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File: 77 KB, 256x256, Links_Awakening_box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2623924 No.2623924 [Reply] [Original]

So wait, Nintendo was doing this "it was all a dream" Nolan tier 2deep4u bullshit before it was even a thing?

>> No.2623934

Yes, Nintendo invented the "it was all a dream" ending and everybody else ripped them off.

>> No.2623941
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>> No.2623954
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This exactly. Nintendo came up with it, no one else had ever done that before.

>> No.2623967

That is ancient bro. Didn't you pay attention in English class? Or are you not out of Kindergarten yet?

>> No.2623969

ITT: no one has ever watched The Wizard of Oz.

>> No.2623974


nor Alice in Wonderland

>> No.2623975 [DELETED] 

Or Alice in Wonderland.

>> No.2623978

>tfw SMB 2 was a dream and SMB 3 was a play and SMW was the first true sequel

>> No.2623989

It's not a big twist, since it was hinted at a lot of times during the game.
But yes, 2deep4u

>> No.2623990

How young ARE you?? Wow!

>> No.2624252

First of all, it wasn't Link who was dreaming, so it doesn't really count as the ALL A DREAM trope in the traditional sense.
Secondly, you're told relatively early in the game that the whole island is just a dream of the wind fish, so once again the twist isn't there so the trope doesn't exactly apply here.

>> No.2624259

what was the twist that's revealed before the face shrine, then?

>> No.2624262


As I understood it, it wasn't "just a dream" per se. Subcon Land exists in the dream world, which is a very physical reality. The Subcons had to call out to Mario in his dreams to draw him into their plane of existence.

>> No.2624268

That's exactly my point, anon. The tradition of the "It was all a dream" trope usually doesn't reveal that twist until the very end of the story, not halfway through like LA did.

>> No.2624294

my bad, I see. I wasn't being confrontative I just wanted to remember what happened at the face shrine.

>> No.2624370

Thanks for the unmarked spoilers jackasses

>> No.2624450
File: 111 KB, 193x378, Owl_Statue_(Link's_Awakening).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, you're given hints that you're inside a dream the whole game. The japanese title is "the dream island".

The twist is that it's not Link who's dreaming.

>> No.2624468

There is no twist, the point of the story isn't to try and shock you, you're meant to think about whether you'd be better off staying in this relatively peaceful, fake world than waking up the Wind Fish and returning to reality, in the process basically erasing the existence of everyone you've met thus far.

>> No.2624486
File: 260 KB, 600x758, 600full-the-legend-of-zelda_-link's-awakening-artwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I meant the twist to the "it was all a dream" trope.

>> No.2624641

When I found out that you could save Marin, I immediately went back and no-deathed the game.

>> No.2624690

There's no twist.

But everything wasn't simply " erased ".
The final boss is basically Vaati (or Vaati is basically the final boss).

Same forms, etc

There's definitely a connection.

>> No.2624698

Wait what? This is news to me.

>> No.2624708

Remember that scene where she talks to you by the beach? If you beat the game without ever dying, there's a post-credit scene where she survives the Wind Fish waking up and flies off like she said was her dream. It changes between versions though: in the original, her sprite floats by with wings, whereas she flies off as an actual seagull in the DX one.

>> No.2624725



>> No.2624743
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I personally don't think Marin exists after the Dream Fish wakes, in original or seagull form. I think it's just the memory of her that persists. She was but a dream.

>> No.2624749

links awekening is very emotional for a gameboy game. I had more feels from LA than any other zelda.

>> No.2624753
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Was my fav' Zelda game for a long time.

Was melancholic.

>> No.2624757

It wasn't vaati. If anything vaati rips of the nightmare. And the nightmare also predominately rips off old bosses. But 3/4 of its forms are unique to that game ie ganon and agahnim.

>> No.2624759
File: 23 KB, 320x320, 1435380472604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it makes the game much more memorable (like the game itself wasn't already enough).

For the same reason I think a dead Aries is a good Aries. She's a much more important character because she dies. If you could bring her back, her narrative would have been severely diminished.

>> No.2624765

I can't put into words just how much I hate Zac Gorman's faux deep video game comics. What the hell is even going on in this one? She's braver than Link for sitting around having been kidnapped? What?

>> No.2624770
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He has done good stuff too.

>> No.2624771

I don't know those comics, but I think the point in that one is that games with rescued princesses rarely show their struggles in captivity. I mean, Zelda's seen some shit in her day. At least, that's my takeaway.

>> No.2624772

Is that supposed to be good?

>> No.2624774

I think the thing that's most annoying is that he assumes Link is an arrogant little prick

Especially since Link is a blank slate, so Zac Gorman is just projecting

>> No.2624779
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>> No.2624902

I was pissed off when I beat Super Mario Bros 2 as a kid and the ending was that it was all a dream, because I saw it as, none of what I had played had really happened, that it wasnt Mario canon.

Now I see I was kinda autistic.

>> No.2624937

Stories are more satisfying when they count towards what happened. I mean no Super Mario Bros. matters anymore but back then it was just a couple games.
Peach won't actually float, Luigi won't actually jump higher, toad won't exist.

>> No.2624942

Twin Peaks

>> No.2624947


I don't get it

>> No.2624954


I like the "'cuz my legs ain't broke nigga" edit

>> No.2625028
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Just for you anon

>> No.2625340

Yeah it was just one of those modern literary fads like you find in Shakespeare.

>> No.2626413

My sweet, kind, perfect Marin is not a dream.
This is the dream and Marin will be waiting for me when I wake up.

>> No.2626424

This one is legitimately good. I think people have always wondered if Link's uncle was the previous generations Hero of Time, or just someone trying to do good in a world that was turning corrupt. I definitely have.

>> No.2626431

I guess we're never getting an "old Link" game where he's an 80 year old swordmaster who takes a break from meditating alone on top of the mountain to save the world again.

>> No.2626469

I wonder whether Marin and the rest of the villagers were entirely made up by the wind fish, or whether they were based on people that Link or the wind fish knew before the start of LA. Maybe they were wrecked and trapped like link was, years and years before - their physical bodies died but their minds remained in the dream - Link only escaped because he woke the fish before he died.

>> No.2626473

I wish after you beat LttP they would give a New Game + option where you could go through as Link's uncle. It's not really his fault he caught a bad break and hurt his ankle falling down the hole. If that hadn't happened it'd be a completely different game. I'd like to see that what-if.

>> No.2626484

Toad still exists what are you talking about

Didn't she float in the DS game? I think she used an umbrella though.

>> No.2626510
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Why is Puck doing the power pose?

>> No.2626529

He means literally.

Toad won't ever really exist.
Peach won't ever really float because she doesn't really exist.
Luigi won't actually jump higher because he doesn't really exist.

>> No.2626774

proportionately he's actually a reasonably sized guy. by some standards you'd say he was a big guy.

>> No.2626881
File: 29 KB, 512x450, SMB2-title-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think this would be considered
>"it was all a dream" Nolan tier 2deep4u bullshit
because it says it in the title screen.

>> No.2626891


I would like a game in which Link is a bodyguard of Zelda, or a general of her kingdom, but much older than her, like in this 30s or 40s. (no sexuality implied)

>> No.2626897

What the hell are you kids on about? This has been a cultural trope since we told stories around camp fires. The first modern example I can think of was the ending of the show Dallas.

>> No.2626910


>> No.2626932

Link's canon heroic power is that he possesses the triforce of courage. It's almost by definition that he is the "bravest person in the whole world". Zelda has the triforce of wisdom. Even if the idea in the comic wasn't stupid as fuck, it directly contradicts the specific setting he chose to use for it.

>> No.2626945
File: 27 KB, 700x491, comic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank god there's someone else over the age of 14 here. It's the most classic, cliched dramatic trope of all time.

>> No.2626958

Not for me, he isn't

>> No.2626976

Good taste, dog.

>> No.2626985

>calls everyone youngfags
>posts webcomic as early example when people have already mentioned things like Wizard of Oz an Alice in Wonderland

For the record, one of the old Scrooge McDuck comics from 50 years ago did the inception-style of "it was all a dream" first.

>> No.2626993


may as well get mad at OP for spoiling the end of Mario 2 as well...

>> No.2627002

The Aeneid predates all examples given so far.

>> No.2627005

I don't like thinking everybody got erased, you lived in the windfish dream and you you merely existed between the dream characters that still exist when the the whale wakes up, their realm of existance just changed

So when the whale sleeps again, the characters show upnoutside of its mind. I find this the most plausible

>> No.2627015

so the windfish has such a strong subconcious that it draws in other dreamers?

whatever helps you sleep at night.

>> No.2627143

But in the instructions iirc it says he woke up and went on a picnic and then found the same door from his dream, so it was awake when the game started. Idk mang, the lore has just too much depth for me.

>> No.2627241

I just wanted an excuse to post that Achewood comic, really. But it also suggests how cliched the "was it just a dream...?" thing is.

>> No.2627434

You mean the beginning, right? The whole plot of the game is that it's a dream.