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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2651992 No.2651992 [Reply] [Original]

/vr/ I'm in the process of writing my dissertation and the way I like to write is writing in 20-30min blocks with a 5ish minute or so break to play some video games. I'm looking for some games with short levels that would fit that time frame, something that I can pick up and put down regularly. I would like something new having already completed SMW, SMBs, DKCs, NES Kirby, and Genesis Sonics while writing articles.
Preferably not Ninja Gaiden difficultly, as I would like to relax and not get frustrated with that stupid fucking bird, cat, and the guy shooting at me all at once.
I would also prefer 3rd or 4th generation though I'm open to 5th generation games note I have completed the core N64 collectathons (Mario, Banjo, DKC).
Thanks for any suggestions.
Pic mostly related

>> No.2652017

I dunno, most arcade style games.

Shoot em ups or beat em ups are usually pretty digestible.

Tetris, Bust-a-move, and while not retro, Lumines is one of my favorites, its cheap as shit too, you can get Lumines plus commonly for under 5 bucks.

>> No.2652204

>writing a dissertation
>playing video games
choose one

but for games
since it sounds like you play platformers, try the other Kirby games
disney has some nice games like aladdin, lion king, duck tails
felix the cat (I just finished it in ~1hr)
Joe & Mac series (better with a friend)
Get on those gameboy games. mario and the kong have series on them

but as >>2652017 recommended it sounds like you need puzzle games

for that there is a ton of bomberman which has some decent action as well
charlies blast territory might work
or mother fuking wetrix

>> No.2653332

Racing games

>> No.2653680

Bangai-O perhaps?

>> No.2653714

Play Kid Nikki. It's a challenging but fun platformer, definitely not Ninja Gaiden hard until you get further in, but hard enough that starting over after you fail is challenging enough to stay fun.

If you want something easier than that then you can play the other Kirby games like anons have suggested.

>> No.2653773

time trials on Mario Kart 64, or even doing Mario Grand Prix Cups. They only take about 10 minutes.

>> No.2655180

Thanks for the recommendations. I shall try some of these. I'm not huge on racing games but might try some kart racers
Puzzle games sound like a good idea if they have a definite end point. I could see myself getting lost in a tetris high score challenge...

A friend recommended Demon's Crest. Are the levels actually well broken up?

>> No.2655207

Gunstar Heroes has its levels relatively well broken-up. Ditto for other boss rush games (Alien Soldier comes to mind).
The megaman games might be more like what you're after, if you haven't played them already.
I'll go ahead and suggest the SMS/GG sonics, since you've played the genesis ones.
Let's see.. games of marble madness go by pretty quickly (whether you win or lose). You might also try some of the easier Contra games.