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File: 2.78 MB, 2450x3300, GameCube-Game-Boy-Player.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2610791 No.2610791 [Reply] [Original]

So is anyone following the progress of the Game Boy Interface?


It's a homebrew software that aims to replace the native software of the Gamecube's Game Boy Player.
It outputs at 240p, reduces input lag, matches the game boy's refresh rate, outputs the correct RGB colors and it seems to support the SNES' Super Game Boy borders. Not to mention I won't have to deal with the Game Boy Player's dreaded bilinear filter scaling mode and the forced use of borders, even if they have a minimal black one (albeit not completely black).

What are your thoughts on it?
Does this have the potential to surpass the Super Game Boy adapter?

>> No.2610795

>It outputs at 240p
Why would you want that?
>reduces input lag
There's lag on a normal GC GB player?
>matches the game boy's refresh rate
Why would you want that?
>SNES' Super Game Boy borders
Why would you want that?

>Not to mention I won't have to deal with the Game Boy Player's dreaded bilinear filter scaling mode and the forced use of borders
Thought the GB player did a pretty good job.

>> No.2610807

please do not trigger the autistic, hate will soon rain on you

>> No.2610809

I'm generally curious why you would want 240p or to match the GB refresh rate exactly?

>> No.2610818


don't ask me, was just a friendly warning :^)

>> No.2610825

To have perfectly accurate GB/C/A on a console. What's not to understand?

>> No.2610839

So you want to take a pretty damn good GB player that outputs 480p with component so you can output 240p over composite? So that you can have "correct" refresh rate which the TV is just gonna ignore anyway.

Someone actually spent time making this...

>> No.2610841

Just FYI, I was just listing some of the features, doesn't mean I care passionately about all of them.

>>It outputs at 240p
>Why would you want that?
I don't, but I imagine CRTfags would.

>There's lag on a normal GC GB player?
Yes. Not a dealbreaker to me though.

>>matches the game boy's refresh rate
>Why would you want that?
Every few frames the Game Boy Player has to repeat a frame twice to match the output framerate, giving a perception of stuttering. I never noticed it, but it's there apparently.

>>SNES' Super Game Boy borders
>Why would you want that?
I don't, but it's a nice feature that some people probably would.

>>Not to mention I won't have to deal with the Game Boy Player's dreaded bilinear filter scaling mode and the forced use of borders
>Thought the GB player did a pretty good job.
Well that's just a matter of personal preference but I absolutely cannot stand the blurry mess that is the bilinear filter, and that's the biggest selling point to me on this thing here. The most basic stuff we should be able to choose from in the options is the scaling mode between bilinear and nearest neighbor, and the gameboy player doesn't even do the bare minimum of doing that.
And why should we be forced to have a border around the game? Come on dude.

I understand if you don't care, that's fine, but are you aware that a lot of people are really pedantic in the ways in which they want to play their games right? This project is trying to be as accurate as possible to the original hardware, what's with the inquiry as if you find it weird that autistic retro nerds are way into accuracy?
Besides the video answers most of your questions if you're genuinely curious.

>> No.2610849

>Well that's just a matter of personal preference but I absolutely cannot stand the blurry mess that is the bilinear filter, and that's the biggest selling point to me on this thing here. The most basic stuff we should be able to choose from in the options is the scaling mode between bilinear and nearest neighbor, and the gameboy player doesn't even do the bare minimum of doing that.

You do know this shit forces composite right? Unless I'm missing something.

Not sure why you want it on a SD CRT.
>And why should we be forced to have a border around the game? Come on dude.
Wait. This thing just displays the games with no border? So it has fucked aspect ratio?

Say it again. Someone actually spent time on this piece of shit.

>> No.2610856
File: 128 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wait. This thing just displays the games with no border? So it has fucked aspect ratio?
I was talking about those stylized borders dude, that the GameBoy Player forces.

>> No.2610860

Oh. I know some people hate them but it really doesn't bother me.

>> No.2610880

Sure that's fine, but the big deal with the gameboy player (and with nintendo as a whole honestly) is that they don't exactly give us options. Letting me disable it should just be the bare minimum. There is a dark theme though that still has very minimal ornaments, but it still bothers me that they just wouldn't let me pick pure black around the game.

>> No.2610885

I wonder why there hasn't been a DS player yet.

Also: GG getting a Gamecube thread on /vr/, OP.

>> No.2610904

>You do know this shit forces composite right?
wrong, component and svideo are supported (ntsc)

240p so there's no upscaling that would result in image quality loss and would induce lag.

i'm excited for this, is everyone else just too dumb to see the advantages?

oh right, there was a video in OP but no one actually watched it.

>> No.2610910

It would be more exciting if someone figured out a way to make it work on the Wii via an adapter.

>> No.2610912

Show me how this guy is getting 240p over component.

>> No.2610925

>I wonder why there hasn't been a DS player yet.
they have just opened the DS VC shop. Mo money.

>> No.2610929

>DS VC shop
That's so dumb though. The nice thing about the Super Gameboy and the Gameboy Player was that you could take your game with you.

>> No.2610932

>That's so dumb though.
Not for their wallets its not. Convenience is retro

>> No.2610935

>Why would you want that?

Because no interlacing, no tearing, and SGB borders are rad as fuck. Why WOULDN'T you want that?

>Thought the GB player did a pretty good job.

Oh, you're just a shill.

>> No.2610936

>240p over component
do you think it's impossible?

you can already do 240p over component with the GBP using swiss.

>> No.2610945

>240p over component.

You're probably confused as to why can't your TV display 240p over component, the answer being: your TV doesn't support 240p over component.

>> No.2610958

Yep I watched the video now and can confirm you're full of shit.

No component support for 240p.
You're stuck with composite or svideo with this shit.

>you can already do 240p over component with the GBP using swiss.
That's swiss not this.
Nope and I own the cables instead of talking out my ass.

>> No.2610959

*also to add swiss is a buggy fucking mess and I wish people would fix that and make a viable SD loader that actually has good compatibility.

>> No.2610970

>No component support for 240p.
i was misinformed from a different forum. now i am disappoint.

thanks and sorry, etc.

>> No.2610978

I agree, but do you even know what shill means? He's not trying to sell you something off his eBay.

Are you the faggot who goes around saying people shill retroarch?

>> No.2610980


Or just a TV out.

>> No.2610981

>not owning superior PAL GCs

>> No.2610984

To shill the future, sometimes you have to shill the past.

>> No.2610987
File: 348 KB, 700x476, 49cdee89f806b13974770eaa48e2fad1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2610992


>> No.2610994

I'm sorry, I'm having too much fun getting RGB quality while paying literal hundreds less than anybody with an American GC.

>> No.2610995

That doesn't make sense. The new Ultra Low Latency version has it's resolution fixed to 240p at the exact native GBA framerate. The weird framerate means that composite and S-video chroma signals don't get decoded correctly, so the mode is only useful with component cables (or RGB, for PAL systems).

>> No.2611003

Component is better and a modded rgb cable is better that PAL rgb.
The guy said it wont work with most TVs. Probably everything but a monitor wont work.

>> No.2611013

Depends on how you look at it. They could make the hardware able to play DS, 3DS, and all the GB games, charge like $75-$150 for it, and still make money off of VC for all the games we don't physically own.

Seems like a missed market imo.

Shit, something.

>> No.2611020

How the fuck do you homebrew enable a gamecube?

>> No.2611021
File: 51 KB, 798x754, 2011 3ds cost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> They could make the hardware able to play DS, 3DS, and all the GB games, charge like $75-$150 for it
The 3DS was dirt cheap to manyfactyre when it was made let alone now, and that's enough to run DS and GBA games natively and accurately emulated GB/C games.


Use a homebrew disc (Datel did one) or a modchip.

>> No.2611070

Looks interesting enough, it could make my GBA flashcart really interesting.

>> No.2611112

I'm a decent-level CRT fag and I've never got the obsession with 240p, are we literally talking about a single digit milliseconds worth of difference here? I played through both Castlevanias and both Mario Lands just last year on the GBP and it felt just like the real thing.

>> No.2611128

Now if they made an interface that would allow it to be played on a tv screen it would be perfect.

>> No.2611249


>It outputs at 240p
>Why would you want that?
Have you ever seen 240p in action on a CRT? It actually looks nicer than 480i.

>reduces input lag
>There's lag on a normal GC GB player?
Never noticed myself, but hey, the less input lag the better.

>matches the game boy's refresh rate
>Why would you want that?

>SNES' Super Game Boy borders
>Why would you want that?
Again, have you ever seen SGB borders? They're fucking awesome.

>Not to mention I won't have to deal with the Game Boy Player's dreaded bilinear filter scaling mode and the forced use of borders
>Thought the GB player did a pretty good job.
I like having options. Some people don't like forced filtering on 2D games, myself included.

>> No.2611254

>Have you ever seen 240p in action on a CRT? It actually looks nicer than 480i.
Have you seen 480p? It's better than either of those and you don't need a mod.

And again. You're stock with composite or svideo with this thing.

Eliminate compatibility with basically 100% of TVs for "muh Authenticity". Great!

>> No.2611260


>Have you seen 480p? It's better than either of those and you don't need a mod.
Not for /vr/ you cuck

>> No.2611261

>Have you seen 480p? It's better than either of those and you don't need a mod.
>And again. You're stock with composite or svideo with this thing.
Sure but this will be free compared to the pain of getting those VGA/component cables

>> No.2611262

Back to your containment board, champ.

>> No.2611267

Not everyone started collecting in 2013.

>> No.2611274

Not everyone had a need for component/vga cables back in 2002 either

>> No.2611279

Either way component and 480p is superior. The mod should be out soon hopefully so cheapish cables will be available.

>> No.2611281

I have a virtually unused Gamecube. Thing literally has like 10 hours on it. Is it possible to play bootleg games or anything on it?

>> No.2611282

>Have you seen 480p? It's better than either of those and you don't need a mod.
>And again. You're stock with composite or svideo with this thing.
GBP's 480p mode doesn't measure up. Also, I don't necessarily mind S-video, it's actually pretty crisp with the right hardware.

>Eliminate compatibility with basically 100% of TVs for "muh Authenticity". Great!
It's compatible with the XRGB Framemeister. That should resolve most of its compatibility issues quite nicely.

>> No.2611296

>GBP's 480p mode doesn't measure up.
Could you talk out of your ass anymore? It looks miles better than anything comping out of composite or s video.

>It's compatible with the XRGB Framemeister. That should resolve most of its compatibility issues quite nicely.
So you want to output 240p just so you can upscale it when you could just use 480p. While also killing any lag you may have saved.

>> No.2611308

The cables are never coming when most people want them for actual GC games and a Wii with cables is much easier to get and GBA/GB emulation is free.
This nice piece of software is just going to improve the GBplayer without the rest of the hassle and for those with the better cables they'll have the best experience.

>> No.2611318

>The cables are never coming when most people want them for actual GC games and a Wii with cables is much easier to get and GBA/GB emulation is free.
Ya no. The GC has superior image. The cables are coming.

>This nice piece of software is just going to improve the GBplayer without the rest of the hassle and for those with the better cables they'll have the best experience.
No idea if it does. Seems to mainly focus on the 240p output.

>> No.2611336

>Have you seen 480p? It's better than either of those

For GB/GBC/GBA? Don't think so son.

>Eliminate compatibility with basically 100% of TVs

The fuck are you on about.

>> No.2611338

Try reading and not being an idiot, "son".

>> No.2611387

I suggest you follow your own advice, kid

>> No.2611389

I'm not the one making ignorant claims about shit I don't know about.

>> No.2611407

>Eliminate compatibility with basically 100% of TVs for "muh Authenticity". Great!
The fuck are you on about, you do realize that the accurate refresh rate option is just an option right, and it you choose if you want to enable it, along with the other features

>> No.2611415

Where did I say it had to be used. I was pointing fun at wanting the gb refresh. Try not being autistic.

>> No.2611420

Then what the hell is your point, if you're using a TV/Monitor that supports that refresh rate, why not enable it?
Do you even have a point or you're just being argumentative for the sake of it. I suggest you take your own advice and cut down on the autismo cereals.

>> No.2611426

>Then what the hell is your point, if you're using a TV/Monitor that supports that refresh rate, why not enable it?
Because it's over the fucking top?

When did /vr/ get filled with dumb kids that don't understand basic refresh rates and want to just label fucking opinions as absolutes?

>> No.2611435

I seriously don't understand your point. You're upset that there are people on the internet that want the most accurate as possible output of a chinese handheld and having that as an option shouldn't be a pursuit?

I would understand what you're saying if they forced the refresh rate, but it's quite literally just one of the 3 builds that does that, you can go standard if you want to. Why does it bother that people are obsessive as fuck over this.

I don't particularly care for it, but why does it bother you
that other people do.

>> No.2611442

>You're upset that there are people on the internet that want the most accurate as possible output of a chinese handheld and having that as an option shouldn't be a pursuit?
What is accurate about displaying a GB game on a TV?

Do you have some complex or something? Why would it bother me? You said I was upset and asked me if I was bothered by it 3 times in that post. Some strange mix of underageb&, autism, and weak trolling going on.

>> No.2611464

I keep asking you because you keep deflecting. I am trying to understand your point but you just keep acting defensive, and going head-on into strawmans for no reason. I literally am just asking you questions and you feel insulted and lash out, feel free to keep doing it if you want.

So far what I could gauge from you was that a closer as possible framerate to the original hardware is bad because it's too "over the top". I fail to see how having this as an option is a bad thing and from this point the shit flinging started. We can both part ways in this dance, but that's the only issue I would like you to see addressed.

>> No.2611470

>I keep asking you because you keep deflecting. I am trying to understand your point but you just keep acting defensive, and going head-on into strawmans for no reason. I literally am just asking you questions and you feel insulted and lash out, feel free to keep doing it if you want.
My point was clear.

>So far what I could gauge from you was that a closer as possible framerate to the original hardware is bad because it's too "over the top".
Because it doesn't work with any TVs really. I guess if you want a GC just to play GB games on a TV it might make sense. At that point may as well emulate.
I could be wrong but it seems that's the only way to get 240p from this thing is with the weird refresh rates. There's better ways to go about getting 240p if that's what you really want.

>> No.2611471

I feel like people who don't like this actually gathered they were going to sell modded GB players instead they're just giving out replacement software to work on top of the GBP.

>> No.2611487
File: 84 KB, 824x395, ss+(2015-08-15+at+12.15.06).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I could be wrong but it seems that's the only way to get 240p from this thing is with the weird refresh rates.
I'm not sure actually, is 59.8261 Hz a standard refresh rate? If so the Low Latency mode might be a good compromise between the Standard and the Ultra Low Latency Modes.
Either way I don't really care for 240p

>> No.2611507

gb refresh rate was actually 59.7 fps. dot matrix kind of made it pointless, but super gameboy had a 61.1 fps to compensate for the lag and looked pretty crisp for being basically a gameboy without the lcd. snes couldn't emulate, so they split the difference.

i know the super gameboy 2 had link capabilities, don't know about the gamecube gameboy player tbh.

>> No.2611512


I was already incredibly hype for this but just...

You're telling me this software basically invalidates the super gameboy by having the borders for those games too? Holy shit that's unreal.

I thought I'd have to get keep around the super gameboy for those. Does it also get the added sounds/colors?

>> No.2611514

>Stylized border
>Its just a purple matte no different then the original GBA

Jesus fuck, cmon. Thats unbeliveably petty if you really think something like that is going to ruin a game for you. I love my GB Player just as much as the next guy, but come the fuck on.

This is why you guys get called autistic.

>> No.2611517


The Wii U quite literally has the capabilities to pull it off, Top screen via TV, bottom via Wii-U tablet with interactivity. I'd kill for a fucking DS player. but nintendo is too jew to want it without it ruining the precious DS VC which has, a total of 5 games and not even any of the good ones.

>> No.2611518

you're wrong, the wii does 240p over component just fine, just must monitors can't display it. tends to work fine on PVM's with component inputs though. I've tried it and it works great for use with emulators on the wii.

>> No.2611521

The thing is if you use the ULL mode and have an upscaler you can zoom in and make the game part fill most of the screen in widescreen while keeping perfectly square pixels.

>> No.2611523

I can't fight it Anon, it just bothers me. I'm not purposely trying to be bothered by it. It just does, and I can't undo it.

>> No.2611526

Regardless, wanting the option to have no border is not unreasonable. Back in the day I was concerned that the omnipresent "Z Button: Options" was going to cause screen burn-in.

>> No.2611529

We aren't talking about Wii for the second or third time now.
I don't see that working well with the gamepad.

>> No.2611532

no, because I'd need a mod chip


>> No.2611543

This, cool in theory, but it seems like a lot of work just for a few pixels worth of speed. Its not like the games are unplayable on the player as is.

And if it bothers you so much, just play it on the original system and quit griping.

>> No.2611545

>I don't see that working well with the gamepad.
You can split the game to 2 screens or put it all on the gamepad
I think it would work well if it played similar to some of the better emulators where the 3d models look amazing

>> No.2611550

You can't really look at the gamepad and TV at the same time well.

>> No.2611554

Not many DS games have you focused on both at the same time so it's not much of an issue

>> No.2611678

>So that you can have "correct" refresh rate which the TV is just gonna ignore anyway.

CRTs don't "ignore" refresh rates, they will either sync to it or they won't. Please tell me you aren't using a shitty LCD TV to play anything before PS3.

>> No.2611693



Why would you display upscaled when you can get native resolution? Upscaling just results in ugly blockyness.

>> No.2611737

Does it really make that much of a difference with the GBplayer?
I really doubt it if you're using this software anyways

>> No.2611829

All these posts and not a single person has actually put forward any evidence to the supposed lag of the Game Boy Player. Apart from, obviously, the creator of this homebrew, I don't think a single person has ever had a problem with the accuracy of it. People say "Cool, no lag is good" of course, but this whole thing is a total placebo.

Having the borders back is legitimately cool though, albeit just a novelty.

>> No.2611838

I have to say, I didn't expect such a "meh" response here. The old software was really bad, it didn't have widescreen even though the GBA was widescreen, it has noticeable lag and stutter and makes everything look like someone smeared their greasy hands across your TV.

It's not awful but an improvement is amazing, it has the correct clock speed, the borders from SGB (Maybe also the exclusive SGB2 ones and the colors/sounds?) less than one frame of input lag and if you're an upscaler guy like me you can can have the actual game part take up 90-ish% of the screen with perfectly square pixels instead of a box in a smaller box squashed to 4:3.

>> No.2611859

There's been no evidence of anything beyond the borders being supported, and I wouldn't count on it; displaying a simple graphic is one thing, but colorizing and enhancing the sound the way the SGB did are entirely separate processes that the GB/C/A simply didn't do. This software would have to essentially emulate the SGB to do it, and I think that's beyond the scope of the software.

Not trying to piss all over the software--I see no reason to vehemently oppose it as others have--I'm just looking at this realistically.

I am not surprised at the contrarian and excessively hateful attitude toward the software, but I'm genuinely surprised this thread hasn't had a single instance of shrieking of "NOT RETRO."

>> No.2611886

Considering this is /vr/ I think most people aren't entirely informed on the GBplayer and we stick mostly to SGB but the thing is if whats being put out there is true it's certainly not placebo in anyway since it enhances the experience of GBA/GB games to either a more accurate or better to hardware experience.
Honestly I like it because I have a few GBplayers and this would be interesting compared to my SGB which I haven't modified and it obviously lacks link capabilities.

>> No.2611979

Except theyre pretty similar hardware wise.

>> No.2611983

>GBP's 480p mode doesn't measure up.
>Could you talk out of your ass anymore? It looks miles better than anything comping out of composite or s video.
They compared the two IN THE FUCKING VIDEO. GBI's 240p looks better than GBP's 480p.

>It's compatible with the XRGB Framemeister. That should resolve most of its compatibility issues quite nicely.
So you want to output 240p just so you can upscale it when you could just use 480p. While also killing any lag you may have saved.

Hey, the lag is virtually unnoticeable for me on the GBP as it is, or at least it was the last time I used one like 10 years ago. Unless the XRGB's lag is noticeable, I really won't care. I just like the idea of having razor-sharp pixels.

>> No.2612019

This shit is just getting dumb. You kids really need to stop. Leave for a few hours and come back to more ignorant dumb posts.
The video compared 480i. Not 480p.

>Why would you display upscaled when you can get native resolution?
Think for 3 seconds and maybe you'll comprehend why you're a retard for making this statment,

>> No.2612089

OP here.
Nope. This doesn't seem to support the Super Game Boy borders, my bad.

>> No.2612095

Never play with my emotions like that again!

>> No.2612105

Sorry anon
On the other hand you'll be happy to know that this will also support ds and gamegear games

>> No.2612123

Now you're just mocking me.

>> No.2612145

I read many times that the GBA virtual console of the Wii U is the only good Wii U Virtual console.
IIRC it was not developed by Nintendo, but by M2, the same people who port the Sega classics to the 3DS.
The NES, SNES and N64 Virtual console is terrible, input lag and nasty filters. Nintendo dropped the ball, especially when the Wii VC was so good on such a weak console.
At least you can still access the Wii VC in the Wii U.

playing the GBA on the gamepad makes sense, since it is like ver comfortable fake handheld with a resolution not that far from those of the GBA (480p IIRC).

>> No.2612152

Just about all the laggy Wii U VC games also lag on a Wii.

>> No.2612153

>with a resolution not that far from those of the GBA (480p IIRC).
GBA has a resolution of 240x160px, which tripled gives you 720x480; I haven't played any GBA VC games on the Wii U, but that would fit rather nicely on the Gamepad's 854x480px screen.

>> No.2612158

Does anyone know where i can buy a wii key 2 and get it to the states? Or some other way to be able to load games from an SD card ona cube? working on a project and trying to reduce size as much as i can.

>> No.2612164

>Oh, you're just a shill.
Are you seriously suggesting that someone is shilling for a product that hasn't been sold for almost a decade now?

Get the fuck out.

>> No.2612170

>Or some other way to be able to load games from an SD card ona cube? working on a project and trying to reduce size as much as i can.
Not sure about actually loading games, but Datel's SD Media Launcher is able to load various homebrew and the like.
A softmodded Wii can go a massively long way for loading GC(and Wii games) along with emulators and the like, so that may be something to look into if you have one laying around.

No idea on the WiiKey2 specifically, but XenoGCs shouldn't be too hard to find. I've personally been planning on buying one from someone on assembler in the near future: http://assemblergames.com/l/threads/zer0-2k11s-mod-chip-and-installation-shop.43131/

>> No.2612176

Then you're a retarded shill.

>> No.2612184

Isn't there some new update on swiss coming to make the SD loaders actually have audio streaming now? I assume that would make the SD loaders a better option than the mod chips then.

>> No.2612187

And you're retarded because you don't know what the word shill means.


>> No.2612192

Can't say I've been following anything on Swiss's development recently, but you do need a way to initially load said loader/Swiss.
The Media Launcher is something like $30 shipped, where you can get a XenoGC for half that; If you don't mind opening your system up and applying a hardmod, it's undenaiablly the more economical solution.

>> No.2612197

>but you do need a way to initially load said loader/Swiss.
Ya it's either on the memory card or if it's a drive replacement on that.

Mod chips are cheaper but you still need to burn CDs and it requires the lasers. Aren't SD geckos like $40? I think the drive replacements like the wasp are like $80. But again they have problems with streaming audio.

>> No.2612239

>Mod chips are cheaper but you still need to burn CDs and it requires the lasers.
Just one miniDVD to load get you into your loader; Same as the Media Launcher except that's an "official" disc. Generic SD geckos can be has for <$10 online.
Going the modchip route -should- give everything the soft method would along with loading of backup discs right off the bat.

>> No.2612246

I only mention the SD loaders because the guy was talking about size. I agree that as of now the modchips are better. But once swiss gets audio streaming going that wont be the case.

>> No.2612270

Like I said, no matter what, you need a way to initially load Swiss. That can be done with a Datel Media Launcher's disc or a mod chip with a burnt disc. From there on out, you can load from a real disc or SD/etc.
No matter what happens, the mod chip has everything available to it that an official boot disc does and more. Better SD loading benefits someone with a modchip just as much as someone without.

Only thing that could top it would be a method to load off the SD card with out requiring a disc at all. Like a glitched save file you could toss on the SD card and attempt to access via the GC's system menu, or as someone on gc-forever brought up, a Melee exploit.

>> No.2612273

>Like I said, no matter what, you need a way to initially load Swiss
Like I said. It's preloaded. No drive neeeded. The problem is compatibility.

>> No.2612278

>It's preloaded. No drive needed.
You need to have the system actually load Swiss; It doesn't magically know "Oh, theres something weird on this memory card, I should load that."
Unless I'm missing something massive, you NEED a boot disc even is said boot disc has Swiss on it.

>> No.2612281

With the old sd gecko tricks. Now there's drive replacements. Maybe the sd gecko still needs a disc but I know the other SD card readers are physical drive replacements. Some can still retain the drive though.

I don't own one. I just keep up with the updates because once audio streaming is fixed I'll buy one.

>> No.2612289

Drive replacements are a different matter, but for SDgecko loading, your stuck with either boot discs or an exploit using PSO as far as I can tell.
If it wasn't clear before, I haven't been talking about drive replacements.

>> No.2612409

>Considering this is /vr/ I think most people aren't entirely informed on the GBplayer and we stick mostly to SGB

This assumes that people who browse /vr/ live in a retro bubble and refuse to touch anything made after 1999, as if being a fan of retro games means you can't enjoy anything not retro, which is of course pretty ridiculous.

...you don't... you don't actually live your life that way, do you/

>> No.2612465

There are multiple people who browse /vr/ who are older than you autists.
This is a thing.

>> No.2612506

I don't quite follow. I'm probably fairly old for /vr/, and I don't have a problem balancing retro video games with modern games (even if I heavily favor one over the other).

>This is a thing.
You mean, adhering to 4chan board rules in your actual real life is a thing? And you're calling me an autist? I guess that'd be part of "a thing."

>> No.2612548
File: 12 KB, 266x189, hold it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm amazed no one is bitching about the GBA being not retro.

Is GBA finally accepted on /vr/?

>> No.2612650
File: 7 KB, 284x177, component.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>480i output
>Not using component cables for 480p

Disgusting, stop being a poor fag and get the component cables. If you're a euro-fag, then get an NTSC CRT with component support imported, and import an AMERICAN Gamecube with the component cab

>> No.2612664

I know NES and SNES Virtual Console emulation is terrible, but what's wrong with SNES?

>> No.2612667

>no u

>> No.2612683

>nasty filters

>> No.2612685

It seems like /vr/ has an interest in homebrew software. Idk, but I'm not complaining.

>> No.2612718
File: 124 KB, 600x801, 1433321030456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is there an exploit to let me run homebrew on the Gamcube? I think I remember seeing something using PSO and the broadband adapter which I have.

This looks cool, now I just need a way to get this running on actual hardware.

>> No.2612731

That's dumb. As other's have mentioned they could get the money for the hardware PLUS the cost of the VC games that people don't really own. It's like making money off the people who already have the physical cartridge again.

>> No.2612739

I'm going to let you in on a little secret: M2 does most of the VC stuff. I derailed an entire thread by saying Ecco the Dolphin was already on Virtual Console (this is extremely easily confirmed) and how it would be cool if Nintendo/Sega/Whoever just did another production run of old hardware and software. The entire thread collectively lost it's shit about how "HURR DURR M2 MAKES THE PORTS NOT NINTENDO!!!3434".

>> No.2612748

There was maybe some weird confusion there, Ecco was on the Wii virtual console but it was also ported to the 3DS by M2 as part of the excellent 3D Classics series (so it wasn't on the VC on 3DS)

>> No.2612797

It's only partially allowed ITT because of GB/GBC support.

Why should I do all that crap when I can just go 240p RGBs which is basically the same, if not better than 480p for what this thing is supposed to do, and I won't need to get any EDTV ruining 240p software.

>> No.2612801

Yes, and M2 also made the Wii Virtual Console game. What's your point? Because Nintendo decided "Hey, let's sell this on a cartridge even though we already released it for digital download"? I really honestly don't care, it's just funny that people get so butthurt about what the delivery method was

>> No.2612805

Fuck, here it goes. Sorry, guys. My error will probably derail this thread. I'm sorry, I'll try not to ever bring up Ecco the Dolphin again.

>> No.2613205

Native resolution output at 240p is objectively better image quality wise on a CRT than line doubling it to 480p.

You can't really argue otherwise.

>> No.2613290
File: 436 KB, 819x786, 15621c30400355c7b8bf777621498f5c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Native resolution output at 240p
You're pretty ignorant about the topic and it's obvious you're parroting google or some other source that has nothing to do with this subject.

First thing.
1 GC doesn't natively output 240p. There are hacks though if you want to be autistic about it.
2. GB isn't 240p.

Where you're getting this native 240p shit I don't know. You're dumb and you should stop parroting.

>240p is objectively better image quality wise on a CRT than line doubling it to 480p.

Second thing.
There is nothing objective about that statement.

For sake of argument 99% of PC CRTs with 480p have far superior image than 99% of consumer SD CRTs with 240p.

>line doubling
This is another case of you parroting something you don't know about. The 480p output isn't linedoubled. The GB resolution is scaled by an integer of 3. Which, basically means it's gonna be perfect ignoring device errors.

And as said multiple times. If your main concern is 240p there's already ways to get it.

>> No.2613339

>>For sake of argument 99% of PC CRTs with 480p have far superior image than 99% of consumer SD CRTs with 240p.

PC CRTs are better displaying 240p graphics at 240p if you know how to do that

>> No.2613349

>2. GB isn't 240p.

That's irrelevant. It's being displayed as a smaller viewport inside a larger 240p viewport, like with the Super Game Boy, so that makes it 240p

>> No.2613369

Most PC CRTs can't display 240p.
>That's irrelevant. It's being displayed as a smaller viewport inside a larger 240p viewport, like with the Super Game Boy, so that makes it 240p
You're an idiot again. None of that is native.

>> No.2613380

>Most PC CRTs can't display 240p.

Well they can, but not the normal way that 15KHz displays do it. It either requires displaying at 120Hz or inserting black lines into a 480p signal. Only the latter would be possible from console hardware if you used a scanline generator.

>> No.2613394

No idea about the shit you're talking about. Sounds like more google parroting to me.

Main way and best way to display 240p on a PC CRT is line doubling to 480p.

>> No.2613417


>No idea about the shit you're talking about. Sounds like more google parroting to me.

Not my fault you haven't been keeping up with CRT discussions around here. Both methods are pretty simple concepts to grasp, really.

>Main way and best way to display 240p on a PC CRT is line doubling to 480p.

No, that's just the easiest way. But it looks nothing like any 15KHz display due to the increased blockyness. So people generally insert black lines into the signal, then boost the CRT brightness to compensate, resulting in a 240p image like a Sony BVM would output.

>> No.2613440

>It either requires displaying at 120Hz or inserting black lines into a 480p signal.
>Both methods are pretty simple concepts to grasp, really
Neither of these "methods" is used ever. Maybe with emulation. Certainly not real hardware. Not aware of any device that does the latter "method" you described with black lines.

Maybe confusing a slg?

>No, that's just the easiest way. But it looks nothing like any 15KHz display due to the increased blockyness. So people generally insert black lines into the signal, then boost the CRT brightness to compensate, resulting in a 240p image like a Sony BVM would output.
What are you talking about blockyness.

>> No.2614221

Dude. The thing he's talking about where you insert black lines to simulate a 15khz display on a VGA monitor is a thing. Read up on it unless you want to continue looking silly.

>> No.2614234

Not the guy you're replying to. Is that what the "black frame insertion" options in retroarch does?

>> No.2614260

It's not real. Never has been real.
Link me to one.

You two idiots are confusing a SLG with emulation shit.

>> No.2614340

That's a different thing.

How is a SLG that has 240p input and VGA output not exactly what was described?

>> No.2614361

>How is a SLG that has 240p input and VGA output not exactly what was described?
You keep talking about shit that doesn't exist. Here wait. Stop talking out your ass. Maybe at least google the actual SLG you're talking about. Might learn something.

I can tell you the two most popular SLGs don't work with 240p.

>> No.2614395

>not doing 240p output over component
Shiggy diggy

>> No.2614421

You're hilarious! Kids have made homebrew devices that can do this. Just because the two SLGs voted most popular on whatever sperglord videophile forum you spend your life in can't doesn't mean nothing can. You truly are clueless.

>> No.2614427

Show me one. I'll wait dumbass.

Strawman fucking idiot.

>> No.2614638
File: 277 KB, 600x375, GameBoyPlayer-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

240p does look better, but is it worth the hassle is the question.

>> No.2614642

See that's for GBP. That thing's software softens everything.

Show me GBI 240p vs 480p

>> No.2614646

Not him and the guy hasn't post a comparison. I can only imagine why.