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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 166 KB, 256x362, Diablo_II_Coverart[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2633640 No.2633640 [Reply] [Original]

When does this game get fun?

>> No.2633641

fun is overrated

git gud

>> No.2633646

Once you finish installing it.

>> No.2633649

So the fun is before you start playing it?

Makes sense.

>> No.2633654

>When does this game get fun?
act 2

In my experience act 1 is a slog because you don't have access to the skills you need for your build. most of the lower level ones are kind of blah and you never go generalist on your skills because all it does is make a weak character.

>> No.2633663

Stay in school.

>> No.2633740

When it becomes retro. So never.

>> No.2633775

When the new ladder starts and you and all your buddies roll 8 hardcore characters and slowly branch off to play on your own because of time schedules.

Then all your friends go play Softcore because there a bunch of pussies and here you are with 3 level 85+ Hardcore characters just waiting to play with your friends but too bad they all bitched out.


>> No.2633780

When you begin enjoying grindfests.

>> No.2633818

>tfw your friends didn't grow their neckbeards like you all agreed

>> No.2634854
File: 46 KB, 175x200, Getting the D in Act 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>act 2

>> No.2634890
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If it's not fun by level 18, it'll never be fun for you.
Just stop and play something else.
I'm serious, just give up and go for something else. If you want to play to completion, complete the normal run and then quit. It's a bit like SimCity, you have to want to just go on forever for it to be enjoyable.

>> No.2635012

When you uninstall it. I've never seen the appeal of clickfest loot treadmills like Diablo.

Not retro.

>> No.2635189

When you quit playing vanilla and pick up one of the many awesome mods that are actually designed/balanced for single player.

The vanilla game, as is, is based on the premise that there are thousands of people ready and willing to trade. Also having an effective build is frequently based on knowing what skills will be enhanced by what gear, and being able to somehow acquire that gear with ridiculously low droprates.

Search D2SE, you're welcome.

>> No.2635201

It's a hit or miss. The game wasn't even fun for me either when I tried playing it during the height of its popularity.

>> No.2635230


It's a Skinner box. You get a little thrill when you pick up good loot and you keep playing for that feeling of reward. It's shallow but all video games are Skinner boxes really.

>> No.2635236
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when you roll a paladin

>> No.2635240

When you play Diablo 1 instead.

>> No.2635256

when u stop being a faggot

>> No.2635269

when you stop being a faggot

playing with friends over voice chat also helps

I can still clearly remember the screams of pure terror during duriel's fight

>> No.2635276

It's Diablo. It's not fun. It's endless grind and repetition.

>> No.2635284

Honestly only acts 1 and 4 are really fun, and 5 in the expansion.

Act 2 is tons of wandering to a nearly meaningless degree (and then there's the goddamn awful maggot lair), and Act 3 is LATE NIGHT WITH THE FETISH SHAMANS, WITH SPECIAL GUEST STAR COUNCIL MEMBER

>> No.2635292
File: 1013 KB, 295x221, fuck this.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lightning Enhanced

>> No.2635316

Other video games at least disguise the fact that they're Skinner boxes relatively well. Diablo and other games in its genre don't try to hide the fact at all. I could play something like Cookie Clicker and get the same effect, and that game's free.

>> No.2635389

reminder that you can put modifiers in the shortcut and start on any Act with skill and status points

should you fear starting from act1 again and getting bored quiclky

just add -actx , like -act5 will make ur char start lv33 at the arreat peak

but with no items, makes things quite interesting ackshualy

i did just that with a necro, it felt just like starting a new in ultima online, the simplest monsters can kill you if let yourself get surrounded, since u have no gold, no potion, no arrows..

>> No.2635445


>> No.2636098

Nope. Act 1 is the funest, or on par with Act5. 2-4 just keeps geting more and more grindy. Even moreso for non-melee builds.

>> No.2636102

Paladin gud good in LoD expansion.

>> No.2636459

>roll a paladin
>steamroll everyone up to nightmare difficulty act 4
>become upset

>> No.2636512

Honestly, the characters all play differently enough that you should try a couple before quitting. Look up a very rough build for a skeleton necromancer if you want to have fun and be pretty powerful at almost every level.

>> No.2636567
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>> No.2636769
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>Lightning Enchanted
>Multiple Shots

>> No.2636774

multiplayer is the real fun

>> No.2636793

I also don't like Diablo, even though I love RPGs and dungeon crawings, the game is not for me.

At least Diablo created the pretty specific "Diablo-like" genre (it probably didn't created the genre, but created the name, before people start discussing duh) so I can easily stay away from games like this.

>> No.2637391

I once knew an army mate who played a hellmode amazon with points in both javelins and bows.

>> No.2637394

>i hate fun

>> No.2637713

Diablo I and II honestly were both very atmospheric. I appreciate it more and more with time.

>> No.2637725

Remember to hit alt+f4 right before the boss dies, it gives triple exp.

>> No.2637731


I remember now when it gets fun anon.

It's when it's the carnival, and everyone is out partying in the middle of winter, but you are inside because you have no friends or gf.

The rain hits on your window and it's the middle of the night, waaaay past your bedtime.
Its cold too. the fire is out for a while now.

You are playing Diablo 2 with this awesome new charakter the necromancer, and try to beat blood raven with your skellies. It doesn't even look that good, (fuck it it looks awesome) in the notebook with the 13 inches screen.

And you don't care anon. You just don't care for the world. It's awesome.

>> No.2637767

>High school in the late '90s and early 2000's
>Diablo 2 comes out, and all my friends buy it
>I play through Normal a couple times, move onto Nightmare (or whatever it's called), but don't really see the fun of basically grinding to do a NG+
>One of my acquaintances, a bisexual dude who was basically "that guy," becomes hooked more than the rest of us
>In late 2002, he mentioned some unique drop he just got
>I responded, "Wow, you're still playing Diablo 2?"
>He absolutely FLIPS OUT at me in public, spills his spaghetti, calls me an asshole a bunch of times, and never speaks to me again

That's basically the personification of the game. It's a grinding level treadmill for autists who endlessly seek unique drops for no reason whatsoever. But you'll have a good time if you play through it once on Normal.

>> No.2637772

I liked the atmosphere, the gameplay is as shallow as it gets but there's something satisfying about killing endless hordes of demons.

>> No.2637781
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>> No.2638437

when you just install a buncha mods and cheats

early patches or pre LOD u used to get set items and what not thrown at you, and someone suggested that less potions were dropped (?!?)

so just cheat urself a 1slot charm of +xxx% better magic items

bigger inventory and shared stash, and at the start of every act allow urself to reset stat and skill, so you can mess around, but still experience bad decisions

oh and yeah, do the shortcut -Act thingy

>> No.2638452

>It's when it's the carnival, and everyone is out partying in the middle of winter
i though carnival was held 40 days before easter, being it christian/catholic related somehow, so March, begining of spring/autumn depending of hemisphere
but yeah everything you said, also, with a home theatre sound system, full bass, dont forget to turn on 3d audio and perpective video for D2

>> No.2638491

Act 1 is by far the best.
After that it get's continously worse.

If you don't like it after an hour or so I'd drop it because that ain't gonna change.

>> No.2638507

>>> /b/
Where do you think you are? /leddit/?