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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 29 KB, 636x358, nintendo_playstation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2618302 No.2618302[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So what ever happened to the prototype? Did the owner find a way to power it on or was it all a hoax?

>> No.2618308

prolly a hoax

>> No.2618316

Doubt it, but I don't really give a shit anymore . Most of the launch games would've been edutainment shit had it been released anyways, so I'm glad we got what we got.

>> No.2618335

It was a Rebbit hoax to gain upvotes.

>> No.2618369


the way the bottom half is discolored from age but the top half isn't at all... that's been shooped.

>> No.2618395

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7t3_yrIxV4 Last video he posted about it, and gave out his steam name so anyone can add him.

>> No.2618398

No, this could be two parts made from two different molds.

>> No.2618405

Somebody should really dox if this guy has any background in sculpture or fabrication...

>> No.2618549
File: 140 KB, 560x570, 1434901897755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure it wasn't a hoax, but I'm alos pretty sure we'll never hear about it again. Dip shit dropped it in the river Gladden and it won't be seen again in this age.

In all likelyhood this thing wasn't a game changer. It's probably essentially an SNES with a disc drive for large/cheap ROMs, and maybe some extra audio equipment tacked on that takes advantage of the fact periphery equipment could mix into the SNES APU's output before being put onto the DAC.

If there were no games, then it's a fancy ass SNES that can play audio CDs.

That's it.

No new graphics chips. No new functionality. Just a Famicom disk drive 2.0 that couldn't even write back to disc.

The only reason why this is interesting past being a curiosity is that it is tangible evidence of the relationship between Nintendo and Sony in a critical time in video game development; transitioning from 2D to 3D.

>> No.2618567
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>> No.2618605

>No new graphics chips. No new functionality. Just a Famicom disk drive 2.0 that couldn't even write back to disc.
But the FDS has an extra RAM expansion compared to the Famicom...

>> No.2618631

Redditor got extremely lucky. He should sell it asap. He doesnt know what he is doing.

>> No.2618643

What do you mean he dropped it in the river Gladden.?

>> No.2618649
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Who gives a fuck about the console.

It's obviously a fake being how we haven't heard anything about the SNES cartridge that was in it.

>> No.2618658

He didn't have an SNES. He might since have tested it and seen what's on it, but who knows. I see no reason to doubt that this is real. Old, rare, very few of a kind game things show up for sale with some regularity.

>> No.2618670
File: 805 KB, 755x1118, 8c83c8ec1f6419e41eb732244c71ec11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a SNES we're talking about. If you can't find or just buy one off ebay for like $30 to play a fucking unknown cartridge you're either a fucking retard or trying to avoid being shown a fake.

>> No.2619045

Or just being extremely careful not to destroy a piece of history immeasurable by monetary value?
We don't know anything about the device - who knows, maybe it had a different voltage or something, the guy might have fried the cart if he took any risks.

I'm not saying it's fake but I'm not entirely convinced it's real either. Well just have to wait.

>> No.2619051

Give me a break retard. The shit is fake as fuck.

>> No.2619063

Did you watch the videos? That kid was nowhere near smart or competent enough to fake that thing.

>> No.2619072

Who says he worked alone?

Not sure why you want to believe so much. It's painfully obvious that if we haven't seen what was on the SNES cart by now it's fake or the guy fell off the face of the earth.

>> No.2619089

Maybe the guy just hasn't gotten around to it, or maybe he's messing around with whatever is on the cart before showing it off, or maybe someone convinced him to keep it secret, or maybe the whole Super Famicom cart design confused him when he was unable to get it to fit in a US SNES, or maybe he thinks it will only work on the hybrid console and not on a regular SNES (which could possibly be true, maybe, but I kinda doubt it).

Who knows. Until someone can provide better evidence than hypothetical he could have 3D printed it, I will maintain that it is quite possibly legit.

If it isn't, he's a fucking pro.

>> No.2619101

If it is a fake, then this is some next-level highly deep incredibly well-orchestrated trolling.

>> No.2619107

why you niggas so angry at the possibility of something you won't touch in your life being fake. need to chill actin like the dude did a great disservice to your families or some shit

>> No.2619109

You act like making a plastic shell and adding in some yellow is hard.
ANY prop shop worth shit could throw that together in less than week maybe a weekend.

It's hilarious how ignorant people are about what a good prop shop can do these days.

>> No.2619128

yeah sorry i don't believe that for a second. i prefer to be optimistic about the console. why? all his previous videos and likes were hip hop and music related. he seems like a chill guy. why would he fake it?

also maybe you should go to a prop shop and get them to make a replica just like in the video to prove your point? come on man.

the cynicism is pretty appalling from you guys tbh, i expected better.

>> No.2619141

No. Some actual hardware look like that. In this case it was probably done to make the hoax more believable and distract from discussing the actual clues.

>extra RAM expansion
Used to store the ROM.

Yes it was made by someone who has done some impressive custom cases.

>> No.2619142
File: 671 KB, 900x900, 2c6d807765c5c9d7268cac7fff3a3217.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is fucking hilarious.
Look at the facts retard.

All we have is a shaky video
Some closeups of a shell
Some closeups of a controller
And a picture of the cartridge

There's no pcb pics
There's no pic of the cartridge working

The two easy things to confirm authenticity have not been provided.

YET you want to say it's legit because of your ignorance of prop making.. Look at the props in Pacific Rim.

I've seen alien autopsy videos that looked more credible then this shit.

>> No.2619159

COULD it be? Sure, I guess. I rewatched the video video since it had been awhile, and if it is, yeah, they sure payed a lot of attention to detail.

Similarly, every prototype ROM on the internet could be meticulously edited ROM files from retail games.

>> No.2619174

i dunno man i'm not going to listen to you due to your weird anime picture and your smug sense of superiority. prove that it's a fake by making a prop yourself.

>> No.2619184

To be fair, people would probably just claim he had someone write a custom program and print custom PCBs.

>> No.2619214

He's a 2hufag after all

>> No.2619221

>Look at the facts retard.
Your "facts" are more likely to prove it's real than fake.

Also, I don't believe anything that comes from 2hu fags.

>> No.2619254
File: 36 KB, 333x333, 1435203629996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course there would be extra RAM as a CD read buffer. If the buffer itself was read/write enabled, then most certainly you could use the extra RAM to extend the base 128kBytes installed on the SNES.

But carts could pack extra RAM too, and did for things like the SuperFX. In other words adding extra RAM isn't anything that was new or unheard of.

My point being is that he probably sold the thing to his Denver store owner buddy and it's in other unknown hands.

This is retarded. Playing the cart in a stock SNES wouldn't hurt it. The worst that could happen is nothing because the ROM is trying to poke at registers that aren't there.

It's not like some new logic family was synthesized just for this stupid forgotten thing. Shit most certainly used 5V logic levels.

I mean, the whole point was for the thing was to be backwards compatible with the existing library. Otherwise why have the cart slot in the shape of a SFC game?

Why haven't there been copycats to cash in on the mad internet cred? a) because I doubt it's a prop and b) because internet cred is fucking worthless.

Yeah, I guess you could troll the Internet with a hoax like this, but dude could have gotten _much_ better mileage out of his lulz with such a quality fake. I think the fact he hasn't supports that it's probably real.

>> No.2619708
File: 39 KB, 720x576, 1434929876826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find it kinda funny he pulls out a shitty port of Unreal Tournament to prove his gamer cred when if he's telling the truth he already has a device that would pretty much put him above every Sony and Nintendo fan who even gives a shit about that.

>> No.2619742

>This is retarded. Playing the cart in a stock SNES wouldn't hurt it.

Oh so YOU made the console and cart he's holding huh? Oh wait you didn't so stfu you don't know shit.

>> No.2619749

I don't know how people like you can manage turning a computer on.

>> No.2619752

After ParkourDude91 I'd say anything is possible.

>> No.2619756
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>> No.2619770

Pretty sure I told you to stfu kid. You don't know SHIT about this console other than rumors you read years ago so get the hell out of here with your holier than thou attitude because this guy is being a saint not ruining this once in a life time opportunity by trying to make you twats who think they know everything happy. I weep for what would have happened if it ended up in your hands.

>> No.2619784

You're a fucking retard. Zero understanding about electronics. That's all.

>> No.2619786

Oh right yet you know everything about what's inside the console just from looking at the outside shell hmmmmmmm?

>> No.2619792

Nintendo has strict guidelines about their hardware. If the cartridge didn't work in a SNES it would confirm it's 100% fake.

Dumb ignorant fucking cunt.

>> No.2619795

Well it's a good thing that this is A NINTENDO AND SONY CONSOLE YOU DUMB FUCK! If this guy listened to you he would have probably killed it because it could be five or six revisions from the gay ass rumors you read and took seriously. Now stfu and be happy that he even had the kindness to share with the world that such a beautiful device exists because quite frankly getting pissy over him not risking destruction is making you look awfully entitled.

>> No.2619798

its even more funny that hes bothered he gets thousands of emails but he gives away his steam username.
what a dumbass

>> No.2619805

You have zero evidence to back that up. Nice opinion though shitbag.

>> No.2619809
File: 132 KB, 405x400, 1368406615014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aiming your post at the wrong dude, but he's right. You clearly don't know much about electronics.

Yeah, no shit I didn't make the console or the cart. But I do make custom electronics, I have made an SNES EPROM cart that I use to this day, I know the SNES architecture fairly well, I understand how computers work from the electron up, and I know that there are only so many commodity logic families out there. This shit uses TTL fo sho. I don't have to look at the insides to be confident in that assertion, I just have to look at the technology available at that time on a economic scale.

But by all means, continue flailing your voodoo beliefs.

>> No.2619810

No YOU have zero evidence to back anything up. All you got are unfounded rumors you're trying to apply to a console you have absolutely no idea about because it's the only known one in the world with absolutely no info about what's inside of it or even how it works. Now stfu before I get the administrator of this site to deal with you cause you're shitting up my board and I don't tolerate with that very long.

>> No.2619819
File: 369 KB, 800x710, 8b9e97f0c0e24b47ad4196deed893b5e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No YOU have zero evidence t
Every Nintendo dev hard ever
>zero evidence
Every Nintendo dev paperwork/schematics ever
>zero evidence

Sure thing kiddo.

>> No.2619820

>But I do make custom electronics, I have made an SNES EPROM cart that I use to this day, I know the SNES architecture fairly well, I understand how computers work from the electron up, and I know that there are only so many commodity logic families out there.

Guess what buddy you don't know a damn thing about this console until you open it up and look inside with your own eyes. Now shut up and be glad I posted a video for you nerds to see that this device does in fact exist instead of constantly begging him to risk destroying it to further your greedy needs.

>> No.2619826

And another thread on /vr/ turns into a screaming match. I remember the last thread we had on this machine ended similarly, although it got derailed and turned into an argument about some off-topic nonsense.

>> No.2619836

Do you not realized this is essentially a repackaged SNES with a disc drive connected to the expansion port that's on the bottom of ALL SNESs? Why the fuck would companies sink huge amounts of capitol into developing custom hardware? That's a terrible way to do business, especially when you're in the red just manufacturing these things. Electronics are like Lego and should be treated as such; slap an SNES on a disc drive and viola! (it's really not much more difficult than that)

Using the technology that's available, and making new consoles backwards compatible if possible, are the only sound business strategies here.

I don't need the thing in my hand to tell you this.

>> No.2619849
File: 54 KB, 298x453, 1374995505089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he popped the top and took some pictures people could read off the voltage regulator part umber, look up the spec sheet, prove that it runs on the power ratings labeled on the back, and laugh in your face for ignoring the evidence: the year it was made and the intent of the design. Yeah that's indirect, but so is evidence for the Big Bang.

>> No.2619859
File: 35 KB, 640x340, fotr_trailer02_010[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dip shit dropped it in the river Gladden and it won't be seen again in this age.

>> No.2619926

>but so is evidence for the Big Bang.

Great this board is full of atheists. No wonder it's filled up to the brim with passive aggression.

>> No.2619941
File: 1.43 MB, 291x229, 1393582820365.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread is going places.

>> No.2619947

And here we go! This place is no better than /v/ anymore.

>> No.2620449

It never was newfag.

>> No.2620449,1 [INTERNAL] 

Firstly, thanks for the pic, because there is only one other even decent pic of this on the entire internet. It *is* real, and has been played and reviewed by some YouTubers. This is a Playstation and SNES mixed together, although I have no idea if it'll play PS2 discs, I only saw it running an SNES cart. It was a prototype and there are no other known examples to my knowledge. If it were a hoax, they'd have outed the guy by now. I was very unsure too, until I did a lot of research. Nintendo hasn't confirmed it yet, and I want to ask but I have a feeling they would just laugh that off. I'm totally necroposting, but it's funny because this goddamn thing IS real. I thought it wasn't too...!