a game starring Liquid and see his storyline
Damn shame

>> No.2661856
File: 1.11 MB, 480x270, track and field champ 2015.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking plebs I swear..

>> No.2661868

I liked the bread and butter girls, I just found their backstory to be really campy.

>> No.2661872
File: 2.95 MB, 267x199, fuck everything.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2661883

If you point your directional microphone at Snake while Emma's crossing over the water he wonders if Otacon would be cool with him hitting on his sister.

>> No.2661886

D... Did he just use a vibrator for rapid button pressing?

>> No.2661894
File: 17 KB, 196x349, fx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that nose

>> No.2661896

no, that was massager

>> No.2661901

Yes, this was the hitachi magic wand's original intended purpose.
Not massage, not female masturbation or a JAV prop, but cheating on track and field and other button-mashers.

>> No.2661906

Are the PC versions of MGS and MGS2 good? Any mods to enhace the experience?

>> No.2661931


>maybe these guys arent so bad, maybe if i just make them go sleepy they wont wake up as the same asshole who just shot at me
>nobody in a life or death situation, ever

I bag on it because anyone with feelings like that would have been a washout from any program that would train a soldier to do Solid Snake business. MGS Snake was really one of the best portrayals of a tired soldier in any videogame. If he had the same moral highground that Kojima seems to have on elimination of uniformed enemy combatants he would have been Otacon, not Solid Snake.

Especially in the case of the Tanker mission where Snake dosent just throw Olga off the side of the boat after she spends a few minuets trying to kill him. Being directly shot at is a personal thing and you dont suddenly go "daww" if the person trying to shoot you passes out.

I know MGS is a silly game but the pussification of the characters really hurts the plot of 2. Especially Raiden and trying to be angsty and play the cold hardass schtick in the same game. "Rose.. Ive killed people." had me howling, like thats something you get into with your bitch on the phone.

>> No.2661945
File: 98 KB, 504x470, 1401050360475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been using that thing wrong all along!

>> No.2661946 [DELETED] 

It's not just you, a LOT of people complained about Raiden's character. They redesigned him for MGS4 for a reason.

>> No.2661973
File: 239 KB, 1024x766, OSGW-Metal-Gear-Solid-prison-inmate-escapes-jail-cardboard-box-metal-gear-solid-snake-style-425x318[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snake and Raiden are special agents in infiltration missions.
Their mission isn't to shoot everyone that blocks their path. They aren't USA cops.

>> No.2661980

what the fuck, is he being raped or something?

>> No.2662001


It goes two ways.

In theory they should be in and out, quiet as cats feet.

In practice you end up having to deal with at least a couple shootouts no matter what because the plot.

Tbh for all my hate on the tranq gun sending Big Boss into the Soviet Union with ANY US gear was a big fuck up. Should have sent him in with Warsaw Pact guns and gear so the USSR dosent have a guy carrying US issued gear to show the world if he gets caught.

>> No.2662002

yeah even with the suicide pill his gear and equipment would remain

>> No.2662016


Ok, I'm going to assume you're playing on Extreme mode and going for the Big Boss rank. Otherwise, you might want to look into some other hobbies more forgiving on your arthritic joints.

If you're mashing with proper technique, in other words placing the controller on a solid surface and using your entire arm to mash, then the speed shouldn't be the problem. It's not designed as a test of mashing speed in the first place, it's a torture test, a test of endurance. Most peoples bodies start to give out by the third round. The problem with regular mashing techniques is you get significantly slower as you begin to get even a little fatigued. You need to find a solution to your arm giving out. You could just train your physical endurance until you can sustain mashing at high speeds for extended periods of time I guess, but my preferred method is using a marble.

Get a marble (a coin can work too, experiment with whatever you have), and instead of mashing up and down on the button slide the object fast across the edge of the button. If you're doing it properly you should be able to mash at the same speed as normal, perhaps even faster, but most importantly it's not nearly as fatiguing and even as you get tired your speed doesn't suffer much. Back in the 90s this is the technique most people used to get Big Boss rank, which is where I learned it. Good luck.

>> No.2662223

On Dreamcast.

>> No.2662248

To answer your question, hold your index finger out like you would hold a pencil. Position your finger above the button and then hook your index finger and keep it rigid. Now vibrate the controller in your left hand and vibrate your right finger at the same time. If you do it right your finger should bounce off of the button and immediately after the controller will bounce back into your finger. You can make it look like you have a turbo controller, I can amaze people by how fast I can button mash.

>> No.2662262
File: 468 KB, 1000x696, 1437738619511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing it all wrong. There is a reason why metal guitarist move only their wrist and not their arms while shedding: it's fucking tiring. The controller on floor technique is correct, but you just have to make sure only your wrist moves when mashin' like a boss. This does not work on girls.

>> No.2662339

>dat ass patch

>> No.2662401

I agree bro. Love the music in mgs

>> No.2662801

This is why MGS5 sucks:

It's easier to just shoot everyone than it is to do the stealth. In MGS1&2 you were forced to do stealth because if you didn't the enemy would fuck your shit up. You actually feared the enemy. In MGS5 I can run around and play like fucking COD and it makes no difference. I'll try to be stealthy at the start of a mission but then when I'm spotted it doesn't matter anyway because I can shoot the living fuck out of the game and not die. It's absurd. MGS4 also had a similar problem, but in MGS5 it's further fucked because of the regen health straight out of COD. I'm just not afraid of this enemy at all and as there's not really any consequence when you're spotted.

I haven't even gotten more advanced equipment. I'm still just using the starter assault rifle with suppressor and tranquilizer and it's all I fucking need to clear out entire bases with zero problems.

Does the game get harder or is this really it? It's way too casual and easy and there's no incentive to do missions stealthily apart from the gimmicky rating system. I don't ever feel vulnerable in this game. I'm playing on PS4, no auto-aim, no reflex, no chicken, and it's a walk in the fucking park. It doesn't even feel like MGS anymore. In fact it's a poor man's Far Cry 3 at best. I can't imagine how different this game would be had FC3 never come out. Total rip off.

>> No.2663078

>only "main" games
>not playing Portable Ops
It's a canon game. Being launched on a handheld doesn't make it less "main" than other non-directed-by-Kojima games like Rising or Twin Snakes.

>> No.2663140



>> No.2663157

that's wild. i don't think i'm gonna get mgs5 but i noticed you can kinda just shoot people in mgs3 as well if you're not playing on game over if discovered mode

>> No.2663292 [DELETED] 

Is FreeDoom for android any good? or you guys have other alternatives?

>> No.2663305

>In MGS you were Solid Snake. If you dealt with someone you killed them.

Except your end-game score goes to shit, if you kill to many people. If you're aiming for that Big Boss rank, you're supposed to kill like 18 people in the entire game or something like that.

>> No.2663313

If there's one the PSX was good at it was nice crisp textures.

>> No.2664372

In my opinion the challenge of mgs5 is trying to go nonlethal and not get spotted. If you run in guns blazing and get crappy ranks every time then yes the game will seem easy, but you're doing a bad job. If you want MGS then play it like MGS. It feels like COD or whatever because that's how you're playing it. This isn't rocket science. Metal gear solid is a series of stealth games.

>> No.2664380

Also, the "incentive" for playing stealthily, other than that probably being the reason why most people buy the game in the first place, is to fulton guards and develop your army. You can't do that if you kill them.

>> No.2665816

That's fucking stupid. The incentive for playing stealthily should come from the core gameplay. I should fear the enemy's capability and that's what should force me to play stealthily, not because of gimmicky things like 'building an army' or 'ranks'. Oh and for your information, I don't get bad ranks, I mostly get A's and B's, even though every mission I'm literally playing it just like COD.

Stop defending this garbage casualised mess of a game. It's horrible and utterly disappointing.

>> No.2665834

>Vamp coming back -again-
He was in the ending of MGS2, there's no reason for him not to
>Robots in shadow moses
Don't really see what's stupid about this
>The whole "Lol a hand can't take over someone, thats stupid, it was hypnosis the whole time"-Ocelot plot.
What wasn't it exactly. Liquid's hand DID take over Ocelot in MGS2, the point of the hypnosis was to fuse their personalities so that Ocelot remained in control
>Microwave Corridor. Quite literally the dumbest thing I've ever played in my life.
How? In what way, seriously? The fact that it was showing you in great detail everything that would happen if you failed? Otacon freaking out and thinking that you are?

>> No.2665928

It's also completely terrible. I've played nearly every MG game but I just couldn't stomach PO. Just going around doing tiny isolated 1 or 2 screen missions felt completely pointless, and the camera was awful. There was no way to see if an enemy was coming so I'd get caught just exiting a room.

>> No.2665941


NO. Just no. Play them in release order. That's the way they're intended to be played. It's a really amazing experience playing them in release order. Please, I beg of you, play them in release order.

>> No.2667183

>a game starring Liquid
That's really what I want for Metal Gear. And now I'm disappointed.

Well, at least we have the Last Days of Foxhound.

>> No.2667217


I think you're only allowed to kill the bosses

>> No.2667223

You're forced to kill several other people in the game, including, but probably not limited to, the very first encounter with Meryl, where the fight will not continue unless you kill the first few waves of guards, and the guards locked in the elevator with you with the stealth camo. I think that's everything, but I might be missing one other forced encounter. I don't think you need to kill anyone on the staircase, anyway. I think those guards standing on the end of at that really long bridge after the Hind wall climb need to be killed, too.

>> No.2667234


>You're forced to kill several other people in the game, including, but probably not limited to, the very first encounter with Meryl, where the fight will not continue unless you kill the first few waves of guards, and the guards locked in the elevator with you with the stealth cam

I think you may be able to knock them out with the stun grenade but it's been awhile since I played. You're right about the stairs

>> No.2668364

Why emulate a game which was released on pc?

>> No.2668434

Because the PC version doesn't work very well on modern operating systems.

>> No.2668507


>> No.2668682

Mgs 5 is a freaking gorgeous game, look

>> No.2669532

This is like the barrel thing in Carnival Night Zone. I didn't even notice it until posting here. All you have to do is tap a button.