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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 54 KB, 361x363, Big_Cover_130091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2636528 No.2636528 [Reply] [Original]

I've been playing this, and it's so damn comfy. that music, those cute sprites and winning animations and different modes are great. I also loved Tetris Plus, that game was really fun too.

share experiences? which other iterations you like? modes? what do you think of the new hold system-spinning-etc from the new games?

>> No.2636531
File: 21 KB, 256x240, nes_tetris_tengen_screen_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tengen Tetris for NES will always remain my favorite version, although the original Game Boy one comes second.

>> No.2636539

oh right, I played the arcade version a lot as a kid. I'm surprised it's not aknowledged more everytime people bring tetris up

>> No.2636679

There is a GBA Tetris that is not Tetris worlds (which is fuck trash) that I played a rom of that has a little dude in the bottom left corner doing all kinds of little animations, anyone know what I'm talking about?? Could never find a cart, not even eBay.

I like Tetris DX, however, I am almost certain that the game is Fucking stingy with long blocks. Feel the same? I can stack from the bottom to the top filling in all spaces and I won't get a long block sometimes.

Also, greatest Tetris of all time is the DS version that's mashed up with NES references, I can lose hours and days on that..

>> No.2636702

I played that game a lot as a kid. Tetris DS is better in every way except for the infinite spin which ruins marathon mode. I know I should just refrain from using it, but when it's really fast you sort of can't help it.

Nowadays I play TGM2 emulated. I'd like to get some real hardware, but it's difficult to get hold of in the UK.

>> No.2636845
File: 226 KB, 641x473, pac (15).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rather stack up leaving 2 block spaces so I don't go through that stress. I get to do Tetris when I want this way but if the long ones don't come I just chain doubles and triples.

I haven't played it for too long but I get the feeling they drop in 3s, for example I had oportunities where the "l"s came three in a row and then fucking disapeared until the game filled the 3 each piece quota. Granted this is all supposition due to the fact the Tetris site plays like the ds one but does this with 2 each piece so it's easier to figure when the "l"s are coming.

>> No.2639090
File: 11 KB, 373x306, mr_9999_brick_game_9999_in_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last night I dreamt about playing brick game handheld and woke up sad.i had one just like the picture as a kid,at the time it was only $2.
Anyone knows where can i order one and not pay $30 for it?

>> No.2639095

I play it all the time now on epumators,used to have it on a famiclone.

>> No.2639101


>> No.2639139



A lot of these have pretty cool variants of Tetris, like special tetrominoes that break apart and fill holes, or transform into other ones.

>> No.2639149

Looks cool,thanks anon.

>> No.2639393

Any fans of Segas Tetris games?

>> No.2639420

never played it.Is it any good?

>> No.2639806
File: 40 KB, 273x480, 1437925361213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tetris The Grandmaster is some serious shit.

>> No.2639909

his skills are so bullshit holy fuck

>> No.2639967
File: 26 KB, 500x375, sega-genesis-tetris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason I thought you were talking about the Genesis game. I had no idea there actually was a Sega Tetris arcade game. On the topic of Genesis Tetris, I wonder how the fuck they managed to get bootlegs of it being that there was like 10 known copies. Nintendo sure had an iron grip on the copyright.


>> No.2639986
File: 5 KB, 256x224, Tetris_2_+_Bombliss_-_FC_-_Gameplay_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeez, I knew about Tengen Tetris, Nintendo Tetris, and even Bulletproof software's Tetris all on Famicom hardware, but I just learned about Tetris 2 + BomBliss, which has nothing to do with Tetris 2. Looks like a really good version, I kinda want to collect all these different tetris games for NES. Dem smooth falling blocks.


>> No.2640046


i wanted to like this version of Tetris, but the background colors are just awful. Bright yellow, purple, wtf were they thinking? All they really did was add color to the original gameboy Tetris and they couldn't even pick the colors right. Fail.

>> No.2640056
File: 1.57 MB, 232x310, youresogayyouwantthistie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing will ever top Tetris on the original GameBoy.

>> No.2640068

that tie is so shit at tetris

>> No.2640071
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>> No.2640072


I like the 2 player mode on the Tengen version, but the Nintendo brand one on the NES and GB have a smoother game play since it divides the pieces into squares to give you a better idea of how to place them (whereas Tengen is just solid chunks).

>> No.2640452

That looks amazing.Gonna play it right away

>> No.2641303

This tetris version looks awfully familiar to me, I didn't know such smoothness could be allowed in a famicom game either.

>> No.2641320


>> No.2641325

I have a DS with an Acekard 2i or whatever
what's the best version of Tetris I can play? I can't emulate GBA, but I've got GB/C, NES and DS games available.
Please don't autism out over the fact I'm mentioning something from beyond a time period you can report me for. It's a general Tetris thread and you have to respect board flexibility. You nostalgiafags should be old enough to know better.

>> No.2641330

Hmm. Smoooooooooth.

>> No.2641334

It's fucking Tetris; it's on nearly every system and computer of the past 25 years. Pick whatever one you want.

>> No.2641338

That's your initial impulse, but Tetris releases are very different.

>> No.2641342


it's not that simple, bro.

>> No.2641347

some people dislike tetris ds because you can rotate the pieces forever

>> No.2641351

Its a major flaw man,like seriously its great at first until it gets to you and ruins your experience.
I just wanna stack tetrominoes and forget about the real world

>> No.2641376

I haven't played the GBA one, but in my experience Tetris has often been stingy with the long blocks.

I build up enough for one Tetris and then go for 2 or 3 block moves until I get a long block and start again. That was my main strategy when heavy into the gameboy game, and worked very well. I can't remember scores too well anymore, but I did get the third or fourth spaceship sometimes like that.

Usually though I liked to play the B type game, set to the max height of 5 and on level 9. Beating that gets you a rocket of it's own and it's a really hectic and fun way to play.

>> No.2641387

That looks so fucking retarded holy shit,
I want one.

>> No.2641421

I just compressed a bunch of TETRIS ROMs into a RAR... Includes versions for the GB, GBC, GBA, NES and SNES. In other words, Tetris on retro Nintendo consoles. Includes all the following:

>GB: Tetris 1.0 (has older music), Tetris 1.1 (the more commonly known GB Tetris), Tetris 2, Tetris Attack, Tetris Blast and Tetris Plus.

>GBC: Tetris DX (thread topic)

>GBA: Tetris Worlds

>NES: Nintendo version, Tengen version, Tetris 2 (USA), and the Japanese one mentioned here Tetris 2 + Bombliss.

>SNES: Tetris & Dr. Mario (has a fun head-to-head feature that rotates between both games against the clock), Tetris 2 and Tetris Attack

Chances are, you probably have most of these, but here they are in 1 single place... I'll probably kill the link in a couple weeks.


>> No.2641440

Anyone played The New Tetris?

I remember kind of wanting it back when it came out, but then I felt like it was paying too much for just another Tetris when I already had many other versions of it.

But I still think it has a cool art style and also dope as fuck OST


>> No.2641542

I am stuck 30 minutes now on lvl 8 classic mode A.
My chinese Ucom controllers and half a second input lag make it impossible for me to pass it.

Its great guys,play it.

>> No.2641569

I rented it once. I enjoyed it. I can't imagine ever buying a Tetris game new though.

>> No.2641978

Every time I think of the new tetris, I think of the hidden rant that the head programmer snuck in. Holy shit that shit is funny.

>> No.2641985

he apologizes the game ended up sucking

>> No.2642016


Tetris DS was disappointing, I heard good things about it but then it turns out you can't even play classic Tetris, you got the infinitespin blockholding Casualtris.
I don't really like the new idea of Tetris being an endurance game where you save a hours-long round, instead of just dealing with the blocks you're given. It can still be fun, but eh.

tl;dr play NES Tetris, still the best.

>> No.2642027


great rant. and he's right about Neil Voss making awesome game music as well.

>> No.2642042

But it was the best Tetris game ever.

>> No.2642072

I had this tetris for the genesis in a 6 in 1 cartridge. I hate it, the controls are sluggish, the music is horrible, the blocks look like shit and backgrounds are ugly.
That status screen is useless.
Also, the piece generator was fucking shit, it was pretty common to have 3 of the same pieces in a row.

>> No.2642167

You forgot Bulletproof Software's Tetris on Famicom, but it's kinda shit. They really redeemed themselves with their Tetris 2 though.


>> No.2642614

It's also worth noting that Tetris 2 + Bombliss had a snes version also.

>> No.2642627
File: 8 KB, 256x224, super-scope-6-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any other horizontal Tetris?
Is there any other lightgun Tetris?

>> No.2644298
File: 45 KB, 681x511, tetrisnes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fug are we not posting scores.

>> No.2644307
File: 104 KB, 460x638, AlPacino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to share an experience if that would be ok. This one time I was playing tetris and I made different shaped blocks fit together.

>> No.2644379

Because we suck at Tetris. Everyone sucks at Tetris.

>> No.2644453
File: 731 KB, 621x861, TheNewTethris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That was a fun read