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File: 767 KB, 1000x644, pc-engine-core-grafx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2605519 No.2605519 [Reply] [Original]

based pc engine thread.




You playing any cool games guys?

>> No.2605549
File: 68 KB, 427x602, Star_Parodier_Flyer_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a region modded and RGB modded Duo-R from Doujin dance last month and I've been fucking loving it. Treated myself to Star Parodier which, while easy, is so much fun and full of feel-good Hudson references that it's quickly become one of my favorite shmups ever.

>> No.2605553

God, I love this system so much. Still one of my all time favorite consoles.

What is my best option for getting a Turbo Duo? I already have a TG16 with CD. Is the Duo really worth the upgrade?

Also have the TGExpress. Damn fine portable.

>> No.2605569
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If you buy a modded one with RGB out and a region switch so you can play TG-16 cards as well, then yes, absolutely. If it's a Turbo-Duo or regular Duo, make sure the capacitors have been replaced as well. The original duo is notorious for having faulty capacitors that dry out in less than a decade. Duo-R's apparently don't have that problem but I've also heard otherwise.

>> No.2605572
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Finished Dragon Knight 1 yesterday.

>> No.2605579


>The original duo is notorious for having faulty capacitors that dry out in less than a decade

I've heard this about the TGExpress as well and it always makes me worried. Good thing mine is still going strong.

>> No.2605587
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I want to region mod one of my extra turbo grafx consoles just so I can have one system that plays all hucards. I have added composite to my turbo grafx though beats the living fuck out of the RF only signal I grew up with for years. The turbo and duo actually put out a super clean composite signal I can live without RGB. I don't want to region mod my duo cause I only have one of those and don't want to fuck it up haha.

Been playing tiger road though and I actually enjoy this game quiet a bit. It isn't as bad as people say it is the worst part is probably the shitty bosses but the action is otherwise solid and its pretty fun. The hit detection people say is a problem I don't see it. I find some enemies can only be attacked a certain way like hitting the sword guys from above seems to work all the time.

>> No.2605604
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>The turbo and duo actually put out a super clean composite signal I can live without RGB.

Composite looks great on the TG-16 and PC Engine, and is in some ways preferable to an RGB mod.. The issue with any RGB mod of the system is you will see jailbars no matter what, despite the high-fidelity image quality.

Tiger Road plays closer to arcade action games like Rastan or Black Tiger than general platformers. People just go in with the wrong expectations. Expect stilted arcade controls like Castlevania 1 or Ghosts 'n Golbins and people will get over it.

>> No.2605691

Do DoujinDance's systems play US TG-16 games? Sorry, but I have no idea about compatibility between the two systems. I live in the US. So, I need to know if it can play US cards and CDs. Anyone know?

>> No.2605716

Yes, he region mods them so there's a switch where the Hu-cards go in so you can switch from U.S. to Japan. CD's are already region free, there was no region protection on CD games.

>> No.2605726

Really? I haven't noticed any with my mod (White original PCE, CSYNC). My AV-mod Famicom has tons though, especially noticeable on a high tv line count CRT.

>> No.2605729

It's not noticeable on a PVM or CRT television, but it is definitely noticeable on a Framemeister on an HDTV. I took my modded Duo-R to a friend's place and once he pointed them out I couldn't unsee them.

>> No.2605734
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What's the difference between the PI-TG2 and the PI-TG5 versions of the Shuttle?

>> No.2605738

I haven't noticed them on my Framemeister either (on which I consider the Famicom jailbars to be less noticeable than an 800 TVL PVM). but I haven't been able to make it sync properly to the
Framemeister since I upgraded to 2.0, probably since I use unamplified CSYNC and/ or the fancy sync handling stuff in the SCART-adapter for the Framemeister (I actually want one without anything, but I made a mistake when ordering...)

>> No.2605804

Like I said, I didn't notice them until he pointed them out to me while we were playing Air Zonk, so if you can't see them unless somebody points them out to you, don't sweat it. They're not even noticeable unless you have a flat, light color taking up a lot of the screen, like an off-white or light blue.

>> No.2606090

Incredible console. Better than the Genesis, and I play it much more than the SNES. I've beaten almost 50 games for the damn thing, and I don't have a CD system.

Some really good unknown games

SonSon II (Capcom exclusive)
Super Dodgeball (and also Kunio Soccer)
City Hunter
Momotaro Katsugeki
Makai Prince Dorabo Chan
Atomic Robo Kid

>> No.2606753
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It's been really interesting going back and discovering a system like the PC Engine for the first time. Even if somebody was already aware of the Turbografx-16, PC Engine is a whole other ball game due to how neutered the library on the TG-16 was. As somebody who just got into the system in the last year or two, it's really not worth collecting for the TG-16 exclusively when the library is so small and so many great games are import only.

>> No.2606783

Why did NEC fucked up the TG16 so badly overseas anyway? It didn't even have real UK distribution.

>> No.2606792

A big chunk of it was Nintendo's exclusivity agreements with many third parties like Konami, but that didn't affect third parties that went rogue like Namco, and still a lot of their best PC Engine games didn't get a TG-16 release. In Japan, Hudson seemed to be handling everything from the software and marketing side of things and NEC just handled manufacturing and distribution, but in North America NEC handled everything, and I think that's where the problem was.
NEC didn't have a lot of experience in general with video games, and were taking shots in the dark without a real battle plan.

>> No.2606816
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American executives with no vidya experience or any idea how to sell the system in the US. It's too bad because it still had an incredibly solid lineup of games in English, it was just overshadowed by Nintendo's massive popularity. The common wisdom is that the market is only able to support two consoles, and the TG16 wasn't able to prove that wrong.

Bonk is still my favorite platformer. It's too bad that the Hudson IPs are all effectively dead with Konami being the way it is now. Hudson had all their best games on the PCE and was the biggest supporter of the system.

>> No.2606819

you can moon runes?

>> No.2606882

>Hudson had all their best games on the PCE and was the biggest supporter of the system.
Shocking, considering they co-developed the system.

>> No.2606896

no need to be an a-hole

>> No.2606901

It always struck me as odd Hudson developed for PC Engine while they were still supporting the Famicom as a third-party.

>> No.2606910

I wouldn't say its better than the Genesis, they both offer their own take on arcade experiences. I do like both of them more than the SNES because their slightly more old school approach to game design.

>> No.2606915

because they made killing off the famicom. Lode Runner and Bomberman were filling their pockets for years.

>> No.2606918

They actually took the Hu-card technology to Nintendo first for the SNES and Nintendo turned them down.

>> No.2606919

Yes. The game is largely voiced as well so I don't have to worry about every single Kanji. I took a lot of screenshots to look them up afterwards.

>> No.2606921

Sure, but they occupied a weird position that wasn't quite first party. They still developed games for all consoles and PCs and their financial success wasn't dependent on the PCE.

>> No.2606927

Hudson was in fact the first third party dev for the Famicom.

>> No.2606936
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Man, sometimes I like the pc engine ports better than the original.

>> No.2607158
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One fuckup was manufacturing an INSANE 750,000 consoles for the US launch. The PC-Engine was a smash hit in Japan so they expected similar demand in the US. By the time the TG16 was pulled from shelves in the US they still had 100,000 to 200,000 consoles from the very first batch in storage. They never sold through their initial order.

They also dicked about redesigning the console to be bigger because all the US execs thought it needed to look more like a VCR or something. All this manufacturing and reengineering ate up their war chest so when the launch came about they had almost no money left for advertising. This was around the same time that Sega launched their wildly successful "Genesis Does" campaign so advertising suddenly became very important in the console market.

>> No.2607164

I read they only released it in major cities. I never even heard of the thing before the internet. And I'd seen the Jaguar, CD-i, and 3dO in stores.

>> No.2607179

Man, I want one of these so bad, but it's so fucking expensive.

>> No.2607193
File: 73 KB, 700x540, AboOZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the size difference with the PC Engine is retarded, it's all empty space.

>> No.2607195

How expensive is too expensive anon? There's a complete Core Grafx II on eBay for less than $100 right now.

>> No.2607196

It doesn't work. The NES looks like a sleek piece of A/V equipment. The Turbo looks misshapen and weird.

>> No.2607216

>Why did Japan not give a fuck about the rest of the world having their games?

>> No.2607224
File: 34 KB, 736x552, compare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just think, NEC US had a console that was both smaller AND more powerful than the NES and their reaction was, "Oh man, we gotta fix this!!!"

>> No.2607235

What is this actual system calle din america, I've been so confused by the naming conventions.

Is a PC Engine 98 the same as a Turbographix 16?

I'd really like to get into some of the games.

>> No.2607240

murrkans have small dicks or whatever

>> No.2607262

Actually Indian's (as in from India) have the smallest average penis size. It's under 5 inches.

>> No.2607265

If an Indian woman has a pet dog, she's likely seen a bigger dick.

>> No.2607290

This seriously reads like a troll post, but in the interest of anyone who's curious. The PC-Engine and Turbografx 16 are the same thing. The PC-9801 is a home computer that is not related to either but was also manufactured by NEC. It has games on it so you'll see it mentioned from time to time. Probably mostly for the 2hu games.

>> No.2607324

Is collecting for PC Engine a lot cheaper compared to TG16? I have a TG16, but should I get a PC Engine?

>> No.2607325

For that matter, NEC supported the Turbo-Grafx 16/PC Engine as a gaming platform more than they did the PC-98, as that started as a business platform in the early '80s and, by the point its hobbyist models were coming out at a lower price, NEC already had the PC Engine to worry about. Earlier NEC upgraded the PC-88 in ways beneficial to developers and the gaming audience, like giving the mkIIsr model a Yamaha FM chip or the PC-88VA series of 16-bit gaming PCs.

>> No.2607347

Generally yes. The PC-Engine was way more popular in Japan so there's just more PC-Engine games and consoles out there. PC-Engine games won't work in a TG16 because the pins are switched around. Adapters exist but they're rare. You might want to consider a Turbo Everdrive flashcart since it can switch between PCE and TG16 modes.

>> No.2607353

Whats the best model of the duo?

>> No.2607357

Duo-R or Duo-RX

>> No.2607365

Know anywhere to get one? Everywhere I know has been out of stock for ages.

>> No.2607406

I'm surprised the TG16 didn't at least had a built-in multitap and RCA jacks at least.

>> No.2607410

I owned this but I can't find anymore, same with my Super Famicom, top loader 3DO and Playstation. All I remember is playing Raiden on a black and blue controller with NEC's logo on it.

I kept my 3DO games though.

>> No.2607418

If you mean the Turbo Everdrive you can get them straight from krikzz, the dude who makes them:


It will ship from the Ukraine so give it a few weeks to arrive.

>> No.2607513

the RCA jacks is extra fucking stupid cause the thing puts out a good composite signal. NEC wanted people to shell out for the booster and turbo tap.

>> No.2607578

What are some good exclusive PC-Engine games?
I played and 100% rondo and I loved it, while I was playing I took note of the music and graphics that kicked the shit out of the snes and I'm craving for more

>> No.2607582

Do arcade ports that are exclusive to the engine count? They usually have variations in their home ports. A lot of my favourites are the home ports of arcade games.

>> No.2607585

Double Dragon II and Ninja Ryukenden. They're not exclusives, but they're very different from the NES versions.

>> No.2607586

how is ninja gaiden different apart from that god awful scrolling?

>> No.2607597

please don't tell me extra levels or something. I already got suckered into gradius 1 and 2 hahaha

>> No.2607602

how much different is Ninja ryukenden compared to the snes variant

>> No.2607626
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Monster Lair instructions fold out into the best poster.

>> No.2607631

I thought it was a good version of the game. Not as great as the NES original and the crappy parallax scrolling is annoying, but it made a better attempt at updating the game than the SNES "Trilogy" revision.

>> No.2607647

So much info on this thread. We need to archive this all!

>> No.2607679
File: 19 KB, 256x239, xan23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently bought Legend of Xanadu 2, I knew it was going to be hardcore moonrune so I have been using a guide to find out how to advance the quest. I haven't used maps or anything else to help me with the dungeons cause although you can't completely understand the story (its easy enough to tell whats going on sometimes) the action is fun enough and solid on its own I would recommend other people to try it. It's a YS style game and I am actually enjoying it enough to consider picking up the first game.

>> No.2608516
File: 305 KB, 1219x982, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing Cotton,the gameplay is not as good as Cotton 2 but the soundtrack is amazing.

>> No.2608537

The majority of the good games on the console are exclusives.

>> No.2608894

Jesus the prices have shot up for turbo games. Rtype is expensive as hell. Pc engine games seem to be going up too I thought prices would maybe fall a bit cause the strong us dollar keeps everybody else in the world from buying more stuff online. Games that used to be like 10 are now 15. Pc engine used to be pretty affordable actually now it seems to be almost as bad as snes.

>> No.2608958

AFAIC Turbo isn't worth collecting for because of the stupidly high prices for games and the lack of library in the West. You can still get PC Engine games complete for a good price if you know what you're looking for. I got Detana Twinbee complete for $14.99 a few weeks ago, so it can be done.

>> No.2608980
File: 83 KB, 800x533, 739301turbocd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got meself a Arcade Card and have been enjoying about 30 or so copied CD games. Totally worth it. But for some reason about 3 other games I burned don't work. Does somebody else have this problem?

>> No.2608984

It was only like last year you could get space Harrier, kyukyoku tiger, fantasy zone and the more common pc engine good games were like 5-10 dollars.

>> No.2609030

The PCE version of that game plays HORRIBLY. but that's not saying much because the arcade version sux almost as much

>> No.2609074

No it doesn't you just need to git gud, the biggest glaring flaw is the shitty bosses other than that it is pretty solid. You can't just attack the sword guys head on cause they will back away or block your shots with their swords. It's fine you need to git gud.

>> No.2609102

I really like the arcade game, it plays just fine. Flying stages are kinda bunk but the rest of the game is solid.

>> No.2609174

Ninja Spirit and Vigilante are nearly identical to their arcade counterparts, mostly due to their limited color palettes I think

>> No.2609525
File: 105 KB, 824x969, namco_x_capcom__kagekiyo_by_sergevirusx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really love how diverse Genpei Toumaden's gameplay is where it constantly switches between play styles. Graphics really aren't much worth commenting on though

>> No.2609545

I love how it has a billion different bosses for you to fight.

>> No.2609561

So I am at this point where I have bought pretty much every hucard I want and the only ones that remain are expensive shit like 70+ like burning angels or ports of other games I already have on another system. Like Don Doko Don I have on Taito Legends 2 an arcade port yet part of me still wants to waste money on the PC engine version. I am too addicted to hucards cause I don't usually buy straight ports unless they have exclusive content or it was the only console it was ported to.

>> No.2609682


How was it that Hudson was able to release this game under the Wonder Boy name? I thought Sega owned the name/characters, hence why all the other games in the series got reskinned for non-Sega platforms.

>> No.2609726

I'm guessing it was made during that transition period between the Mark III and the Mega Drive when Sega tried licensing out their arcade IPs to other developers for Famicom and PC Engine ports.

>> No.2609732

Why did the Duo and PC-FX fail?

>> No.2609734
File: 17 KB, 515x450, chinashot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like this cool game

>> No.2609737

Did well in Japan, but was shittily promoted in the US and most of its better games (like Rondo of Blood and Snatcher) were left unlocalized.
It was basically an animu game machine at a time when 3D was the next big thing.

>> No.2609790

I like it too honestly. I know it's pretty mediocre but using the super punch on the bosses is so awesome haha.

>> No.2609983

Be warned that Xanadu I is EXTREMELY text-heavy, and uses a time system requiring you to be in certain spots at certain times in order to trigger story events. Playing the game without knowledge of Japanese is pretty futile, imo.

However, with that being said, there is at least one or two partial walkthroughs (that will require a little digging), and there is a debug mode that lets you skip to all the action stages in the game (effectively chopping out 90% of the game). The debug is almost essentially a "scene select" in a modern DVD or BluRay, ha.

This is the next game I'm saving up for.

>> No.2610054

Skinheads have kidnapped Madonna.

>> No.2610059

They can keep her.

That version of the game is so much better than the NES port, it's actually fun to play.

>> No.2610069

I beat bonks adventure tonight. I am not sure what I am going to try next.

>> No.2610081
File: 19 KB, 256x224, blazinglaz10.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blazing Lazers / Gunhed, bro!

>> No.2610083

I'll try I have beat it on an emulator years before I had my own turbo. I think there is a glitch when playing it on there that gives you like unlimited bombs by the end of the game though cause I was never running out. I'll try and beat it on my turbo tomorrow maybe, I can usually make it up to the last stage without dying. That last stage is a bitch though fuck.

>> No.2610419

I'm an SSS man myself, but not bad advice.

>> No.2610515

Anyone else find the selection of Super CD-Rom/Turbo CD games superior to the Sega CD/Mega CD?

>> No.2610609
File: 379 KB, 800x740, Nintendo-Famicom-Disk-System.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems that way. Didn't the PC-Engine end up having more CD games than hu-card games once it was all said and done? From a western perspective Japan's obsession with expensive add-on disk drives always seemed bonkers. As a kid in the 90s the Sega CD always felt like I was being asked to buy a second (expensive) console and then bolt it on to one I already had.

But then you look at the track record of the Famicom disk system and the PC-Engine CD-ROM in Japan and things start to make more sense.

>> No.2610705

>That version of the game is so much better than the NES port, it's actually fun to play.
There was no NES port of Vigilante. You're thinking of Master System.

>> No.2610973

PI-TG001 = PC Engine "White"
PI-TG2 = PC Engine Shuttle
PI-TG3 = PC Engine CoreGrafx
PI-TG4 = PC Engine SuperGrafx
PI-TG5 = ???
PI-TG6 = PC Engine GT
PI-TG7 = PC Engine CoreGrafx II
PI-TG8 = PC Engine Duo
PI-TG9 = PC Engine LT
PI-TG10 = PC Engine R
PCE-DUORX = PC Engine Duo RX

What happened to the PI-TG5?

>> No.2611480

I won an auction for a loose copy of faussete amour for 22 bucks :D I normally don't buy loose games but there is no way I could get a complete copy. I will make my own case for it though.

>> No.2611758
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Well I am onto area 6 so far so good.

>> No.2611797

The marketing director for the PC-Engine had a theory on why add-ons sell better in Japan then in the US.
In Japan kids get money for Christmas and buy what they want, add-ons were cheaper than a whole new console and generally had cheap games for them too so it was in their Christmas money price range.
In the US, kids have to ask their parents for Christmas gifts, and most kids would have problems convincing their parents to buy 'another Nintendo Sega'.

>> No.2611802

I died on that damn level 6 boss and gave up cause I forgot to grab weapon 4. Ill try again later

>> No.2611850

The Famicom Disk System was also pretty cheap compared to the PC Engine CD-ROM2 System and the Mega CD. The FCD retailed at 15,000 yen, while the PCE CD and the Mega CD cost 32,800 and 49,800 respectively.

>> No.2612182

What's everyone's favorite game?

Card: Bloody Wolf
CD: Lords of Thunder

>> No.2612191

Card: New Adventure Island
CD: My brain says Dracula X, but my heart says Star Parodier.

>> No.2612251
File: 100 KB, 640x629, tg16_shape_shifter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hucard: That's a tough one, but when I think of the console, my mind immediately goes towards either Ninja Spirit or Devil's Crush
CD: Shape Shifter

>> No.2612264
File: 21 KB, 336x224, gfs_5041_2_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ninja Spirit is such a great game. It has everything I want in a ninja game: lots of weapons, huge jumping, tons of cannon fodder, and cool bosses. I like the music, too.

>> No.2612428

Agreed, it's also great that it's so close visually to the original arcade game

>> No.2612492

dat level where you fall and ninjas fly upwards at you

fuck yeah ninja spirit

>> No.2612625
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More have been added since

>> No.2612661

Card: Air Zonk
CD: Akumajo Dracula X

>> No.2612807

oh very nice what else have you added. I wish I had more complete games. I don't really care too much about cases for hucards cause the cards themselves are fun to collect but it would be cool to look through some of those manuals again. I do have a few complete games but I stick the cases on a shelf. I had to get blazing lazers for that blast of nostalgia though and the keith courage comic hahaha.

>> No.2612856
File: 937 KB, 1442x811, pc-eninge-tg16-collection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice collection anon!

Here's mine! Same boat as you; I've added more since this pic was taken.


>> No.2612857
File: 575 KB, 1068x755, duo-rx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And my DUO RX! Love these white consoles!

>> No.2613235

Quick question: How many games utilize the six-button pad?

>> No.2613245

Street Fighter II Dash and all the SNK ports (Fatal Fury, Art of Fighting and World Heroes)

>> No.2613374

tough to answer for HuCard. I'll just namedrop a bunch

CD: Rondo

Hucard: Parasol Stars, Salamander, Bomberman 93, Kunio Dodgeball, Legendary Axe, Tonma, Override, Youkai Douchuuki, Bonk, Coryoon

>> No.2614115
File: 26 KB, 320x240, star parodier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I'm trying to play Star Parodier on Turbo engine and I get this screen.

Do I need the ROM of a card or something?

>> No.2614123

Obviously Air Zonk, if you haven't already.

>> No.2614125

It works perfectly with Magic Engine.

>> No.2614130

Slowly making my way through Rondo.

>> No.2614180

You need System Card 3.0, no idea how that works with an emulator.

>> No.2614202

You probably need to format the ram. Open up the system card cold and then scroll through. Isn't too hard

>> No.2614452
File: 47 KB, 512x472, monpuro-001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started working on a translation hack of Monster Pro Wrestling the other night. I got all the moves and menus done, what's left is the little bit of story dialog and the play by play during fights. I'm not sure if I'm going to finish, because of the way the text works; there's groups of phrases that are chosen based on the kind of move and the amount of damage done. There's not really enough space to make it work in English. I'll tinker around with it though and see what I can do.

>> No.2614479

I have been waiting for a translation of that game forever.
You are a true hero sir.

>> No.2615112

Thank you, out of all of the retro systems, the Mega-Drive and PC-Engine seem to get the least amount of attention when it comes to translating

Thankfully there aren't that many Mega-Drive games that actually need it, sadly that isn't the case with the PC-Engine

>> No.2615542

That's where you need to get creative and try to capture the same spirit within the text limit. It's tough, but it reminds me of my previous job of having to fit 300 words of information into small 70-word (or less! -_- ) blurbs.

Kudos on you for translating a game though.

I would love for the Shoryou Sensen/War of the Dead series to get some translations; namely, the PC-Engine version and the PC88 sequel. Maybe one day...

for being a cheap death pit, it's one of the most memorable moments in the game. It has to be that creepy music playing while you fall.

>> No.2615810
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>> No.2616313

honestly that doesnt look very fun. I don't know why compile thought it was good to make the sequel like that

>> No.2616379
File: 98 KB, 560x375, Duo Engine RX_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys I recently bought a Duo RX and would like to RGB mod it,
is the RGB kit from otakus-store any good? anyone know?

>> No.2616395
File: 91 KB, 996x654, pce_rgb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just make your own (pic related)

>> No.2616398

i forgot to say:
just remember to add an extra decoupling cap (between +5v and ground somewhere near to the amp circuit)

I found this out the hard way.

>> No.2616429


Not looking forward to gathering all the parts, but might be a lot cheaper for me. (I'm Europe based)

Would a Duo-RX need a full cap replacement btw?

>> No.2616446

eventually. Everything will need a cap replacement at some point. Stop asking this stupid question. Your NES will need a cap replacement eventually.

>> No.2616449

Euro too here, yes mine took about 3 weeks. But it works pretty neat. Only the sound of the scart cable is a bit weak

>> No.2616759

I LOVE Legend of Xanadu 2, but be warned, it's extremely short. Like 8 hours or so. Still, I would rather play it 4 times than most other RPGs once.

The original Legend of Xanadu was the first import game I ever bought, so it holds a spot in my heart, but you'll need some Jpn reading skills (or a walkthrough, I suppose) to get through it. I had none at the time and got stuck numerous times. Years later, after studying and living in Japan, I got through the whole thing, it took about 20-25 hours. Xanadu 2 is certainly the more enjoyable game though.

>> No.2616768

I am okay with it being short. I just wanted something that had fun combat and I could follow a walk through for the rest. Same reason I got War of the Dead haha

>> No.2616926

Falcom makes short RPGs - Ys Book 1&2 was maybe 8 hours (if that), and Ys 3 is even shorter. Dragon Slayer: Legend of Heroes might be a solid dozen?

I gave up on Xanadu I. It was just too much text to figure out to get to the fun stuff, even with the debug mode. Xanadu II might be more up my alley.

>> No.2616937

Their Trails of series games are long as hell.
Which actually turned me off because I love how short yet meaty Falcom games are.

>> No.2617878
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been rocking plenty of dungeon explorer 2 now

>> No.2618895

I liked it,its not as good as the original Spriggan but its worth playing just for the amazing presentation and sound.

>> No.2619112

I have the import of the first DE and it's lots of fun. It's good that there's no real need to understand what anyone is saying, since its all about the dungeon exploring.

>> No.2619520

Yeah I have the import of the second game its easy enough to figure out so far. If you go to an area and the enemies take too many shots to kill its probably the wrong direction so try another path.

>> No.2621689 [DELETED] 

It would be fun to play Dungeon Explorer online with other anons

>> No.2622561
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Playing through the PC-Engine library, I don't think a developer has achieved quite the range of quality that Telenet was able to pull off.

It's amazing that a studio can churn out so many games that range from "hey not bad" to "wow this is absolute shit" - and in such a short timespan!

I mean, I kinda like Browning (lol) but the game feels like it was slapped together in a week (no weapons besides default shot; flat stages with a couple of sponge enemies*; bullshit difficulty to prolong a fifteen-minute game). Exile: Wicked Phenomenon is a kick to the balls after the fun weirdness of Exile. The Valis series swings between both ends of the spectrum.

They have the dubious honor of being one of the most inconsistent developers ever, lol.

*ah, the Genocide school of level design

>> No.2624540
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>> No.2624550

Yeah, Valis alone is all over the place. They range anywhere from nigh unplayable to above average.

>> No.2624556

>ah, the Genocide school of level design
Which have you played? The PC Engine port of the original is supposedly bonkers awful, but I really like Square for the FM Towns.

Telenet is the epitome of mixed eggs. One story I've put together: Wolf Team founder Akishino's earliest games (Final Zone, Valis, Yaksa, &c.) were advertised so falsely (ranging from broken to middling in quality) that he was temporarily booted from Telenet, forcing him to start J-Force as a personal firm and get a producer role that isolated him from development while personnel below him gained control. Later he left Telenet altogether and began making games at J-Force, eventually leading to Dragon Force's stillborn development (finished by SEGA) and the founding of Idea Factory by disgruntled employees.

>> No.2624561

>Wolf Team

Speaking of a mixed bag...

>> No.2624941
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The Towns version does look better; I was talking solely about the execrable PC Engine port. I hear G2 is supposed to be better but I wouldn't know.

Good story though with Wolf Team/Telenet/J-Force. A company that churned out games like Telenet probably wasn't the best work environment.

But on topic on both counts: Pop'n Magic is lots of fun! Lacks the tightness of Bubble Bobble but is very charming and accessible.

I think they're better off than Jaleco, at least, who in their entire history never made a good game.

>> No.2624952

all the valis games on the PC engine range from average to pretty darn good though.

>> No.2624960

The Astyanax was good so fuck you, also the ninja jajamaru games are good too so fuck you again.

>> No.2625315

>Jaleco, at least, who in their entire history never made a good game.
You know, I was going to defend Jaleco, but the only good game I could think of was City Connection.

>> No.2625335

If you removed the PC Engine games, Valis would be a majority bad series. For some reason all of the PC Engine ones (that I've played anyway) are pretty good. It isn't even the original platform, don't know how that all worked out.

>> No.2625419

1 on the mega drive is alright, syd of valis is downright bad, and 3 is pretty good as good as the pc engine version minus voice acting. But yes a lot of the computer entries were less than stellar

>> No.2625426
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>syd of valis
That amazing localized title, bravo.

What were they thinking?

>> No.2625432

I don't even know. How do you get Sid from ESS DEE. Just stick any vowel in there for fuck sakes haha

>> No.2625437

Don't forget the Famicom game. Its even more fun if you can't read Japanese. I managed to beat the first level by memorization, but gave up somewhere into stage 2.

>> No.2625438

I completely forgot it was on the famicom too

>> No.2625441


OVA when? But yeah, the Famicom version is one of those "navigate a city using only a 2d plane" type of things. Like that fucking temple in FF8. I got to a part of level 2 where I just die for no reason, so reading some sort of hint one of the villagers gives is apparently required. And getting to level 2 took me like 2 hours. At least it is really fast and has tons of sprites on screen, unlike another version.

I don't know if I'd call 1 on the Mega Drive "ok", either. Unless just in the sense of it being a functional game that can be completed. It is so slow and empty. Great music though.

>> No.2625478
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>OVA when?
Check out Dream Hunter Rem and Leda: Adventure of Yohko, they're two older OVAs with great animation and a similar feel to Valis.

>> No.2625480

To be frank, the best Valis game is actually Makurena Makendo.

>> No.2625702

Hoping to rgb mod my super CD rom2 next weekend.
Just ordered a mini din 9 socket for the job. I plan on using the genesisn2 pinout soni can still use composite when I want to take it elsewhere. I'll be adding the same setup to an old ten no koe attachment, too.

>> No.2626360

Cool, thanks.

>> No.2627858
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Showing off my CD games causes I added a bunch :B

>> No.2627861
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>> No.2627863
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I made the case for Faussete Amour myself because I only got a loose copy. Doesn't look too bad though fits right in with my other games.

>> No.2627935

You get the chance to play Kris no Bouken? How is it?

>> No.2627987

I just got that one today actually but I popped it in since you asked. It's a pretty fun and challenging little platformer game so far. The level timer is pretty restrictive so you can't screw around but it's fair and gives you a chance to explore the whole level. It controls well and has an interesting weapon system. The first level boss was pretty cool and level 2 is pretty tough so far.

>> No.2628004

Thanks; I have a copy that is en route and I am hoping for some decent platforming fun a la GnG/Makaimura.

I played a bit of Gotzendiener today, but the game feels way too bare-bones for me. The game also has near-constant framerate drops too - with such an empty game I couldn't believe it! I guess that's why it's pretty cheap online.

>> No.2628014

I got it because I just want something to wander around in when I am bored sometimes and that game seemed to fit the bill. I was not expecting much.

Well I hope it lives up to your expectations I was going to compare it to GnG. It plays like a gng style game but the levels aren't as crazy (yet at least). There is some tricky platforming I really like it and I hope you do too man :D

>> No.2629608

Excluding Bomberman what are the best puzzle games on the platform?

>> No.2629692
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>> No.2629710
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And Legend of Lemnear, just because.

>> No.2629739

Hah, do you know any Japanese? Or did you win some particularly big lots? Kudos on Liquid Kids; I love that game on Taito Legends 2.

I also flip back and forth between labeling Wonder Momo as "shitty" or "charmingly shitty."


>> No.2630583

why don't you sell some of those doubles?

>> No.2630636
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>Toilet Kids not mentioned yet.


>> No.2630638

there have been better games that not mentioned either.

>> No.2630956

Toilet kids is literally shit

>> No.2631532

Got a question about Turbografx, were there any multiplat games on it which were the best version?

>> No.2631605
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>no Alien Crush
Best fucking pinball.

>> No.2631620

Gradius, Gradius 2, wonderboy 3, lords of thunder, Salamander, Dragon Spirit, Bonks Adventure, R-type, Dragons Curse(port of wonderboy 3), Cadash, Devils Crush, Jackie Chan action kung fu, Bikkuriman World is a port of wonderboy in monsterland. Most of its ports that are the best version are only beating out master system or NES games in this case though and a couple mega drive and mega cd games.

>> No.2631658

It also had the "best" port of Street Fighter 1, not that anyone really cared at the time.

There's a version of Bonk on the NES, but the PCE is obviously superior.

>> No.2631659

that's why I said bonk.

>> No.2631735

Do you know of other consoles that are like that, i.e. that have the best version of any given multiplat game on them?

I've been leeching tonnes of ROMs off emuparadise today and I was amazed at how many games I didn't know about were multiplat and wondered if I had been playing a shit version all my life.

I remember a thread just after /vr/ started where some Amigaboo was talking about how Amiga had the best versions of a lot of games that I liked, like Desert Strike, Eye of the Beholder and Hardwar.

>> No.2631804

Well I think the megadrive version of truxton is better than the PC engine version one. The pc engine version is actually kinda slow. Also Twin Cobra is best on pc engine I forgot that on my list but its called kyukyoku tiger on there. Genesis has a lot of best ports, snes has some. Like genesis ports of zero wing and hellfire are actually better than the arcade version.

>> No.2632019

Salamander has been superseded by the Saturn version IMO though, but that came much later.

>> No.2632118

I forgot about that tbh and I own it hahah

>> No.2632120 [DELETED] 

Salamander 2?

>> No.2632546

As we were discussing earlier, the PC Engine does have the best versions of every Valis game. But the Genesis/Mega Drive absolutely kills it with Toaplan shooters. Every one of them plays smoother, looks better, and has better music on the Genesis.

>> No.2632618

I like Daisenpu and Twin Cobra better on PC engine. The pc engine hellfire is nice too cause it has two player but the genesis version is still better. Truxton and Zero Wing genesis all the way.

>> No.2634717

Speaking about valis, I've been meaning to get into it. which game should I start out on (of course on PCE). Moon-runes aren't a problem.

>> No.2634762
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On PCE, the release order is:
II>III>IV>The Legend of a Phantasm Soldier(I remake)

I would play II first since it's the first PCE Valis and a little rough around the edges. It has some damn good CD-quality music though:

You can also start with the I remake if you want to go chronological, but for me it made going back to II more difficult.

>> No.2635030
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For as flawed as it is, the Sharp version of Valis II is superior to the bland and lacking PCE game. I mean, it's not bad for a run, but the game is not worth spending money on (coming from someone who did spend money on the PCE Valis II).

Valis III is debatable with the very good Genesis port. I think it's a little more fair than the PCE game. Valis IV and Valis I though, no contest for PCE.

Japanese comprehension is not necessary to enjoy the Valis games, aside from the plot/cutscenes, of course. I would love to see someone make subbed hacks of the Valis games (or dubs, since all you are doing is switching out the CD tracks) so I can better enjoy my melodramatic anime-girl sword-fighting games.

>> No.2635046


This could only go hilariously wrong.

>> No.2635714
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Best game for this system.

>> No.2635738

except that neo nectaris the sequel is even better.
it also includes the first game on the disc

>> No.2635854

Well, I mean, you can't get worse than the existing dubs NEC did for the Valis games. I mean, that's about as low as it gets.

>> No.2635937

The only good dub NEC did that I can think of is Ys Book I & II, which used professional voice actors. Ys III's VA went straight down to the bottom of the barrel afterwards.

>> No.2636121

It's not like Americans took voice acting (for games) that serious then. But at least it gave us things like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MUZp6qRa74

>> No.2636165

I refuse to believe Last Alert's VA wasn't that hilariously bad on purpose.

>> No.2636172

I'm the only one thinking that this sounds better than the original Space Harrier theme?


>> No.2636498

To be honest though, I would take bad voice acting over no English release ever.

>> No.2637000

hey /vr/os, can you name some playable japanese games, I know all english ones but I don't know read japanese.. preferably CD games. Thank you

>> No.2637289

Fray: Xak Gaiden
Shubibinman Man 3
Mystic Formula
Fiend Hunter

Low language barrier - though I think you can shop for groceries during Fiend Hunter's opening cutscene. =/

>> No.2637456
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Is there anyway to "downgrade" Super CD-ROM2 and Duo units so it could get error messages from Super CD games? Dracula Peke seems like fun.

>> No.2637715

>Better than Genesis

They're both equal in my eyes

>> No.2637867

You have to use System Card 1.0, 2.0 or 2.1 on a SCD2/Duo to see them. Getting one should be pretty cheap. System Card 1.0 is also required to play Altered Beast CD due to a programming flaw. That version is dogshit anyway, so don't worry too much about it.

Those older system cards are what was originally used on the "briefcase" CD model to play earlier CD games. All the 3.0 card did was add some extra RAM, and that was included in the later CD units.

>> No.2637870

By the way, you can also load the early System Cards off the Turbo Everdrive if you have one, since they didn't contain any RAM.

>> No.2637874

>use emulator
>load cdrom into pc drive

>> No.2637887

I am going to get a system card 1 if I can find it cheap.

>> No.2638263

Thank you sir, somebody else can suggest more playable japanese games ?

>> No.2638318

do you want shmups too?

>> No.2639046


everything I can play with no idea of reading japanese will be highly appreciated sir

>> No.2639141

Mfw when I own a TG16 + Everdrive but will still never play Rondo on the PC Engine

>> No.2639560

I know what i am doing tonight downloading the game and emulating it on Mednafen

>> No.2639620

playing Popful Mail, the bomber boss always kills me.. should I buy any better sword or anything before trying again ?

>> No.2639645
File: 50 KB, 638x401, popful98.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you talking the very first one? or the second battle where you fight two of them?
They have a very predictable pattern, I can beat both of them with the starting sword. I'd recommend trying to get the pattern down, but otherwise weapons are generally huge upgrades in PM and help a ton. Remember if you buy the dagger you can throw them.

>> No.2639919

mfw I bought a PCE and CDR2 and Rondo for a fraction of the price of an ED.

>> No.2641009


The first one, just only one bomber. This fucker moves very fast.. I will try with the dagger

>> No.2641014


>> No.2641241

Not him but, pretty much any cd game that isn't an RPG or RTS is practicably playable without any understanding of Japanese.

Try these:
Rondo of Blood (if you haven't already)
Bazaru Degozaru
Bonanza Bros
Double Dragon 2
Strider Hiryuu
Lords of Thunder
Gate of Thunder
Seiri Senshi Spriggan
Rayxanber 3
Art of Fighting
Fatal Fury Special
Fatal Fury 2
World Heroes 2
Bonk III
Zero Wing
Mad Stalker
Ginga Fukei Densetsu Sapphire
Forgotten Worlds

>> No.2641506

I handed some shekels to a guy and he gave me the stuff. Was about 25 bucks.

>> No.2642031
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You weren't lying

>> No.2642073

I told ya man I own the physical copy. It's easily one of my favorite pc engine games. I'm not even the biggest strategy fan by neo nectaris kicks so much ass I can't not love it.

>> No.2642347

okay apart from what >>2641241 coevered I will add

Faussete Amour - Action platformer
Gradius 2 - Good port with exclusive level
Hiho Densetsu Chris no Boken - Ghost n goblins style platformer
Legion - Horizontal shmup with english narration telling the story as you play kinda cool, people hate on this game cause its hard but if you can stay powered up its not too bad
Demon's World/Horror Story - Auto scrolling run and gun game
Shapeshifter - Action platformer got an english release but you dont need to know what they say to figure it out. If you burn a copy just get the english one
Dungeon Explorer 2 - Also in english but playing it in japanese does not detract from the solid gameplay.
Super Raiden - Another port of raiden to the PC engine but with CD music and exclusive levels
Hellfire - Good horizontal shooter
Sidearms Special - Prequel to forgotten worlds CD version has exclusive BC mode.
Neo Nectaris - I shill the hell out of this game because its so damn good. Its the original military madness cranked up to 11. It's all japanese of course but its super easy to figure out. The commands are in the same places as they were in military madness. Just got better maps, more units and includes the first game too so its perfect.

I don't know a lick of japanese myself but if you like the falcom Ys style combat I recommend legend of xanadu 2 using a guide. Guide takes out the nice world exploration aspects but if you like ramming shit to death the combat is fun enough to make the game stand on its own. I usually don't delve into RPGs but this one was more action oriented and can be enjoyed by someone who doesn't understand the story fully, you can still get a jist of whats going on in the cutscenes.

>> No.2643556
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From my understanding, the PCE SuperGrafx was just the core PCE hardware with an extra graphic processor, more RAM and a slightly faster CPU. Why didn't NEC released an add-on for the standard PCE so it could play SuperGrafx HuCards too?

>> No.2644070


huge list, thank you anons!

>> No.2644475

Because they weren't Sega.

>> No.2644483
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Maybe so, but they sure did shared their passion for releasing numerous design variations of the same hardware.

>> No.2644728

I assume it was because it was a format that was never going to be accepted and instead of just including that hardware in the duo when they released that they just went with the older cheaper chipset to keep costs down.

>> No.2644730

game in the op?

>> No.2644750

genpei touma den: ka no ni

which was released on the turbografx as samurai ghost

>> No.2644757

>genpei touma den: ka no ni
thanks m8

>> No.2644998

We compensate for all our toon chicks being cookie cutter. What else an I say.

>> No.2645005


>> No.2646047
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It's funny that you mention it, because Sega also did the 2x console idea, but used it for the arcades.

Pic related is running on system e hardware, essentially 2x master system vdp fed by a higher clocked cpu and more ram (and 2x audio chips because it exists inside the vdp package)

>> No.2647128

There are fewer different anime girls than versions of the PCE made. Maybe a draw if you count hair color that doesn't exist in nature.

>> No.2649559

Forgot to add Renny Blaster.
You should definetly check this out. It´s a really unique (though short) Beat em up where you can change powerups and fight against certain monsters like vampires a chainsaw wielding undead and a few others.

>> No.2649838

Renny Blaster kinda sucks. Kazekiri wasn't much better either.

>> No.2649930

>since all you are doing is switching out the CD tracks
IV actually has signage throughout its levels. I imagine there are a bunch in Yuko's temple that mock you for going the wrong way.

>> No.2650081
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my collection is too boss for one pic

>> No.2650086
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>> No.2650090
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I just recently bought a few more games too :3

>> No.2650108

I applaud you sir.

>> No.2651432

thanks m8, my wallet sure doesn't haha

>> No.2651546

New to PC-engine Turbographix in general.

How much are the console units worth and about what price would you usually pay for the games on average? I'd like to get into it.

>> No.2651580

For a turbo grafx you're probably looking at above 100 bucks. PC engines are like 60-80 and Pc engine duo is like 200+. Games for turbo grafx usually go from 20-50 dollars and pc engine games are 5-30 dollars. PC engine has tons of common cheap games that are actually good too.

A good PC engine starter collection for around 50 bucks would be
Yokai Douchuki - $5
Victory Run - $5
Mashin Eiyuuden Wataru (keith courage) - $5
Genpei Touma Den - $5
Kato chan & Ken chan - $10
Bikkuriman World - $10
Dragon Spirit - $10

>> No.2651584

First off: Don't bother with Turbografx-16 / US systems and games. Shit's waaay overpriced, and most Japanese equivalent games are way cheaper.

A CoreGrafx / CoreGrafx II is a good starter system, being the main Hucard system but also including composite video out, so you don't have to deal with the headache of RF only out of the original white PC Engine.

The system by itself should run you about 50-60 bucks. If you want the cords, power adapter and controller, expect to pay around 80-100 bucks.

Games for the PC Engine tend to be way cheaper, but prices are starting to go up. Most decent games will cost you around 15-20 bucks, which is fair. If you're willing to shell out 5-10 more dollars for each game, you'll be able to get them complete.

>> No.2651659

I wasn't going to share this because I wanted one for myself and I didn't want them to sell out but I'm not a faggot so... There are converters available now allowing you to play turbografx games on the PC engine and vice versa. The old converters only allowed you to play pc engine games on the turbografx because american hucard games actually had a software lock on them. System cards for the CD rom system also work with these converters.


The PC heshin can only do japanese cards on an american system and its cheaper because of that, the Turbo PC Heshin is the one that works around the software region lock allowing american games to be played on japanese systems.

>> No.2651664

Among all the hucard games I found

Magical Chase
Parasol Stars

to be the best.

Honestly, I wasn't that impressed by the rest of the library, although games like Gunhed and Final Soldier were pretty nice. I'm not a fan of ports, when the original is available to play, so I'm not counting them.

PCE-CD is another story obviously.

>> No.2651667

>Final Soldier
Dammit. I meant Soldier Blade. I always get confused because Soldier Blade is the final game in the trilogy. Final Soldier is mediocre. Soldier Blade is pretty nice.

>> No.2651686

why wouldn't you be a fan of ports when they out do the original in gameplay sometimes or offer exclusive content?

Zero Wing is better on genesis than the arcade, both the pc engine and genesis ports of hellfire are better than the arcade. Ninja Spirit is better balanced. 1943 has an original mode thats actually better than the vanilla game. Gradius has an extra level on the PC engine. Chuka Taisen is better than the original arcade game.

You are limiting yourself too much mate, sometimes a port can be enjoyable just to hear a remix of the songs you like, which is why I play PC engine space harrier sometimes. Yah I have a saturn and space harrier but the PC engine version has a really nice soundtrack too.

>> No.2651709

Some very good points, and acknowledged.

>> No.2652698

bumping a good thread cause Im tired of all the shit post threads today this weekend has been awful

>> No.2652718

I'm looking to pick up a CoreGrafx. What are the best Hucard games that go for under $50 a piece?

>> No.2652752


>> No.2652801

most games are under 50 dollars a piece even good ones. Like Super Star Soldier is 25-35 dollars complete even. The rarer games like Parasol Stars usually run around 40 dollars loose. Best games under 50 bucks though I would have to say

Alien Crush - 20-30 complete
Air Zonk (PC Denjin) - 45-50 dollars loose
Bikkuriman World (wonderboy in monsterland) - 10-15 loose
Gunhed - 30 loose

See prices range around 20-30 dollars for the more sought after games but most games are below 40 dollars or below loose.

>> No.2652809

thats not even all the best sorry I just got lazy. Those will get you started though.

>> No.2653117
File: 170 KB, 400x405, COVER-Jackie_Chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-Alien Crush
-Bomberman 93
-Bomberman 94
-Cyber Cross
-Detana!! Twinbee
-Fantasy Zone
-Final Soldier
-Galaga '88
-Genpei Toumaden
-Genpei Toumaden 2
-Jackie Chan's Action Kung-Fu (personal fav)
-Makyo Densetsu (Legendary Axe)
-Momotaro Katsugeki
-PC Genjin (Bonk)
-Salamander / Life Force
-Shubibinman 2 (personal fav)
-Side Arms
-Son Son II
-Space Harrier
-Street Fighter II
-Super Star Soldier
-Wonder Momo

Two games that are going up a bit and just may be over the $50 limit are Ninja Spirit and Splatterhouse, but if you're diligent I think you'll be able to find them a little cheaper, just know that they're both must-owns if you have a PC Engine.

>> No.2654380
File: 222 KB, 500x642, rabiolepus_sp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ho ho ho, you jokester, you.

Despite Wonder Momo being a really shitty game, it still is in my collection.

Ports for me either need to be a marked improvement or a fresh take on the original. Super Darius, for example, has triple the bosses that the original does, and actually feels better to play thanks to being formatted for one screen (though the bosses will make you hug the edge).

>Chuka Taisen

Ha, I hear a couple of people sing that game's praises over the weekend and out of curiosity I check the prices on ebay... ouch.

Speaking of ports, Rabio Lepus takes a graphical hit from the arcade (and misses out on some of the weirdness of the original), but the music is much better and I find it a bit more playable and accessible. The PS2 had a JPN-only port of the arcade game though.

>> No.2654405
File: 17 KB, 256x224, clm05.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chuka Taisen isn't anything special actually. It's just an old school type shooter and I mean old school for its time. The PC engine version is just the best because it lets you face the other direction too and remixes the game a bit because of that also has the graphics improved a bit. It's not that special as far as gameplay but it's got wacky graphics that i think make it unique. I like it myself I had it on my saved seraches in ebay for a long time to wait for a copy at an okay price.

>> No.2654427

What if the port has the best arrangement of the soundtrack? I have super raiden on super CD but I still have my raiden hucard cause there is no way I am giving up this soundtrack.


I still play the hucard version if I just want to play for a few minutes just cause of that crunchy soundtrack its too good.

>> No.2654454

Final Soldier at least has a great soundtrack: http://vgmrips.net/packs/pack/final-soldier-tg-16

>> No.2655269

this console seems to have not many sidescrollers or complex rpg's and too many generic shmups

>> No.2655284

you sound like you're 15

>> No.2655287

what's wrong, did i hurt you and your favorite shitty console's feelings?

>> No.2655292

It has Wizardry 1-5. How much more complexity do you need?

>> No.2655293

no because if you weren't 15 you would know it's home to a lot of unique great shooters, most of the RPGs are in japanese and unknown to most westerners, and there are plenty of sidescrollers like 3 bonk games alone. Your reply totally makes you sound 15, it's okay if you don't like the pc engine but you just sound silly when you make uneducated statements like that.

>> No.2655303

Rondo of Blood is one of the best 16-bit side-scrolling games ever made.

Parasol Stars is one of the best platforming-puzzle games ever made.

Lords of Thunder is one of the best 16-bit side-scrolling shoot-em-ups ever made.

Gekisha Boy is fucking awesome too.

>> No.2655753

and super star soldier is better than both.

>> No.2656237

Maybe according to you, but according to me

Blade > Super > Final

>> No.2656416 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 512x512, cartridge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you guys want some roms, you can get them at theromdepot.com without any bs.

>> No.2656442

>cookie-cutter shmups
>untranslated jRPG's
>anime weeb games
>crap hardware

Why people like this system again?

>> No.2656451

Because they're NECbeards.

>> No.2656502


>> No.2656535

Consider this stolen

>> No.2656537

Double stolen

>> No.2656821

You already posted this bait reply retard, as you have noticed it's not so easy to troll us because unlike your average super nintendo or sega genesis fan on this board. We happen to be over 18.

>> No.2656840

Good job failing to answer the question.

Guess the PC Engine really is that shitty.

>> No.2656863

I like the system because of the difficult and challenging arcade ports. I'm not a child who gets hung up on graphics or melodramatic jrpg plots.

>> No.2657812

Do you really need to play RPGs before the 32bit era? Most of all older RPGs are archaic and/or mediocre Dragon Quest ripoffs.

There's plenty; did you even look at the library? Lots of Taito and Namco games, Bonk/Genjin titles, IREM games, Legendary Axe, plus plenty more on the CD.

>generic shooters
Somewhat valid; back when shooters were the most popular genre a lot of forgettable stuff was made. A few rise to the top in all consoles (e.g. Download, Spriggan).

Oh, so you're just a butthurt idiot.

Read the topic to find why people like the system; it might be because they like the games on the system.


Ha, 12 days later only?
Finally got a chance to play Kris. So far, this game is surprisingly fun. I got probably through to the fourth level or so, and the game is very memorization heavy: once you know the enemy spawns you won't be getting hurt too much in-game. Despite that the levels have maintained a good level of variety (though the "puzzle level" with the switches felt a little tacked-on), and the game is coupled to a great score.

>> No.2657835

yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay :)

you should check out the forums at pcengine to look for help or questions. lots more pc engine coders on there.

also my vote goes for daichi kun crisis as next project!

>> No.2657941

I'm playing Legendary Axe, i hate the platforming and jumping mechanics, but the combat is great. How is the second gam?

>> No.2657946

a lot different, it gets rid of the charge mechanic. Its not even in the same series in japan actually. LA2 plays more like rastan

>> No.2658046 [DELETED] 

Why would I be butthurt over a system that flopped and had no games?

>> No.2658076

why would you come to a thread and shitpost about it. You're obviously a child trying to get a rise out of us. Why are you even on this board you little shitter

>> No.2658097 [DELETED] 

calm down old man, you're going to give yourself a stroke just because someone doesn't appreciate your shitty console

>> No.2658150

PC Denjin > Magical Chase

Also Soldier Blade is the best game in the series if you play it on hard mode.

Best weapons

Best graphics

Best bosses

Best challenge (on hard mode)

Best presentation

Good music

>> No.2658157

Why is Final so bad? Imo it didn't look that bad.

>> No.2658210

Final isn't bad. It's just not as good as the sequels.

The music is quite good though.

But ultimately, it has less content, basic weapons, lesser graphics, less challenge, etc.

>> No.2658330

It's not shitty though that's your subjective opinion. For a console that was released in 87 before megaman 2 even existed its pretty good.

>> No.2658358

>it's your OPINION that something is bad but it's a FACT that it's OBJECTIVELY GOOD

>> No.2658373

Both are opinons yours is just quite shitty.

>> No.2658386

It's fact the hardware was good in 87 its opinion that you think that hardware is shitty. Stupid child

>> No.2658418

>yours is just quite shitty.
That's weird because I never posted an opinion in this thread. I was just pointing out how retarded it is to say opinions you dislike are subjective and and ones you like are objective.
>you think that hardware is shitty
I'm not even the guy that said that, so maybe you're the stupid one for making assumptions? >>2658046 wasn't talking about hardware, either. He was obviously talking about the system library, which is ultimately more important than how good the hardware is.

>> No.2658419

It's shit hardware because it was pushed to compete against real 16-bit systems like GEN and SNES, if the SuperGrafx hadn't failed hard it would be a different story though.

Also stop calling other people "kid" or "child", makes you look just as immature like you're trying to pretend to be an adult.

>> No.2658427

>It's fact the hardware was good in 87
Do you still have problems comprehending the difference between a fact an opinion? Here's a helpful hint: if you say something is "good" or "bad" with no other context or frame of reference, it's not an fact.

>> No.2658434

In north america. In japan the genesis failed though does that mean its shit? Like your points are non arguments. "It sucks cause it failed, it failed cause it sucks" Circular logic you little retard.

We all know you're one same fagging retard, or else there has been a massive influx into /vr/ lately of just stupid uneducated kids. What retro games do you like? Please let us know, like why the hell are you even on this board? Don't you have any friends you can talk to, or find a board where people maybe do share your interests instead of trying to antagonize people who just want to talk about a system they like.

The system was good because it had fun games, if you don't think the games are fun it's because you have shit taste. End of discussion.

>> No.2658438

The hardware was better than the master system and NES. It was the best thing on the market when it came out. Are you brain damaged? Like how fucking hard is it to figure out GOOD HARDWARE in 87 means that its probably more advanced, do I need to remind you how to breath young sperg?

>> No.2658501

Not him, sport, but you're obviously an angry little child who has to believe it was shit because you can't afford one or something. I'm glad you're developing an interest in our generations games but ignorant arguments like this just shit up one of the few places we have to discuss them in peace.
Lurk moar. And if you can't do that then hang out on /v/ until you mature a little.
See you next summer.

>> No.2658509

PC Engine Kyukyoku Tiger > Arcade



Yeah it's not even a contest listen to that PC engine synth humm it's fucking beautiful.

>> No.2658650

Arcade ports with extra content

Super dodgeball has the extra alien mode.

Bravoman and Valkyrie have different stage layouts.

Youkai douchuuki is simplified but still challenging.

F1 dream has a career mode

1943 Kai has an extra really cool 4 levels.

Gradius and Gradius II both have an extra level

Parodius has a special stage

Bloody wolf has an extra second half

You can duck in a legend of Tonma, good for final boss

Aero blasters has improved controls and music

Double dragon II is a remake of the nes version

>> No.2658734

>Youkai douchuuki is simplified but still challenging.

What's extra about that?