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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 65 KB, 555x251, overhyped garbage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2602958 No.2602958[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Has the games media ever been more biased for a console before ?

>> No.2602960

Not retro. Shit console. Fuck off.

>> No.2602965

1. This isn't even close to being retro.
2. PS4 kicks ass

>> No.2602967

Wii u is not powerfull, and xbox ruined it's reputation

>> No.2602970

mass fail of doodie 4 U

>> No.2603009


It's less people are biased to the quattro and the and more it's the only system that hasn't piddled on everyone's carpet

>> No.2603014
File: 136 KB, 920x374, Screenshot 2015-08-10 23.20.22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own a PS4 and love it. That said, this is for retro games dumb ass.
Get that shit to /v/ or /b/ where it belongs.

Reported you!

>> No.2603020
File: 337 KB, 700x350, 1424822672866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Until Genesis, ubiquity was the status quo

>> No.2603037

I'm sorry to say this but the ps4 is shit garbage and it's the worst console to ever bear the prestigious PlayStation brand. It's basically just a 360 made by Sony, only the online component is total shit.

Sony is like the McDonald's of video games, they sell shit garbage to fat, stupid, overfed morons who eat up their trash regardless of it's lack of quality.

>> No.2603041

>Sony is like the McDonald's of video games, they sell shit garbage to fat, stupid, overfed morons who eat up their trash regardless of it's lack of quality.

you misspelled nintendo

>> No.2603043

>he doesn't know that every fucking review for the N64 and its games were paid for by Nintendo to hide their fucking shitty, late, poorly done pile of shit system
What's sad is that it actually worked and people STILL actually believe that horrible games like Mario 64 and the Zelda games were good.

It's pathetic.

>> No.2603046


>B-b-b-b-uh Nintendo!

It's hilarious how sony shits have this weird obsession and insecurity complex with Nintendo.

My Nintendo and Sony consoles sit side by side. It must suck to be a brainwashed partisan fanboy peasant.

>> No.2603047

announcing reports is against global rules.

>> No.2603048

Dis thred gon git d leeted

>> No.2603051

(within a week... maybe)

>> No.2603052

If you play them both an equal amount you're probably schizophrenic though

>> No.2603056


I'm sensing some triggered autism in this post.

>> No.2603058

>not just liking video games for what they are instead of participating in pointless "console wars"

>> No.2603059


>> No.2603062
File: 402 KB, 1677x1200, 1366169123108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nintendo are the jews of video gaming.

>> No.2603065

There must be a settling of sums and a snapping of necks

>> No.2603069

Not him but I don't how people enjoy modern games on a system like PS4 when all the games release broken and there's an online paywall.

The library for PS4 is pretty dogshit if you ask me too. Bunch of generic fpses.

>> No.2603071
File: 275 KB, 810x1530, 011785643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Almost all of those images are wrong.

Also, $599 USD. There's nothing more jewey than that you retard.

>> No.2603072

Are sony ponies so desperate to shill this failure of a console they must pollute /vr/ with their console wars bullshit?

What a shit fanbase. Wow.

>> No.2603082

>Almost all of those images are wrong.

>> No.2603091
File: 38 KB, 400x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah I don't like Sony I just enjoy shitting on Nintendrones.

Two sides of the same shitty coin tbh.

>> No.2603139

>Has the games media ever been more biased for a console before ?

I wonder if you're asking "has there been any media bias for a single /vr/ console". In a way, it was Nintendo, but only for the NES. It wasn't necessarily good bias, news reporters always made comments about how Nintendo couldn't keep up with demand and fail, or how their chip shortage would make them fail, or how they had a virtual monopoly on the market.

After that, I want to say the PS1. All Sony consoles have been media biased, to be shown to the mass market and advertised as a hip, trendy thing. The PS1 was famously advertised during 'normal' things like football games, when no other console did that. Sony's marketing tactics and market permeation has changed the face of video games forever.

>> No.2603159

>All Sony consoles have been media biased
Not all of them; don't you remember the early days of the PS3?

>> No.2603163

>Reported you!

I reported ur mum

>> No.2603170

I dare say that the PS3 was the first time Sony actually advertised it like a "normal" console. The 360 was the spiritual successor to the PS2, even to the point of nabbing some Japanese games, but the PS3 still ruled in Japan.

>> No.2603186

The most disproportionately media bias console was obviously the original Xbox.

From day 1 the media portrayed the system as a more serious contender than Gamecube, even though it had a completely unproven track record, and its sales didn't surpass Gamecube (only barely, mind) until the very end of the generation.

>> No.2603190

I'm pretty sure that was because of MS moneyhatting people. MS actually made it a point to boast about the cost of their marketing, obviously trying to mirror Sony's tactics. In fact, everything MS has done is a mirror of Sony's doings, and Sony has in turn copied what worked for them.

>> No.2603218

but its not a console,

its a PC sold at little over cost, but that you don't really own because the pieces are intentionally made to be incompatible with the other PCs, and so that you can't really run things sony doesn't want you too