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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 50 KB, 620x187, Tyris-Flare-Golden-Axe1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2650134 No.2650134[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why did they censor her BUTTCHEEKS in the American version?

>> No.2650150

It was a bit before Sega rode the Mortal Kombat gravy train.

>> No.2650154

That stopped immediately after the first one. SNES MK2 was superior in almost every way.

>> No.2650160

They didn't censor her in the Genesis version of 1 and 2. As a matter of fact, the Genesis version showed even more butt crack.

Especially 2, when she's doing her flip kick you can see her entire ass.

>> No.2650168

>Why did they censor her BUTTCHEEKS in the American version?

Because America thinks that sex is the work of the devil.

>> No.2650180


>> No.2650196

It's not like Nintendo went around asking Americans what they did or didn't want to see in their video games. It was their own stupid internal policy.

>> No.2650236
File: 376 KB, 473x570, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tyris butt from Golden Axe 2.

I don't have Genesis Golden Axe 1 on my computer because the game sucks, but go download it and walk upward with Tyris and you'll notice a big difference compared to the arcade (uncensored) version. She also had good butt crack when getting on a bizzarian.

>> No.2650264

America is a puritanical fuckwad.

That is always gonna be the answer.

>> No.2650268

To appease the easily offended moms

>> No.2650356

I think there was more booty in Blades of Vengeance.

>> No.2650387

>Because America thinks that sex is the work of the devil.

Wow, top analysis there m80.

>> No.2650416

Because Amerifats are fucking stupid.

>> No.2650436


>"haha, did you see that head exploding, son?"

>> No.2650445

Because we treat are women like human beans instead of sex objects.

>> No.2650535

Top >>>/int/ m8

>> No.2650554

>everyone shitting on America for a change
I'm okay with this

after all, we were the only country crazy enough to use nukes so it seems fair

>> No.2650559

If we didn't use nukes Japan would have fought themselves to death.

>> No.2650564

it's just australia being a little confrontative bitch like always, check the post times

>> No.2650573

Nah, using the nukes was the best move.

As far as censorship goes, it's almost never about "muh morals". Any company that does so is absurdly naive.

The biggest reason for censorship, especially back then, is preventing overzealous parents from suing them. Video games were very much seen as a children's toy.

Americans really don't have a problem with sex. Our TV shows are filled to burst with it, some even having full on nudity.

It's just that no one thinks those TV shows are for kids.

Video games, for a long while, were marketed as being a kids toy, and the vast majority of games were made to appeal to kids. So when you start trying to make more "grown up" games, there's gonna be some backlash.

Unfortunately, that stigma still persists today, though the people that think video games are just for kids are definitely a small minority.

>> No.2650576

>/vr/ - Retro Games

>> No.2650601


What makes you think that? It's usually Brits in my experience.

>> No.2650607


American rationalisation of the bombings never ceases to amaze. You vaporised hundreds of thousands of people and then cried when a couple of thousand of yours got killed in 9/11. Had it coming.

>> No.2650609

And if we didn't kill those hundreds of thousands then millions would have died instead. It's like you never read Watchmen.

>> No.2650612


You should put that crystal ball to better use and win the lottery.

>> No.2650613

You dense motherfucker.

>> No.2650616

I already did which is why I'm able to post on /vr/ at 4AM on a workday.

>> No.2650625


>/vr/ - Jingoism and the questionability of morality during war

>> No.2650627

9/11 is not retro.

>> No.2650628


Right, not because you're a NEET?

>> No.2650631

I'm a NEET because I won the lottery.

>> No.2650635



>> No.2650703

They were the first to deploy nukes.

When others started getting nukes, suddenly they didn't seem to be as useful, because any strike would see a high risk of retaliation, and nobody wants to be hit by a nuke.

Hiroshima can be debated when it comes to morality. Maybe it was justified and Imperial Japan would have fought to death otherwise, maybe it wasn't, and scores of innoccents were immolated in thermonuclear fire, destroyed by shrapnel, and horribly poisoned, for no good reason.

I'm not sure myself, I wasn't there, hadn't been born yet, just thinking this thread should go back to being about retro asses.

>> No.2650706

It really can't. All terror bombing of civilians is mongol-tier barbarism.

>> No.2650717

Butthurt Murrishit detected.

>> No.2650718

Everybody hates you fat subhuman shits, not just one nation.

>> No.2650723

If it makes you happy, I think both Japan deserved the 1945 nukes AND the U.S. deserved the 9/11 attacks.

Anyway not retro.

>> No.2650724

Japan had it coming with how they treated their prisoners and China.

>> No.2650745

Citizens should not pay with their lives for the actions of their governments.

>> No.2650751

I think it's an absolute shame so many innocents died, but the justification often used is that it was the only way to stop them, an enormous display of power, or millions more would have died.
I don't know how true that would have been, or if it was true, that it justifies the bombs.

Actually, no, I just think /int/ shit should stay at /int/.

So how about them pixelized asses?

>> No.2650756

'Murica must save the world in behalf of other nations!

If anything, the Asians had the "right" to get back at Japan for their crimes committed back then, not Murica with their FREEDOM.

>> No.2650757

>I don't know how true that would have been

I'd say it's pretty true since Japan was still willing to fight after the first bomb was dropped causing us to drop another and then bluff about having a third one.

>> No.2650763


No one has what happened in Hiroshima and Nagasaki coming, but reading about things like Unit 731 makes it hard to sympathise.

>> No.2650772

nice job derailing the thread, fag

>> No.2650774

I think honestly the Federal Government deserved those attacks, not unrelated citizens.

For instance, if all of the CIA were gassed, I'd be skipping in delight, but all those civilian office workers who weren't affiliated with the state, they did nothing to deserve it.

The people seldom have a say in what the Feds do, and frequently they aren't even told of what they're doing. They are coerced and goaded into supporting the state, regardless of how they personally feel about things.

This was best displayed during Vietnam, before the draft was ruled inconstitutional, "go fight in this jungle hell with ill conceived plans or we'll put you in prison."

>> No.2650776

wasn't murrka involved in that too

>> No.2650784

Yeah, because it was such a great thread beforehand. What a great topic. "Pixelated girl bums". Wow, what a loss.

>> No.2650785

Unit 731 was grotesque, but they were hardly hit by those bombs.

I can sympathize with German civilians burning alive as molten asphalt seeps into their cellar, even though I am aware of the atrocities of Treblinka and Dachau

What? Unit 731? No, that was entirely Imperial Japan.

>> No.2650792


That's... not even a smart response.

Congrats, kid.

>> No.2650793

Get a load of this jealous guy not sitting on a hundred thousand dollars worth of PC Engine games while he shitposts day and night on /vr/ because he won a lifetime supply of cash to support it.

>> No.2650794


I agree and the rational part of me knows this, but the tribal spear chucker that lives in the primitive parts of my brain wants someone to pay. I don't believe the Japanese civilians deserved it. I'm just saying there's a little piece of all of us that wants blood.

>> No.2650804

>What? Unit 731? No, that was entirely Imperial Japan.

I think he's talking about the US granting the researchers at Unit 731 immunity for their war crimes in exchange for the knowledge they gained during their experiments.

>> No.2650805

You're thinking of Paper Clip which was with the Nazis.

>> No.2650807

youre right that's probably what I was thinking

>> No.2650809

I'm aware of Paper Clip, but it happened with Unit 731 too. Furthermore, victim accounts given after the war were disregarded as Communist propaganda.