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File: 151 KB, 529x364, Mission_Impossible_for_N64,_Front_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2601507 No.2601507 [Reply] [Original]

Who Mission: Impossible here? After seeing Rogue Nation and going back and watching the first movie, I got a big nostalgia bite for the old N64 game. Gonna swing by the ol' retro game shop on my way home; pretty sure they have it.

Share M:I memories.

>> No.2601521

I didn't know english at the time and tought it was like GoldenEye.

So, yeah, I couldn't do anything with it

>> No.2601527

Well, it wasn't only for N64 like the cover suggests. I remember playing the demo on PS1.

Felt a bit clunky, but I guess the full game was ok once you got a hold of it.

>> No.2601528
File: 89 KB, 700x784, Mission_Impossible_cart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on my level, pleb. This is the Mission Impossible game I grew up with.

>> No.2601535
File: 24 KB, 640x480, 169340-mission-impossible-nintendo-64-screenshot-yeah-and-i-m-santa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was Goldeneye light, I guess. Goldeneye where you shoot less things and can't just wreck havoc if you fail the mission.

Came out on PS1 afterwards, I believe.

Shit, son.

>> No.2601538

I remember the subway metro level being very challenging at the time. Played it for the n64

>> No.2601542

>Suspicious guy, reaching into his coat like he's 'bout to off somebody
>Snipe his ass just as he withdraws his weapon
>It was a cellphone
Had a few keks with my high school friend over this back in the day.

Also, the OST is pretty sick at times:

>> No.2601546
File: 473 KB, 502x444, ship 'em off.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been playing this game since the early 90s and still can't beat the first stage.

>> No.2601549

>Richard Chaves
>Phillip Michael Thomas
>Emilio Estevez
>and Jack Palance in

>> No.2601550

You mean where you have to steal the government official's face and sneak through the party? Or is there something before that? I can't remember.

>> No.2601556

Oh, fuck my shit up, brah, I thought you were talking about the N64 one. Nevermind.

>> No.2601607
File: 154 KB, 640x480, missionimpossible-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.2601660

>Rent this game on a weekend several times.
>Third time, finally make it through the first level after dodging all sorts of baddies and figuring out how to stop the damn moving walls from killing me.
>Immediately crash the boat and have to restart on level 2.

>> No.2602159

>Lived in the sticks as a kid
>Me and my friend got hooked on this game when we did all there was to do in Goldeneye
>Being in the sticks, we hunt and fish as well as vidya
>Friend is squirrel hunting with his dad and shoots one
>Rock steady
>What the fuck, son, quit saying that
I loved my childhood.

>> No.2602168
File: 48 KB, 450x512, 130510587554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just came here to post something about recently getting the NES version and not quite understanding what I'm supposed to do

>> No.2602273

Stop playing Goonies II, for one. You'll never beat Mission Impossible that way

>> No.2602276

That's Goonies, tho.

>> No.2602307

Why is Tom so stingy about his image being used anyway? You can't bruise the Cruise, but Goldeneye didn't necessarily smear the Pierce.

>> No.2602318

Why is noted control freak Tom Cruise hesitant to trust his image and likeness to something he has absolutely no control over?

I don't know, man, total mystery.

>> No.2602330

Doesn't Tom know that there'd be people dying to control a virtual, voice-acted version of him?

>> No.2602338

Because studio contracts rarely include video game likenesses in the merchandising agreements. They would have had to draw up a separate contract, have attorneys involved, pay a huge fee -- all too much for a game publisher to remain profitable on a single title. Bond is a bigger franchise, I'd be willing to bet there's all sorts of likeness licensing clauses that are in that contract when actors sign up to represent that character.

>> No.2602416

In another dimension somewhere,Cruise lent his face and voice and the game was a slightly bigger production and made shitloads of money.

Meanwhile nobody wanted to play the new James Bond game starring Robin Williams, and Pierce Brosnan's career ended after the disastrous Mrs. Double-Agent Fire.

>> No.2602430

That is exactly why he will never allow it.

In all seriousness, he is likely the most image-conscious actor in all of Hollywood - he has (successfully) sued several publications just for HINTING that he might be gay/bi/curious for tens of million of dollars. It is also suspected that the reason why he is so hardcore into Scientology is because they have evidence of him being gay/bi/curious that they will release should he ever try to leave, which would make those millions of dollars he sued for eligible for forfeiture.

A recent documentary about Scientology produced by one of their former members insinuates that several of their most prominent members are kept in check via this sort of blackmail.

tl:dr - No likeness bcuz Xenu

>> No.2602450

Yeah but he's pretty close to getting out.

>> No.2602498

True, I saw it in a tabloid at the supermarket

>> No.2602514

I heard his likeness actually is in the game: his true form.

>> No.2602517

I hate this game

>> No.2602527

Just got home with it, myself. I got some work to do, then we'll see if this game is as mediocre-yet-reasonably-entertaining as I remember.

Also, all hail Cruise.

>> No.2602764

Besides the nostalgia bomb, this is actually still fun. I feel like I'm actually a spy.
>Shoot a guy from around a corner
>Ethan: Yeah, way to go!
This game is sick.

>> No.2602878

I remember this game had nice variety of gameplay. It was pretty meh though, but had a good level of challenge to it. When you got an objective done it was also satisfying as fuck. Sometimes it was also a bit archaic and you didn't know what you actually had to do to get the objective done, so when the cutscene or whatever would trigger confirming that you did it it would feel good, kek.

Game was seriously addictive but I literally did one playthrough of it and never looked at it again in my entire life.

>> No.2602883

brain fart, I meant to write 'obscure'

I need sleep

>> No.2602887
File: 39 KB, 400x268, deleting THOSE videos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He'll get out when he infiltrates Scientology HQ and steals all the incriminating gay pictures of himself.

>> No.2602889

Better not pay more than $3 for it. It's one of the cheapest N64 games on ebay

>> No.2602904

>Impossible here? After seeing Rogue Nation and going back and watching the first movie, I got a big nostalgia bite for the old N64 game.

Holy shit! are you Chris Stuckmann?


>> No.2602914

My cousin got me into the game. Its lick a much much slower paced goldeneye with pretty good level variety, and some of the levels really made you think. Like that level where you have to take a empty gun to make the guy open a door for you because he thinks its loaded. It made for a great rental, and a solid purchase so long as you don't spend more than $10

>> No.2602918

If he is caught he will of course disavow any knowledge of such videos.

>> No.2602923


He really should have rigged them to self-destruct 10 seconds after viewing. Rookie mistake number two.

>> No.2603749

>I think I singed my hair
When does he say that? When he's going down the laser grid for the noc list?

>> No.2605989

Never heard of him until now, but I'm ashamed I made the same exact observation he did >>2602764

I paid four bucks for it. Not too bad.

>When he's going down the laser grid for the noc list?
Exactly then. His comments throughout the game are amusing.

>> No.2605990

Fuck, meant to quote >>2603749

>> No.2608047

Played the shit out of this game with a friend when I was a kid. It's one of those games you can't stop playing for some reason, even though you know it's not that great. "In Cold Blood" is another example.

I especially enjoyed the snow levels in M:I, felt a bit like MGS :)

>> No.2608315
File: 92 KB, 640x460, 169325-mission-impossible-nintendo-64-screenshot-title-screen-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man it's been two days without playing it because adult life and now I'm starting to forget about it already, goddammit. I better pick it up some tonight. Rock steady.

Also, what the fuck is wrong with Ethan's face? Pic related.

>> No.2608317

>It's one of those games you can't stop playing for some reason, even though you know it's not that great.
Agreed. It's funny like that. You know it's 'sorta meh' but while it lasts its addictive as hell. Weird.

>> No.2608342

This game is THE SHIT.

Must've been one of my favorite N64 games.

>> No.2608349

Thread theme.


>> No.2608370

I approve of this.
>tfw that was my favorite track from the game as a kid.

>> No.2608374

my parents were faggots and I had this as a kid instead of Goldeneye 007. oh well I still kinda liked it.

>> No.2608376

I have this now because I don't feel like paying $40 or whatever for Goldeneye. I guess I'm like your parents, lol.

>> No.2608381

How can you sue people successfully just for implying you're gay? No free speech for Tom's sake?

>> No.2608384

It's called libel/slander, anon.

>> No.2608530

being called gay is slander? that's homophobic. i thought there was nothing wrong with being gay.

anyway only an insecure closet homo would have a problem with being gay, and is exactly the kinda guy who would sue for this shit.

>> No.2608701

Sure, it's 2015 and there's nothing wrong with being gay, but we still live in a society where people suffer embarrassment or worse for it. If he isn't gay, then they're spreading false information about him. If he is gay but would rather not come out, then they're prying into his personal life. He was right to sue their ass into atomic dust.

>> No.2608978

It's defamation of character if it's printed or communicated in the media, it can easily destroy a person's livelihood and ability to conduct business. Tabloids and sites like TMZ are successfully sued for libel all the time.

>> No.2609004

but tom cruise is gay brahs

>> No.2609049

I've got a copy of this that I don't really want.
anyone got something they'd trade me?

>> No.2609126

I fucking love this game and I really should buy it at some point, I just rented it over and over as a kid

Embassy is best level

>> No.2609130

Prove it.

>> No.2609283
File: 86 KB, 1000x417, Tom-Cruise-Ethan-Hunt-Mission-Impossible-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shut it down

>> No.2609298

I'll trade you gay Cruise pix

>> No.2609557

I saw him suck a cock one time when I was somewhere in some place.

>> No.2612581

seems legit

>> No.2616205

I always thought the ultimate troll would have been to make this game unbeatable yet release videos of people beating a special studio version of it.