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/vr/ - Retro Games

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2604261 No.2604261 [Reply] [Original]

Seems the last one was deleted for some reason? Let's talk shmumps. Currently running Gleylancer and it's pretty good so far sans how difficult it was for me to see the projectiles in the first level.

>> No.2604298
File: 20 KB, 283x381, anuncio_gaiares1_little.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am STILL working on getting through Gaiares. Holy fuck this game is hard. Tons of fun though. Stealing enemy skills is great.

>> No.2604336

why have you posted 2 threads now calling them "shmumps" you fucking retard

>> No.2604342
File: 49 KB, 500x378, 1417146845461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow dude. You need to cool out. Yeah, the OP made a mistake but there's no need to act like a little autist about it.

>> No.2604379

Anyway, I'm playing the original MSX Zanac and having a ball, though it's got some flaws. The A.I. system is opaque to me—I'm not sure how to manipulate no matter which route I take (how many special buildings I've blown up, average firing rate, special weapon(s) chosen, &c.). Occasionally the music/sound effects hitch up, a sign that it's a game pushing the MSX1 to its limits frequently. And some hitboxes are imprecise like hell!

I've made progress, though, getting to the halfway point in two days.

>> No.2604387

I've been playing Tyrian a lot lately. Fairly difficult, has a nice upgrade system. Fun game to me.

>> No.2604440

So, who here has made his own shmup with the Shmup-Maker Dezaemon?

>> No.2604448

I bought a used copy of Dezaemon for the Super Famicom and I almost don't want to erase the project that was saved on the cartridge by the previous owner: an unfinished Mazinger themed shmup. I almost feel bad doing it, like I'm erasing the cartridge's history if I do.

>> No.2604523

If it makes you feel any better, the original owner clearly didn't care enough to actually finish it or keep the game in his collection. So he probably forgot about it long, long ago.

>> No.2604620

Crimzon Clover is on sale for like two burgers

>> No.2604627

>AI system
You mean the alc value thing. That will go up no matter what you do, bottom line if you're playing well you WILL have it maxed out. Don't worry too much about it.

>> No.2604639

Someone asked for amiga shmups in the previous thread.
Disposable Hero

>> No.2604642

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention in the previous thread, another typical flaw of euroshmups: inertia controls that have you bouncing against the scenery like a pinball, like the second level in Tyrian and an ingame shop where half the upgrades are useless.

>> No.2604649
File: 94 KB, 600x407, neoxyx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

History of Euroshmups:

>> No.2604925

played some Override. Really fast and fun verty that isn't hard to beat.

it's an easy game to 1CC as well, and i'm not even great at shooters

>> No.2604985

Cause you're shooting up some chumps in your shmup.

>> No.2606256

I don't believe it, they've got a doomsday machine!

>> No.2606270

That was me, cheers

>> No.2607503
File: 184 KB, 482x599, dodonpachi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently set up a MAME/FBA computer with my living room tv. I've been playing a lot of DoDonpachi recently. I'm still shit at it, but it's ridiculously fun.

Should I invest in some proper arcade sticks? I'm using a buffalo game pad now and it seems fine, but it's not quite the same.

>> No.2607528

Recommend a qanba q1 if you don't need the latest and greatest. You can mod the buttons and stick later too.

>> No.2607539

Those are the only sticks I've seen on ebay/amazon that are even remotely affordable. I'm not trying to spend $150 on this shit.

How's the base? Does it feel solid or is it cheap/plasticky? I'll mode a couple of those if the base is good.

>> No.2607548

dude get a decent ps1/2 stick. They're cheap, well made and adapters for pc are like 2 dollars

>> No.2607551
File: 46 KB, 500x358, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have pic related but i probably has too much throw for shooters, try looking for something by hori

>> No.2607557 [DELETED] 

>I have pic related but i probab
It feels solid enough for me but I guess it varies from person to person. Recommend checking some vids online if you want to do some research

>> No.2607559

It feels solid enough for me but I guess it varies from person to person. Recommend checking some vids online if you want to do some research

>> No.2607581


Who gives a fuck? "Shmup" is a stupid babytalk sounding word anyway.

>> No.2607609

You're not down with shooting muppets, then?

>> No.2607614


What did a muppet ever do to you?

>> No.2607629

People insecure about their hobby don't belong here.


>> No.2607642


Have you...SHEWTD DEM YUP today?

>> No.2607652
File: 53 KB, 680x527, 1433206201535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're an idiot.

>> No.2607654

If you don't leave to the boards I politely linked you right NOW I will contact the administrators of this site and have you dealt with.

>> No.2607667

Not sure if troll or autistic. To get this thread back on rails. Been playing Truxton and it is pretty crazy.

>> No.2607671

Don't think you can just dismiss me with petty insults and walk away scot-free.

>> No.2607676


Insecure about my hobby? Hardly. It's just a stupid fucking word.

>> No.2607681

>demanding that people stop saying the title of a genre that's been around for over 20 years because you think it'd make you sound stupid in front of your peers
>not insecure as fuck

Pick one and leave.


>> No.2607685

Autism. This is a shooter thread.

>> No.2607692

You're not fooling anyone by replying to yourself. Don't even bother using inspect element to forge a fake image in a poor attempt at "proof" you didn't.

>> No.2607698


Holy shit, are you riled up. I never made any demands and you're building quite the little strawman. Just settle, petal. I don't like the word. It sounds silly to me and I couldn't give a dusty fuck what anyone else thinks.

>> No.2607701


>> No.2607741
File: 61 KB, 400x258, gradius-3-t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forget it, /vr/. It's time for me to pack up and go home. I have played through Gradius, Gradius II, V, Gaiden, and Rebirth. They were all excellent shooters that offered challenges to be overcome with determination and practice. But this -- *this* -- is something else entirely. It's not as if I only tried it once and declared it too hard, no. I've been going back for the past several years. Navigating narrow spaces full of enemies and bullets with an enormous hitbox. Lions that have too much health. Only occasionally do I my way to the boss where I can proceed to the next nightmare of a stage. I've said enough. My time has come.

>> No.2607747

Why does there seem to be a higher influx of autists and try hards lately? Just ignore the dumbass.
Favorite ost? I'm partial to Darius Gaiden myself.

>> No.2607760

Is Daifukkatsu playable in MAME now? Damn.

>> No.2607873

Made it to round 6 of Zanac A.I. last night. Trickiest boss so far is the one where both lightning-bolt zappers are right at the bottom of the screen, right-hand side below the fortress. I'm considering the front-shield weapon as a safeguard against stray bullets I might not cancel using the three-way shot.

>> No.2607918

I use this at the moment for all my shmups. It's pretty damn good considering it was 20 bucks.

>> No.2608253
File: 93 KB, 633x529, durrpantsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think of pause buffering? (mashing start to slow the game down and simulate faster inputs)

>> No.2608259


Has been for a while.

>> No.2608260



>> No.2608263
File: 261 KB, 640x478, donpachi boss 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stage 2 boss of donpachi is a lot of fun. it looks scary at first but it's super easy when you learn the trick

>> No.2608264

yep, undisputable truth. I still think it's fun and makes me play better. I wonder if abusing it will hamper my skills in the long term.

>> No.2608267


I dunno. If you reserved it for practising difficult patterns it'd be OK I guess but not for legit runs.

>> No.2608268

what game is this?

>> No.2608271



>> No.2608280

The announcer guy says 'don't panic'. It's a boss that's pretty much designed to make you panic and fuck up. It's a lot worse in the loop though.

>> No.2609609

Which is the best game in the Darius series? I've only played G and Gaiden.

>> No.2609621

you've played the best

>> No.2609667


All the Darius games are good. Just avoid Twin and all ports except MD Darius II.

>> No.2610104

>and makes me play better.
No it doesn't you fucking idiot at best it gives you the illusion of playing better but is essentially pause abuse to slow the game down to retard baby levels, stop being a pathetic bitch and learn to actually play.

>> No.2610105

How good are R-Type 3 and Super Aleste?

>> No.2610107

>Should I invest in some proper arcade sticks?
The controller method you should invest in is which ever one feels most comfortable to you to maximize your potential. Daily reminder that Gus counterstopped mushi futari ultra on a stock 360 dpad, Prometheus 2 loops daioujou on a keyboard, mrmonkeyman 2 ura loops ketsui on a saturn pad, tviks 16 loops gaiden on a ps1 pad, akai katanas wr is a pad also so just find out what works best for you and don't fall into the "muh arcade authentic feelz" club. I used a sanwa stick or 4 years btw and now much prefer the ascii ps1 pad.

>> No.2610113

I enjoyed Darius Twin and I have no shame about it

>> No.2610162
File: 1.45 MB, 1280x960, 1439546947138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touhou 15 is out, why haven't you cleared it yet?

>> No.2610163

Stage 3 is crowded as fuck

>> No.2610165

That art is terrible.

>> No.2610184

Welcome to touhou.

>> No.2610209

I was not aware. Time to start practicing.

>> No.2610214



>> No.2610216


This. Personally I use a Saturn pad most of the time because I find its d-pad the best and most sticks have too much travel for shooters imo. Just experiment and find what works best for you.

>> No.2610218 [DELETED] 

I agree.

>> No.2610316
File: 249 KB, 552x510, patchi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>americunt pandering

What happened zun?

>> No.2610372

Yep. I like stick myself, I love my old namco PS1 stick, but yiou can "git gud" with any controller. Hell, look at fighting games. You've got brolylegs, and that guy who won EVO(?) with a ps1 pad.

>> No.2610459
File: 130 KB, 1440x1008, mb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surprised that no one posted pic related.

Just mentioning that it was this song that made me play Gaiden, in the first place.
The soundtrack from Zuntata is a masterpiece.

>> No.2610802

>Should I invest in some proper arcade sticks?

Only if it will increase your funs per second.

>> No.2611027
File: 13 KB, 425x199, 1426723173963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could have dreamed, but was there a shmup for either Genesis or SNES that was mostly mothership themed levels?

Nexzr is on a platform I never emulated, what is best to run it?

RT3 is the second best RT in terms of gameplay. Just don't play the GBA version.

>> No.2611029
File: 291 KB, 964x690, LoLK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I managed to get a decent lunatic 1cc a few hours ago. After hearing about how hard Junko was supposed to be, I found her to be quite disappointing. Clownpiece definitely feels a bit scarier to me. Honestly, only giving me a quarter of a second to respond to a laser is a pretty nasty thing to do.

>> No.2611036


>> No.2611037
