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2610643 No.2610643 [Reply] [Original]

So who else has this incredible nostalgia for this epic game?

>> No.2610647

it doesn't hold a candle to chrono trigger.

>> No.2610651

I think it's quite a bit better than Chrono Tigger, but don't really have nostalgia for it like OP does. It's hard to feel nostalgic about something I played in my mid 20's. IT's a sold game though.

>> No.2610653

hehe. well CC is a game of the newer era. I've seen lots of gamers say that CC was a letdown, but for me it was epic journey.

>> No.2610657

>incredible nostalgia
>epic game

literally, buzz words: the post

>> No.2610661

If I had played it in my 20's, I probably too wouldn't feel that much nostalgia, but since I played in my early-mid teens, I was totally living in it. I love listening to OST with orchestra from time to time. One of the best soundtracks ever. Yasunori Mitsuda is a genius.

>> No.2610670

And that, dear friend is how nostalgia works! Would probably have been the same for me.

>> No.2610673
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I think it's a great game with engrossing ambience and fun combat mechanics. I still hum the music.

>> No.2610721

Shit game that shits all over the story of its predecessor. All the connections to Trigger feel slapped-on and shoehorned. It would have been better if it were just in a completely different universe. It just makes me angry.

>> No.2610775

You need to grow up.

>> No.2610876

It definitely was pretty nice the first time.

>> No.2610915
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People complain about this game a lot and I suppose there's valid negatives about it, but I enjoyed playing it quite a lot. It's a gorgeous world, easily one of the nicest looking PS games. I like having lots of recruitable characters to choose from; them having little story doesn't bother me, as that was par for the course in older RPGs when I was growing up.

>> No.2610916

I definitely enjoyed it more than Chrono Trigger, but the connections feel pretty loose. It's mechanically a completely different style, which I suppose is a good thing. CT had a generic experience level system and locked in techs. Chrono Cross lets you slap most any ability on anyone, with exceptions like special techs. I just wish the game were more difficult.

Does enemy difficulty scale in New Game+?

>> No.2610942

>Does enemy difficulty scale in New Game+?
Were you asking if the difficulty varies? No. After you finish the game, you can fast forward through everything.

>> No.2610949

This is relatively new on Youtube.

>> No.2610971


Someday I'll hack this game and replace the battle theme. It grates on my nerves so much, it's by far the worst thing about the game for me.

>> No.2610983

I haven't played it in years, but I distinctly remember loving it. The sheer variety of characters to find and endings to get blew my mind as a kid, and the soundtrack had a pretty major impact on me. When I finally did get around to being able to play Chrono Trigger it didn't have the same oomph to me. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely loved the game, but it wasn't what I was expecting at all.

>> No.2611000

It's okay. I used to really love it and thought it was a worthy sequel to CT, and it's still a great game but thematically it's really weird. Like just the character artstyle bugs me how it's not in the Toriyama style. It's inconsistent and doesn't "feel" like it's part of the same series. And then they threw a bunch of weird things in that just clashes with CT's style, like Nikki, Turnip, Mojo, and really half the playable cast. Then there's the mermaids, dwarves, dragons, and faeries. CT had a bunch of unique monster races like kilwalas, heckrans, those ninja birds, and all sorts of other things. But then they all got ditched for generic fantasy things we've seen 100 times. It seemed like CC had no real direction and they just threw in whatever hoping something would work, but it's just a jumbled mess of chaos.

>> No.2611034

I did play CT first, but at the same time I don't really compare CC to it because it's enough of its own entity.

Yes, it isn't great as a sequel to trigger. But I like it as its own game.

>> No.2611038

the only thing I don't like is that out of 35 something characters, only maybe 10 are good.

>> No.2611039

Only the ones who can steal are important, the rest don't matter. Fargo, Kid, Mel.

>> No.2611041

They fucked up by not doing the Guile is Magus plot they planned. If they had a lot of people would've forgiven the other mistakes the game made.

>> No.2611042

I love how butthurt Trigger fans get every time someone makes a Cross thread.

I played the Chrono series a couple years ago (in succession) for the first time and loved them both.
Even Radical Dreamers had some interesting ideas.

>> No.2611054


Glenn with 2 swords man.

>> No.2611110


Norris for life

>> No.2611120


Those were the best characters. I couldn't even come up with the full 10. I can't believe they put a homosexual purple dog in the cast but didn't let you play as Toma XIV. What a wasted opportunity.

>> No.2611178
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Yuji Horii wasn't there to keep Masato Kato's self-indulgent artistic masturbation in check.

>> No.2611201

Kidd was dickworthy

game was pretty shit though. Nice music and visuals, didnt get very far because I simply did not care.

>> No.2611273

>Zurvan the land of dreams

What in the holy fuck was he on about? Still is the hands down shittiest ending I've ever seen in a game. A simple "Game Over" ending arcade games give you is better than this drivel.

>> No.2611312

>Chrono and Marle get married and rule Guardia Kingdom sometime after the end of CT

>Schala is still missing at the end of CT, solidifying Magus as a tragic character

>Frog unlocks the Masamune's true form in CT
>call it the Mastermune

>Balthazar resigns himself to his fate in the future and gives you his time machine so that you can set things right

>Chrono and company defeat Lavos and save the fabric of time?
>CC crew have to go on a journey that ultimately makes CT pointless in the grand scheme of things
>it doesn't

I shit you not. The story is a retarded piece of shit that plays out like someone's rough draft for a CT sequel that they wrote on FF.net, printed out, jacked off to reading while it was stacked on top of a guide to CT, then revised to include the CT story elements that bled onto their fic after their jizz made the ink run.

>> No.2611341

The Masamune translation still pisses me off to this day, because the original name for the sword is the "Grandleon"

Guy just named it Masamune becasue hes a fucking weeb.

>> No.2611353

The part about Balthasar was so over the top bullshit I still refuse to accept it as canon. Kato is a hack.

>> No.2611504

Harle is best girl

>> No.2611535
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B-but muh Timecrash

>> No.2611552


Yeah, I can't accept shit like that. Names changed for absolutely no reason. I understand when there are phrases and jokes that have no direct translation, but there was no reason for this.

>> No.2611553
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Damn straight.

>> No.2611569
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>> No.2611582


>> No.2612515

had fun with this and loved the visuals but it's far from as good and as memorable as CT and as someone said earlier in this thread, doesn't really make sense as a sequel. my main gripe is a bit different though - the characters. they really put quantity over quality and most of them are underdeveloped as fuck - to the point where they ran out of space for dialog and made this fucking retarded accent script. seriously. CT had fewer characters but they were all great and definitely more than stats and accents

>> No.2613825

reddit the post

>> No.2613898

Not even close to as good as Chrono Trigger. It not even fair to try and compare them..and I like Chrono Cross..

>> No.2614917

I literally only play it for the music.

>> No.2614924

How did you manage to bear the battle music ? It got on my nerves so fast I stopped playing.

>> No.2614929

True, thats probably why i rush thru the battles. The map music is one of the best in all of vidya imho.

>> No.2614932

>good as Chrono Trigger
I see we're practicing our oxymorons today.

Chrono Cross is a gem
Chrono Trigger is as generic as they come.

>> No.2614991

I'm currently playing it for the first time, just finished the Dead Sea quest. Really enjoying it, much more than Trigger, which I always felt had uninteresting gameplay despite the awesome graphics and music.

The combat system in Cross is far more interesting to me. It's simple on the surface but leads to a lot of strategy as you discover its depth. I also really like how the game's emphasis is on boss fights, so the battles are always engaging. Plus the backgrounds are gorgeous and as others have said the music is top-notch.

I couldn't care less about the story; haven't been paying very close attention to it. I suppose I can understand if Trigger fans don't like it because it's not more of the same, but that's not a fair criticism of Cross as its own game anyway.

>> No.2615093

>still confusing contrarianism for a good taste

>> No.2615101
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Cross is an excellent game and blew Trigger out of the water and across the beach, something the vocal contrarian Trigger fanboy minority just can't deal with.

>> No.2615107

As someone who played both games recently, I don't know what the big deal is, they are both great games.
Is it a nostalgia thing?

>> No.2615564

Triggerniggers mad it isn't Trigger 1.01 usually start this shit. It's really pathetic. Trigger fans =/= Chrono fans.

>> No.2615587
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Pic related is why people were mad at CC. I don't know how many people in this thread followed the hype leading up to release, but I remember going on AOL chatrooms and message boards to discuss it. Once the screenshots of Glenn were put out people were hyped to fuck that we would finally get to play as a humanized Frog. Speculation ran wild about what time period the game took place in, and if Magus would be back too, etc. It was a great time.

Then we got the game and it had maybe 5% to do with CT, and most of it was just namedrop references. Glenn wasn't even the same guy. It felt like we were deliberately deceived by Square. Oh but the Masamune is back? Well thank god at leas-- oh wait now it's an evil sword, not the holy one from CT without any real explanation? Okay.

It's no wonder it got such a bad rep right out of the starting block.

>> No.2616290

I thought it was a plot thing, they didn't like how it handled trigger's plot. I never played either save for a few hours of trigger, not much of a square fan.

>> No.2616434

I finished last month and personally I felt a let down after defeating Mother Brain.

>> No.2616514

Second for this. Trigger stands alone too well to mess with. Cross would have benefitted from a real plot and not one tacked onto fanfiction-tier stuff they added to Trigger.

>> No.2616536

Agreed any comparison to Trigger makes Cross look like a failure. But the soundtrack and world is amazing so I really don't mind, they don't shove that it's a sequel in your face, it's possible to enjoy it for most of the game.

Chrono Trigger has the best characters and some of the most exciting moments on the SNES. For me it rivals FF6. The combat is satisfying and the plot ramps up really well. The reason it seems to be generic is because everyone wants to make CT but can't, so you see little shades of its brilliance in sequels. Nobody has the courage to do WoRuin from FF6 these days, even CT softened its hardest moments.

>> No.2616542

I don't mean sequels, correction, I mean games made in the next decade or so. And the PS1 era was a great time for RPGs indeed. Can you believe Breath of Fire 3 came out just two years later? That game was really underappreciated

>> No.2616687

If you're going to nostalgia over a game at least pick a game that wasn't considered shit from day 1.

>> No.2617345

The story was bland, most characters were totally one-dimensional save for maybe Frog and Magus, the main game was short, piss-easy, and the combat was FAR too simplistic and shallow for it to be enjoyable in any way.

Cross was a hell of a lot more innovative by having a better battle system, superior plot elements, characters that actually have a bearing on the plot, and it's about twice as long as Trigger. Compared to it, Trigger is trash.

>> No.2617508
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So you expected Trigger 1.01 and didn't get it.

>> No.2617527

Yeah we all did, hopefully now we can look at the game for its own merits instead of the predecessor.

>> No.2617570

Cross is a genuine clusterfuck.

Too many characters, with really only 3 playable ones getting any real development (Serge, Kid, and Lynx) which leads to your main party not mattering, unless you take Kid along for the ride.

You're given choices and your decisions don't even matter. Regardless of what you choose to do for Kid she lives.

It has an interesting premise, potentially more interesting then CT's Time travelling because you're dealing with a divergent timeline, and you can have people meeting their other selves, but it has very little story element, and instead is mostly used for shitty jokes.

The element system is terrible.The whole combat system and leveling system is atrocious. It came out in Squares experimental phase and it really shows. its just not enjoyable.

Same for story. In trigger, you do your crazy time adventure, and then get back to your own time, then things would go back to normal but through extraneous circumstances you end up in the future and basically see a record of the apocalypse and then choose to fix it.

Theres no real drive like that in CC. Once Serge gets back to his Homeworld he really has no reason to continue. Outside of the whole "Why am I dead in the other world" or whatever.

It just falls flat. Its very Xenogears-y. Its far too ambitious.

This isn't even considering its relation to CT which basically trivialized everything you achieved in CT.

The story is also presented in an atrocious way with massive walls of exposition and "epic" reveals, which are also, behind a shitload of exposition.

>> No.2617571

That's what you're supposed to do at release, not 15 years of shitposting later.

>> No.2617598

Comparisons are inevitable, I played Cross first and was utterly disappointed by Trigger. It started off well enough with an interesting, if not exactly novel, time fuckery arc but then devolved into utter mediocrity. Going anywhere in time felt more like going to another continent that happened to be more or less advanced.

Without discovering the origins of stuff and characters referenced in Cross, it would've been even more boring. Frog, Magus, Lucca and Schala were the only halfway decent characters, and the latter two only because they were given some development in RD and/or CC.

At least it explained why it was so easy to turn Porre, a mayor who is swayed by beef jerky doesn't seem to be the guy who'd resist the call of fame and power.

>> No.2617935

Chrono Cross was very well-reviewed at the time of release (game mags: "A sequel to Chrono Trigger! 9.0+!"), and it sold well enough to make PlayStation's "Greatest Hits" list. People took a VERY long time to admit it's shittiness. Thankfully, acknowledgement of its true quality quickly spread by word of mouth, after so many new collectors were told to buy it for their "PS1 games that you should buy because the PS2 is backwards compatible" collections, but then got pissed off about that waste of money.

Me? I could tell it was shit from the get-go and didn't buy it on release. I even made sure that the copy of Cross I did eventually get was a used copy paid for by someone else. The experience still wasn't worth it. As said before, the story is like bad fanfiction that only has connections to Chrono Trigger because the writer's jizzing all over his manuscript happened to cause some words to bleed onto the paper.

>> No.2617957


not really, i thought the combat was boring, the characters all same-y, and never felt great interest/motivation to find out what happens next

i think the other thing that bothered me is even though i am aware it wasnt supposed to be a sequel to CT, it just felt "slow" compared to CT on all fronts.

>> No.2617994

tbh I was more hyped about this game before it came out and disappointed me

>> No.2618013

I hate chrono trigger because my refined opinion is better.

>> No.2618017

Replace Kid with Karsh and that list is pretty accurate.

>> No.2618137

>advertise it as a sequel to Trigger
>it's barely a sequel in any sense of the word
>people get mad

Gee who could've foreseen that.

>> No.2618306

Your refining process is fucked, anon.

>> No.2618883

Best character roster. There's literally something for everyone.

>> No.2619565


well of course it is, I was being sarcastic.

to make a legit post, I think chrono cross is a decent game, just not a good sequel to CT. it should've been a stand-alone game (which it could've been by changing some references). other posts have detailed CCs problems.

chrono trigger is a classic game. it might not be perfect but it's easily 9/10.

>> No.2619780

What? The game was being called shit before it even released. Nobody cares what some US gaming magazines were paid to rate it.

And greatest hits means nothing. It was a Squaresoft game and well marketed, of course it'd sell enough to hit the threshold. The bar wasn't very high, unless you were some random game studio that nobody gave a shit about.

>> No.2619797

the text in this game is so bad

>> No.2619923

Were you even alive back when it was released?

>> No.2620680

It's hilarious how Triggerniggers can't appreciate any plot device that isn't MUH HAPPY ENDING. It's also hilarious how little they know about the Chrono series. The fall of Guardia was brought up in Radical Dreamers long before Cross existed. What else? Oh, Crono was never revived in RD.

But that doesn't really matter. There is no single "definitive" reality in the Chrono universe. In some you succeeded, in some you didn't, in some Lavos missed the planet, in some you're all frogs. Only one aberration existed, and that is "Home".

>> No.2620689


Look, I agree with you that Chrono Cross was both a poor sequel and a mediocre game on its own merits, but your ongoing campaign to make the people who legitimately enjoyed it look like deranged halfwits isn't very nice.

>> No.2620702

>Look, I agree with you that Chrono Trigger was both a poor sequel and a mediocre game on its own merits,


>> No.2620716

I love it, played it through to 99 (100?) stars twice. I'm not one to go for secret bonus bosses but I did the big Desert Sphinx guy and beat him without answering his dumb element riddles.

Played and beat Trigger later and wasn't into it. Marle pissed me off, Robo should have been cooler, Ayla was the best character. I even did a couple of the other New Game + ways of beating Lavos for some of the endings which is I guess what people like about the game, it's just very boring compared to Cross. Maybe I should have played it first.

>> No.2620728


Ha ha, very funny. But seriously, stop making poor Cross fans look bad. Their favorite game already does that for them.

>> No.2620829

> I did the big Desert Sphinx guy and beat him without answering his dumb element riddles

Answering his riddles correctly was the second, arguably WAY more obvious clue about how to use the Chrono Cross at the end of the game.

>> No.2620879
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>still pretending it's not a DBZ sequel

kaiokek x 40

>> No.2621090

Just like how Cross was an Escaflowne sequel?

>> No.2621103

>A bazillion playable characters
>none of them are cool
Chrono Cross' real problem

>> No.2621137
File: 280 KB, 150x240, 8-mojodance2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So which characters are cool, those generic losers from Trigger?

>> No.2621139

I like Chrono Cross suck my dick.

>> No.2621154

>It's hilarious how Triggerniggers can't appreciate any plot device that isn't MUH HAPPY ENDING. It's also hilarious how little they know about the Chrono series. The fall of Guardia was brought up in Radical Dreamers long before Cross existed. What else? Oh, Crono was never revived in RD.

Uh no, that's not why I didn't like Cross at all. I thought all the bizarre characters were too comical and stupid and the plot of Belthasar masterminding everything over the course of thousands of years just so one kid could be in one place at some exact time is incredibly stupid, as was the whole ultra-Lavos who can somehow "eat" all of reality. The game was lazy on every front except sound and graphics, which were both beautiful.

>> No.2621219

>The game was lazy on every front except sound and graphics
>One of the few games that actually do not use a EXP. system
>One of the few games with a field element function
>Huge, varied cast

Compared to Chrono Trigger which is basically RPG 101?
With character design by Birdmountain-San aka Sameface-San?

>> No.2621224

Seems that ChronoTriggerNiggers statements are nothing but butthurt. I wonder why.

>> No.2621226

The huge cast is why it was lazy. They just put plain lines through an algorithm to generate some awful accents. It's not like they put any thought into creating new things for each character to say. Unless it's some special event like Glenn getting an Einlanzer then it doesn't even matter who you take with you.

>> No.2621261

more butthurt please

>> No.2621262

>They just put plain lines through an algorithm to generate some awful accents.
Ah, yes, the accent meme, of course Mojo, Fargo, Sneff, Marle and Grobyc say the EXACT SAME THING with just different accents, right, right? It's not like some of them actually have different lines for what's going on and comment on ACTUALLY DIFFERENT THINGS on events conversation, but of course you checked all the events with every single party combination, I'm sure of it.

Oh and I'm pretty sure Frog, Ayla, Robo and Lucca did in Trigger never did anything even remotely similar as to giving characters weird accents for the hell of it, no sir, who's Woolsey again?

>It's not like they put any thought into creating new things for each character to say

Compared to Trigger where the only thing characters say outside of scripted party events is "I'm gonna beat you up in X/Y/Z way" and some lines for joining the party?

The same game where any party member outside of Marle and Frog is non existent save for their lines in their related quests?

Are you seriously comparing a game with 6 talking party members to a game with over 30 party members and calling the latter lazy?

That's a whole other level of negationism right here.

>> No.2621278

>It's not like some of them actually have different lines for what's going on and comment on ACTUALLY DIFFERENT THINGS on events conversation,

Did you read my post? I addressed some characters say different things at different times, but it's a fairly rare event.

I actually played through CT and copied down the script, reloading to see each character's dialog. They were vastly different.

>> No.2621378

>vastly different.

Marle: All who fear the night and
stand against the darkness...
Please give us strength!

Lucca: You who fear the night and
fight the coming of darkness...
Give us strength!

Robo: You who fight the onslaught
of night and darkness...
Please lend us your power.

Frog: We ask for your strength...
Thee who fear'eth the night and
stand 'gainst the darkness.

Meanwhile in Cross..

Ghetz... This is our
answer to you, amigo.

We may fall to darkness,
but I ain't afraid.

In search of a new path
alongside nature!

Mäy dis help breäk down
the bärriers between
the species!

In search of a brighter
future with nature!

Leah fight-um
not to lose answer!

In the hopes of painting
a more brightly colored future!


>> No.2621406

>cherry picking the final boss lines

The other 99% of the game is different bro

>> No.2621407

>Spend every day throwing fits online because nobody likes Chrono Cross
>"m-more butthurt p-p-please...."

>> No.2621416

>nobody likes Chrono Cross

This was totally expected

>> No.2621421

Marle: We'll just borrow this doll,

Lucca: We'd like to borrow this doll
for a bit.

Frog: By thy leave, mayhap we
taketh this doll?

Ayla: This, Crono's doll!
Ayla borrow!


Marle: So that's the monster
responsible for this desert!

Lucca: The monsters are creating a
desert here.

Robo: The monsters are causing
the desertification here.

Frog: So, THEY changeth the forest
into the desert!

Ayla: They make forest into

And so on. Whoever you had in the party didn't matter in Trigger either, everyone pretty much said the same thing.

>> No.2621432
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personally I'm fond of Chrono Gears myself

>> No.2621438

Square was on the decline, and outside of a few really good hits (Final Fantasy was standard faire, Vagrant Story stands out), most of their PS1 "experimental" stuff was all over the place.

Chrono Cross and Xenogears are like this. Horrible story presentation and mediocre gameplay turn what could've been alright games into huge failures.

>> No.2621487

>huge failures.

In what reality were Xenogears and Cross "huge failures"?

>> No.2621498

The reality where they are boring as fuck to play, and have the worst kind of story-telling, which is throw it at you in massive blocks of exposition about halfway through the game.

Xenogears is like 60 hours. I would garner that close to 20 hours of that is pure text.

>> No.2621568

deluded and butthurt

>> No.2621573

this is what Nintendo fans actually believe

>> No.2621586 [DELETED] 

>most of their PS1 "experimental" stuff was all over the place.
>SaGa Frontier II
>Rings of Fate
>Legend of Mana
>Bushido Blade
>All over the place

See this, children?

This, is the mark of plebeians.

>> No.2621607

I can see one huge failure here.

It's FUCK you.

>> No.2621654

Square during this era was the pinnacle of RPGs, possibly gaming overall.

>> No.2621721

No, that would be the 16-bit era.

>> No.2621727

>Story was bland
Nah, founding out beating magus wasn't even the end made the game infinitely better. In fact, the game was written exceptionally even though that one death was a bit heavy handed.

>most characters were one dimensional besides Janus and pepe
I completely agree, and that is my only gripe. I honestly didn't care for anyone else.
>the main game was short
>piss easy
yeah, but the shining feature was the plot and exploration to a degree, so I was happy about that.

>combat was far too simplistic
Again, I don't think combat was a main point of the game, it had more of an aesthetic charm than a technical one and I was okay with that
If I wanted interesting combat I'd play SRPGs or a fighter

>> No.2621781

>someone who criticizes Square MUST be a Nintoddler

I think the PS1 is one of my favorite vidya consoles of all time but I don't even give two shits about most Square stuff. Fight me.

>> No.2621810

Using "twice as long" is never a good argument.

Length is totally subjective. If Trigger was 40 hours it easily would have overstayed its welcome. Cross overstays its welcome, and if it was even 8 hours shorter would'v;e been a better game.

>> No.2622239


No, i played it a few weeks ago for the first time and it's still one of the best RPGS.

>> No.2623001

Wish I could say the same about Trigger, couldn't get past the magnolia or something church. So boring.

>> No.2623014


>> No.2623015
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>> No.2623018

>you gon fuck a whole planet

>> No.2623152

Funguy had more character development than Marle.

>> No.2623192
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>> No.2623215

Hey, Chrono Cross fanboys, do the thing where you try to 'prove' that the soundtrack to Chrono Trigger was "bland and forgettable". That's always hilarious.

>> No.2623228

It's not bad but I can't tell whether half of the tracks are from SoM or CT.

>> No.2623235

Trigger's OST isn't bad at all, but Cross' is better.

>> No.2624386

I found the story REALLY under-developed, and it seemed to lose itself after the Magus fight. I thought the whole time-travel aspect had potential, but it ended up being wholly unfufilling. I don't think the plot itself was necessarily bad, but the story-telling left a lot to be desired.

Plus, I don't think that just because a game's primary focal point wasn't its gameplay doesn't mean it doesn't deserve to be judged. Combat is 80% of the game, and it purposely gets in the way of other aspects. Had the game been like Monkey Island, where there's virtually NO gameplay, THEN you would have a point. However, the combat is here, and it's very important.

>> No.2624391

I agree, but I used it as an argument because it had more content than Trigger, and it had far more substance to it.

>> No.2624426

CC is better because it's real and not some beep boop ancient music trying its hardest to be real.

>> No.2624701

I may be a CT purist but I can agree with CCfriends about one thing. The music is awesome.

>> No.2624817
File: 669 KB, 640x639, ku-xlarge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fire it up every once and awhile because it's really comfy.