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File: 39 KB, 1280x720, babymario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2634198 No.2634198 [Reply] [Original]

is there such thing as hacked ROM of SMW2 Yoshi's Island, where someone has removed the annoying crying sound?? if not, can we get started on this? great platform, but the most obnoxious sound effects for the babies crying. my head wants to explode every time i try playing it... seems like just replacing or removing a sound effect would be an easy mod to do.

>> No.2634203

I think this should suffice.

>> No.2634210


Maybe a hack where enemies can't touch you? That'd help.

>> No.2634212

As far as I know, there isn't a single patch because it's quite literally a one byte change in the ROM. Search the smwcentral forums, it's there.

>> No.2634253

Man up. You're a parent now.

>> No.2634257

What I'd like it a full romhack that removed the emphasis on collecting and removed the baby altogether.

>> No.2634260

No one is forcing you to collect things though

>> No.2634263

Yeah but it hurts when I don't get it.

>> No.2634274

actually, i know what you mean. used to be a completionist/perfectionist myself a few years back.

>> No.2634281 [DELETED] 

You are a child.
You never played on release.
You never played it on real hardware.

Your crying is infinitely worse.

>> No.2634291

The noise is there to motivate you to git gud. Don't get hit and you won't have a problem.

>> No.2634306

Ok now explain navi

>> No.2634310


70's child here with a valid question. only person i see crying here is you. get a life.

>> No.2634319

Vouching for OP here, I completely agree, I'd like a hack without the sound either. Rest of the game is wonderful, but enjoying that music on headphones starts to get really annoying when I do get hit. Clearly a small detail in an otherwise near-perfect game that was meant for crt speakers and not pc emulation. Would be great to have a fix.

>> No.2634326
File: 660 KB, 1275x1732, OOTconcept.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Navi isn't in Yoshi's Island.

>> No.2634358

To be honest, occasionally bothering you to get your ass to the next point in the game isn't really that bad. She also functions as the targeting system so I can't exactly call her useless either. Except for when she bails when playing ball with Ganondorf.

>> No.2634417

OP here... holy shit I DID IT!! just modified the ROM and replaced the hex values "A9 44 00 22 D2 85 00" with "EA EA EA EA EA EA EA" and it worked perfectly! all the other sounds are intact, but there is no sound when the baby cries... i'll upload the modified ROM right now and be back with a link in minutes...

>> No.2634421


>learning how to rom hack and acquiring all necessary files within 10 minutes

>lostboy.exe incoming

>> No.2634424

If you didn't spend 5 months playtesting this new version how are you certain you didn't accidentally alter something else in the game? Beating this now will never count as legit.

>> No.2634432


>modified SMW2 ROM (without crying) for download...


>> No.2634436


google set me straight... luckily this was a common complaint. i couldn't find anyone that had ever made the modified version available for download though... so here you all go...

>> No.2634441

submit it to romhacking.net
otherwise it will be lost forever

just make a paragraph saying how so many people you know requested it, etc.

>> No.2634447

I don't really ever being particularly bothered by the crying baby. Just something to put you on edge/softly punish you/heighten your sense of urgency.

>> No.2634448


do i need to have an account or something to submit it? haven't ever participated there...

>> No.2634450

you can use 10 minute mail for the verification.
but yeah you probably do.

>> No.2634451

*Remember, not "ever."

>> No.2634458

>telling him how to further propagate his virus

>> No.2634461


by the way it has to be a patch, not a rom
so unless you can figure out how to just make a IPS file, then nevermind. sorry forgot.

>> No.2634462


sorry to disappoint your trolling ways, but there's no virus here. just a hack that should have been done ages ago.

>> No.2634467


ah fuggit. thanks for trying anyway. i'd rather it be available as the full rom so it can just be loaded into most emulators. so it'll be here for anyone that wants it. if anything, asking here finally forced me to do it myself... so enjoy it while it's up.

>> No.2634474


and here's the forum i got the info off of. just to cease your shit talking.


>> No.2634479


He was joking bro. calm down.
it's a common joke on the internet.

>> No.2634485
File: 67 KB, 720x960, FB_IMG_1440293036926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2nd 'd
Loved this on original hardware when it came out. Used to play this and listen to frogstomp by silver chair and one hot minute which were the cds I got at the time with it.
The crying is definitely louder than most other sound effects in game. Even a patch to lower the volume and make it more even with the rest of the audio would be great.
One big mob, oh yeah oh yeah.

>> No.2634494 [DELETED] 



>> No.2634501


>> No.2634502
File: 160 KB, 801x512, Screenshot_2015-08-07-23-11-00-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup saw it and dl ' d instantly. Thanks anon!

>> No.2634519

wtf does playing on real hardware have to do with anything? elitism makes things more tolerable now?

>> No.2634526


>> No.2634534

He's probably just a loser if he has to rely on his date of birth to make him feel better about himself. As if he's somehow automaticaly better than everyone that was too young to buy SMW2 when it came out.

>> No.2634538

it's called super mario world.

>> No.2634542

Shit, I didn't know you could choose Yoshi swallow enemies throw eggs and flutter in that.

>> No.2634549

Git gud

>> No.2634565

>gitting gud at a game where you play as a gay dinosaur and and annoying baby
top kek

>> No.2634568

>OP again... new link also includes European version (English, French, Deutsch) without the crying sound...
>and i also fixed the checksums
>so here are both the NTSC and PAL versions


>> No.2634573

Well, if you put it that way.

> gitting gud at a game where you play as a fat midget plumber and his less talented palette swap brother

>> No.2634591

I don't get it. I don't get this "baby is annoying" meme altogether. The baby only cries when you get hit, and even then for only a few seconds until you pick him up again.

I'm not even very good at video games, and playing through Yoshi's Island I get hit maybe once or twice per level unless I'm really sucking. The baby crying hardly annoys me because I hardly ever heard it, although I will admit it's an annoying sound.

It's a really easy game.

>> No.2634641

If anyone cares, there are also Game Genie and Pro Action Replay codes for removing the crying sound...

>assuming you're using US English version of YI-
>GG: 44A0-672B
>PAR: 06C64F22

>> No.2634642

well shit why don't you ask for a romhack of that then?

as people already said, in this thread and in ones before: get good - then you won't hear the crying.

>> No.2634653

>wants the collections and repercussions for failure removed in yoshis island
>wants unlimited objects to throw and flutter in SMW

I have never encountered anything beyond softcore until now.

>> No.2634695

Is there a way to remove the people crying about the sound the baby makes in Yoshi's Island? I find them infinitely more annoying than the sound effect they complain about.

>> No.2634704


I die from insta-death pits/spikes/objects more often then I get hit by anything else.

And the voice is there to remind you that you actually have to grab that baby, instead of going your merry way.

Besides it's not like real babies don't cry like that.

>> No.2634741


wow. you're so funny that you forgot you already made that joke. you must have been too busy laughing from when you wrote it the first time. hyuk hyuk

>> No.2634747

I always try to remember that while he will eventually grow up and become a hero, right now he is a mostly helpless baby that has been separated from his family.

>> No.2634758

Yoshi starts kicking ass seconds after he hatches

Mario needs to git gud

>> No.2634770

Yoshi is also born with full reproductive capabilities. All the other species are scrubs.

>> No.2635462

How to fix Yoshi's Island:

>remove Mario, getting hit = instant death
>make all red coins visible

>> No.2635467
File: 3 KB, 87x90, red coin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But the red coins are visible.

>> No.2635472

I remember plenty of times where I had to duck in some fucking corner or touch some random ass spot in the sky to get a red coin

>> No.2635474

are you colorblind lol

>> No.2635475

Oh ok, yeah I know what you mean. There's a few secrets that reveal things, couldn't remember if there were any for red coins.

>> No.2635483

Navi was never actually annoying. Her being annoying is just a shitty meme that has long overstayed.

>> No.2635489

can't you just throw an egg at that fucker to get him back

>> No.2635490

How well would that have shown up on a CRT available when it was released?

>> No.2635520

I'm not him, but I picked up on those cues as well. I can't remember for sure if I discovered it back when the game was new or not, though I imagine I saw it back when I played it on a standard consumer CRT with composite. Beyond the apparent subtlety in the difference from looking at the sprite comparison, in-game they definitely have an overall redder appearance than standard coins.

However, correct me if I am wrong, but don't some red coins not have the giveaway sprite and do look like regular coins?

>> No.2635565

I beat Yoshi's Island and Super Mario World (100%ed it even) what I want is Yoshi controls, some kind of hit system and no system getting on my case for not touching every single coin or humping every wall.

>> No.2635596

I remember being able to tell the difference when I played as a kid. Used to pay through RF if I recall correctly. It's not super obvious at first but you can definitely see the difference in hue.

>> No.2635604
File: 199 KB, 413x374, 1371147606563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you're willing to play in an emulator that can edit ARAM (ie Geiger's Snes9x), I can show you how to do it in game.

1) Open up ARAM hex editor
2) Go to address $3C04 and input the 4 bytes F0 3B F0 3B
3) Go to address $3BF0 and input the 9 bytes 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
4) Profit.

Mario shuts the fuck up.

Amusingly you can copy different sets of 4 bytes to location $3C04 from the immediate vicinity and change Mario's wail into different sounds, but this is probably level dependent.

I might be able to find a way to path ROM if the data is uncompressed. Otherwise do this if ya have to.

>> No.2635609

I never had a problem telling the difference.

>> No.2635620
File: 631 KB, 1280x1675, 098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Navi was so annoying people spent actual money getting letters and postage to write in to tell Nintendo Power she was annoying

>> No.2635626

>35-40+ year people on 4chan

What the fuck

>> No.2635784

Neither did I, but I could never tell how they were different. I knew they were red coins but couldn't quite put my finger on the difference.

>> No.2635815

Where else are we going to go?

>> No.2635875


retro games. wtf do you expect? welcome to OUR world.

>> No.2635973


are you also dumbfounded when you see 50 year olds listening to the Classic Rock station??

>> No.2635980


thanks, but it's already available for download now...


>> No.2636002

Have you all fucking scrubs ever tought in NOT GETTING TOUCHED BY ENEMIES?

I can't belive people have trouble with a children's game

>> No.2636009

You're a faggot, the sound is annoying even if you only hear it for five seconds of every hour

>> No.2636015


this guy here feels really left out and can't get over the fact that some people dislike that sound. his only recourse to feeling "superior" is to lash out claiming that there must be something wrong with the rest of us since his sensibilities has been rustled.

life isn't a contest. just chill the fuck out.

>> No.2636017


oops. HAVE been

>> No.2636025


Honestly, it is a bit silly that everyone feels they have to hack into the game itself just to be able to play.

It's really no more annoying than any other shrill warning that you're low on health.

>> No.2636026


it's also always weird when someone that clearly doesn't speak English as a first language tries to pretend that they do by using casual insults such as "scrubs".

>> No.2636029

Just play a different game. Yoshi's Island isn't really that good with or without the crying sound.

>> No.2636030


except that many here agree that it is a highly annoying sound.

some people's eyes are more sensitive to certain lighting... and some people's ears are more sensitive to annoying sounds. not everyone is like YOU. deal with it.

>> No.2636032

This abortion was long overdue. 8D

>> No.2636040

Play however you want. I'm not going to stop thinking you're a bit silly and simply overreacting.

I don't like sharp beeping sounds like Pokemon's low health warning, but I wouldn't remove them from the game because it's just a matter of playing the game better.

>> No.2636101


I always found the background and foreground graphics to be pretty awesome for the time.

>> No.2638824

>Is there a secret level/ sequel for Banjo-Kazooie?
>Characters are pointed towards Sharkfood Island

>> No.2638852

The graphics didn't really appeal to me back then. I wanted a sequel to Super Mario World and Nintendo tried to pass off...that...as a sequel. Yoshi's Island uses the SuperFX2 chip in some interesting ways I suppose, but I still don't find the game to be fun or engaging at all. The DKC games had a similar problem. They were more aesthetically pleasing to me but the gameplay wasn't anything to write home about.

>> No.2638937

Yea the patch is called "Don't get hit by anything".

>> No.2639340


DKC are some of the best games on the SNES hands down. maybe you just have shit taste.

>> No.2639343


how humorous and original.

>> No.2639349


for those too lazy to go through the entire thread, the US and EU versions modified without crying sound are available here:


>> No.2641392


This is for you, sir...


>> No.2641413

Red colored Yoshi triggers me. Someone please hack the game so all Red Yoshi appearances are changed to Green Yoshi.

>> No.2641687


>> No.2641772

Yoshi eating berries in Super Mario World triggers me. Someone please hack if so all the berries are changed to hamburgers, the real American food, instead of random fruity fruits.

>> No.2642165


74 till the world blow

>> No.2642198


I must know where this pic is from. It's an emenrgency.

>> No.2642417

Nintendo managed to fix the sound and volume of the crying for the GBA port of the game (Super Mario Advance 3).

>> No.2642878

git gid