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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2627316 No.2627316 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite /vr/ eroge? Pic related, Nocturnal Illusion was one of my first and has a great soundtrack.

>> No.2627380

True Love

>> No.2627507

True Love
Seasons of Sakura
VR May Club

>> No.2628057

Kanon EE

>> No.2628060
File: 20 KB, 640x400, metalorange2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metal Orange

>> No.2628067

This and Words Worth

>> No.2628180

Words Worth would have been better with some magic abilities.

>> No.2628349

Who names his character RXQ79? Did a robot take this screenshot?

Words Worth kind of disappointed me in both eroticism and gameplay though the overall plot was OK.

I'm pretty amazed that the only two people the MC actually stuck his dick into IIRC was the catgirl and a complete random.

>> No.2628384
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You never find out more about Belbel really was. She could have been your mother or something.
They missed a good chance to have Astral have sex with all the light warriors and then do the same with their daughters after the time skip.
The anime was also a disappointing. It shouldn't have been that impossible to cut the dungeon crawling and tell the main parts of the story in 5/7 episodes but instead they mangled it as always.

>> No.2628532
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Star Platinum was one of my favorites as a young teen. I had to play it without a translation, though. I never quite got a handle on the rules, but I didn't let that stop me.

Sengoku Rance games are really good too.

>> No.2628705

Yeah, they really mangled the Anime but I think comparatively speaking, it got off much better than a lot of other H-Anime adaptations of that time.

The one thing I liked about it was that the MC actually got to have sex with all of his "ending" girls - he never did it with Sharon, Miyu and Delta in the game so it's completely odd they're offered as possible ending characters.

>> No.2628718
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>> No.2628740

I wonder what portion of /vr/'s posters are fluent in Japanese. It feels like the rest of this board isn't as bummed out by the language barrier as I am.

>> No.2628765

I'm learning it for things like this.
I played a few games without and it just didn't work very well and the available translated games are lacking in quantity and quality.

Miu and Sharon are both important characters throughout the story. Delta was a bonus for the Windows remake. They could have included Rita, Vega and Eoria as well.
I should play the PC-98 version to see if there were different scenes but the gameplay is a turnoff.

>> No.2628789

Yeah, I did buy the romance with Miyu and Sharon, but I just find it odd there are no H-Scenes with them.

It's just a really odd game overall when it comes to sexual content - more "teasing" or "rescue girl from rape" than anything that I actually kind of wonder if they could just cut out the small amounts anyway outside of the fact that him making a kid was an important part of the plot..

>> No.2628875
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You go halfway through with Miu at the door. For Sharon there doesn't seem to be a fitting point duing the game though they could have fit it in the epilogue. Miu's end scene even implies it but the others are fairly innocent.

>> No.2628882
File: 289 KB, 571x429, Crazy Cute Yuko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cherish it

>> No.2630871

Knight of Xentar, fun and wacky and stick to the weird tradition of no h-scene for main girl (cobra mission is another one i can remember)

>> No.2630885
File: 18 KB, 480x258, DK3 Luna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Cobra Mission may have something to do with them switching the main girl for the US release.
DK3/KoX had plenty of scenes for the other girls from Strawberry Fields to make up for DK1 having no sex at all.

>> No.2630929
File: 53 KB, 598x367, Dragon Knight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone ever wondered what could have been if the Sega Saturn Dragon Knight was actually made instead of just having its designs recycled into the Words Worth Windows remake?

>> No.2630959

Sounds like they wanted to make another dungeon crawler like 1 and 2, though I'm not sure what 冒険RPG means.
Interesting that they wanted to go back to Takeru as the main character unless he's supposed to be the son of Kakeru.
It is possible that they just turned it into the WW remake and just scrapped the plot.

>> No.2631014

I want to touch the Yuko.

You get to touch the Yuko, right?

>> No.2631075 [DELETED] 

you guys all desperately need girlfriends just FYI.

>> No.2631124

Says a dork posting on a retro game board on a Sri Lankan minestrone cooking site.

>> No.2631410

I do need a gf but my wife probably wouldn't like it very much.

>> No.2631506

>in 6 year relationship
>play eroge/VNs daily
>she didn't know/care
she left me to be a slut, oh well, more time for vidya I guess

>> No.2631646


I downloaded a shitload of those games when I was lol underage, now I cringe at the sight of hentai

But Nocturnal Illusion was bretty gud

Purple-haired Mistress <3

>> No.2631732

>I cringe at the sight of hentai
Newsflash, you're still a youngfag.

>> No.2632053
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>> No.2632076

And exactly how many of these have been translated into English?

>> No.2632095
File: 135 KB, 639x475, god damn it nagamori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that girl had the most memorable quotes

>> No.2632317
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>Purple-haired Mistress <3
At least you have good taste.

>> No.2632325

Seems like all of them, actually

>> No.2632393

probably Kichikuou Rance.

never beat it though, I stopped when I was almost done fighting Kaybliss.

>> No.2632415
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>it got off much better

do you gentlemen of african descent even paradise heights?
i know, barely a game, but whatever.

>> No.2632521

Did that even get an Anime?

>> No.2632638

There aren't really any bad girls in the game. Still pissed that Misao didn't get the D though. Japan has no problem with whathisname sticking his dick in a pair of 12-year-olds, but heaven forbid the glorious redhead tomboy get any.

>> No.2632674

冒険 = boken = adventure

>> No.2632691

I know, but what is an adventure RPG? Does it refer to RPGs that aren't just dungeon crawlers?

>> No.2633069

mah cracka.

>> No.2633098
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>implying there's ever been any other

>> No.2633107

Tokimemo is not an eroge.

>> No.2633142

I think it's just one of those random adjectives they love throwing in front of established genre names for the heck of it.

>> No.2633350

I mostly play post-1999 eroge so I've barely touched the PC-98 titles, but from the ones I tried out, I really liked Night Slave and Shizuku had a pretty good atmosphere.

>> No.2633723


I remember loving this one when I first downloaded it (anyone remember Reycava's ?). Story made me cry a little. I tried replaying and my older self found it a little cringe worthy, with the MC solving everyone's problems with his shlong and occasionally behaving like a massive douche.

I still think the premise is amazing though, and the soundtrack is pretty damn good (especially love the menu tune). I wrote many screenplays inspired by it when I was an aspiring writer. Apparently it's also one of the main inspirations for Yahtzee's 5 days a stranger.

>> No.2633754

>MC solving everyone's problems with his shlong and occasionally behaving like a massive douche.

Welcome to eroge, where all the world's problems can be solved by giving someone the dick.

>> No.2633837

>Y U NO play decent video game?

>> No.2634049
File: 45 KB, 640x400, WW.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've made some progress and finished the first three floors. There's indeed more sex in it. You rape Epo and Silvana and there's an SM scene with Nina.
The art for the monsters is better than the one for main characters.
The gameplay is a huge grindfest, it may be possible that the Towns and x68k ports rebalanced it a bit.

>> No.2634073


Heh, I know, I just remembered it to be more emotional to be honest. I remembered him talking to the girls more... Before giving them a healthy dose of the D.

Rose tinted glasses. It's still fun somehow though.

>> No.2634120
File: 20 KB, 300x301, Divi Dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Divi Dead is probably the only VN I would really enjoy repeatedly. Every time I would play, I would get sucked in for days. English copies are next to impossible to find.

>> No.2634986

Wonder why they cut it down in the remake. Less budget because golden age Elf was near the end of its lifeline?

>> No.2635021

Right out of the gate. They were both based as fuck.

>> No.2635323
File: 46 KB, 640x400, nadia molested by skeleton and horse.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe they were aiming for a console release. But that would still leave plenty of scenes I don't think Sega would have allowed on the Saturn.
Or they felt going full Rance didn't fit Astral's maturing character but that wouldn't explain the later stuff.

>> No.2635380

I see penis resistance horseman is doing fine

>> No.2635383

He has hooves instead of hands in that version.

>> No.2637852

I loved Star Platinum, too. It plays like Koi-Koi with zodiac themed cards instead of the hanafuda deck, so it's great for beginners. And the artworks are great.

>anyone remember Reycava's ?
I do! I got most of my first eroges here, back in 1999.

>> No.2638395

Yeah, I really enjoyed it. I wish there had been a translation of it. I might actually see if I can grab a translated version and play it again someday.

>> No.2638537
File: 49 KB, 640x400, star platinum.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does somebody have a script?
I haven't played the game but I enjoyed other Custom titles so I'm going to give it a try.
Are there any differences between the Windows and the PC-98 game? I only have the latter and my normal experience is that the Windows ports have worse sound.

>> No.2638775


Noice ! Were you a member of the forum ? I was the resident french guy there "chevalier qui dit ni"

>> No.2638874

Fatal Relations

it was the first eroge I played so I have a special place in my heart for it

my favorite girl was the second youngest one, Ayame I think? she was a tomboy/sports girl and when you came on her body, your ejaculate 'thought' that this was an athletic competition so it jumped all the way from her pussy across her entire body to her face!

>> No.2641441

I have no idea. I played the Windows version back in the day, but I didn't know any better so it might have been shit and I still enjoyed it. If you find a script, let me know. I think there's a translated version out on the internet somewhere, though.

>> No.2641613

Nope, I only checked the games there.

The Windows version uses 256 colors while the PC-98 has 16. Everything else seems identical.

>> No.2643717

I can only find one that translated the menus but not the story.