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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 17 KB, 512x480, wizardswarriors_007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2629136 No.2629136 [Reply] [Original]

I think Rare has pretty much given up on this franchise, so we'll probably never see another W&W game again. I wonder if there are any other fans of the series on /vr/ though. I currently own all of the games, including Fortress of Fear for Game Boy.

So /vr/, which game in the series is your favorite? IronSword here.

>> No.2629152

First game is still my favorite. Ironsword is cool but a little wacky. 3 is right out. Never played Fortress of Fear.

I appreciated the efforts they made to expand and be creative in the later entries, but none of them ever felt as tight as 1, even if it was the simplest.

>> No.2629178

>I think Rare has pretty much given up on this franchise
>Last release: 1992
What gave you that idea?

>> No.2629205

I have W&W and have Ironsword on the way.

Good game. Knights and Wizards is my favorite setting and theres just something about them on the NES thats just kinda cool.

Even shitty ones like Castle of Dragon are still enjoyable. Obviously theres some really good ones like Faxanadu as well.

>> No.2629221
File: 15 KB, 539x305, comparison.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What about games in a Greco-Roman setting, like Zelda II or Battle of Olympus? Much the same kind of gameplay, except the aesthetics are different.

>> No.2629285
File: 5 KB, 256x224, swordmaster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its alright. I definitely prefer European style Knights though, especially in moderate to high fantasy setting. I like the look of the armor mostly.

Pic related, Swordmaster. The superior pseudo-sequel to Castle of Dragon. It has an emphasis on "duel" style fights which is pretty cool.

>> No.2629306

First one is probably my favorite. Had Ironsword as a kid, but could never beat it. Still can't, even after conquering Ninja Gaiden, Ghosts N Goblins, Punch Out, and Castlevania III.

David Wise is GOAT.

>> No.2629340
File: 84 KB, 712x538, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's odd but the setting of W&W is one of the most appealing things about it

>knight in shining armor
>isolated setting with map to convey progress
>weird supernatural monsters
>damsels in bondage

With the music, there's something a little creepy about it, like a more serious Ghosts n Goblins. It captures the imagination a little more than something with "deepest lore".

There was a cRPG with the same title and they didn't call their lawyers

it didn't even make that xbone compilation that just came out

Apparently they truly give zero fucks

>> No.2629484

Hell yeah, I was a big fan of WIZARDS AND WARRIOS as a kid. I had the first 2 games. I remember loving the 2nd game more. However now, I can barley kill anyone. How the fuck did I beat this as a child?

>> No.2629493


awesome sound fx and music in the first NES title for sure. i remember going with my mom to pick this out as a present for my older brother back in the 80's. great game all around.

>> No.2629498

WW took some getting used to. I didn't see what the big deal about 1 was until I played it a couple more times. Now I really like it.

Don't care for 2 at all.

3 is really good and my personal favorite.

>> No.2629543


>I think Rare has pretty much given up on this franchise, so we'll probably never see another W&W game again.

>it didn't even make that xbone compilation that just came out

They don't own the IP at any time. Acclaim did. It went to a company called Throwback Entertainment which is some sketchy IP holding company. Whatever reason Microsoft had, they didn't want to deal with them and W&W was left off the list. All the original games Rare did with Milton Bradley and Nintendo on the NES they owned the IP for (They own Captain Skyhawk and Time Lord even though both those didn't make the cut),

I don't blame MS because that company looks sketchy as fuck.

>> No.2629839

Never really liked W&W in the first place. If they made a new one it'd probably be some Dark Souls shit gameplay.

>> No.2629862

Dark Souls (NES).jpg

>> No.2629895

Not even remotely accurate, turboteen.

>> No.2629904

Triggered with just a jest.

>> No.2629907

I haven't played Fortress of Fear, but I enjoyed the NES trilogy. The original is my favorite one, and it's one of my most heavily-played NES games. The sequels were more ambitious, but I didn't care for the level design or bosses in them nearly as much.

Ironsword is pretty difficult, though just memorizing various stage features can see you through a lot of it. I was able to reach the final boss as a kid, but I was never able to beat it until I revisited the game many years later.

Punch Out is the one game on that list I've never been able to handle. I sucked at it as a kid and I suck at it now.

The music definitely adds to the experience and helps lend some atmosphere to the various stages.

>> No.2629914

That jape isn't funny anymore.

>> No.2629929

>I haven't played Fortress of Fear

You aren't missing out on much. It's an okay game, but very regressive. The entire game takes place in a single castle, so every stage tends to look exactly the same. Kuros doesn't get to wield any magic or really upgrade his equipment, for that matter.

>> No.2629947

Is this NES? Am I going to add yet ANOTHER game to the list?!

>> No.2629948
File: 6 KB, 256x224, 1181242126170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You cats ever play Legend of Makai. It might be unlikely as it was released just a year later, but the game seems to take inspiration from Wizards and Warriors. A lot of similarities and an all around decent game to try.

>> No.2630708

I have only Fortress of Fear, but playing it it's like having a ziqqurat inside the rectum

>> No.2630738

fortress of fear is a good game ripped on by shitties that don't know how to play an old school platformer. I highly doubt most shitties even know about the secret to the left at the very start of the game. Cause you guys just want to walk right and not even have to think and if you do its "a bad game"

>> No.2630749

ironsword was an old favorite of mine. it's a little strange and frustrating at times, but it's fun. it also has an excellent soundtrack and decent atmosphere, which Im a sucker for.

>> No.2630762

Never heard of it, but it looks pretty sweet. Any home releases, or would I be stuck with MAME?

>> No.2630769

olympus had one of the most annoying soundtracks I ever heard. The game was amazing though.

>> No.2630893

really? Look, that guy in the OP is clearly being invaded in Great Hollow.

>> No.2630904

Oh god you're right. Dark Souls confirmed Wizards and Warriors ripoff.

>> No.2630914

Yes its NES.

Good luck. Its expensive as heck.

>> No.2631376


Best vidya commercial

>back firebeast!
I still say that sometimes to my cat when he gets a little too clingy with me.

>> No.2631381

>need a secret to be able to play the game
>this is a design decision you are actually defending

>> No.2631647

you don't need that secret I was just pointing out that it is there.