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File: 123 KB, 900x1700, kof98 iori-yagami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2597575 No.2597575 [Reply] [Original]

So I get that fighting games needs their cahracters to look unique and memorable (unless it's Mortal Kombat which can have the most generic character design ever, have the balls to make a dozen palette swaps and still be around after 25 years) And Iori is certainly not a design that will leave my mind anytime soon...

... But why does a martial artist strap his legs together?

>> No.2597582

You answered your own question. Iori's design is supposed to be flashy, like his Orochi power. I was more amused by his weirdly long untucked shirt.

>> No.2597587

Wasn't visual kei big in the mid 90s? The Visual Kei boom was in its full splendor. I always thought Ioti was from a VK band.

>> No.2597620



>> No.2597637

I remember reading somewhere that he did it for the challenge of fighting like that. You can see it limiting him like when he does his heavy kick and falls to the side.

in 13 when he loses his fire, he drops the strap because fighting without his flames is hard enough

>> No.2597662

Is this also why he never tucked in his shirt until 13?

>> No.2597667

KoF always followed modern trends in japan's pop-culture and yes, Iori was its stand-in for j-pop shit.

>> No.2597694

>So I get that fighting games needs their cahracters to look unique and memorable

Which KOF completely failed to do. Seriously has the most generic chearacters in the history of mankind...

>> No.2597712

I agree somewhat, but for most of the series they were trying to be more realistic with the designs.

>> No.2599052

>for most of the series they were trying to be more realistic with the designs.
Who'd want that?

>> No.2599790
File: 535 KB, 3126x1295, all-the-kofs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quite a few people actually
most of KOF's designs weren't made to stand out too much, with the exceptions of the big leads (Iori, Terry, Athena, K', Kula, Ash)

but all of them have a surprisingly fleshed out personality for fighting game characters and SNK made sure to try to bring that out

>> No.2599850
File: 3 KB, 93x166, maylee-super.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


when Eolith bought the company they told them they wanted a Korean Idol who stands out.

that ended up being a rather vague demand so what we got instead was Justice. And it was wonderful.

>> No.2599870

Because most of KoF's story and characters until the NESTS storyline were grounded in reality (with some exceptions). It was closer to your average martial arts movie instead of a shonen anime; the emphasis was primarily on physical strikes and not magic moves like fireballs, electricity, or stretching limbs. Obviously there's some exceptions (Athena, Orochi, etc) but it wasn't until KoF 99 that things got silly with cyborgs, clones, and fuckery in general. Street Fighter on the other hand has always been way more over the top from SF2 onwards.

>> No.2599889

If I can't see what a character's deal is from glancing at the character select screen, they overdid it

Here are some good character designs:

*Karate guy
*Shaolin guy
*Sumo guy
*Ninja guy
*Werewolf guy
*Pro wrestler guy
*Blonde with huge tits

Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat did pretty well at this in the 90s

>> No.2599937

I haven't paid much attention to KoF until recently getting into '98. To be honest, I'm starting to like some of the tunes better than SF2's:

After playing a lot of the original AoF in university, hearing this for the first time gave me chills:

>> No.2600003


>What is Virtua Fighter

>> No.2600331

It's actually Kyo's doing. That's why Iori is so pissed at him.

>> No.2600720

As opposed to what, SF's extremely overused tropes, anime/celebrity ripoffs and multiple Ryu headswaps?
SNK always had infinitely better character designs imo, I just don't like what became of KOF after 99.

>> No.2600728
File: 54 KB, 389x440, maxima_kof-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the hell you on about. 200+ gave us a ton of great characters. Yeah the story went off the rails stupid but Vanessa, Seth, K', Maxim, May Lee etc are all great additions

>> No.2600757

kof series has insane music iori's sax themes are great

>> No.2600760


>> No.2600773

The characters you named are cool and all (minus Seth, he looks alright but his moves are the weirdest shit), but I always felt like they don't "belong" with the classics, especially not with the AOF/FF ones.
The sudden shift of martial arts (fictional or not) to sci fi shit didn't help either.

Maybe I would have accepted them better if they debuted in their own franchise and eventually crossed over to KOF, but I don't find them as charismatic as the previous characters. I think Garou did a much better job at carrying SNK's character design legacy.

>> No.2600775

>but I always felt like they don't "belong" with the classics
I mean for the most part, that is.
Some like Vanessa fit in fine I think, though I still think Rick Strowd is a more interesting design.

>> No.2600783


And yet despite that, anyone who knows anything about fighting games instantly recognizes Terry.

>> No.2600786

>cast of tekken 3

>> No.2600802
File: 193 KB, 1058x818, Garou_Densetsu_2_Art_07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terry is so iconic that he's recognizable from his cap alone.

>> No.2600810

Yeah. He's the dumb shit who fights while half-covering his eyes with a stupid trucker hat.

I swear the hat is probably more famous than he is.

>> No.2600825


It's not just his Fatal Fury cap.

The simple combination of jeans, a white shirt, and a red vest is so generic and yet people automatically associate it with Terry.

Alternatively, jeans and a bomber jacket with no hat.

>> No.2600828

>I swear the hat is probably more famous than he is.
Yeah no.
If you said his engrish lines are more famous than he is, I'd agree.

>> No.2600838
File: 45 KB, 430x900, terry-gfix[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know.
What I mean is that he is recognizable even from just looking at the hat, not that the hat is the only recognizable part of his design.

He still looks great even without the cap.

>> No.2600845
File: 237 KB, 667x1000, terry-by-Adam-Murray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2600859

I'd bust her wolf

>> No.2601045
File: 253 KB, 1020x834, 2000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


KoF has gone on for 6 years by that point though. It has long stopped being a crossover game and became it's own thing and it's own universe.

Hell even by then they had a whole shit tone of KoF Originals, like the Orochis for example. The new cast are no more out of place than Kyo, Iori or anyone else made for the series.

>> No.2601225

I hope we'll get claw iori as an alt if SNK ever gets bored of being dead
hopefully not a pachinko

>> No.2601227

I wish Garou had a sequel of sorts, that sprite art is too good to be true

>> No.2601235

I'd give her my power wave.

>> No.2601256

you don't want to read the story on that

>> No.2601257

How bad?

>> No.2601262

motw2 was 75% finished but was canceled after the yakuza/eolith/playmore buyout

>> No.2601274

read up on it, looks like it's in serious development hell, and it would be safe to assume the 2000-2 build is scrapped

>> No.2601295

nah. I agree with the other guy. 99 lost the spirit of KOF. Previous games felt like a mid-90s anime. 99 and on felt like a late 90s-early 2000s anime.

>> No.2601479

I'm surprised the real answer to this hasn't been posted. It was a punk rock fashion trend that was seeing some popularity in Japan when KoF was first being developed. It was supposed to make Iori look kind of "punk" and edgy.

>> No.2601525
File: 28 KB, 300x579, 51d08ucyg4l_sl500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it was one of the first responses in the thread: >>2597587

>> No.2601530

Bondage pants, they still sell them nowadays.

Visual Kei isn't the same as punk rock, but I'd peg Iori as Kei more then I would Punk.

>> No.2601532


Visual Kei isn't even a music genre or subculture, just a media term for "bands who wear make up and flashy clothes". I mean you've got bands doing Techno and Death Metal in the same label as "visual kei".

That said, yeah those pants come from punk subculture, but visual kei adopted those as well as other elements from different subcultures and fashion like goth, glam, you name it.

When KOF came out, VK was the big thing in Japan, search "visual boom".

>> No.2601715
File: 89 KB, 323x232, motw-special.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do see what you mean. The KOFs are entirely a product of their time though, the designs and style for each change to fit in with the year they were made.

it hurts
pic related

>> No.2602432

Why is Dennis Hopper walking behind the other three people in the foreground?

>> No.2602451

Always reminded me of Josh Homme. I mean tall and red hair is pretty much where the similarities end but still.

>> No.2602459


Can you imagine stuffing that monstrosity down your pants?

>> No.2602465




>> No.2602471


>typical fake blonde Amerislut with average face

No thanks.

>> No.2602474


I see Daniel Craig.

>> No.2602476

Speaking of Iori I can't over how catchy his theme is!
Same with Esaka 94 (98 arranged version)
Esaka Forever
and who can forget the best one (imo) Goodbye Esaka both 2000 and XIII versions are amazing

>> No.2603101


Iori had consistently amazing themes, also Stormy Saxophone 95 a best.

>> No.2605138

Hell yeah! My favorite KOF ost is probably 2000 because it has alot of energy put into it and it was a goodbye to all their fans since they knew it was the end.
But 98, XIII, and 99 have pretty good soundtracks in them too.

>> No.2605151

brb releasing power geyser