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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2638615 No.2638615 [Reply] [Original]

Do emulatorcucks really believe they're good enough to beat retro games?

>Inaccuracy proves it'd be a different result on hardware

>Save States

Oh, you say you're not using save states? Bullshit. The functionality is there, and its tempting. Same thing applies to virtual console. YOU FAGS USE RESTORE POINTS AND SAVE STATES. DON'T ACT LIKE YOU'RE FUCKING GOOD AT RETRO VIDYA IF YOU EMULATE.

>> No.2638626


>> No.2638629

As much as I agree, this thread is pointless.

For most, 'good enough' is all they need. The built in cheating is just icing in the cake.

A gamer on real hardware is a totally different kind of person compared to emulator people. They will never see eye to eye.

>> No.2638634

who gives a fuck I mostly play jrpgs

>> No.2638647

> guaranteed replies

>> No.2638654
File: 149 KB, 313x313, 1428031310156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive been emulating for seven years and not once have i used a savestate. i also own hardware too you fuck.

>anime reaction image


>> No.2638656

Here's an (OP) for you

>> No.2638657

I'll agree with you on save states, but inaccuracy due to emulation? That's a stretch.

>> No.2638659

So much shitposting in one single post... impressive.

I grew up on these games and emulate now out of convenience. It makes no difference to me at all what a bunch of random people on the internet think about how I play games. I play them for fun.

If you need to stay away from emulators because you're so tempted to use cheats and savestates that you couldn't handle even having the option there teasing you, then that's your problem not mine.

I'm just playing video games because I have fun doing it, and emulating is by far the most convenient way to do that. Have fun being upset about the opinions of people you'll never meet! :)

>> No.2638663

I'm a bit confused. I know this board hates emulators, what about flash carts on the actual hardware, is that accepted?

>> No.2638668

>A gamer on real hardware is a totally different kind of person compared to emulator people.
no, we're the same people in many if not most cases

>> No.2638675

Flash carts and burnt discs are fine, don't let reseller jew's FUD tell you otherwise.

>> No.2638679

>A gamer on real hardware is a totally different kind of person compared to emulator people. They will never see eye to eye.

But what if I play both? Does that make me a gamer tranny or something? Can I never get along with myself?

People who think gaming is about what hardware the game happens to be on and not the actual game aren't real gamers.

>> No.2638693

>I know this board hates emulators
Take the vocal minority with a grain of salt

>flash carts on the actual hardware, is that accepted
100% as good as the real thing in almost all cases

>> No.2638702

I sure as shit am not buying every arcade hardware out there just to say I beat a game really actually.

>> No.2638709

>Trying this hard to convince yourself giving money to resellers for things you could get 100% free is worth it.

I honestly feel bad for collectors. If you could just collect your games and be happy it would be great. But you sit there on ebay hoping and praying for a sweet deal to come along so you can finally play Super Castlevania. But it drives you up the fucking wall that there are people out there just plain having a blast playing it.

What's wrong with them, that they don't need this piece of authentic plastic? How can they simply enjoy a game for it's intrinsic fun? It makes no sense to you, makes you froth at the mouth with rage.

But someday you'll show them. Someday you'll get your copy of Super Castlevania, and then you can put it beside your other games and take a photo of it all. Imagine the looks on their faces then! Ohh yeah you'll show em!

Never give up, OP! Shine on, you crazy, crazy digimon!

>> No.2638713

This board in general is totally cool with emulators. But there's a small vocal community of resellers that come here and they absolutely hate anyone who emulates in either way.

>> No.2638721

Yeah, but theres also an equally high amount of emulator-fags who shit up every collector/real hardware thread.

>> No.2638723

I'll use save states if I don't have the time to beat the game in one sitting.

>> No.2638734

Why not use save states? Think of all that time you waste replaying the same areas, time that could be spent fucking your gf.

You do have a gf, right...?

>> No.2638735

Majority > Minority

Nobody cares about you reseller cock you're the minority.

>> No.2638736

The real problem is people calling those who play games differently than them fags and retards. Every time a thread like this or a comment about emulator-fags gets made, it mostly just ensures that the next time one of them sees a collector thread that they'll go in there and crank their nipples till they rage.

I play on both and think there's FAR too much emphasis on both emulators and real hardware around here. All that really matters is games, and threads that are actually about just games are often quite good. But as soon as anything like this is brought up by either side it always just ends in a huge bitchfest.

>> No.2638743

I really feels like i'm on /v/.

>> No.2638752

That's because OP is almost certainly from there.

>> No.2638763

That's because OP is a /v/ermin.

>> No.2638771

>Inaccuracy proves it'd be a different result on hardware
>TAS-makers still manage to console verify almost all of their speedruns

>> No.2638786

>Oh, you say you're not using save states? Bullshit. The functionality is there, and its tempting.

Ahaha hahahahahahahahahahah!!! OP is such a baby that she has to play on carts because it's impossible for her to imagine not wanting to use savestates. Poor thing.

>> No.2638795

You don't have to savescum you idiot! I rarely use them anyway and when I do it's because the game has no save function and I don't feel like beating it in one sitting. As for inaccuracy? What a joke. Try using good emulators like BGB, Genesis Plus, or Higan with a USB controller and it won't feel any different from playing on a console.

>> No.2638802

OP can't even play on carts. Cheat codes are there, and it's tempting.

>> No.2638804

Yeah, but girls usually aren't smart enough to look up actual cheat codes. A quicksave being right there though... how are they to resist?

>> No.2638808


>> No.2638810
File: 48 KB, 474x594, lolingsohard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wished you had said "real gamer" then I would have laughed heartily.

>> No.2638814

>He thinks any but like three emulators are remotely accurate

>> No.2638816

I exclusivity use a retron 5 and willingly buy overpriced games on eBay, just because I can. What are you going to do about it aside from call me names on an anonymous image board you weeaboo faggot?*

*Yes, the irony here is not lost on me.

>> No.2638831

I don't have to do anything. Laughing at you guys is plenty entertaining enough. Just keep posting and keep making collector threads and I'm good. This goldmine isn't running out any time soon.

>> No.2638842

>A gamer on real hardware is a totally different kind of person compared to emulator people. They will never see eye to eye.

I couldn't agree more. People who want to shell out money to resellers so they can build a collection and people who just want to play games are completely different.

I'd rather be a gamer than a collector.

>> No.2638845

My hurt feeling will never heal.

>> No.2638867

No, no! Please don't give up! Keep collecting! I want to see you in the next thread anonkun!

>> No.2638871

I like me some retro-gaming but I'm not obsessed enough to hoard out my living room with obsolete consoles, carts, and memorabilia like some depressed manchild attempting to distract himself from his shitty life by surrounding himself with wall to wall crap from his childhood

>> No.2638886


tbh I only buy this shit to drive up the prices for all you fat greasy cunts.

>> No.2638903 [SPOILER] 
File: 28 KB, 322x290, 1440531276296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I go to those threads because I'm actually a collector...

>> No.2638926

Hahaha what a casual

>> No.2639023

That's why my old systems are in the study, on the CRT TV. It's my rec room. The living room is still normal and modern

>> No.2639040

I'm all for people playing their games any way they want to, but one of the main reasons I emulate instead of using original hardware these days is so I don't have to look at a CRT screen anymore. I respect that there are actually people who like them, but they've always hurt my eyes.

>> No.2639047

>they've always hurt my eyes

kek I wouldn't have been able to watch TV or play anything for the first ~20 years of my life

>> No.2639051 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 633x492, 25-7-2015 16.7.50 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Savestates only add. I always avoided normal enemies since I was a kid so that the boss was as difficult as it could be. There are games that are absolutely impossible without grinding, though, as you realize with savestates: even if they aren't turn based, just by moving to one place instead of other or choosing a command the game can put in you checkmate and bullshits its way through. A ridiculously underleveled play that lasts several hours, with an x amount of save states is much more satisfying, as there are endless possibilities... and then you find out who that isn't true. As long as I can win and there is a challenge I'll do that, forehead cancer

>> No.2639053
File: 85 KB, 633x492, 25-7-2015 16.7.50 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Savestates only add. I always avoided normal enemies since I was a kid so that the boss was as difficult as it could be. There are games that are absolutely impossible without grinding, though, as you realize with savestates: even if they aren't turn based, just by moving to one place instead of other or choosing a command the game can put in you checkmate and bullshits its way through. A ridiculously underleveled play that lasts several hours, with an x amount of save states is much more satisfying, as there are endless possibilities... and then you find out how that isn't true. As long as I can win and there is a challenge I'll do that, forehead cancer

>> No.2639058

I was born in '74. That's how it was till we finall got better screen. I have stupid sensitive eyes though.

>> No.2639059
File: 28 KB, 380x600, sharteel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do crpgcucks really believe they're good enough to beat retro rpgs?

>Inaccuracy proves it's a different result on hardware

>Save Games

Oh, you say you're not using save game? Bullshit. The functionality is there, and its tempting. Same thing applies to rerolling. YOU FAGS USE REROLLS AND SAVE GAMES. DON'T ACT LIKE YOU'RE FUCKING GOOD AT RETRO ROLEPLAY IF YOU EMULATE.

>> No.2639065
File: 34 KB, 368x368, 1427060879045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, are you proud of that? I think we have this discussion 7 times a day, never once does it matter. I emulate games I cant afford and I may occassionally use save states, nigga I got shit to do why go back through the whole fuckmothering game? I don't use walkthroughs on adventure games, I don't look up tips for dodging shots in shmups, I just play the damn games. And if I'm "doing it wrong" so be it man, sad thing is I'm 90% sure this thread is bait, but someone will show up who actuallys believes this shit.

>> No.2639070

You're weird. Who gives a shit. So some fag cheats using savestates and "beats" a hard game. He doesn't get the same sense of accomplishment, because he knows he cheated/fudged. No one else gives a shit, because no one ever gives a shit unless you're an e-celeb,

So who gives a shit? This coming from a guy who has 12 retro systems hooked up to a crt tv.

Spoiler alert: video games are about having fun, not proving how LEET you are, for 99% of people

>> No.2639078

He's making fun of the jackass OP.