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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 125 KB, 850x629, mega driver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2597873 No.2597873 [Reply] [Original]

Collectorfag getting out. Just found this thing for $40 free shipping. Is there anything these things can't play or have trouble with? Site only states Virtua Racing doesn't work, which I can live without. But I wanted to ask you guys since half of you probably ACTUALLY own one. Are they durable? Responsive? And most importantly, can I play Monster World IV in english on my Genesis using one? (I have both models)

>> No.2597883
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>appending -fag to every noun

I can't wait for summer vacation to end.

>> No.2597885

Who are you quoting? Some inside joke between you and the OP?

>> No.2597895

I was under the impression these are just botched clones of the everdrive MD that can't be updated without being bricked and that die quickly.

>> No.2597896

I plan on getting the Mega Evderdrive soon. Also slimming my collection.

>> No.2597903
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>implying someone else is here because it's summer

go soak your head, prefereably until you stop breathing.

thanls for the excuse to finally use that reaction

>> No.2597907

me neither. then you'll finally be gone.

>> No.2597913

nothing botched about them, they work perfectly fine.

Virtua Racing doesn't work because it requires the SVP expansion chip, which obviously isn't included here.

Don't try and update the FW with the latest FW from Krikzz, he boobytrapped the FW to brick these Chinese clone carts.

>> No.2597917

>nothing botched about them, they work perfectly fine.
The China carts have the wrong board thickness most the time. Cost cuts everywhere.

>> No.2597918

ayy lmao, what a huge faggot. Still wont give him my money. Needs to cut that homoshit out.

>> No.2597919

It still works perfectly fine.

source: I have one that works perfectly fine

>> No.2597924

He doesn't actually have one, he just wants you to buy shit. Don't listen to this faggot.

>> No.2597968

I don't have a Chinese clone shit. Every time I ask someone to measure the thickness they avoid the question.

>> No.2597975
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>> No.2598080

>Taking measures to prevent others from using his code for free

>> No.2598091

Don't buy one, then the price will go down even more (if that's possible)

Actually, no. Are you fucking stupid? If you want to check out the world of flash cartridges that's the one to buy (in /vr/ terms anyway). It's $40. Even if it breaks in two weeks you'll get $40 worth of joy out of it I assure you - but it won't break in two weeks unless you're some idiot who thinks they need to update the firmware for some reason despite it doing everything you could possibly want it to already out of the box.

>> No.2598095

Some people have respect for the original creator.

>> No.2598104

lol, you're fucking dumb, the original creator is just supplying a means to piracy, there is no fucking moral high ground here. Buy the cheap Chinese shit.

>> No.2598109

Some people own the games.

>> No.2598124

LOL, yeah ok. I'm sure the 0.01% that own a complete sega genesis collection agrees with you. I'm sure you only put roms of games you own on it only.

>> No.2598130

I don't play games just to play shit. I play the games I enjoy.

>> No.2598134

>literal autism

I can't speak to someone who can't register a proper thought. You are fucking insufferable.

>> No.2598139

Got any more /v/ buzzwords?

>> No.2598149
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Hey Anon, any good? I'm on the fence and just curious what they're like, and now thanks to this thread what software they come with (if any?) or what I'll need to put on it once it arrives.

Do you use any other MD/G flashcarts? How long you had that one?

>> No.2598157


Out of curiosity could you fit the entire Genesis library on a 32 gig card? and all the master system and all four 32x games that are good?

>> No.2598159

I literally don't know what these Krikzz shills are doing but the chinese EDMD comes right out of the box with perfectly compatible firmware on it, in English ready to play all games except Virtua Racing and shit like Pier Solar (obviously) plus a few games have some region locking that may need to be bypassed but that's true whether it's the "real" one or the clone.

Also, the Chinese EDMD plays Master System games right out of the box and can play 32x games too but you need a 32x. I think the only thing the Mega ED does is load up games slightly faster and has some kind of developer tools.

>> No.2598161

Try 4 gig, probably. Easily 8.

>> No.2598171

You call us shills put you wont even take simple measurements. Funny...

>> No.2598174

fucked in the head.

>> No.2598179

The entire Megadrive/Genesis NoIntro rom set is 1.1 gb.

>> No.2598181

if Virtua Racing doesn't work, then just keep your cart. That's the beauty of flashcarts.

>> No.2598197

Zipped. You need it unzipped for flash carts.

>> No.2598203

Either way, it's under 2 gigs easy.

>> No.2598205

It's not. I had to do some major paring down to get a romset to fit on a 2gb sd card for my Firecore.

>> No.2598215
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Cheers dude.

>plays Master System games right out of the box and can play 32x games too but you need a 32x.

Fuuuck. I got a power base converter and sega CD but no 32x, I can't justify the stupid price they go for plus the extra adaptor slots and all that shit, finding those complete for under like $200 is difficult where I am which is a lot for a couple of 32x games. (especially since I bought the 3DS Space Harrier which was one of the 32x games I wanted)

Was there ever any function of having a game in the genesis slot and a sega cd game in? Or was that just for shit like the Pier Solar soundtrack thing retroactively/

Cheers guys, will look up a romset after ordering I guess, my current folder is pretty much just shmups and beat em ups, looking forward to sticking everything on there and playing genesis roulette!

>> No.2598236

I hope deleting 13 minor versions of games and all those hacks and demos didn't make you cry to hard.
I easily fit everything I could possibly want into 2g and I can read Japanese.

>> No.2598258

I don't think so, Dave. I had to delete sports games too.

>Was there ever any function of having a game in the genesis slot and a sega cd game in? Or was that just for shit like the Pier Solar soundtrack thing retroactively
Nope. There are 32xCD games but you don't need a cart (not that you have a 32x anyway)

>> No.2598262

Download the No Intro set, dumbass. No doubles or triples of versions, no romhacks or other bullshit.

>> No.2598275

>how do I goodunmerge
I don't know what kind of half-assed romset you're using but I can assure you I have no doubles. The only romhacks I have are fan translations and they're certainly preferable to fifteen different Blah vs Blah and the NBA Playoffs.

>> No.2598360

What fucking version did you download then? The one I downloaded has shitloads of betas for some reason.

>> No.2598389

Yeah only other things that won't work are unofficial games. Oh also phelios for some reason. Give us a shout if you get it working. Make sure you get the no-intro set rather than the goodset

>> No.2598401

Does anyone know a reliable seller for the Mega Driver, and care to leave a link? I don't want to wade through a million sellers on some Chinese site, and play, "I hope you don't rob me."

>> No.2598409

Does it convert all the games to 16 colours or something?

>> No.2598593
File: 76 KB, 593x729, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this post amuses me on a molecular level

you're a good guy

>> No.2598619

aliexpress shows up on google, probably your best bet. the site is more or less legit and if you don't get what you pay for you can be reimbursed through the site.

>> No.2598674


>> No.2598706

Are you slow? That's been a staple here since 2006.

>> No.2598710

Are these Chinese clones safe / reliable?


I know they will be older firmwares and such, but looking to get the NES, SNES and N64 one and I don't want to drop over £200.

Anyone got experience with them?
Already done some reading on forums like GBATemp, but I honestly trust you guys more.

>> No.2598713

It's Chinese garbage. You buy it because it's cheap not because it's quality.

>> No.2598726

What is up with /vr/ having so many posters who forget they are on 4chan? I don't really care about "culture" shit but Jesus you guys look like smug assholes when you start lashing out on people for doing stuff that's considered acceptable on nearly every other board.

>> No.2598728

Trying to be like old 4chan before all the memes.

>> No.2598731
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>before the memes
there was no before the memes, anon

>> No.2598758
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>Oh also phelios for some reason.
Can anyone else confirm? That's really depressing if true.

>> No.2598761

Is this the case with just the Chinese flashcart? Because I have a normal Mega Everdrive and will try it if you guys are also talking about that as well.

>> No.2598765

It seemed like he was talking about the chinese version, and the one I was curious about as I really can't see the original not being able to play it.
Would still be nice to know for sure though.

>> No.2598770

>before all the memes

>> No.2598774


I've tried the no-intro PAL, Jap, and US rom and none work on any region I switch my MD to. Probably just something in the header that needs changing but I have nfi how to go about that. Also this is on a chinese Everdrive MD clone but I have read it doesn't work on all Everdrive MDs

>> No.2598775

Alright I'll test it out on a normal Mega Everdrive and report back in a few minutes.

>> No.2598781
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Ran the Japanese version on the Mega Everdrive V2 and it seems to be working just fine.

>> No.2598785

any chance you could upload the rom somewhere?

>> No.2598786

Sure though it's just the one from the no intro set. Also I only played for like two minutes just to see if it will boot and run so if there's some sort of issue way later I wouldn't know of it.


>> No.2598791

So I just found a guy with the same problem as me http://www.sega-16.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-11013-p-4.html

Apparently the everdrive is trying to run it as an SMS game. Someone suggests "Phelios (U) [h2C].gen" and that works for the guy so trying that now

>> No.2598793
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They're fine. They're absolutely fine, the components are comparable to the original carts they're copying and the build quality is pretty good. The cart housing aren't donors from old sports games, so they're made of thinner, more flimsy-feeling plastic than you'l be used to but it's not a deal-breaker when you don't have to touch it very often/

They get a lot of bad press from Krizzk fanboys who insist they break 100% of the time within a few weeks, that they damage your console and are buggy, but this is all completely without basis.

Krizzk included in his future updates for his cart a way to brick unofficial ones, which is why they cannot take new firmware. The firmware updates he put out only really implement savestates anyway, and there are no extra games to be gained by updating so you shouldn't need to. If you're buying a flashcart to play the game properly on the real hardware, why bother with savestates?

In short, they're good, they're cheap, if the features at launch are enough for you and you only care about games and not being a martyr to support the original developer, get one.

I've ordered from Fly International Trade Co., LTD on aliexpress on a few occasions and each time he was the cheapest and it took 11 days from the night I bought it to arrive in the UK (both times ordered on a Sunday night, arrived the next again Thursday).

>> No.2598796

Not sure where you read that but that's definitively not true, it works just fine on my everdrive md v2.

Most of the time, compatibility issues report are just people using bad roms

>> No.2598798

and there goes my problem with the chinese EMD clone... http://doperoms.com/files/roms/sega_genesis/Phelios+%28U%29+%5Bh2C%5D.zip/566567/Phelios+.zip

>> No.2598802


Holy shit I haven't been on that site in maybe 10 years. I forgot it actually even existed.

>> No.2598804

Most of the time dude but not in this case.

>> No.2598806

I was just what came up when I googled the rom name, I don't use it normally

>> No.2598808

I'm not giving you shit for it, it just gave me a blast from the past seeing that place again.

>> No.2598810 [DELETED] 

The advantage of krikzz stuff is that you get unlimited warranty and can have your card repaired if something goes wrong.

I also prefer giving my money to krikzz and help him support his family rather than some greedy chinese company which maybe sells it cheaper but is making much more profit on these than the original creator. That's said, I barely paid $50 for my everdrive md thanks o a group buy so it ws cheap enough to me.

>> No.2598813

like I said, non hacked rom file works fine for me.

>> No.2598818

Maybe I phrased it in a hostile way but this is exactly what I'm talking about.

I don't care about supporting the original dev, in this instance. He's selling a product and doing so well enough to be regularly sold out everywhere. If I can get an old version that does everything I need for much cheaper, I'm going to do that. I couldn't justify the price of an original, so I'd never make the purchase. So MPAA logic doesn't stand up any better when applied to everdrives. Even in the absence of clones he would not get my money.

>> No.2599279

maybe the wrong thread because this is about MD carts, but,

Does anybody know of a SNES cart that will allow you to passthrough for chips not supported by any actual carts? Like one that I could plug a Yoshi's Island into and play Dream Land 3 and SMRPG by slaving it's SA-1 chip?

>> No.2599334

I have a Super UFO 8 that supposedly does this and I can confirm that it does not actually work as advertised although it's still a good flash cart for the price (Chinese SED is only $60 now though).

The only way you're going to get special chip support is with SD2SNES and as of right now I don't find its spotty support of this to be worth the much much higher price. (No Chinese SD2SNES)

>> No.2599346

Fucking tragic. I just want to play SMRPG and Kirby and shit without having to pay $40-90 dollars a cart.

>> No.2599421
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So I just saw this http://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/2015-New-Arrive-Original-Everdrive-China-MD-flash-Cartridge-for-Sega-MegaDrive-Genesis-Game-Card-System/1167007_32334069049.html is this the one you got? Does it come with an SD with the software on or is it built into the cart and you just put roms on an SD card and the cart reads them?

Just asking because this doesn't mention it coming with an SD card and if it doesn't I'm gonna need a copy of the OS that doesn't brick the thing, and I've no idea which build of the software is safe to use on it.

>> No.2599425

Well I've only tested Super FX myself. I'll check SA-1 for you when I get home.

>> No.2599460



>> No.2599484

Read the thread, nigga.


>> No.2599495

What about loading a different Sega CD bios?

>> No.2599517

Maybe you can't count, but the OP only appended it to one noun. Not every noun.

>> No.2599532

whered u buy it faggot

>> No.2599562

not only his code, his hardware design.

that said, I don't particularly have an issue with someone buying one of these things if they're dirt poor. if you have a decent job, just buy from fucking Krikzz.

Like I said multiple times in this thread, it works perfectly fine, no problems for me. I don't have any other MD flash carts, just this one.

I've had it about a year now? It's the only cart in my MD, I never take it out.

You can fit it on a 4GB card easily lol

fuck off

It doesn't because it has a SVP (expansion) chip... holy shit, do any of you read the thread before posting?

This will work. The OS is loaded onto the cart itself (internal memory), not the SD card.

>> No.2599606

"Hello it is I Raji from the 3rd world and I only buy bootleg because bootleg only costs 2 months salary. I will get ultra defensive whenever someone suggests there could be an issue with my purchase and will hurl insults and memes at anyone who does not agree with me."

>> No.2599621

Is this region locked? I noticed it's in a Japanese Mega Drive shell.

>> No.2599629

Thanks, hoping for good news.

>> No.2599836

>It doesn't because it has a SVP (expansion) chip... holy shit, do any of you read the thread before posting?

If it doesn't work, buy a Virtual Racing cart. They're like $5 on eBay. You're playing on original hardware, it can play original games you know.

>> No.2600076
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It cant play virtua racing? Big loss.

>> No.2600110

Bad news for both of us. Not only did my downloaded rom image of SMRPG fail to run with SMW2 or SMRPG plugged into the cartridge slot, when I dumped SMRPG from an actual cart it didn't recognize the dump and then when I tried to load a downloaded image of SMW2 to try the opposite, the UFO would no longer recognize the SD card and so far no amount of error checking, reformatting, or card swapping has gotten it to read again. I'm going to let it sit unplugged overnight and see if it improves tomorrow.

I WAS able to dump SMW2 from its cart and then run it from the memory with the cart still inserted in the slot, but not the case with SMRPG. I'm wondering if something might be wrong with my cart, although it seemed to boot up okay by itself and via passthrough in the UFO

>> No.2600168

holy fuck are you ass-blasted ha ha

>> No.2600170

I thought it was a pretty funny comment.

>> No.2600342

Try super Famicom versions man. I got Kirby super star and dl3 for 20 bucks

>> No.2600346

I bought one wanting the jap shell but they sent me a pal shell so idk. Specify which you want

>> No.2600352

I just find it odd they use the modern Sonic look for the cart.

>> No.2600528

NA shell is $10 more in their store.

>> No.2600565

Whoops, that's shitty friend.

I also don't understand why they'd advertise a feature that very obviously does not work in any way.

You can play special chip games if you have a cart with the chip plugged in as long as it's the same game that you're trying to play! Great!

>> No.2600850

I didn't specify anything about the shell and it fits perfectly fine in my Genesis and my CDX.

This is my photo, of my actual cart >>2597975

>> No.2600854

the pass-through might actually work on the UFO (I haven't gotten it to work myself, but haven't really tried). There are a couple of issues:

1) the pass-through is flaky. I have to reseat carts a few times before they can be dumped
2) the pass-through isn't fully pinned, so stuff like SuperFX won't work. look at a normal cart, then look at a SFX cart. See those extra pins on each side? That's why it doesn't work.

>> No.2601109

Well if thats the case, you may as well just got the Sega Genesis Collection for PS3 for 10 bucks and have access to most of the good games on the Gen anyways.

>> No.2601115

Wow dude you are a ding a ling or something?

>> No.2601250

>ding a ling
That is the medical term for someone a few brain cells short of an emufag.

>> No.2602121
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>stuff like SuperFX won't work.
Riddle me this

muh sd still not reading though. Guess I'll try reflashing the ufo.

>> No.2604886

Well, today I bought a brand new Verbatim SD card and the UFO will see the files SOMETIMES but it won't read them. Sometimes "file type error" but usually just "read error" and once it's done that a few times it won't even see it anymore ("sd card error") until I unplug, wait and replug or reformat the card. I guess I'll try to get it to flash its firmware since the file it needs to load is only 512k I may get lucky. It does seem to verify pretty good and the image has to boot before it can flash. If I can't get it to do that, I'll have to try to find a 32-bit Windows computer the drivers will work with and update over USB. I can't find the 9.3 version of the software that's currently on it either.

I used to like wading through this kind of shit but these days it's just not worth it and if I can get it working right again I'll probably sell it and buy a Chinese Everdrive. For dumping purposes, just use a Retrode.

>> No.2605621

been a while since I used it and it's in a storage bin somewhere. I recalled reading SFX wouldn't work using the passthrough, so, welp.

I stand corrected.

Try a 2-4GB SD Card with FAT32 formatting. Works fine for me. If you're a Macfag, that's your problem, HFS+ adds all kinds of stupid invisible files that fuck with the cart.

>> No.2606082

I had a 1gb card in it to start with and it worked fine until I started messing with those SA-1 dumps for Anon. I'm going to try a different SNES then try a full-size card instead of an adapter.

>> No.2606085

>I broke your cart

sorry Anon

>> No.2606093

Meh. If it fucks up that easily then it's a shitty cart and I'll just bad mouth it forever more.

>> No.2606095

Why did that fag that makes the sd2snes firmware prioritize Super-FX over SA-1? There's like 1 good game with super-fx and half the best SNES library with SA-1. He's not even done with SFX yet either and it's been years. Is there any hope left?

>> No.2606793

Can this card also do master system games?

>> No.2606794

he went durp cause he wanted to quit

>> No.2607251


And that's the guy everyone wants to "support" by not buying the half-price Chinese versions

>> No.2607315

there is no half-price chinese SDSNES, you are confusing with Krikkz Everdrives

Probably because it's harder or more expensive to implement than you think it is. I know your limited brain will call "muh fag" on everything he does not understand (which is likely quite everything discussed here) but maybe try to think a little bit more about it, it's never too late to educate yourself and fix your misassumptions or loonie conspiracy theories.

>> No.2607335

okay ikari

>> No.2607351

...and people buy sd2snes that has no support for special chips either because...?

>> No.2607772

So is this a good link to order this from? $40 doesn't sound bad for it. Just don't want to end up getting ripped off by some Chinese bastard.

>> No.2607809

shit or get off the pot, stop being a bitch

the developer of SD2SNES expansion chip implementation is not Krikzz. its some other fucker working on it

>> No.2607819

Dont blame the cart because youre a fucking retard and broke it.

>> No.2607838 [SPOILER] 
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Krikkzz confirmed