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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2653668 No.2653668 [Reply] [Original]

So where do you get your retro vidya from? Any local stores or online retailers you favour?

There's a rather nice store on eBay called Geomart Games, never done me wrong before.

>> No.2653671


>> No.2653672



>> No.2653691

I don't know why but I find you guys laughable in all ways.

>> No.2653701

This post brought to you by: Geomart Games

>> No.2653704

I've been going to Game Craze (local chain in the Rochester, NY area) for retro stuff for years. Their prices have been rising for the last few years, but I'm pretty sure that's been happening everywhere else as well.

>> No.2653859

Geomart Games
4,91 EUR + shipment


>> No.2653932
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There is only one game store that also sells retro games. It's called Gamecastle and it's a fucking kike store. They sell games for eBay prices. Life is suffering when you are a German...

>> No.2653970

I wish there were retro stores in the anaheim area

>> No.2653981

As in actual Shylocks, or they're just greedy?

In either case I'm sorry, anon.

>> No.2653983

90% of the time Im forced to bend and get raped on eBay to get what I want.
There is also a guy at a market around here who used to sell snes stuff, got a few common but decent games (Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts, but also bunch of shitty ones like Shaq Fu) from him for cheap, but haven't seen him for a while.

>> No.2653994

Don't know about this one. Oh well.
And when you find something on the net for a good price, customs are a pain if you import.
Sucks hard indeed.

>> No.2654027


>> No.2654034

I tend to shop estarland for most because I'm not in deep enough to care as much about cases and manuals. There's only one local retro shop and it's horrible. Prices are decent but the staff is rude when they aren't ignoring you and the whole dim room smells like cheetos and shame. There's a ratty couch always filled with unshowered weirdos playing obscure fighting games. I try to never go there.

>> No.2654051

Not sure how to ask this without causing a shitstorm, but am curious anyways.

For those of you who buy physically, how do you decide on a game that you're unfamiliar with? This is maybe aimed more at younger gamers who didn't grow in the era, but can apply to anyone I suppose.

Do you emulate to see how a game plays and if it's one you'll enjoy? Do you read reviews or watch youtube plays? Or do you go in blind?

>> No.2654056
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There's no fucking places that sell retro where I live in Cary, NC. It's a newly developed area so yard sale and flea markets are bare of anything before PS2.
I have to pay scalper prices online or travel to Lost Arc Games in Greensboro two hours away.

>> No.2654061

If it makes you feel any better, us Amerifats have it bad when it comes to game stores too. The only ones left are either complete shit or greedy.

>> No.2654068

Most times I refer to this site first


to be sure that it's aquality game I'm deciding for.
Next, when I find a game that sounds promising, I watch gameplayfootage on youtube, mostly "World of Longplay", so no commentary, just gameplay.

Then I check the prices, and realize THAT EVERYTHING IS TOO FUCKING EXPENSIVE!!!!!!!!!

>> No.2654070

eBay made fleemarkets and ma and pa stores worthless, cause they all check the net for prices. You really have to win the lottery to find a decent deal.

>> No.2654092


Buy rare PS2 shit before it gets too expensive

>> No.2654114

This is good advice. Now is the time to get PS2 games on the cheap.

>> No.2654115

Stores like the one in your pic.
>tfw japan

>> No.2654118

I started buying PS3 games I wanted recently, they're dirt cheap right now. Get them while they're hot!

Can I come live with you?

>> No.2654174

If I went to japan with $500/£300 and bought a famicom, how many viddygams would I be able to get for it?
Are games common and cheap there? And Is it because they dont have this faggot pseudo-geek/retro culture we do in the west?

>> No.2654321

reported to the german authorities jk brok gas em all :^)

>> No.2654354

At least they still HAVE their Nintendo roms.


>> No.2655080

Two flea markets in my city. not too mention all of sf and Oakland swap meet. what you guys need?

>> No.2655091

You ever go up to that south compton swap meet?

>> No.2655098

I've only been too LA once for a performance so i never got to venture around.

>> No.2655103


replied to my own post whoops

>> No.2655169

Video Express and Game Exchange in Hamilton, NJ.

>> No.2655178

Portlandfag reporting. City is fucking great for old games.

>> No.2655223

ITT: poorfags who expect business to operate for their benefit and sell to them below market rates


>> No.2655227

Warp Zone in Hilliard, OH. VGMX is run by Jews who want eBay prices, don't buy from there.

>> No.2655238

ITT jewfags who think their store selling ripped-sticker, name-scribbled cartridges, with some mysterious sticky stuff on them for the same price as pristine internet cartridges is ok

>> No.2655239

I used to go to this one shop, they prices were good and somehow they managed to get baller stuff in on occasion. Not far out of my way.

However, I got another job and it became harder to get out there and even before then I think re-sellers or other people caught on and the stores focus shifted to Magic Cards or some shit. They stopped getting quality stuff in so I stopped going.

I went to another comic book shop turned LGS but after discovering not only are they 10-20% over eJew they were buying up deals on eBay, flea markets and thrift store and other shady anti consumer shit like that, I trashed their name online and never returned. I still see them at cons, I just glower.

Another LGS opened, and while they prices are on the higher side, they consistently have good stuff and if I buy a few things, the owner is cool and will cut me a deal. Kind of far out but the quality and trade in values are worth it so I make sure to have trade bait.

Also 2nd and Charles aka Books a Million. Extremely hit or miss. Kind of good for obscure portable game since they never seem to research it out. However, they are prone to bouts of hard slipping, esp when they opened so if you got a 2nd and Charles opening up near you, it's not a bad idea to check on them frequently.

Now, thrift stores here are extremely hit or miss. A lot of competition and re-sellers camp out Goodwill, so I usually hit up lesser known thrift stores and have occasional luck.

Our flea markets are still pretty good tho. Usually regular joes, even collectors who open up shop. Not as many deals as I used to pull but solid finds.

Far as eBay goes...I kind of only buy something once every few months.

GA Bro here btw. Bonus points if anyone can tell me the name of the shitbird LGS.

>> No.2655243

I go to play it, trade it over by osu. They're not too bad. Decent prices on nes, snes, sega, and atari games.

>> No.2655250

Anyone ever been to People Play Games down the road from Wrigley in Chicago?

Prices are on the tip-top high end of eBay, but the selection is fucking incredible. I mean, I almost weep with joy going in there. I live downstate, but make it up to the city a couple times a year and always stop in.

>> No.2655261

Holy fuck based Chicagobro. I used to point people to go there for secondhand when I used to work at the Gamestop at Irving/Broadway.

I would also suggest The Arcade. Their library isn't as big but they have a fuck ton of rare ones and seem to price based on condition, cover art, instruction book etc. Found a perfect copy of Final Fantasy Tactics for PS1 the other day with original art and instruction book for $25.

>> No.2655285

You people are so lucky!
In my country there's absolutely no market for retro vidya, other than two shady stores that deal in famicom/gb/gbc/gba/sega megadrive reproductions. Nintendo never even shipped the snes to my country, and n64 games were very rare even during the 90s.

>> No.2655346

>tfw goodwill writes prices in sharpie on game carts/cases

How the fuck do you get that shit off? That shit made me pass up a MGS HD collection art book edition for $7 because I didn't want the "$6.99" on the fucking box.

>> No.2655347
File: 73 KB, 600x563, 1434255826874.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im looking for a good ebay store in the us please for retro games ?

>> No.2655402 [DELETED] 

There's actually this really nice secondhand store in Dayton called "Second Time Around". I get a lot of my shit from there.

>> No.2655406

Where do you live?

>> No.2655418

The nearest retro game store for me is like an hour away and it's not very good.


I've been ordering Japanese games through JapanRetroDirect though over at GameGavel. Guy who runs it is super friendly and I feel like his prices are lower than what I normally see.

Also if you can't find something in specific, you can contact him through facebook and he'll look around his local stores to see if he can find a copy.

>> No.2657825

Lots because it's illegal to rent games in japan so everyone had a bunch of games

>> No.2658527

Literally the best source for roms online

Stop being a fucking hipster faggot

>> No.2658539

My wife and I buy all our retro vidya at your eBay shop called Geomart Games. It's never done us wrong. Thanks Geomart Games! We'll be sure to coma back to your eBay store called Geomart Games as soon as we finish playing the last shipment sent from Geomart Games.

>> No.2658546

Ga huh, what flea markets do you usually hit?

>> No.2658547

The yakuza used to run illegal rental rings specialising in nintendo carts from what I've heard.

>> No.2658548

You know someone made that joke like two days ago, right? Roughly twenty minutes after OP?

>> No.2658597

No, I don't because I wasn't here at the time and that post isn't here now. You mad because you're the ebay shill I made fun of or mad because your funny got deleted?

>> No.2658603

It wasn't my funny and it's still there.

Also you're the only one being mad here.

>> No.2658681

Not even mad. So you're the ebay shill. No wonder your mad.

>> No.2658686

>point out that OP was called an ebay shill
>get accused of being said ebay shill

I seriously have to wonder how stupid you are.

>> No.2658701

Trade secret dog. Eh not really, I work Saturdays now so my game has been mostly shut down.

When I started in 2012 I hit a few out in Atlanta (Oakland Flea Market and Starlight) almost every weekend, one guy at Oakland had really great stuff every week like $4 a game but you get a pile of like 10 games he usually just says $20. I think he got wise, doesn't have much anymore. $2 Castlevania IV was sweet while it lasted. Me and my gf may or may not be responsible for him getting wise.

Sometimes on Sundays I hit West GA Flea Market out in Carrolton. They got alot of resellers but most are reasonable, no sun-damaged Duck Hunts for $30. One guy even has a huge shelf of $2 cheap games. One day I got Raiden Trad and UN Squadon off there. He doesn't really check hard so sometimes you catch an obscure gem or a common you need cheap.

Also a couple solid game stores (Gamers Super Store, GA Game Shop) out nearby. It's kind of a trip for me but I always find some good stuff out there between those 3 spots.

There is also a flea market in Acworth I hit up cuz its closer. Best thing I got was a huge CRT and a box with a Dreamcast, controllers and cables for $20. So, I would keep your expectations low here. There is a guy who sells repros if you're into that. Nice dude, cool shop.

Any I missed? I know there is one huge flea market out in Pendagrass but it's like a 2 hr drive so I never bothered and it's indoor which to me...means sellers are paying more and thus asking more.

>> No.2658706

That's a very incorrect statement. There are many better sources to go to.

>> No.2658735

>point out someone called me a shill
>pretend it was a joke
>hope they believe me and give me shekels
Shilling is not a laughing matter faggot

>> No.2658738

So you're just going to double down on being a stupid idiot, then. Thanks, I've had enough.

>> No.2658750

Mostly from Kijiji (a classified ad site like Craigslist but its owned by eBay. No one uses Craigslist in Canada) However people think their games are worth a small fortune so you have be patient and sift through the overpriced shit.

I often get retro games from a pawn shop called "The Buy and Sell Store" (what a stupid fucking name) They usually have games from Atari 5200, turbografx, gamecube, N64, SNES, NES, Genesis, and various other consoles. Also recently Super Famicom games.

Theres 2 indoor flea markets where I live, one called Crossroads Market which has a few vendors who sell retro games. There is one girl who only sells retro games, but charges 2 to 3x ebay prices. But she does have good games and some times its the only option to getting a rare game in town. The other vendors sell all sorts of stuff and you can sometimes get a decent deal on a good game. The other flea market is called Hillhurst Market and is mostly indoors but sometimes has vendors outside the building selling stuff. There is one vendor who only sells games mostly NES to last generation. He puts his "rare" games on a multi-tiered display shelf. Ive traded with him and bought a few things from him. His prices are all over the place, he is fair on some stuff and overpriced on others. The other vendors who sell games are usually overpriced aswell.

There are two stores in town called "Video Game Trader". They are a fucking disgrace. They sell their games for 2 to 4x eBay prices and when you want to sell your games to them they offer you next to nothing. They used to have a Mortal Kombat 4 arcade machine, that was the only good part about going there.

>> No.2658753

I forgot to mention I get tons of games and consoles from thift stores. Goodwill and Value Village (I think its called Savers in the states) is where I get alot of my games. You guys probably won't believe me, but I found Clayfighter Sculptor's Cut at goodwill last year. Albeit with sharpie on the front of the cart and the blockbuster sticker on the back, it was fucking $2. Also found a black sega sports dreamcast, commodore 64, windwaker, paper mario for gamecube, lots of genesis games and mario kart 64 at various thrift stores.

>> No.2658764

No mention of jjgames?

They've never failed me and they're decently priced.

>> No.2658767

Guess you got to get back to your store.

>> No.2658768

Yeah ive gotten a few things from JJgames but they usually are out of stock on everything I want except the very common games so its not that great a site

>> No.2658834
File: 35 KB, 600x885, 29e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw living in italy
>mfw no decent retro game shops anywhere
>mfw no retro games at flea markets
>mfw amerifags just find rare games on the sidewalk
>mfw my only option is ebay

>> No.2658843

just wop my shit up

>> No.2658849


>> No.2658850

Revenge of der juden!
Shouldn't have stopped at 6 million.

>> No.2658854

List them.

>> No.2658858

Noone who's white would.

>> No.2658918

No physical stores if I can help it. They have to make games expensive otherwise they can't remain viable. The independent retro stores put on events and/or repair stuff to try and bring in a few more shekels. The chain retros survive through sheer volume.

I tend to use facebook local groups and gumtree. It takes longer but with patience you can pay what you are comfortable with.

>> No.2658971

>le epic nigger maymay
I have. With some of friends who live there. A few of them are white.

>> No.2658995

A local pc repair store in my town have actually been dealing with retro games for a year or so now, and have recently just decided to clean out alot of overstock of shit. they say "these games are unplayable and need re-surfacing so they are free to anybody who wants them" .. so when im looking through them all and the discs are perfect in every way, just damaged boxes or cracked cases..

They also put a picture up today of a container of boxed spectrum games, all free to take too.

Can't complain with that.

>> No.2659073

it totally depends on the shops. the popular big shops in e.g. Akihabara have pretty to very high prices, but then again they have most things in stock.

If you go to a shop that doesn't neccesarily specialize in retro games and if it's not very central (presuming you can find one in the boondocks) it'll be cheaper.

I made some of my best finds in a HARD OFF in Sapporo when I was there for the snow festival.

>> No.2659124
File: 96 KB, 200x208, cunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Me and a friend go to a ship in the next town over.
>The guy working there is wearing a fucking beret.
>As we're looking through the Megadrive games some kids come in and ask if he has any Game Boy Colours.
>He doesn't know what a Game Boy Colour is.
>He has to phone someone to ask if they have any, turns out they don't.
>I pull out a copy of Jungle Strike, Urban Strike and Space Harrier 2 and ask how much they are.
>My friend asks how much for Ren & Stimpy: Stimpy's Invention
>He phones someone up again
>Jungle Strike: £8, Urban Strike £8, Ren & Stimpy: £8, Space Harrier 2: £10
>My friend offers £6 for Ren and Stimpy, I say I'll give him 12 for the 2 strike games.
>The guy on the phone OKs it.
>Guy with the beret puts the phone down, "I wouldn't have accepted that but I guess it was the way you asked"

He then brought up the fact he was a musician as we paid.

>> No.2659132

There is a retro game and toy store near here that I love to support. I used to love checking goodwills and tag c sales in the 90s, but the idea of finding $10 SMB/Duck Hunts makes me my brain melt.

There is also a pawn shop that has an awesome selection and fair (ebay going rate) prices.

>> No.2659143
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There's a place in Lubbock called Ralph's Records and I managed to score some PS1 and PS2 games.

>> No.2659167

Richmond VA resident

Two places in the city are called TechExchange and Play-N-Trade. TE is off a college campus so it's hard core hit and miss, other place is in a ritzy shopping area and generally try to rip you off, ie like their deal they kept in the window last month was a fucking SNES for $70, no cables or anything just the console..

My area has some good craigslist gems though, I got a dreamcast with 4 controllers last month for 25 dollars.

Basically stores charge a premium for being accessible. Honestly when does anybody get a good deal from a fucking shop? Only thing I can think of are a couple of Wii classic controllers I got for $10 each, and occasionally I can get cables for less than the total+shipping comes out to on Amazon.

Best deals I've ever gotten were through just knowing people and being a the right place at the right time.

>> No.2659175

im not that faggot but for disc based games (and 6th gen stuff) isozone is much better

emuparadise is great though

>> No.2659182

In my dinky town, there is one store called Gamer's Paradise that sells mainly PS2 and up stuff. When I asked them if they had anything cartridge-based they said "nah man, people hold onto that stuff these days"

2 hours south in Wisconsin there's a little place I found that sells shit going back to the 2600, has pixel-art all over and plays 8bit music through the store's speakers. I was glad to give them my business, dudes were pretty cool.

>> No.2659224

I got some really nice games from a gamestore....

But thats because I bought it from the guy who was at the counter selling off a huge chunk of his games.

>Guys going through games
>I over hear him saying "This is a dollar, this is two, these are a buck each"
>Guys clearly disappointed
>Look to see what he's got
>Mostly decent to OK stuff
>I had like 225 bucks on me at the time and once the dude was finished counting and offering and said he'd give him 120 bucks for everything (easily 50 games, some really decent ones, some controllers and shit)
>I told him I'd give him 200 and the store owner just gawked at me, told me to get out
>I just kinda laughed and went on my way
>Then the dude asked if the guy would match my offer of 200
>Guy laughed and said thats not how he does business
>Guy asks if I'll give him 200
>Go outside and hand him 200 bucks right in front of the gamestore
>Owner stares at us because he probably just lost 1000 dollars worth of product at his prices
>I get a shitload of stuff in a big box
>Guys happy and walks away
>As we're dealing and I'm taking "stock" I take a lot of the games that I really wanted out of the box
>Walk into the gamestore with the big box of games, and a bunch in my jacket pocket
>Ask him if he'd give me 250 for the box
>He's mad as fuck clearly, but still knows he can turn a profit on these
>Buys it
>starts setting it up for the facebook "Look at all the great stuff that came in"
>his heart sinks as he finds out I took everything worth a damn in it
>Get banned from the store

I did occasionally hang around there if I was in town and catch people with stuff they were going to sell. Got some good stuff for cheap (Bully 5 bucks with the extras, Collectors Editions of Demon's Souls and Dark Souls for 10 each, Legend of Legaia for 15, FF2 and 3 for 40, etc)

>> No.2659236

My local store has weird prices.
I'm going to pick up an N64 soon since they have it for 64$ made me laugh harder than it should have.

But then turn around and a genesis for 35$. Got a nomad their with the rechargable pack for 60$, but then the 2600 their is 70-80$.

don't get it mane.

>> No.2659348


Mostly /vr/ is overpriced because of the area and it's kind of a fad right now. That's what I was mainly referring to

As for anything non retro, yeah I've gotten insane deals. Local shops have huge PS2 and quickly growing PS3 collections. I see people dump their entire collections at stores all the time. Anybody willing to search through all the shit can find good deals. All I cared about and eventually found were the persona games, though.

>> No.2659979


Does anyone have that story where the person walks into the game joint and catches both the clerks sucking each other off in the back of the store?

>> No.2660002


>> No.2660008

Mah nigga. I've probably seen you there

>> No.2660162

I just stay patient. In the states genesis and n64 games are still a dime a dozen.

>> No.2660178

Genesis yes. N64 games are getting stupid everywhere. Not quite SNES stupid but close.

>> No.2660598


That's from what I recall.

It was posted real early on in /vr/, and always in these type of threads.

>> No.2660606

>yaks down back alleys with a coat full of famicom games
>don't return the game on time and they send heavies round to chop your dick off
Fucking lol
Sounds more exciting than blockbuster tbh